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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 408x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19001650 No.19001650 [Reply] [Original]

Do phil*sphers really introduce themselves like this? LOL

Hi there,
here's a short introduction to me... I am a white male, born 1965, in New Zealand. I immigrated to Canada as a student in 1988. I received my Ph.D. in philosophy from McGill university in 1996 and wrote about "mental causation". Although I intended to be a scholar in the history of German philosophy I discovered that I am not good at learning languages...so I flipped back to contemporary debates...

My current philosophical interests involve free will and determinism (I have a book length manuscript ready for a publisher to reject) and the history of wonder and teleology. I have published several papers on diverse topics, mostly in metaphysics, so I continue to write and publish slowly.

I read philosophy and poetry (old and new) for pleasure and enjoy the history of science (geology) and the history of ideas too. I love old books and antiques. I attempt nature photography - I always hope to run into a bear to get a photo - I love dogs (I have two) and I am married to a Quebecois woman named Anouk!

Generally, I think I have a sense of humour, (I enjoy "dark" humour) and although being very "high-brow" in my education, I do enjoy some fairly "low brow" humour and television.
My parents listened only to classical music so I know and love classical music but was enthralled as a teenager with the new radical music called "punk" and then "rap" in the late 80's.
Being born in 1965 I grew up with liberal attitudes of the 70's (I was 10 when Vietnam ended) when leftist armed rebellion still existed in the West and the Soviet Union was the bad guy. (Now armed rebellion comes from the right, the left gave up violence) Women's and gay rights dominated and in New Zealand the treaty violations between Maori and the Crown were debated (to be addressed later, in the 90's). I benefited from the socialism of the 70's. My university education was completely FREE. I was dismayed by the dismantling of the welfare state during the 80's...there were no homeless camps when I grew up, now even working people are homeless.

>> No.19001660
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My family live long and so I knew my grandfather who fought in the first world war; he was born in the 19th century! He was a bank manager. My other grandfather didn't fight in the first world war due to his objections to war, empire and capitalism. He professed sympathy for communism later, having lost his home in the great depression, never to own another. Both my parents have a bachelor of science in physics (making my mother remarkable, getting her degree in the early 1950's. My Father received a Ph.D and worked at the University of Auckland.) They were avid outdoor people, so I grew up with nature and science and a house full of books. I was very lucky.
So, I'm a philosopher and a poet at heart, so I am not happy unless I hear a person's reasons for their view...and I question everything and want clear rational answers to my questions. Philosophers want the truth. But life is also beautiful and there's nothing like art for inspiration and meaning.
I hope that give you a sense of who I am...

>> No.19001677

>the left gave up violence
this guy is a tard

>> No.19001679

Incel-boomer vibes

>> No.19001689

I know. He sounds completely up his own ass. To even pretend that one side is being peaceful right now is a display of unimaginable ignorance.

>> No.19001700

i'm not reading all that

>> No.19001718

>he's my ethics prof
you should ask for your money back

>> No.19001726

What is this, the guy's tinder/dating profile?

>> No.19001752

It's a one-off class for my degree. I can stomach it. I could even play on his biases for extra grade points

>> No.19001761

email him back saying "this isn't a dating website faggot"

>> No.19001764

>Although I intended to be a scholar in the history of German philosophy I discovered that I am not good at learning languages...
Lmao based kiwi brainlet getting filtered

>> No.19001789

This guy sounds like a very nice man. I hope he doesn't find this thread and see people bullying him. Normal nice people like this are ingenuous by nature and aren't used to 4chan culture insulting people by default.

Sure he's a member of the left-liberal academic class, relatively privileged, and raised when commonwealth countries still had lots of promise and the welfare state was strong and growing as he says. But that's most academic joes these days, and he doesn't seem conceited. He seems aware that he has had an exceptional upbringing, and isn't doctrinaire about anything. Just a friendly man. His interests are patrician as well.

>> No.19001792
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>I'm a white male

>> No.19001822

He sounds like a good guy. Am I supposed to think otherwise because he's left wing or something? Sounds like you could hang out with him after class and have a fun conversation.

>> No.19001842
File: 831 KB, 1893x936, umm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our first three assignments are to watch crash course videos...UM FELLAS???

>> No.19001850

>everything is a right vs left issue!
This guy sounds like a privledged boomer up his own ass. you can go hang out with him if you'd like, go listen to his stories about how he never learned a language and how peaceful his team is. LOL

>> No.19001861

you sound like far more of a faggot just based on your posts

>> No.19001886

He's just being honest about who he is and what he believes. That's the basics required for anyone to engage in the pursuit of wisdom. His background might be room for you to ask more questions and relate his experiences to your own while developing a more complete world view. Anyways, you sound annoying to be with because of your smugness about this.

