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18996170 No.18996170 [Reply] [Original]

what's the meaning of life?

>> No.18996180

How is this /lit/ related?

>> No.18996191

how is it not?

>> No.18996199

To pursue activities where you are so engage in them, that you don't ask questions like that. You only ask what is the meaning of life when you are bored or unsatisfied, not in the middle of sex, an amazing meal, looking at a stunning sunrise on the top of a mountain, ext...

>> No.18996203

about making the intangible all the more manageable for whoever's next.

>> No.18996205

how is it is?

>> No.18996206


>> No.18996216
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>> No.18996255

yeah but how isn't it

>> No.18996259

cringe, what if i derive pleasure from seeking the meaning of life
cringe catchphrase

the purpose of life is to achieve the highest potential contained within your essence

>> No.18996290

Too based for us mere mortals

>> No.18996338

In seeking happiness, one does not find happiness.

>> No.18996345

>happiness is the meaning of life
now thats what i call cringe

>> No.18996539

I don't think you understand that quote.

>> No.18996540
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To read books and discuss them on /lit/ with frens :)

>> No.18996544

Are you new? There's more in-depth philosophical discussion on /d/ than here.
I mean, probably. I wouldn't know about that.

>> No.18996548


>> No.18996550

to create

>> No.18996561

I do not understand this question. What does "meaning" mean in this context? It seems like everyone understands this question as "what's the purpose of life", but it's never phrased that way. Why?

>> No.18997836

based yes

>> No.18998064

well, obviously it is to Regularly get kabe-don by a no-bullshit, beautiful, tomboyish girl while she grins and then by her get forcefully sucked passionately till the cum bursts into her throat.
i mean, do u still even have to ask? isnt it obvious?
do u instead need something complicated and obscure? transcendent? what i mentioned is already all those.

>> No.18998549


>> No.18998586

>cringe, what if i derive pleasure from seeking the meaning of life
Then you are dead inside and can't enjoy life without dissecting it and putting it into clearly defined terms... which is impossible... so you will never know the meaning of life, neither will you ever enjoy it.

>> No.18999092


>> No.18999105

sex pussy ass boobssss

>> No.18999116

None of that sounds enjoyable.

>> No.18999162

The meaning of life is to perpetuate gods will and achieve your potential, there is nothin wrong with thinking logically and clearly. Have you ever considered you are unhappy because you don’t try to understand reality and the meaning of life?

>> No.18999167

To go from potency to substance

>> No.18999221

self realization and to know y and how anything and everything even exists

>> No.18999223

>perpetuate gods will and achieve your potential
But even gods didn't bother asking stupid questions like that anon. Have you read the Greeks?

>> No.18999255

you and i have meaning, life does not. life is a vehicle that we can experience and retain meaning from, it is a means for us to grow, yet i do not think "to grow" is the meaning of life, or rather, the meaning of you and I. the purpose for why we are conscious, why one must be conscious to experience meaning, and the question of whether or not we're meant to/need to experience meaningful things, is hard to gauge and harder to confer. its an ever changing stance but i feel the purpose of my existence is to follow god and radiate energy

>> No.18999311

meaning of life is to find something to live for, the purpose of life is to find something to die for

>> No.18999315

Greek gods are just marvel capeshit at best. No wonder they lacked the capacity to think abstractly.

>> No.18999320

>Greek gods are capeshit
I can hear the neck beard from your posts.

>> No.18999333

>questions are off limits because they are “stupid”
That sounds more neckbeard to me anon

>> No.18999349

You didn't even ask a question, you neckbeard. There was no question mark in your post.Its even more obvious you have a double chin with the amount of pseudotry you're doing.

>> No.18999356

To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming.

>> No.18999390

the op asked a question brainlet. Then you got your panties in a wad because I offered an actual answer. You come of as a midair trying to project your ataraxia on to other people.

>> No.18999396


>> No.18999413

Someone said that
>questions are off limits because they are “stupid"
And then someone else said
>That sounds more neckbeard to me anon
Then the third one tried to answer questions that he could barely understand and came up with the idea of God.
>I don't know the meaning of life because of my incomplete nature, but God knows everything since he is perfect.
Do you think the question that troubles a 16 year old teen is of great importance? Find me a written page, in a book from the western canon that makes rules about life besides religious cuckoldry. There is none. Philosophers tried to answer questions like these for the sake of their retarded audience that couldnt figure out how to live their lives.

>> No.18999420

There is none. Next question.

>> No.18999432

>trying to project your ataraxia on to other people.
you dont even know what he is trying to do or what his life actually looks like, yet you call him out for being passive. Are you fucking retarded or are you desperately trying to hide your online embarassment?

