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/lit/ - Literature

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18995293 No.18995293 [Reply] [Original]

what is with people who say they read 100+ books per year?
I read multiple hours per day and the most I’ve ever done was 30. And that was with a dozen shorter books at least.
It takes me between 2 weeks to 2 months to read a book, not 1.825 days

>> No.18995336

These women who read these many books literally YA and children's books that require functionally zero cognitive ability hence why these YA "authors" churn out trash as if it as an assembly line.

>> No.18995346

They read 100-200 page novellas at primary school level prose duh.

>> No.18995356

A women with no job or hobbies can read a teenager's book every other day? Truly incredible

>> No.18995357

Yeah women are retarded and don't understand how embarrassing it is to brag about reading 500 books when you mean you've read 500 books about queer vampire assassins for children with 30 giant words per page. Men know not to say such retarded things because men have experience of hierarchies and hobby-driven social settings where you get mercilessly mocked and excluded for posturing without being able to back it up. Women live in carefree happy go lucky la la land so they don't understand things like this.

>> No.18995403

my friends it just keeps happening

>> No.18995411

Finding out the entire speedrunning community was secret nazis was the funniest thing that ever happened to me, god bless the internet

>> No.18995420

stay true

>> No.18995587

wait what?

>> No.18995706

I don’t know about these women.

But with some non fiction you can survey and skim and I think that still counts as reading the book. And if you read all of Moby Dick but skipped the cetology chapter. Shouldn’t that still count?

Is it better to read 25 books and some/most of 50 books for a total of 75 or just read 40. I think the former.

That’s the secret of Bloom and other critics. They don’t just read faster - they know how to skim and summarize and having a broader experience are able to internalize faster and better.

>> No.18995709

This. Probably the funniest thing for me too when it came to niche internet subcultures

>> No.18995729

>The Iron Fey is a book series written by Julie Kagawa,[1] a New York Times[2] bestselling author. This series follows Meghan Chase, a girl who finds herself forced into the world of the Fey, including characters from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The books series was published by Harlequin Teen
It's like bragging you eat a bag of popcorn every day.

>> No.18995745

I know a woman who went to Harvard and she learnt to read 1000 pages a week and just carried on doing it, reads 100+ books a year of all different types.

>> No.18995751

oh yeah i know that chick. her clunge tasted like yoshinaya beef bowl.

>> No.18995774

Bloom was an autistic Jewish savant capable of reading 2 pages at a time. I'm also sure he didn't skip the cetology chapter anyway (it would NOT have counted if he had).

>> No.18995792

His claim to read that fast is bullshit. Anybody who believes in speed reading is an idiot.

>> No.18995801 [DELETED] 

I’ve read 90 books in the past year. With notes and transcriptions. Keep up

>> No.18995820

>he doesnt know about how formless 'relatable' blobette #194's abusive seduction by supernatural hunkor #483 formed a love triangle with aggressive rival #202

>> No.18995834

>“In plain truth, the cares and expense our parents are at in our education, point at nothing, but to furnish our heads with knowledge; but not a word of judgment and virtue. Cry out, of one that passes by, to the people: ‘O, what a learned man!’ and of another, ‘O, what a good man!’—they will not fail to turn their eyes, and address their respect to the former. There should then be a third crier, ‘O, the blockheads!’ Men are apt presently to inquire, does such a one understand Greek or Latin? Is he a poet? or does he write in prose? But whether he be grown better or more discreet, which are qualities of principal concern, these are never thought of.”

>“We should rather examine, who is better learned, than who is more learned. We only labor to stuff the memory, and leave the conscience and the understanding unfurnished and void. Like birds who fly abroad to forage for grain, and bring it home in the beak, without tasting it themselves, to feed their young; so our pedants go picking knowledge here and there, out of books, and hold it at the tongue’s end, only to spit it out and distribute it abroad.”

>> No.18995840

>When people hear that I take almost 200 dicks a year.

