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/lit/ - Literature

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19003228 No.19003228 [Reply] [Original]

Undoubtedly the most iconic piece of literature written in the last decade.

>> No.19003238

true, true.

>> No.19003252
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>takes pic on 1st page
why does everyone do this?

>> No.19003296

why would you read when you look like that? they're not fooling anyone. i respect them more for being honest instead of flipping to a random page to pretend that they're well read.

>> No.19003322

Fuck does looks have to do with anything. Look at Q from The Book Club.

>> No.19003345

Don't know who the fuck that is but ofc outliers exist. I think all girls are dumb except for my mommy and my wife.

>> No.19003366


he reads to get laid that's why he said that, really sad when you think about it

>> No.19003380

I unironically suspect Lebron can't really read

>> No.19003381

>really sad
IDK about that friend. Seems like a perfectly good reason 2 me.

>> No.19003435


the sad part is how his own insecurity is so strong it prevents him from seeing the reality around him or understanding others' experiences; he literally cannot comprehend why someone like lebron or dan rockwell would pick up a book because if anon were as physically fit as them he would not do so

the other sad part is that if he were reading to get laid he might as well go to the gym instead, but there are probably other factors at play (ex. anon DOES read for other reasons besides getting laid or he gets social anxiety from being at the gym, etc.)

>> No.19003474

Anyone from /fit/ know what routine workout to get to that shape?

>> No.19003497
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I don't got to the gym because I am ashamed of being unfit and skinnyfat and I am unfit and skinnyfat because I don't got the gym

>> No.19003507

I think you have to eat a lot but also really clean and you have to push and pick up a lot of heavy stuff pretty often

>> No.19003513
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embrace what you are

>> No.19003571
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Insightful observation, OP

>> No.19003617

Check out strong lifts. It won't get you there immediately but it's a start. No one ever regrets getting into shape. Good luck.

>> No.19003645
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Thanks based /fitlit/ bro.

>> No.19003669

People will respect you for what you are attempting to become not what you are. At least that's how it has been at every gym I've been to.

>> No.19003716

Thanks for the reassurance anon.

>> No.19003851

Brought to you by Peter Thiel. Genderqueer Billionaire™.

>> No.19004232

Lol people won't even notice you. Literally nobody gives a shit what other people are doing. It's the biggest misconception gym noobs have about going to the gym.

>> No.19004238
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>> No.19004277

you just know

>> No.19004742

I'm unattractive, so reading is a cope for me.

>> No.19004799

Go on /fit/ and read the sticky. Then stick to it. In the beginning it takes effort but after a while you adapt to that different lifestyle. I don’t think anyone would argue that it made his life worse, so go for it. Wagmi

>> No.19005179

You can continue languishing in the loop, or break it. You will continue having anxiety when going to the gym, till the day you do not have any.
Be strong. Every day I think of all the people that were too weak and one day, gathered strength to do what they were afraid to, and they are my heroes. Be my hero?

>> No.19005399

To read and to go to the gym doesn’t change shit

>> No.19005407

I understand this cope but the thing is nothing you do will make people respect you as an unattractive guy or love/like you(except for relatives and other unlucky ugly friends maybe). Not bashing you as I'm an ugly fuck myself but find other copes. Learn something that you can showoff.

>> No.19005409

What number is "take roids, have rich parents" rule?

>> No.19005411

You at least look something resembling a human.

>> No.19005447

Only to you, because people think you’re a disgusting monster

>> No.19005453

Hello incel

>> No.19005460 [SPOILER] 
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>I think all girls are dumb except for my mommy and my wife.
You don’t say?

>> No.19005473

>No one ever regrets getting into shape.
False. Getting into shape made me find out that people really do hate me for my personality alone rather than for being ugly.

>> No.19005482

Ah, like clockwork. Of course it's a tranny shouting incel in his impotent rage.

>> No.19005493

>Like clockwork
Have you heard the saying about finding assholes everywhere you go?

>> No.19005497

Just so you know, most people at gyms tend to be very accepting and non-judge mental. You can be mega fat and people will still respect you and give you nods in the locker room etc as long as it is apparent that you work hard. It would be wrong to claim that you are not judged by other people at all, but it tends to be more about your mentality rather than your appearance. So if you read a magazine in the leg press (yes I have seen that) or occupy benches to watch tiktoks, then yes people will judge you. But on the whole, people don’t really care and most of it is in your head. Really, the only people who tend to judge others at the gym are other beginners who haven’t yet learned the unwritten rules of the gym. So get your lazy ass off the sofa and go get a gym membership my dude.

>> No.19005500

Have you?

>> No.19005608

I'm attractive; nonetheless, reading is a cope for me.

>> No.19005630

It's not honest to begin with, anon. They're just incompetent attempts at deception. Though deception is a very strong word to use to describe basic posturing - it's just funny to observe.

