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File: 759 KB, 1600x1025, ecclesiastes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18996477 No.18996477 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read Ecclesiastes anon? Which translation? What did you think? Is there anything else similar to it?

>> No.18996485

Nothing that wasn't better said by Heraclitus, Plato, or Zhuangzhi

>> No.18996506

I’ve read it a few times since it’s so short.
I only ever read KJV.
Basically >>18996485; it’s not that different from any other semi-pessimistic/nihilistic philosophy.
The bit of random misogyny is unnecessary.
The Art of Worldly Wisdom is similarly pithy and a quick read.

>> No.18996508

KJV remains the best Ecclesiastes version. The only way I see it that changing soon is if Lattimore rises from the dead.

>> No.18996513

the athiests favorite

>> No.18996530

I'll pass

>> No.18996538

I should disregard your post, but what exactly is the random misogny? Ecclesiastes is one of the most universalist books in the bible, which is also why its >>18996513

>> No.18996545

Read the KJV. Only translation you need.
HE maligns women in maybe chapter 5? But he doesn't say to spurn woman, rather that there's never been a wise woman and the pursuit of women leads one to ruin. He's right of course

>> No.18996565

>one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found
>it's harder to find a good woman than it is to find a good man, but both are very difficult
kek, can't even take these parroting brainlets seriously

>> No.18996571

I feel people only read the first half of Ecclesiastes.

>> No.18996576

Reading it now. Got the Robert Alter translation. Very good translation and commentary.

>> No.18996610

They almost certainly do. They like the "wooaah life is meaningless it's in the bible" and once they've got their fix they dip.
Missing the part a lil earlier where he says "and I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall from escape from her: but the sinner shall be taken by her"

>> No.18996631

the later parts were edited 200 years after the original by the church. This has been confirmed by scholars for ages.

>> No.18996657

>Is there anything similar to this foundational text of Western literature?

>> No.18996669

Honestly it's trite.
>ugh life is heckin meaningless
>Just forget about it, indulge yourself, and praise god lol

>> No.18996682
File: 218 KB, 1600x1281, solomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes in the authorized King James version. It's one of the most pessimistic books in the Bible besides, in my opinion, Nahum, select Psalms and Lamentations. It makes the argument the world and all things within it are pointless, and only eschewing the world in hope that God might replace it all does King Solomon find the least bit of solace.

Keep in mind this is written by the son of King David, and Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines who eventually convinced him to worship devils later in his life. That led Judah down a dark path that eventually split the nation in two and have some (King Manasseh) even temporarily imprisoned by Babylonians for spreading devil worship, and likely blackmail, into other nations. My point being that similar to King Saul, Solomon appeared to lose hope end in the end and there's no indication that he turned back to God before death despite all the chastening he received. Nonetheless he received a spoken promise about his salvation.

>> No.18996739

Or maybe, just maybe, the Bible is a post hoc justification for the transition of a polytheistic religion to a monotheistic religion without losing the sweet legitimacy of being able to claim hundreds of years of history.

>> No.18996795

bait or brainlet

>> No.18996811

Alright, what do you think is especially insightful about the book? Because I read the whole things and was highly disappointed.

>> No.18996824

And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

>> No.18996835
File: 1.08 MB, 619x780, glory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To understand the immense pessimism explore in this piece, one must before comprehend that it was written before the gospel, before the incarnation of God in the flesh, and thus, before the good news of eternal salvation for all who repent and follow the verb of God.
It is nothing more than a spiritual exploration of a world without eternity or an ulterior motive for ones existence.

>> No.18996860

Said far better by Zhuangzhi but I digress.
It is, as I said trite. I can't figure out how it is saying anything more profound then "Knowledge is impossible, stop thinking and start praying"

>> No.18996888

Provide an example for any of your myriad points.

>> No.18996896

I was talking, specifically, about the line you posted without any context or, indeed, evidence of higher-level thought

>> No.18996912

You are frighteningly unintelligent if you cannot grasp either of the potential contexts for that line in relation to your post.
But we already knew that. Try posting something.

>> No.18996923

>cannot grasp either of the potential contexts
Such as?
Try posting something substantive next time

>> No.18997155

Nietzsche's short aphorisms in his various books