For an intro to ethics course it probably isn't that bad. Not like that's all you'll learn about the topics is it?

>> No.19001887

you can just tell he's retarded
>although being very "high-brow" in my education, I do enjoy some fairly "low brow" humour and television.
lol what a cope. I bet he rereads harry potter every year and thinks The Shawshank Redemption is the best movie ever.

>> No.19001897

>He sounds like a good guy. Am I supposed to think otherwise because he's left wing or something? Sounds like you could hang out with him after class and have a fun conversation.

>you sound like far more of a faggot just based on your posts

>> No.19001912

Typical of the kind of faggot who would probably dog this prof around for points. Your opinion is as utterly worthless as that guy's email. You're the exact wreched faggot that kind of introduction speaks too lol

>> No.19001924

I bet you're paying to read books right now, aren't you?

>> No.19001931

Sounds like a harmless midwit who does everything he can to make himself as forgettable as possible. The enemy of culture, passion and everything that is great, but probably gives out good grades and is appreciated by his midwit students who use higher institutions of education as a platform to socialize and feel good vibes.

>> No.19001955

this is a good, highly conceptualized post

>> No.19001962
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>> No.19001992

>Ethics Professor
>Absolves an entire political spectrum of all violence with a single sentence

>> No.19002001
File: 85 KB, 667x770, 1620095986561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy sounds like a very nice man. I hope he doesn't find this thread and see people bullying him. Normal nice people like this are ingenuous by nature and aren't used to 4chan culture insulting people by default.

>Sure he's a member of the left-liberal academic class, relatively privileged, and raised when commonwealth countries still had lots of promise and the welfare state was strong and growing as he says. But that's most academic joes these days, and he doesn't seem conceited. He seems aware that he has had an exceptional upbringing, and isn't doctrinaire about anything. Just a friendly man. His interests are patrician as well.

>> No.19002018
File: 17 KB, 434x374, left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bold-faced lie about the left "abandoning violence"
>he sounds like a good guy
You're definitely a lying leftard yourself.

>> No.19002031

Shouldn't you be watching "EPIC PROUD BOYS FIGHT ANTIFA" videos you dumb nigger zoomer?

>> No.19002057
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>> No.19002063

This has nothing to do with left or right, even though that line about the left being non-violent was cringe.
He's being mocked because he's a Ph.D. university professor with absolutely zero signs of sophistication.
This reads like something I would have written in middle school.

>> No.19002068

This. Fucking This.

>> No.19002070

>Bold-faced lie
Maybe he really believes it?

>> No.19002073

Truth ftw.
This anon knows.

>> No.19002079

This so much


>> No.19002082

I think it's safe to say he probably does believe it. It doesn't make it any less absurd to say. Even saying that sentences where he admits One side is good and One side is bad and they have now switched proves that he's only capable of thinking in absolutes. This is the antithesis of what an ethics philosopher should be espousing to his students on the first day. It's like, ironic.

>> No.19002091


>> No.19002095
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>> No.19002100
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>> No.19002104

Wow, you took a screenshot, pasted it in MS paint, used the color picker tool on the background, and blocked out the 2 other Yous.
Any other technical feats you want to show off?

>> No.19002118

Cringelord antifa

We will take back this board from you

>> No.19002119

lol @ the coping minority

>> No.19002132

stop samefagging

>> No.19002133
File: 368 KB, 1076x608, Screenshot_20210907-171903_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's married to Anouk!

>> No.19002138

He sounds oversocialized and has problems of inferiority. There is nothing in his message that indicates he values honestly thinking for oneself or self-reliance.
Also, I don't see why he should feel free to express his political views in a climate where the opposite would be attacked or have one fired. You will never see a professor say he is a part of a far-right organization since that is deemed unacceptable in academia.
If I were a teacher, I would adopt a more apolitical tone and not tell anyone anything about my true self. I would just teach what is required and move on. Touching sensitive topics like race is dangerous due to political correctness.

>> No.19002154

Lol it's broken

>> No.19002191

It's the equivalent of sticking your tongue out at someone because your parents are there to protect you. Fuck this NPC faggot

>> No.19002225

OP should nonchalantly introduce himself as an authoritarian white separatist who also quite naturally happens to like classical music and suggest that you two get together sometime to discuss it. Maybe you even have some great CDs you can loan him.
When the professor predictably overlooks your similarities and freaks out about the politic stuff then call him out on his childish double standards and start lecturing him about ethics.