>> No.18999470

Ignoring all the attempts at insulting me...
>The meaning of life is to perpetuate gods will and achieve your potential
How do you know your god's will? How will you verify it outside of circular arguments? How will you know what is your essence from pure reason and 0 contact with reality? How will you measure this potential to see if you have developed it?
Seems to me that your attempt at intellectualizing everything is just a crutch and a way to neurotically sanitize your worldview into neat definitions, even if those definitions are wrong, circular or simply a placeholder for the end of your own understanding. "The meaning of life" isn't found by reasoning about it, but by living it. It is very very difficult, if not impossible to put in words, but it can definitely be experienced. You have to step outside your head though. Can you anon?

>> No.18999490

He will grow up eventually, we all did.

>> No.18999509

why shouldn't I be a NEET?

>> No.18999543

Exactly. Why shouldn’t you be?
There’s comprehensible answers like “If you’re not working and no one cares for you any more you could become homeless and starve to death” but why shouldn’t you do that either?
Fundamentally speaking there is no real reason not to.

>> No.18999591

No you moron...
There is no reason within the system of logic. When you go far enough into such questions, you will hit walls like "why do we exist" and "why do we not exist". These questions lead nowhere. The answers aren't found inside any logical system. So spending your time neurotically making axioms and combining them to give your desired result is a waste. You could change the axioms and combinations and arrive at another result too.
At such points you might fill this hole in logic by saying "promote god's will" or something else like that, that sounds very good on the surface but it is merely a placeholder for our ignorance. It doesn't make whatever placeholder valid or correct just because it exists.
So the answer to the question "why shouldn't I be a NEET" isn't found within logic, but by simple observation of reality. Are you financially capable of living like that? Do people depend on you in many ways? Do you have goals that are in conflict with the NEET lifestyle. Question solved.
>inb4 hurr durr but why are these criteria to be observed. There is no real reason to observe these critera. hurr durr
And now you see another problem with pure logic. Eventually it will lead to infinite definitions. You will keep requiring axioms and definitions for you axioms and definitions to infinity. Whereas contact with reality will cut it all out. If you don't have enough money to be a NEET, then you can't be a NEET. If people depend on you and you are invested in these people, then you can't cut off from everyone. See. Simple.
So... even the meaning of life is found by living it. Not by reasoning about it.

>> No.18999617


>> No.18999677

>"No you moron..."
>Proceeds to argue exactly what I am arguing
>uses more words

>> No.18999727

"Love will change the world"
That's what we were told in the 60's
"Love will make you happy"
"Love one another"
"Love makes the world go round"
"All you need is love"
We've talked of love non-stop for the last few decades
Actually, the last few thousand years
Where exactly has it gotten us?
Are we one step closer to paradise?
Love hasn't stopped war, cured crime, or erased poverty
Hasn't even come close
Look for any sign of improvement and I guarantee you
You'll only the most cosmetic of changes
Window dressing
Empty symbolism
Thatcherist falderal
"Things are getting better all the time" the love nicks assure us
What about peace in the mid-east?
What about harmony in south africa
Sure, there's peace in the mid-east
In between bombings
And there's plenty of harmony in south africa
If you're wealthy enough to live behind electrified fences and locked gates
In reality, things have turned to shit
Social and moral decay is like an out of control cancer that has taken charge
A cancer born of love
If some people are actually stupid enough to believe things are improving
It's only because their poor brains are so benumbed by love
That they can no longer think straight.
Sickly love, brotherly love, unconditional love, cowardly love, keep love
A love that says relinquish judgment
A love that encourages acceptance at the expense of discernment
It's no wonder people have imagined that things have changed for the better
When in fact all thats changed is their capacity to accept any amount of shit, unconditionally
So the verdict on love is both bad and good
The bad news is that love has turned the world into a sewer
The good news is, people have learned to love the smell of shit.

>> No.18999741

Wait, correction >>18999591
>So... even the meaning of life is found by living it. Not by reasoning about it.
No, there is not even meaning to be found in living life.
You snuck in that little bit of nonsense right at the end.

>> No.18999742

Today? To party like an animal until your liver cracks, to sleep with as many strangers as you can, to consume as much media as possible and to live the rest of your remaining life as comfortable as possible, leaving your house as little as possible and indulging in obscenely useless services like food delivery and Uber as much as possible. This, THIS is what life boils down to. Everything our ancestors did led to this glorious moment. Wars were fought, cultures were made, people were killed so that YOU, yes, YOU can order 23 McChickens whilst watching Netflix on your MacBook and scrolling Twitter on your phone with 8 cameras.

>> No.18999878

have fun, be kind, read the greeks

>> No.19000097

to know the meaning of life

>> No.19000765

The only question i was left with