>> No.19005815
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>> No.19005874
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>>he fell for the academia game
>>he fell for those BIG, looooonnnnggg complicated useless words
>>he fell for those PhD titles and hundred pages research papers
>>he actually thinks he has to read and make a long list of references with lots of book titles, authors and their research papers
>>he unironically believes in those data, number, percentage signs, the '--%' stuff, the '80%-20%' meme, the '1%-99%' meme stuff, all the statistical stuff
>>he fell for those '-ism', the long abstract words that give him the feeling of knowing a lot about the world, other people's worldviews and...
>>...he actually thinks he can read minds and know others' personalites by reading their word games
>>he actually looks up a dictionary for those obscure, strange, academic, long, complex, rarely-used words, jargons in those novels, philosophy papers for the sake of art and (((knowledge))), without realizing the authors had thesaurus for their pretentious intellectual word game
>>he actually thinks he has to read all those 'philosophy of X' to understand and succeed in life, without realizing those authors didn't even know what they were talking about, they just copied it from the other authors and called it their cakes
>>he actually thinks he has to read a lot of books, maybe a library, to succeed in life
>>he is unable to escape the 'more book, more knowledge, more intellectualism, more respect, more success' meme
>>he fell for the 'a great artist has to be depressed and drown in sadness to reach the epitome' meme and try to find ways to make himself depressed
>>he thought he is going on a bright road, until Minotaur appeared
>>he actually thinks suicide can solve all his life problems and suffering, without realizing it only makes it worse and creates horrible Karma
>>he refuses to believe in Karma, doesn't believe the Universe has Justice and has analyzed and judged all his actions and thoughts even in his past lives, he doesn't believe the Universe can even know his exact events in the future
>>he thought /lit/ is the smartest board, finds new interesting words everyday, every thread, even remember the whole /lit/ meme chart
>>he just fell for it all

>> No.19006045

No way that's achievable natty

>> No.19006092
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>always on the first page

>> No.19006094

One of the worst ways to approach fitness, because you just happen to have eerily similar genetics to the dude in pic rel. even your peak body will look nothing like him. Mfkers will always have different builds.

>> No.19006109
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Jordan Peterson is living proof that fame destroys people. The guy had a lot more interesting shit to say when he was just some random unknown psych professor who recorded his lectures.

>> No.19006172

Obama did the same thing in college

>> No.19006702

I thought Nietzsche said that if you see someone (for example, a muscular dude) and thought you should be him, you should go and be him. Embrace your ideals more than yourself, although your ideals are yourself.

>> No.19006718

>(for example, a muscular dude) and thought you should be him, you should go and be him
Theoretically I could only become him by transplanting "my" brain inside his body.

>> No.19006736

i don't think self-help books are literature. They're just self-help books

>> No.19006751

Jordan Peterson explained how Mikhaila’s experience had convinced him to eliminate everything but meat and leafy greens from his diet, and that in the last two months he had gone full meat and eliminated vegetables. Since he changed his diet, his laundry list of maladies has disappeared, he told Rogan. His lifelong depression, anxiety, gastric reflux (and associated snoring), inability to wake up in the mornings, psoriasis, gingivitis, floaters in his right eye, numbness on the sides of his legs, problems with mood regulation—all of it is gone, and he attributes it to the diet.

“I’m certainly intellectually at my best,” he said. “I’m stronger, I can swim better, and my gum disease is gone. It’s like, what the hell?”

“Do you take any vitamins?” asked Rogan.

“No. No, I eat beef and salt and water. That’s it. And I never cheat. Ever. Not even a little bit.”

“No soda, no wine?”

“I drink club soda.”

“Well, that’s still water.”

“Well, when you’re down to that level, no, it’s not, Joe. There’s club soda, which is really bubbly. There’s Perrier, which is sort of bubbly. There’s flat water, and there’s hot water. Those distinctions start to become important.”

Peterson reiterated several times that he is not giving dietary advice, but said that many attendees of his recent speaking tour have come up to him and said the diet is working for them. The takeaway for listeners is that it worked for Peterson, and so it may work for them. Rogan also clarified that though he is also not an expert, he is fascinated by the fact that he hasn’t heard any negative stories about people who have started the all-meat diet.

“Well, I have a negative story,” said Peterson. “Both Mikhaila and I noticed that when we restricted our diet and then ate something we weren’t supposed to, the reaction was absolutely catastrophic.” He gives the example of having had some apple cider and subsequently being incapacitated for a month by what he believes was an inflammatory response.

“You were done for a month?”

“Oh yeah, it took me out for a month. It was awful ...”

“Apple cider? What was it doing to you?”

“It produced an overwhelming sense of impending doom. I seriously mean overwhelming. There’s no way I could’ve lived like that. But see, Mikhaila knew by then that it would probably only last a month.”

“A month? From fucking cider?”

“I didn’t sleep that month for 25 days. I didn’t sleep at all for 25 days.”

“What? How is that possible?”

“I’ll tell you how it’s possible: You lay in bed frozen in something approximating terror for eight hours. And then you get up.”

The longest recorded stretch of sleeplessness in a human is 11 days, witnessed by a Stanford research team.

>> No.19006776

They are feel good consumerism.
>Just slay your day, King
>Become the monster who fucking slays dragons!
>Start your days with the energy of the Gods above you!
>Success comes from conscious energy and hard dedication. Be your own master.
>Never waste a second in your life. Rest with impunity. Make your days count. Count your days. Grab your penis with strength.
It makes consoomers feel good about themselves. Mentally framing themselves as kings, Godslayers, monsters, dragon boys and masters.

Jordan's book is basically "just make your own success by yourself bro" individualist nonsense. Everyone in the West grew up hearing that, it's not wow and wooh.

>> No.19007097 [SPOILER] 
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wrong picture pseud