>> No.19002233

>the left gave up violence
Why do retarded academics pretend they’ll take up arms in a revolution and not be on the side of the status quo since they all benefit from neoliberalism academics need to get shot

>> No.19002250

I recognize your shitposts from /tv/. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.19002324

You have my curiosity before.
Now you have my attention

>> No.19002357

kek imagine not taking stem

>> No.19002406

I am taking STEM. Still need the class

>> No.19002422

That's what makes it so insufferable. This dipshit has contributed precisely nothing to humankind, and yet my instructors who helped shaped the geography industry don't even introduce themselves. This is literally what all Humanities Subhumans behave like,

>> No.19002434
File: 194 KB, 584x606, 782650392435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top bloke.

Still makes you wonder what the fuck you're paying for (especially these mandatory bird classes) when a teacher assigns FREE content. Have a good semester anon

>> No.19002499


>> No.19002505

Shame no one has checked these digits. The absolute state of this board

>> No.19002543

>checking dubs

>> No.19002563

Nice trips

>> No.19002623

>not checking sequential triple dubs
Hello, new fren

>> No.19002705 [DELETED] 

>/lit/tard doesn't understand math
yes the 00xxxx part of the get was very impressive, it's only going to happen 10,000 more times after his post.

>> No.19002724

>/lit/tard doesn't understand math
yes, the 00xxxx part of the get was very impressive, it's only going to happen 7767 times in a row after his post.

>> No.19002765

Kys retard

>> No.19002774

Nice dubs

>> No.19002798

Seems a very honest, relatable and overall nice person.
What didn't you like about this?

>> No.19002818

Oh, gee, I dunno ,maybe the bit about how he's a huge faggot?

>> No.19002838

>If I were a teacher, I would adopt a more apolitical tone and not tell anyone anything about my true self.
No such thing

>> No.19002854

Go and tell him?

>> No.19002870

He's writing an email to his students...... It's not a dissertation. Professors are busy do you really expect them to spend a significant amount of time perfecting their prose on an email most students won't even bother to read.
You sound up your own ass.

>> No.19002900

Sounds about right for an intro level class.

>> No.19002915

>He's writing an email to his students...... It's not a dissertation.
So what? What kind of excuse is this?
You can apply this same shitty reasoning to anything.
Fuck off with your shitty standards you low expectation having mediocre piece of fucking shit.
I expect my professors to be better than me. I expect them to sharpen me. I expect them to wow me. Otherwise what the fuck am I paying for? To get lectured by some reddit-tier faggot who links me to youtube videos and writes like an 8th grader?
KILL yourself.

>> No.19003005

>So what? What kind of excuse is this? You can apply this same shitty reasoning to anything.
Are you autistic? Because he's writing to his students to introduce himself. If his lectures also looked liked this I would be concerned.
>I expect my professors to be better than me. I expect them to sharpen me. I expect them to wow me. Otherwise what the fuck am I paying for? To get lectured by some reddit-tier faggot who links me to youtube videos and writes like an 8th grader?
KILL yourself.
I expect high quality too, but it's only an introductory email. He's not trying to impress you with a fucking email. Professors put two seconds of thought into their emails because they're busy & have other things to do. Leave it to /lit/ to over analyze a routine email. This is one of the most autistic threads I've ever seen here. It's like critiquing the prose in a to do list.

>> No.19003040

A professor should demonstrate excellence in their writing at all times, regardless of whether it's an email or a dissertation, and that especially holds true for a fucking liberal arts professor.
If you aren't willing to put in effort, then don't send the email.
Instead he chose the worst possible option - he not only embarrassed himself, he tarnished the very idea of what it means to be a professor, he dishonored all the professors who came before him, and he damaged trust in academic institutions.

>> No.19003065

Bro, just pay this guy's tenure to babble low-effortlessly like a middle-schoolers Facebook post,

What are you A CHUD??

>> No.19003068

>I question everything and want clear rational answers to my questions
assuming he's telling the truth here, he sounds like a cool guy. you don't often meet people who can think like this see: this thread, s ohave fun while it lasts.

>> No.19003077

There is such a thing as apolitical tone.

>> No.19003102

I don't even mind a political bias if there comes with it a clear invitation for open criticism or debate.
What's so intolerable about this guy's politicking is the smugness. You just know it's inconceivable in his tiny mind that any of his students might not think exactly how he does.
This guy expressed it perfectly - >>19002191

>> No.19003125

Wow it doesn't take much to impress you, does it smoothbrain. I bet if he said he supports good and not evil, that would really impress you huh? Lol you dumb fucks make me laugh

>> No.19003141

You've never met somebody who is open about their politics but doesn't mind when they are challenged?
sucks to be you I guess, try talking to some people outside of a Howondlandian art appreciation forum.