>> No.18995860

what if its the same dick 200 times

>> No.18995880

Even if it's unbelievably crappy stuff, 200 is still impressive
>I read multiple hours per day and the most I’ve ever done was 30. And that was with a dozen shorter books at least.
My record is 78 in a year (15k pages officially, every book has some blank pages though), maybe you're just a bit on the slow side of reading?
It doesn't matter anon, it's not a race, you don't win anything for reading more
Read what you want with your own time

>> No.18995906
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I don't count books cos i'm not a faggot. I read what i want when i want.

>> No.18996201

I can blast through a 300 page book in one sitting but I've got a friend like this and she's just sort of reading a YA series with regular books mixed in.

They find a series of YA romance books and then binge on them.

>> No.18996228

this. have a friend gyn*id who puts on the whole pretense of being smart/ well read etc. has infinite jest on her shelf.
send her an amazing book, weeks go by she wont read it
one day she tells me how she spent 36 hours marathoning some book series, i ask what it is turns out to be some basic bitch romcom shit.

>> No.18996236

do books really need to be hard to understand to be good books?

>> No.18996241

Maybe youre a slow reader anon, ive read 20 books so far this year and Ive read very intermittently, ive not read for months, then for weeks, and also for days with any consistency, when I do read ill read for what feels like less than 3 hours a day. Ive read mostly philosophy and classic fiction

>> No.18996242

fuck off disingenuous cunt
a book with no depth and predictable plot and no stakes is not worth reading

>> No.18996246

No. The easier the better. Unfortunately if you want to learn valuable things, the books are often difficult due to the nature of the content.

>> No.18996260
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hello burger

>> No.18996325
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>You now remember Harold Bloom claiming to be able to read 1000 pages per hour

>> No.18996332

Reading hundreds of books a year does not impress me if 98% of those books are fiction.

>> No.18996335

there's no such thing as non-fiction.

>> No.18996336

Reading hundreds of books per year does not impress me if 98% of those aren’t The Divine Comedy on repeat

>> No.18996356

Some girl I know on twitter literally charges for book recommendations, she made reading books her day job.

>> No.18996358

Hard to understand? No.
Complex and unpredictable? Yes.

>> No.18996370

For the record, I don't hate fiction, it's just that most of fiction is garbage I would literally have to be paid to read.

>> No.18996473


>> No.18996482

Post some of her suggestions

>> No.18996504

Nothing wrong with cute fiction novels

>> No.18996525

Just think of any books you've finished in a single day. For me that has been two John Grisham books, the Alchemist, and Into Thin Air. If the book is around 200 pages with simple, easy-to-read text, it's quite easy.

I was always impressed by my older sister reading Harry Potter 6 in a single day when she was 11 years old. 600 pages of YA stuff is pretty impressive if you're actually a child (the target audience).

>> No.18996625

the ones she charge for are personalized, so idk what she recommends. This is her goodreads tho

>> No.18996629

I know zoomers can't relate but most people didn't grew up watching television and playing videogames until dawn

>> No.18996659

>80% of Americans
This would include tons of children and elderly demented people.

>> No.18996692
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>> No.18996697

>I read a book!
Okay, was it some pamphlet of 50 pages like Common Sense or something like The Wealth of Nations at around 1000 pages? It's pretty retarded to hype the number of books you've read since it's so easy to inflate that number.

>> No.18996710
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>> No.18996745

What are you talking about?!?

>> No.18996748

That's the 20%

>> No.18996899

That sounds like a you problem. Just do the math. If you claim that half the books you read are short, then you're either lying about reading multiple hours a day or you read at an elementary school speed.

Let's assume, based on your info, that you read 15 short books and 15 long books a year. Short being 200 pages and long being 400. 15x 200 is 3000. 15x400 is 6000. So that's an average of 9000 pages a year. Divide 9000 by 350, which is the number of days in a year minus a few days of non reading. That's 25.7 pages a day.

Are you seriously claiming it takes you multiple hours a day to read 25 pages????? Even if you increase the average pages of long books to an average of 600, that's still only 34 pages a day. Are you seriously reading 10- 15 pages an hour?!?! You probably read a lot one day and then don't read anything the next two weeks and you use that one day to describe your reading habits instead of the weeks that you spent not reading. You're just another Waldun.

