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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 146 KB, 963x627, ThisisFitLit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18780 [Reply] [Original]

I propose to the mods that /fit and /lit stay connected to each other after the first april.

A lot of interesting material is being brought on the board by combining the two. Also, people are shitposting less and are being educated physically and mentally.

Show your support by replying in the thread.

>> No.18793
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>> No.18847

Fuck off

>> No.18881
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>> No.18888
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>you will never be a founder of Western civilization
>you will never engage the enemy in martial combat in times of war
>you will never be surrounded by others who have pushed themselves to be the very best that they can be

What the fuck. Why even bother living?

>> No.18892


>> No.18937


The people on /fit/ and on /lit/ who don't want this merger are exactly the people who we don't want on our boards.

4chan literally now has an /ubermensch/ board

>> No.18941
File: 131 KB, 1024x724, Check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18973

FitLit is pretty nice honestly, it really takes the best of both shitholes and makes one well rounded board.

>> No.19000

I second this. Our combined might has silenced the stale shitposting memes.

>> No.19029

Agree with this anon.

>> No.19037


>> No.19050


>> No.19061

As a regular of both boards, I actually like /fitlit/. Both parties have a great deal to learn from the other: all /fit/izens should start reading, and guys on /lit/ should start lifting.

Mens sana in corpore sano.

>> No.19074

its just a honey moon phase alot of the mergers are having the same effect, except pol, although id like to see it stick aswell after a while the fitziens will get sick of see that dude witht he fuckin head scarf and john green threads, and the same top 100 books being talked about over and over and why you didnt get the book the way i did becuase your a pleb and lit will get sick of see hows my progress, how do i bulk, and should i cut threads over and over

>> No.19097

If I wanted to get hit on by other guys I would go to a gay bar instead of lifting.

>> No.19104


>> No.19201

/fitlit/ is new toptier board

>> No.19355

Let's bring both the boards together. Keep on posting!

>> No.19395

I would love to see the IDs to this thread...
But from what I can see it does look promising.

But /mlpol/... that's a different story.

>> No.19426

I love the bantz there. Only the unironically /natsoc/ hates it. Y'all can go eat a nigger dick for all I care.

>> No.19431

just came from there it's worse than central africa

>> No.19454

The only boards I've seen that haven't been noticeably improved is /cock/

>> No.19456

>tfw /fit/ and /lit/ were my two favorite boards
its an April miracle!

>> No.19471

stfu u fucking numale shit

le intellectual weighliter xDDD i am smart :)

>> No.19481

Yes pls

>> No.19550
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Sorry, I already read many of the 25-50 circle-jerk books always posted with the exception of Russian authors who I have a categorically hard time appreciating. Dostoevsky is the bane of my existence. The crime was writing the book and the punishment is forcing millions of high schoolers to read the fucking thing.

...Actually this could be a good thing. Maybe some cross-pollination might bring some fun to the boards.

>> No.19585
File: 137 KB, 443x950, 1488178869376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a blast triggering everyone and I don't even go to any of these boards kek

>> No.19794


>> No.19814

>selfish, mean spirited, infantile sacks of fat vs. human perfection
no wonder they were homo for each other

>> No.19852

how do I into classic greece and roman literature?
always a fan of its architecture and general arts in both those eras

>> No.19889

Only /fit/ agrees to this tho.

>> No.19950


>> No.19960

I agree with you anon. Fitlit is so comfy. Merging the two can only produce excellent memes and truly well-rounded citizens.

>> No.20054

they only made that board so they could have the name /cock/. like wtf cooking and comics???

>> No.20096

I'm /lit/ with only a little tiny bit of /fit/ and I agree with it.

>> No.21232


you realize you can join the army right?