>> No.19003146

I'm not a fan of this whole trend of "let's do some ice-breakers, just getting to know you, we're gonna be friends" thing with professors.
I'm not here to be your friend.
You are supposed to be an authority figure. You are supposed to be superior to me in erudition, rhetorical ability, and sophistication.
I am here to learn from your example, not be your buddy.
This thread has been a great example of why education should be reserved for an aristocracy. Most people just aren't cut out for it.

>> No.19003159

I agree with you, but modern academia does not allow open criticism. Thus, I think it's more respectful not to bring up politics until the system is reformed.

>> No.19003166

>This guy sounds like a very nice man. I hope he doesn't find this thread and see people bullying him. Normal nice people like this are ingenuous by nature and aren't used to 4chan culture insulting people by default.
This honestly, its not so much that he said anything actually wrong but its just if you say something like this in the cynical and socially aggressive culture of 4chan you'll get eaten up. Not that I'm looking down on that culture because it is good for toughening a person up psychologically, but I don't feel the urge to attack this guy personally, seems like a nice person just cringe by our standards.

>> No.19003167

>A professor should demonstrate excellence in their writing at all times
Michelangelo grocery list - includes sketches of the items, because the servant was illiterate


>> No.19003168
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This gave me a horrible flashback of my first day of high school when they asked me to introduce myself and I stood up and I said I liked comics and "Japanese cartoons".
I made my first friend when this nerd stood up on his turn and said he also liked anime then gave me this look of acknowledgment, like "cool we are friends now".
We'd be friends for about 10 years.
I am glad that there was no public accessible internet yet and no smartphones, none of the cringe that is my life was recorded for posterity and I've been safely shut in since 2012.

>> No.19003169

The guy proceeded to say the left hasn't engaged in violence, so it's safe to say that both you and he and fucking idiots that don't pay attention to reason or evidence. It's literally obvious by the one sentence. But go off, tranny

>> No.19003178

No, if you think that passes as acceptable correspondence from your ethics professor, you yourself are of low intelligence. It's as simple as that, my friend. Good luck with your disability.

>> No.19003193

>if you don't just allow society to degenerate into low-effort, meaningless positions then that's just 4chan culture

Consider me part of 4chan culture, then.

>> No.19003205

his policy positions and beliefs are irrelevant if he's decently intelligent and open for debate.
I'm sorry you've never engaged in conversation with someone who holds an opposing position adhom-kun, but it's actually quite fun.

>> No.19003213

What? Are you actually just pretending and lying that political debate is allowed in university now? It's not. At all. You will be removed from the school.

Shut your shitlips please

>> No.19003214

You're making my point for me.

>> No.19003234

What? I have to be the one to make him accept reality? That sounds fucking retarded, he's supposed to be teaching me, not challenging me to disprove the absurd and border-line psychopathic claims of things that aren't true.

Sorry you're so interested in the mentally retarded anon, I am not. The guy doesn't believe the left is violent, and he introduced himself as a white guy. He's mentally ill. Lol.

>> No.19003239

Sounds like Idiocracy. What I've noticed about people who claim to like anime is they rarely have nuanced, precise, or refined tastes. I never mention I like anime by itself because that is disgusting. I mention the subgenre or qualities I look for immediately. Not all anime is weeby, but the kind of anime most so-called "anime fans" enjoy is absolutely degenerate trash (e.g., Grand Blue, Kobayashi's Dragon, etc. -- these anime among many others cause mental illness). If it were me, I would have stood up and demanded you to list your top 3 anime. If any of them were bad, I would insult your taste right there and then and call you a failure in life.
If I were this teacher, I would say anyone who likes degenerate anime are not welcomed in my class. It would effectively filter out many of the trannies. There's a reason a ton of trannies tend to put anime girls as their avatars. I bet you're not far off from that.

>> No.19003250

oh and just as a teaser -- i believe the phenomena of transgenderism is the result of general anxiety and mental illness latching on to a specific reason facet of one's person, which explains both their sparse existence throughout history and the recent surge as a result of it's popularity. I can simultaneously believe this and disagree with you. funny how that works, huh?
no need to lie, i went to a decent school for STEM and met plenty of people like this.

>> No.19003259

Anon I was like, 14. I watched Hokuto no Ken

>> No.19003260
File: 77 KB, 943x561, 006c-151123_plato1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can learn a lot from any person you meet - if you want.

>> No.19003261

Never said it was acceptable correspondence, nigger, kys etc.
what are you even on about

>> No.19003262

It's absurd to judge a person based off an email. You know nothing about him or how good or bad his serious writing is. I've had intelligent professors before who put little to no effort into their emails. Email is meant for quick communication and imo it'd be far weirder for a teacher to put a ton of effort into it.