Cut out social media, video games, and reddit and you'll be surprised at how much free time you have. If you actually start to read a lot, eventually you'll be able to concentrate better and won't have to read back because your mind wandered and you forgot what you read.

>> No.18997081

I'm not even saying you can't read shitty YA novels, but for god's sake at least take the time to enjoy them.

>> No.18997167

I read at your rhythm, about one book every two weeks, so about 30 to 35 books per year. I think it's fine, don't feel pressured to read faster or more just because

>> No.18997201
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>I read multiple hours per day
>most I've ever done was 30
One of those statements must be a lie. If you read 60 pages per day, you can get through a hundred ~250-page books in a year.

>> No.18997241

you should be able to read 25 pages in roughly half an hour

>> No.18997262

In the context that people usual bring this up in, yes. If you're reading a shit tier book for people at a 5th grade reading level then you may as well count finishing pokemon on gameboy as finishing a piece of literature.

>> No.18997271

There are some pretty funny schizos on goodreads that claim to read 1000s of books per year (I saw one doing the reading goal thing who set herself 5000 or something and claims to have read over 4000 so far). Anyway, who really cares how many books you go through...using it as a status symbol is a fag move (that becomes even funnier when it's someone like (pic) who reads YA shit).

>> No.18997272

It's not that difficult. I read a minimum of 100 pages daily, which translates to a minimum of 700 weekly. Most books are less than 350 pages which translates into a healthy 2 book per week benchmark. My reading speed is roughly 50 pages per hour, give or take depending on the complexity of the literature in question. For example, I have almost finished Kissinger's Diplomacy, which I began reading last wednesday. I have roughly 100 pages of an 840 page book left. Only reason I didn't complete it was due to work and people coming over for labor day. An entertaining piece of fiction is the sort of thing you read in a day. If you have 2-3 hours of free time a day, it's a perfectly feasible goal.

>> No.18997273

20-40 is the correct range. more than that is grazing

>> No.18997281


>> No.18997297

Fifty pages an hour is an indication of either very light material or a lack of contemplation.

>> No.18997317

This >>18997297. I know a guy who was raised without tv and reads a lot. However, he's a complete midwit. Sure, he can regurgitate relevant factoids about something but he never has unique or interesting takes on anything. All the worse, if you confront him with a unique idea/take he won't engage it and, at most, will deflect away from it by bringing up some esoteric shit related to the topic at hand. It's a common trait you find in pretentious university students that few of them actually grow out of.

Basically, I don't care if you've read 10 or 100 books this year. If the only thing you can say about them is rote regurgitation of it, you're worthless and not worth talking to (I can just read a summary of the book and know what "your" ideas are).

>> No.18997318

>i can blast through a 300 page book in one sitting

>> No.18997322

Sweeping generalizations for things that you aren't able to do is an indication of low intelligence and a lack of recognition that there are things that occur in this world beyond how you see them. I've done this through years of practice and habit, I make notes when appropriate, and I check to make sure I retain the information at hand. It's ok to be a slow reader anon

>> No.18997344

Some people read books that interest them, not books that /lit/ dictates.

>> No.18997345

It's all about length. Check their goodreads page for average book length. I knew a bitch who has like 200 but they were like 100 pages each and she had like 1/4 of the pages read I did.

>> No.18997402

I don’t tell people I read over 150 books a year, but I do. It’s not that hard. I don’t believe you if you say you read for hours a day unless you are the slowest reader on earth. Just try.

And before you say it’s YA, these were my last five books over the last two weeks:
Cadillac desert (NF, about water rights in SW USA)
One Hundred Years of Solitude (classic fiction)
The Worst Hard Time (history of the dust bowl)
Desert Solitaire (NF)
Velocity weapon (Adult SciFi)
The Monkey Wrench Gang (classic fiction)

>> No.18997408

Also, I can’t count.

