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19004138 No.19004138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Especially converts, what books would you recommend for someone who has some desire to enter the church? Obviously I've read the bible, Augustine's confessions and Merton's edition of the desert fathers. I don't have doubts about the existence of God, more the role of Jesus [although the gospels are excellent], understanding the trinity, and the role of the pope.
Any help is appreciated.

>> No.19004147

Why are you becoming a Papist if you have read the Bible?

>> No.19004154

It's not that great, most practitioners were born into it and almost certainly don't have the same degree of passion for it that you do. Catholicism is a plebeian religion

>> No.19004156

bumpin 4 Jesus

>> No.19004201

Try The Story of a Soul, by Saint Therese of Lisieux. It might be helpful to recognize Catholicism not as merely a set of abstract theological principles, but (in it's correct application) as the only meaningful way to live life.

>> No.19004209

>Therese of Liseux
>Tuberculosis slowly devoured her flesh. When she was near death, "Her physical suffering kept increasing so that even the doctor himself was driven to exclaim, "Ah! If you only knew what this young nun was suffering!"[84] During the last hours of Therese's life, she said, "I would never have believed it was possible to suffer so much, never, never!"[85] In July 1897, she made a final move to the monastery infirmary. On August 19, 1897, she received her last communion. She died on 30 September 1897, aged 24. On her death-bed, she is reported to have said, "I have reached the point of not being able to suffer any more, because all suffering is sweet to me." Her last words were, "My God, I love you!"[86]
Holy shit lmao. Christcuckery is truly diseased psychological terrorism.

>> No.19004235
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>You will never feel what its like to be so close to God that you can accept suffering as an act of love

>> No.19004246

Love bears all things.

>> No.19004257

>I will never reify my own pointless suffering into an act of benevolent sadism because of a masochistic ideological prison
you're right, thankfully

>> No.19004269
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well, you can always read imitation of christ if you want to be scared back into being a methodist

>> No.19004273

>>I will never reify my own pointless suffering into an act of benevolent sadism because of a masochistic ideological prison
Christianity isn't an ideological prison anon, it's a liberation.

>> No.19004283

>liberation is masochism

>> No.19004292

masochism implies that the person made the decision to suffer, which in the case Therese, her suffering was brought on her upon illness, not willingly. Finding meaning and ultimately hope from her suffering is the complete opposite of masochism anon

>> No.19004306

Lapsed former convert to Catholicism here. Can someone tell me why they believe...

>> No.19004313

what demonination are you now anon?

>> No.19004315

>celebrating death and suffering as the gift of a merciful god
Yep, definitely not masochistic anon
Christcuckery is spiritually and psychologically diseased

>> No.19004316
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>Lapsed former convert to Catholicism
jesus zoomers are promiscuous in all things....

>> No.19004318

You converted to the church, you must've understood at one point why people believe.

>> No.19004323

>>celebrating death and suffering as the gift of a merciful god

Not once mentioned anywhere

>> No.19004326

>>celebrating death and suffering as the gift of a merciful god
Unironically yes. Suffering is only temporary compared to eternal paradise

>> No.19004328

Guess I'll torture and kill you then. Make sure to thank me!

>> No.19004331

More important than reading all those books (especially if you've already read the Bible) is actually going to Church and participating in your local catholic community.

>> No.19004332

Finding pleasure in suffering continues and permits the cycle of suffering, I'd call that masochism. What you don't stop is amplified.

Most, if anyone, will not see Heaven.

>> No.19004337

There is really no use arguing with someone who acts in bad faith.

>> No.19004342

>Most, if anyone, will not see Heaven.

You are a fool.

>> No.19004347

Pius X's Catechism
Catechism of the Council of Trent
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
Introduction to the Devout Life

>> No.19004351

Says you.

>> No.19004352

I'm going to sleep. Can't wait to see what this has devolved to in the morning, peace out

Luv Jesus, simple as

>> No.19004356

Non religious, agnostic, whatever.
Yeah, but I don’t think they were very good reasons. It was the sort of belief system where I felt subconsciously like I had to limit exposure to contradictory information to avoid losing faith. Catholics for instance do not seem to have much interest in academic Biblical criticism. It’s difficult to get a straight answer out of religious people what made them come to such extraordinary conclusions. It seems primarily driven by vague emotion and intuition.

>> No.19004358

He's right. Many are called, few are chosen. Straight is the gate and narrow the way. Most of us won't make it.

>> No.19004366

>Finding pleasure in suffering continues and permits the cycle of suffering
I think calling what Therese experienced "pleasure" is a misnomer. I think it's more to call wise to call it (and I know this sounds corny) but love; a love for god partially. Calling it pleasure implies the whole thing is some sort psychosexual cope.
>continues and permits the cycle of suffering
Therese's suffering would have never ended, not until she died atleast. The best that could've happened to her is to accept her suffering and found christs love in it.
>What you don't stop is amplified
eh maybe. I think with most cases like this the suffering will just continue and like i said previously, the best hope is to accept the pain and find meaning in it, lest you go mad.

>> No.19004369

>The best that could've happened to her is to accept her suffering and found christs love in it.

>> No.19004370

did you actually formally convert, do RCIA, all that shit? If so, how long were you a catholic before you lapsed?

>> No.19004372
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>Bad faith
>Calls Christianity diseased psychological terrorism that turns pointless suffering into benevolent sadism
The game was rigged from the start

>> No.19004377

find a way to cope that doesn't involve lying to yourself about reality

>> No.19004436

You know what is funny? You are considered to be scum both by christians and nietzscheans.

>> No.19004520

>did you actually formally convert, do RCIA, all that shit?
Yeah. RCIA for a full year with a sponsor. Baptism, confirmation, communion. Hard to say how long I continued to be Christian afterward. Not more than a year though. I kept groping for justification but couldn’t find any.

>> No.19004543

>I think calling what Therese experienced "pleasure" is a misnomer. I think it's more to call wise to call it (and I know this sounds corny) but love; a love for god partially. Calling it pleasure implies the whole thing is some sort psychosexual cope.
It implies nothing, and pleasure is a very broad and permitting word, encompassing all, for lack of a better word, pleasurable or attractive things. The only difference Christianity makes is that the easy pleasurable things lead to eternal torment while a hard life leads to eternal joy, pleasure, whatever you will to call it.

>Therese's suffering would have never ended, not until she died atleast. The best that could've happened to her is to accept her suffering and found christs love in it.
Presupposing Christianity, of course. My addition on to that anon's critique does not assume Christianity is true

>the best hope is to accept the pain and find meaning in it, lest you go mad.
What's wrong with going mad?

>> No.19004587
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>pleasure is a very broad and permitting word
True. I was being a semantic ass about that. But I do stand by that point."Pleasure" is such a loaded term that it demotes Therese experience to something material and cerebral. Not something transcendent or spiritual.
>My addition on to that anon's critique does not assume Christianity is true
But Anon... Christianity is true!
>What's wrong with going mad?
I think going mad is the best case scenario if you're not a christian, but i believe there's a greater truth in suffering and that we shouldn't crack like eggs and escape into a neverending dreamland like in the end of Brazil.