>> No.19003276

>Hokuto no Ke

>> No.19003279

>You know nothing about him
The "you don't know me" argument?
Wasn't the entire point of the email to get to know him?

>> No.19003283

Wow, you met lots of disingenuous leftist liberal arts professors in post-secondary?
You can't imagine my surprise.
If he's open to change his politics he should do that promptly before posting incorrect and retarded opinions to students first. I'm not going to pay somebody that doesn't think violence exists to teach me anything. Sorry you're a stupid person anon

>> No.19003292

>Hokuto no Ken
Based, Ken was antifa

>> No.19003301

No, you're the stupid one. Yes, I am a tranny and proud. Yes, I take it up the ass. Who are you to say this is wrong, white chauvinist pig?

>> No.19003308

>starts going on about how he's a tranny

>> No.19003313

I made no point, just shared a nice microhistorical document

>> No.19003323

What's wrong with that? Me and my discord buddies are trying to educate /lit/ into being accepting of our community. We. Will. Not. Stop.

>> No.19003324

Lets stop pretending that academic discourse is open and free, okay? Can you stop being an evil person, anon, is that possible?

>> No.19003336

>Wasn't the entire point of the email to get to know him
Sure in an intro email a teacher will say a little about themself, but it's pretty ridiculous to hyper-analyze and act like you know anything real about their intelligence from it alone.

>> No.19003341

We have no room for fascists, hunny. Censoring the intolerant is all about opening the discussion for the tolerant. As I made clear here >>19003250, I am a proud gay faggot.

>> No.19003342

>end of the email is literally "I hope you know me better now"
You're an underweight Marxist vegan faggot, aren't ya boy?

>> No.19003363

I always enjoy when I can make dumb little faggots like you rephrase their stupid choice of words. It's interesting to watch how you'll do it without batting an eye or showing the slightest sense of shame. You're a disgusting, dumb animal.
You have two options here.
Either I got to know him through his email and I thereby judged him incompetent.
Or I didn't get to know him through his email and his article of writing did not accomplish its stated goal.
Either way, he failed.

>> No.19003371

It's an email that was sent to me with the intent that by the end of it I would know the professeur better.

Am I supposed to just NPC-brain it like you do or is it okay that we recognize a self-important academic fart-sniffer when we see one? I can tell you probably write exactly like him, and seeing everyone tear that prose apart makes you insecure. You'll always be mediocre

>> No.19003374

He sounds autistic or something—which would make sense for a philosophy professor. There are lots of profs who can't shut up about their banal pinko politics, but I've never seen anyone include their entire family history in an introductory email! Aspergersy midwits should not be teaching young people about "ethics."

>> No.19003375

>Lets stop pretending that academic discourse is open and free, okay?
I never mentioned academic discourse freedom, I said
>You can learn a lot from any person you meet - if you want.
>Can you stop being an evil person, anon, is that possible?
No, probably not, but you have no way of telling why or how I am evil based on this sentence
>>You can learn a lot from any person you meet - if you want.

>> No.19003388

i was actually thinking of a weirdly libertarian EE prof. I had, he had a Reagan quote about small government up on his wall and everything. I heard (retarded) students murmuring about how he was "conservative", but nobody ever did anything about it. unless something has drastically changed in the last few years (I graduated fairly recently) then the idea of censorship on university campuses is super overblown.
you know, that would be slightly clever if I hadn't already posted what is essentially an anti-transgender position. better luck next time, Anonymous-dono.

>> No.19003389

Not him but the autistic pedant routine is pretty obvious, there's a distinction between knowing someone "better" and knowing them completely and intimately to the point you can make a sound judgment on them. The email was intended to serve as an introduction to the professor, not as a complete understanding of who he is. Sophistry and twisting words, stfu retards you're not fooling anyone, just making asses of yourselves

>> No.19003401

If it was an introduction then that's all the more reason to make it outstanding.

>> No.19003405

Beside the point but alright retard, noted

>> No.19003420

Oh shit, you knew a guy that knew a guy? Guess I'll just ignore reality. Thanks man! Life really is brighter on the left!

>> No.19003424

>Aspergersy midwits should not be teaching young people about "ethics."

>> No.19003429

I never claimed to know the guys entire character, I claimed to know enough about him by what he chose to provide and how he stated it.

Anon, you have developmental disabilities if you can't form judgements about people based on a 3000 words essay they provided to you titled "About me".

