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18992923 No.18992923 [Reply] [Original]

Why are writers who kill themselves always so based? Toole, DFW, Fisher, bourdain, etc.

>> No.18992939

Waldun should an hero

>> No.18992950

Mishima is the only cool one. all the others were just sad faggots.

>> No.18992968

I forgot Mishima. I read sun and steel and it was absolutely fascinating. That movie about him was pretty rad too.

>> No.18993123

Wasn't Burdain a chef?

>> No.18993126

He was, but he wrote too and his style is this down-to-earth-sailors-mouth-drunk-at-the-bar-telling-stories kinda deal. It's extraordinarily engaging.

>> No.18993146

This was my favorite book in high school. I loved this man. Why did he do it bros...

>> No.18993164

Yeah, he was a surprisingly good writer. Not sure if he ever wrote fiction but his stories about the restaurant industry and traveling are pretty good.

>> No.18993291

He did write fictions as well

>> No.18993362

People often think of suicide as a last resort of the weakest of human stock but one cursory glance at those who do it and there is no doubt that this is untrue. The reality is that the one and only reason more people do not commit suicide is because they are the ones too weak of will to do so. Survival is the natural state. It is hard coded, a comfortable status quo to maintain. That one could endure a lifetime of suffering is not to be celebrated but merely an indicator of cold automaton-like perseverance or otherwise unmitigated stubborn idiocy. To commit suicide is the most supreme act of taking one's own life into one's own hands. It represents an expedition into the biggest most timeless unknown that humanity has ever been exposed to. It requires utter commitment and unwavering fearlessness. It is the purest act of rebellion and the most concrete exercise of power there is. If god is real there is no way he could hate suicide but rather could only praise it as the greatest act of faith one could possibly commit. Those capable of such a feat are truly to be envied.

>> No.18994536


>> No.18994556

Nah nigga people don't an hero because it's an adventure they do it because their lives have become so terrible that death is preferable. Suicide is the man jumping from the burning building. This isn't something to be celebrated you reprehensible life negationist.

>> No.18996430

I remember this. Could be true

>> No.18996689

because suicide is the most based act a human being can commit on this earth. /ck/ will never be the same. gna fall asleep to Parts Unknown tonight i think

>> No.18996734

>faggot with unhealthy nazi obsession tries to stage a coup with no foundation whatsoever then very nearly fails at killing himself with a botched seppuku
Mishima is the equivalent of 4chan kids who lit themselves on fire back in the day.

>> No.18996871

I would wager only a handful of people committed philosophical suicide like that. The broad majority would be >>18994556
followed by broken misanthropes that see self negation as an act of omnicide by proxy.

>> No.18996913

Suicide is a life-affirming action. The lie that christianity has impressed upon us is that the act of living itself is a good, when it's notーthe true act of good is living well. To carry on a wretched life that has lost the chance of living well is to make a mockery of all that makes living good to begin with. This is why the suicides of Deleuze, Debord, and DFW actually speak positively of their character. Their bodies and minds failing due to infirmity and illness, they bowed out gracefully when the time came, in preference to dragging out their decay. Let's not pretend we don't understand the general pattern of living well: It's living in accordance with nature in good health. This is why so many people rightfully fear old age, it brings an end to what could otherwise be a perpetually enjoyable life.

This is one thing I've always appreciated about Ancient Greece - the appreciation for youth and nature they had. To really love life and respect it, you have to know why it matters in the first place. Our society has forgotten this, and blames every suicidal person on landing in a situation beyond their control, calling them selfish when it defeats them, and at worst, marks them for damnation. A society that knows how to accept suicide is a healthy one. This is why Ancient Greece, pre-Christian Rome, and Shinto Japan all seem so much healthier than any Abrahamic society. They have learned how to accept nature.

>> No.18997090
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Nice head canon

>> No.18997100

I get it, you can't read anything longer than a tweet.

>> No.18997134

Based and suicidepilled.

>> No.18997152

The coolest thing about Mishima is the fact he started a cult and offed himself in context with his art/ethos. (Cults in Japan generally are heavier on political activism and militarism...a lot of Western fans of his work don't recognize him as a literal cult leader).

>> No.18997156

Bourdain was a satanic paedophile.

>> No.18997229

Post proofs or gtfo.

>> No.18997282


Start at 10:30.