>> No.18997425

lol she's ugly so she attention whores with 'books'

>> No.18997430

No, it's 200 different dicks, some of them more than once.

>> No.18997456

>I know zoomers can't relate but most people didn't grew up watching television and playing videogames until dawn
Mostest zoomers growded upped with gooder grammar than you, and those who didn't, know better than to correct others.

>> No.18997461

Some people lie to strangers on the internet. Others, realizing that it means nothing, choose to be honest.

>> No.18997693

Based and redpilled

>> No.18998301
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I don't understand why are anones so worked up about this. Reading a book a day isn't THAT hard, something like 300-400 pages isn't a lot, definitely doable in two days if you don't like to read for a long period of time.
My problem is affording all these books, I don't earn that much as a low-middle class southeuro. It doesn't help that my local library has an embarrassing collection (novels, anglo trash or help books).

I might be biased here since I don't really have any social life, its basically work <---> home.

>> No.18998328

Annie Dillard read mostly hefty tomes about theology entomology quantum mechanics and spent most of her day stalking muskrats, still claiming 100 books a year

>> No.18998331

It is hard if you're not a neet and read books that are not shit

>> No.18998333

>anones so worked up
It's not the thought that someone could read this many books in a year.
It's that people who brag about it like this tend to read the literary equivalent of romcoms and cape movies; which may as well not even be literature, but that's another topic.

>> No.18998348
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Skipping all the chapters in Moby Dick where the narrator teaches us about whales is a sin. Those chapters create the magnificient pacing of the book and help the reader understand why the whale is so majestic.
If you have to skip or skim parts of any book, you might as well only read a summary, which, needless to say, does not count as reading the entire book.

>> No.18998357

Interesting that if someone says they play video games for 3 hours a day nobody questions it. But if you say you read for 3 hours a day then clearly you're lying. Reading 3 hours a day should easily put you at 150 books a year.

>> No.18998373

Quality post. Keep your sober, kind heart, Anon.

>> No.18998396

I read like 70 light novels in the last two months. If the prose is easy to process and you have abundant time with nothing better to do, its pretty easy to go through a ton.

>> No.18998404

It depends. Are you reading easily digestible shit? Do you forget its contents after six months and are only left with "general impressions"? Do plays and short stories count as books? A 40 page play then becomes equal to a 900 page classical mechanics textbook.

>> No.18998422

Last year I read about 120 books.
Really not that hard. I have about a 40 page an hour reading speed. So if the average book is 300 pages and you spend an entire afternoon and night reading, you can essentially read an entire book in a day.
So that means give or take book length, you can read about 5 books a week.
If anything 100 should be on the low side.

>> No.18998426

Post Goodreads or spreadsheet

>> No.18998432

Retard, literally the entire planet spent half the year locked in their bedrooms. If you think reading 100 books in 2020 is unbelievable, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.18998452

What? I don't know about you, but our quarantine lasted for like two weeks max, non-mandatory workers went back to work after that short period of time. You're telling me corporate let you slack off for six months and on top of that continued to pay you regularly?

>> No.18998665

gonna need you to expand on this a little

>> No.18998670

Until today, I didn't really believe you could one-up that scene. And then I saw this: >>18996710

>> No.18998688

No I got fired and applied for unemployment

>> No.18998703

yeah hit me up with the 37 minute youtube video documenting this

>> No.18998708

Like many other anons pointed out, it depends on what you read and how much you contemplate what you read. For example, it took me 2 weeks to read Faust. I was reading Crime and Punishment in parallel though, but even if I eliminate the time I spent reading the latter, I think I still spent 7-8 days on Faust because of its sheer complexity when you take in equation the amount of references to various people, works, topics and themes I had no fucking clue about. I couldn't just read it like a normal poem, I felt like had to do some research on every single thing, topic or person it was referencing in order to achieve a deeper appreciation of the work, for example, how many of you here are well versed in alchemy? I'm not. And so, I had to take many breaks to get at least a general idea about the various references.

>> No.18998777

Magazines ARE books.