I'm sorry but your argument is ridiculous and you should go sit in the dunce corner, moron

>> No.19003440

He's a type I know well. Late boomer/early Gen X British/Australian/Kiwi who imprinted on the left wing politics and music of the late 70s/early 80s. Black Flag! The Clash! Maggie Thatcher derangement syndrome! Squatting in a commune in East London on a working holiday! Followed by 90s era political correctness and Marxism.
This type is pure trash because they have no capacity for self-reflection.

>> No.19003448

Need more insight posts like this

>> No.19003451

>knew a guy that knew a guy
I know you don't like reading baiting-me-right-now-kun, but that's not actually what I said at all.
>Life really is brighter on the left
does pretending everyone you disagree with is a leftist help you feel safe in your ideology?
you are either beyond helping or b8ing me, so I'm going to end our discussion here. have a good rest of your day, Anonymous-dono.
>inb4 "you're running away from the truth!"
I'm repeating myself, and it's starting to become tiresome.

>> No.19003466

More retarded sophistry, as to be expected from a midwit.
>if you can't form judgments
I never said judgments couldn't be formed, rather that they wouldn't be sound. Your insults is just projecting insecure bullshit desperately trying to cover up your feeling that you've made a mistake. Point is, you don't know enough about the guy to soundly judge him. I couldn't give a shit but other anon was right to say this.
Keep twisting words faggot and trying to get out of being caught with your pants down.

>> No.19003468
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>> No.19003479

This but unironically

>> No.19003480

These types were eternally the "older dudes" (I'm 10 years younger) when I was a young adult. You'd meet them at record shops and gigs. I was 90s alt rock and apololitical, they were early 80s hardcore fans with a mega dose of lefty politics. The smugness was always off the charts and utterly repellent. Becoming a philosophy PhD is just the caricature to the max.

>> No.19003481

Your argument is that he's secretly really cool dude? Your brain is a failed abortion lol

>> No.19003504

Literal strawman you retard sophist, but you know that of course, now you're doing this faggot thing where you're making shit arguments on purpose to try and seem like you don't care. In reality you do care, and you're trying to seem a certain way because you lost the argument and you're seething about it. If you didn't care you just wouldn't reply.

>> No.19003510

You think Anecdotes hold water in a debate. I don't care if your friends professor voted for Reagan you fucking moron, denying that modern academia is a liberally-run institution is as retarded as claiming any political party doesn't engage in violence. Its on par with something a child would come up to you and say. It's nonsense, and that tells me all that I need to know about the guy. I understand you'd suck his cock simply for his PhD and onions-boy boomer candor but that's not normal.

>> No.19003529
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Ah yes, the classic hipster.

>> No.19003537

not what I said retardo

>> No.19003546

>gets BTFO
>declares victory
Must be operant conditioning from your anal sessions with Jamal.

>> No.19003550

This is literally a child's take. You can know enough about a person to form ACCURATE judgements based on 5 seconds of interaction with a person. All this "YOU DONT KNOW THE REAL THEM" isn't fooling anybody. If I came up and told you I was racist, you wouldn't wait to find out if I was a great guy otherwise, you'd judge me accurately right there. This is the exactly same situation, I'm able to form an accurate judgement because he told me he doesn't believe in political violence. That's about as an absurd a stance to have as racism, so it shouldnt be hard for you understand what I mean now. Try not to call everyone who disagrees with you a sophist, you sound legitimately mentally damaged.

>> No.19003595

>it's absurd to judge a person based on an email

>> No.19003621

the rest of this godforsaken website should follow /a/'s example and start banning inane wojackposting.
the rest of the discussion wasn't great, but this is just bottom of the barrel.
>you think Anecdotes hold water in a debate
I'm not even "debating" what you seem to think I am. obviously higher learning is liberal, but that has no bearing on this specific case. since you love adherence to debate so much, I'll spell out your side of this argument for you. tell me if it's up to your apparently exacting specifications.

>prof. said questionable fact
<this is not proof he is a bad guy, he seems to be pretty rational and open for debate.
>he holds this belief therefore he is not actually rational
<that's not necessarily true, I have known people like this
>sarcasm about me knowing a "disingenuous leftist", if he was really rational, he would not hold this belief (this makes no sense by the way)
<actually the guy was right-leaning,
>sarcasm strawman (?) "you knew a guy who knew a guy", accusation of being "on the left"
<lol what?
and now we're back in the present.
nothing you have said proves, in any capacity, that OP's Ethics Professor is anything but a decent guy.
great job on that bait btw, you really reeled me back in. is there someplace I can learn how to do that?

>> No.19003639

The discussion was already over, the opposition was destroyed, we have moved on to mockery. Go back.

>> No.19003641

This is autism

>> No.19003648

You talk too much for a stupid person.