>> No.18997502


The only cooking that "chef" ever did was with a bic lighter and a spoon

>> No.18998563

I love bourdain, but he was not based... Towards the middle and the end of his life he spent the majority of his public voice spreading globohomo ideals under the guise of multicultural respect and openess. I think his intentions were pure and naive, but he was very much not about supporting native cultures or traditions when they clashed with liberal ideals of the west. His show was used as a platform for people who supported democracy and liberal values within trad cultures and in many ways was the opposite of respecting the cultures that he visited. I think he wanted to be the rebel, but ended up as another voice of the elite and western colonialism. It culminated in the Me too movement backfiring on him and isolating him eyen more until he broke. He alienated his friends over a lie and traded in his own identity for globohomo pandering and it destroyed him in the end. It's super sad because his generation think they are rebelling and being sincere, but they never get out the box or can really self reflect on what they are doing.

>> No.18998578

Bourdain was a white-hating kike and he is currently getting assraped in hell.


>> No.18998627
File: 33 KB, 960x960, reading american autobios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one understands and appreciates the American Dream of hard work leading to material rewards better than a non-American. The Ecuadorian, Mexican, Dominican and Salvadorian cooks I've worked with over the years make most CIA-educated (Culinary Academy) white boys look like clumsy, sniveling little punks.

>A guy who's come up through the ranks, who knows every station, every recipe, every corner of the restaurant and who has learned, first and foremost, your system above all others is likely to be more valuable and long-term than some bed-wetting white boy whose mom brought him up thinking the world owed him a living, and who thinks he actually knows a few things.

rest of the book seems to follow formula behind modern ghostwritten autobios:
-youthful awakening
-the first setback... revenge wish fuels rest of life
-the cool mysterious mentor, whose name is only revealed later (jew or minority)
-inside the cool world with dark underside (it's just the flipside of prosperity bro)
-a great awkward misunderstanding... talkshow confessions
-a day in the life ... working 18h per day, grind-mindset
-the sidekick/agent whose name is only revealed later (jew or minority)
-more talkshow anecdotes and "commencement speech"

>> No.18998672

He was just a disgusting rootless cosmopolitan kike anon. It's not that complicated.

>> No.18999331

Ex cook here. I've worked at a lot of high profile restaurants and hotels in my country. Working in this industry is worse than being a garbage man or a mortician. I have 7 years of experience. I quit a little while ago, next year I'm going to college in order to get a boring desk job. AMA

>> No.18999343

Why the fuck did they always put the soccer TV right next to the dishware I needed to get to and why did the back of the house get to smoke cigarettes on shift and I didn't?

>> No.18999373

Where you a waiter or a cook? If you were the latter, waiters don't really get smoking breaks during service. Their job is literal monkey work and they also get tips so they don't deserve breaks. As for the TV question, idk.

>> No.18999381

The former* my bad.

>> No.18999436

I was basically everyone’s bitch. Did any and everything to fill in gaps for people who didn’t like working as much as they liked talking about working. Dishwasher/bar back/server assistant at one of the old guard restaurants in my city. It was exhausting and painful and childish. It exposed me to classism to the highest degree. But I still remember it fondly.

>> No.18999772

Ah, yes, to be young and well meaning is the greatest curse in this industry. For one people will always take advantage of you and work you like a field horse because you "are young and in power". Secondly, young people are so easy to guilt trip into submission it's hilarious. I myself went through it a lot of times and I saw it happen to other youngsters quite a lot. Most people with experience who do this shit call it a "baptism". Especially young men.

>> No.18999789

Old men*. Fuck I hate this phone's keyboard.

>> No.18999802

Ha, ain't that the truth. It's a decade later now and I'm a lawyer, but god, sometimes I just want to go back and do some real actual hard work in the industry again. Maybe when I retire.

>> No.18999846

You could open up your own restaurant if you really feel the urge to. Otherwise you're just cucking out of your own time. But if you miss physical labor in and of itself you could do something actually useful that will last like construction work or becoming an electrician or a plumber. All three much more lucrative and respectable than being a restaurant monkey.

>> No.19000813

the chad Fieri vs the virgin Bourdain

>> No.19000855

Cus you're a waiter, you'll be replaced in three months when the semester starts and you get paid tips. Go fuck yourself
-average cook mentality

>> No.19000903

It isn't ghost written you retard. Why would they ghost write a book for someone who wasn't famous at the time. It is all very jewish because he is jewish.

>> No.19001027

Sensitive/perceptive but not pussies (don’t fear death)

inb4 some guy named John Bobson on his way to work at Office Depot calls suicide “cowardice”