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/lit/ - Literature

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19000489 No.19000489 [Reply] [Original]

*solves philosophy*

>> No.19000502

How the fuck one can escape Will when all is Will?

>> No.19000557

do nothing

>> No.19000572

Bruh Will is all encompassing

>> No.19000585

just turn your mind off bro

>> No.19000598

By fist fighting Buddha and doing no fap longer than hin

>> No.19000617

Schoppy literally said that going into the woods to starve yourself to death is a good way to go

>> No.19000781

is it?

>> No.19000791

how very buddhist of him

>> No.19000814

Spent $85 on three volume of "Philosophy of the Unconscious". Worth it or no?

>> No.19001179

So why didn't he do that? Never read him so idk if this is a dumb question or not.

>> No.19001189

where did he say this

>> No.19001223

Yes but he is transcending time. If you start seeing will as the ‘thing in itself’ then you know we die the same way as any of our ancestors regardless of where we are spatial-temporally. However his ethics was much more suited to help people create works of art, as he was notoriously against things which do have value such as being a dummy who follows crowds, has a child etc.

>> No.19001242

you're willing that

>> No.19001255

Incoming seething hegel, deleuze, schelling and spinoza tards

>> No.19001264
File: 157 KB, 999x1395, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*solves philosophy*

>> No.19003581

Will being free, once exposed to the illuminating knowledge of itself through the manifestation of an insightful human, renounces itself in that particular individual

>> No.19003614

>Don't kill yourself
>just... just because!

>> No.19003628

Crazy thing is he's right

>> No.19003635

Go ahead and do it faggot you have nothing to contribute.

>> No.19003637

witty man why you talkin bout metaphysics when it aint somethign which is of the case in the world

>> No.19003646

>not even wikipedia-tier
Embarassing, really

>> No.19003651


He believed in magic lmao

>> No.19003652

the short essay 'on suicide'

>> No.19003684

Wittgenstein didn't care for metaphysics.

>> No.19003729

weird that he would publish a book on it then

>> No.19003786

Stop being a sarcastic faggot.

>> No.19003823

you don't

>> No.19003856
File: 21 KB, 255x406, 5F0EE86A-59E9-4758-A0EE-25C71F8ECE67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will to power is the completion of Schopenhauer

>> No.19005101

He didn’t say that, he said that the only way to escape suffering is to live as what he called a sage. He gives the example of someone going off to live by themselves in the woods, eating and drinking only enough to sustain themselves, etc. Roughly equivalent to Thai Forest monks. However, he says that this isn’t viable for most people (himself included) because the Will is too strong and they’re too weak to be able to overcome it.

>> No.19005138

I think I finally got Schopenhauer's teaching of asceticism. The main goal of asceticism is the annihilation of Self or annihilation of the Principle of Individuation and not the escape from Will. This could only happen in forest, where you can't exploit workers for your benefit, where you don't have to speak lies to climb the corporate ladder, where you don't have to stab your fellow man in the back just achieve status in life and so on and so on. We can never escape desire because without it we will just starve ourselves to death by staying still and lying flat.

>> No.19005672
File: 16 KB, 236x248, sad laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the academia game
>he fell for those BIG, looooonnnnggg complicated useless words
>he fell for those PhD titles and hundred pages research papers
>he actually thinks he has to read and make a long list of references with lots of book titles, authors and their research papers
>he unironically believes in those data, number, percentage signs, the '--%' stuff, the '80%-20%' meme, the '1%-99%' meme stuff, all the statistical stuff
>he fell for those '-ism', the long abstract words that give him the feeling of knowing a lot about the world, other people's worldviews and...
>...he actually thinks he can read minds and know others' personalites by reading their word games
>he actually looks up a dictionary for those obscure, strange, academic, long, complex, rarely-used words, jargons in those novels, philosophy papers for the sake of art and (((knowledge))), without realizing the authors had thesaurus for their pretentious intellectual word game
>he actually thinks he has to read all those 'philosophy of X' to understand and succeed in life, without realizing those authors didn't even know what they were talking about, they just copied it from the other authors and called it their cakes
>he actually thinks he has to read a lot of books, maybe a library, to succeed in life
>he is unable to escape the 'more book, more knowledge, more intellectualism, more respect, more success' meme
>he fell for the 'a great artist has to be depressed and drown in sadness to reach the epitome' meme and try to find ways to make himself depressed
>he thought he is going on a bright road, until Minotaur appeared
>he actually thinks suicide can solve all his life problems and suffering, without realizing it only makes it worse and creates horrible Karma
>he refuses to believe in Karma, doesn't believe the Universe has Justice and has analyzed and judged all his actions and thoughts even in his past lives, he doesn't believe the Universe can even know his exact events in the future
>he thought /lit/ is the smartest board, finds new interesting words everyday, every thread, even remember the whole /lit/ meme chart
>he just fell for it all

>> No.19005709
File: 50 KB, 396x396, Hegel pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want the university position or not?

>> No.19005732

No Schopenhauer cited a example of suicide that wasn't willed (as when someone jumps off a bridge) where some Englishman, if I'm not mistaken, went into the woods to simply cease living.

>> No.19005821

>doesn't understand Buddhism
>doesn't understand the Upanishads
>doesn't understand Plato
>doesn't understand Kant
>you shouldn't read any books
>oh wait, except for this long list of my favourite books that I'm quoting from on every page, because those are the only books for real intellectuals like me
Schopenhauer was quintessential /lit/

>> No.19006216

Temporarily by listening to (classical) music

>> No.19006252

just be yourself

>> No.19006263

I'd say he at least understood Kant desu

>> No.19006274
File: 84 KB, 429x582, Nietzschad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why escape Will? Amor fati, brother.

>> No.19006665

Easy, change your name to Mike.

>> No.19006745


>> No.19007570


>> No.19007837

dumb frogposter

>> No.19008399
File: 67 KB, 590x366, 1627508555413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frog website

>> No.19008616