>> No.19003655

Anon I appreciate your earnestness but you are trying to play checkers with a chimp who has bent over and started sucking his own cock. No amount of gentle scolding and re-setting of the game pieces is going to conclude this match the way you want it to conclude.

>> No.19003663

keep coping, interesting that anal sex with black men is on your mind
The stance is absurd but what you're judging accurately is the stance rather than the entirety of who he is. If I was told you were racist I still wouldn't be able to judge you entirely, the only logical judgement I could make would be on the quality of your racism and whether it would be profitable for me to associate with you or not with that in mind.
>Try not to call everyone who disagrees with you a sophist, you sound legitimately mentally damaged.
I'm not, did I call you one? No because you made an actual argument. The other posters legitimately were sophists. Also I don't give a shit how I sound to retarded people mate. If I sound mentally damaged to you lot then I'm probably pretty well off.
You ending this with an insult shows me you're dealing in bad faith anyway but I responded to your argument regardless.

>> No.19003668

>How leftists argue when they've lost

>> No.19003675

Not about the quality of the writing. Parts of it seemed kind of cringy. It's just more than a little pathetic to post online and hyper critique an email someone likely put 2 seconds of thought into. Maybe he's actually a horrible professor irl I can't know, but really strange to sperg this hard over an email.

>> No.19003678

He's trying to play checkers.
We're paying chess.
Looks like you bungled that one too.

>> No.19003679

Wait, you think the line about the left is the problem with the email? Like you think that's a respectable email? Wow.
I unironically think you deserve to be taught by men like him. I don't even disagree with you, bud. You deserve that.

>> No.19003692

The constant strawmanning is so hilarious lol
just nonstop retardation from the deformed internet incel argument crew, keep it up

>> No.19003694

hot damn anon, you got me good. I can't believe I thought you were a real person!
tell ya what: share some of your baiting tips with me over a Starbucks Frappuchino(tm). I can bring us matching dilators ;^)

>> No.19003695

I can't keep rehashing the same shit over and over with you NPCs.
It's like when you lose an argument your brain just short-circuits and you start endlessly repeating yourself until the other person walks away.

>> No.19003700

What is Hyperanalysis? Does that mean reading it once and forming an opinion? Is that something you consider "Hyper" in your mind?

>> No.19003703
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I've taken philosophy, politics or law classes in three different Univ in Quebec, this is the first time I see this. Even the teachers at UQAM, where the students agree to the course by contract and can negotiate if they think the course is bad or too hard, wasn't that gay.
I've had teachers from McGill for my Husserl course, they were solid.

>> No.19003707

Why are you posting in this thread if you don't even know what you're trying to say, anon? Go read a book, kiddo.

>> No.19003714

He got triggered because he identifies with the professor.

>> No.19003722

He unironically does. It's hilarious. Probably a fucking TA (University Janny)

>> No.19003740

>can't form an argument so i'll say it's bait!

>> No.19003759

just embarrassing at this point boys
seriously? what's next, yikes?

>> No.19003771


>> No.19003788
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>I'm not a fan of this whole trend of "let's do some ice-breakers, just getting to know you, we're gonna be friends" thing with professors.
Universities were a lot better when teachers were actually allowed to have normal, friendly relationships with their students outside of courses. This guy will send you this email to try and look friendly and woke, yet he'll literally have to report meeting students by accident in line at Starbucks to his HR and describe in detail the interaction to avoid any chance of lawsuit.

>> No.19003791

I guess not being afraid of looking retarded is a virtue in its own right

>> No.19003803

Doesn't stop you or OP's prof

>> No.19003813

I wish I lived during the true academic years, instead we're paying twice as much to be sold the shadow of what it used to be. ALSO DONT BE WHITE NO N NO NO

>> No.19003849

One of my Husserl teacher from McGill did sauerkrauts suppers on fridays, our class was 6 students only, best parties I've had in university because people were composed and talking about the subject matter, and had fun at the same time. Everyone still respected the teacher because his authority on the subject was obvious. No one used the occasion to try and fuck the one (admittedly very cute) girl, no bullshit happened, we just had nice evenings and it very much helped my understanding of the course (and also of the job of being a teacher, since talking to him in that context allowed him to open about stuff he wouldn't have said in class).

>> No.19003871

>No one used the occasion to try and fuck the one (admittedly very cute) girl
sounds gay af

>> No.19003906

Are Phenomenologists always based? Is it because Phenomenology is no longer trendy? The professor who taught Heidegger and Wittgenstein at my university was cool too. Also he could play the Banjo.

>> No.19003940

Goddess name?

>> No.19003947

>no one used the occasion to gangbang me :(
t. the one very cute girl

>> No.19004621
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>Seems a very honest, relatable and overall nice person.
>What didn't you like about this?

>> No.19004630
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>assuming he's telling the truth here, he sounds like a cool guy. you don't often meet people who can think like this see: this thread, s ohave fun while it lasts.

>> No.19004641

>seems like a nice person
See >>19002018. He has proven himself to be a bold-faced liar. How is that "a nice person"?

>> No.19004648
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>says utter bullshit like "Now armed rebellion comes from the right, the left gave up violence"
>decently intelligent and open for debate

>> No.19004668
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Taylor Lashae, half French, half Colombian.
>Are Phenomenologists always based?
In my experience they were the best teachers.
It isn't popular anymore, and the complexity is real, so they have to actually a deep interest for the subject matter rather than the academic "celebrity" that comes with more popular contemporary subjects.
She did get dicked in the Intro to Epistemology class (iirc).
She was really cute, a redheaded french girl, I went out for coffee with her once, but I guess I didn't play my cards well enough. I have bad luck with French girls anyways, so its probably as well anyways...

>> No.19004691
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>unless something has drastically changed in the last few years (I graduated fairly recently) then the idea of censorship on university campuses is super overblown.

You are a lying leftist.


>The Disappearing Conservative Professor

>In Compromising Scholarship, a 2011 book by sociologist George Yancey, some 30% of sociologists acknowledged that they would be less likely to hire a job applicant if they knew he was a Republican. Yancey further discovered that 15% of political scientists and 24% of philosophy professors would discriminate against Republican job applicants, and at least 30% of professors in all disciplines surveyed would discriminate against members of the NRA.

>Other research suggests that liberal professors sometimes act on these biases. Stanley Rothman and Robert Lichter found in 2009's The Politically Correct University that socially conservative professors tend to work at lower-ranked institutions than their publication records would suggest. More recently, a 2016 study of elite law schools in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy found that libertarian and conservative professors publish more than their peers, which suggests that right-leaning law professors must outshine liberals to reach the summits of their profession.

>These findings are especially striking given that other research shows it is more difficult for scholars to publish work that reflects conservative interests and perspectives. A 1985 study in the American Psychologist, for example, assessed the outcomes of research proposals submitted to human subject committees... The study found that the proposals on reverse discrimination were the hardest to get approved, often because their research designs were scrutinized more thoroughly. In some cases, though, the reviewers raised explicitly political concerns.

>> No.19004697
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>Free expression on campus: What college students think about First Amendment issues

>Although a majority of college students, 69%, believe political conservatives on campus are able to freely and openly express their views, many more believe political liberals (92%) and other campus groups are able to share their opinions freely.


>Evidence That Conservative Students Really Do Self-Censor

>An alarming 25.5 percent of survey respondents said it would be appropriate to “create an obstruction, such that a campus speaker endorsing this idea could not address an audience.” This authoritarian view was held by about 19 percent of self-identifying liberals, 3 percent of moderates, and 3 percent of conservatives.

>57 percent said they hear such comments about conservatives. Among moderates, 68 percent said that they hear “disrespectful, inappropriate, or offensive comments” about conservatives at least several times a semester.

>Roughly 92 percent of conservatives said they would be friends with a liberal, and just 3 percent said that they would not have a liberal friend. Among liberals, however, almost a quarter said they would not have a conservative friend.

>> No.19004708

So this is the power of humanitieschads huh

>> No.19006300

>This is literally what all Humanities Subhumans behave like,
I had a pretty nice professor when I took a class on the History of American Socialism, but a lot of that comes from the fact that Socialism and Leftism are so sectarian that almost all criticism is valid (and also because he acted as a moderator who assigned us primary sources more than a lecturer)

I still prefer STEM professors, since they are almost always more professional, and even the eccentric ones are respectable.

>> No.19006558

>You know nothing about him
He just introduced himself, retard

>> No.19007567

Please don't treat this as indicative of all philosophers.

>> No.19007586

I have a hard time believing this man has a PHD in philosophy.

>> No.19007606

Transparency and honesty are 2 different things.

>> No.19007638

I mean he sounds nice except 1. muh white guy shame and 2. it's a bit cringe to go into the war details for 5 paragraph.

I'd love to be able to talk to a 66yo who wanted to get into, I presume, German idealism. Super interesting

>> No.19008020

56 years old anon

>> No.19008734

He’s playing chess, you’re all playing hide the penis with each others assholes.

>> No.19008764
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Actually correct because liberals=/=leftists, boomernigger

>> No.19009602

Please get some Vitamin D

>> No.19009699

>138 posts
>38 ID's
Oh dear lord...

>> No.19009804

Is that a refutation or some sort of argument?

>> No.19009855

Top kek

>> No.19009884

Groundhog Day.