>> No.18998811

Is a man more of a Chad for fucking one woman 201 times or 100 women for an average of 2 times each?

>> No.18998830

I know a lot of people are lying about reading 300-400 pages a day since speed reading is a meme and works only for midwit books that require no cognative effort, but it's still an insane amount of pages. Reading 100 pages takes like 5 hours for me.

I've tried increasing my reading speed but it feels futile af - you just forget and miss a bunch of information by trying too hard to read fast. Maybe I'm missing something. Is IQ so limited or can you increase it for reading faster?

>> No.18998860
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>Reading 100 pages takes like 5 hours for me
thats insanely slow brother.

>> No.18998867

So you have dyslexia? Gotcha

>> No.18998871

Your reading speed can increase depending on how much/often you read. How much and after how long? I cannot say. It depends on a lot of various factors like your cognitive capabilities, age, discipline, mood, the quality of your sleep, what you eat, etc. To give you a generic answer, sleep well, eat fish and fruits, stay hydrated, try reading at fixed intervals when your brain functions at maximum capacity(this interval varies from person to person but try for starters 10am-14pm or 16pm-20pm), don't smoke weed etc. But keep in mind that even if your reading speed will increase, you probably won't notice.

>> No.18998884
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>> No.18998887

Ah makes sense. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

>> No.18998892

I will also accept this.

>> No.18998895

I mean 100 pages in 5 hours is slow by any standard. Unless you’re just re-reading Ulysses on loop but every time you start again you’ve just magically forgotten all its contents and it’s like you’re reading everything for the first time again. 100 pages takes me about 2 hours and I’m not a speadreader by any means. One trick that a lot of “speed readers” advise is to turn of your inner monologue. I tried it a few times and it does seem to increase reading pace and possible retention, because my brain just conjures images I associate with words, but I can never keep it up for too long.

>> No.18998901

kek, this is why I keep visiting this website

>> No.18998903

Everyone in here is so insecure about how slow they read. Accept the fact that there are people who read better than you.

>> No.18998918

>(I saw one doing the reading goal thing who set herself 5000 or something and claims to have read over 4000 so far)
I have to say, I have tried to import my library in goodreads and that fucking idiot automatically considered all books "read"

>> No.18998924

The reign of quantity...

>> No.18998935

Low-middle class southeuro here. Go to thrift stores (generic ones, NOT book-oriented ones, absolute gems at 1-3 euros).

>> No.18998939

>Post some of her suggestions
Um wow sweaty. Would you really steal from a Twitter influencer?

>> No.18998943

Honestly I read nothing during quarantine, I had too many mental issues.

>> No.18998957
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I was just curious. Relax.

>> No.18998959

Rude. I’m a NEET.

>> No.18998964


>> No.18998974

the very word 'influencer' causes an acid reflux in me. i taste bile.

>> No.18998991


No, but the point is you shouldn't brag that you read a lot if you read shit that requires 0 brain capacity because when you brag about the number of books, you're doing it so others will consider you intellectual, which sure would be fine if it were a lot of books about serious subjects, not fantasy stories.

>> No.18998993

B a s e d

>> No.18999022

>what is with people who say they read 100+ books per year?
I like reading. I read more when I was younger, but that was because I was stuck in school. I'd eat my way through a book every day, that's 365 books, give or take.

>> No.18999025

ur supposed to read em not eat em

>> No.18999030
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I needed the extra fiber in my diet and I was always finished reading them so what?

>> No.18999179

>Sweeping generalizations equal low iq
he doesn't know

>> No.18999607

Any idiot can easily read fifty pages of hegel or joyce in an hour by simply reproducing the sounds indicated by the letters in my brain. Any higher intelligence must by necessity go more slowly in order to comprehend the meaning behind these noises.

>> No.18999624


>> No.18999693

>But with some non fiction you can survey and skim and I think that still counts as reading the book.
nigga this isn't a sport. why are you worried so much about your reading stats that you don't read?

>> No.18999781

bookshelves are for books you intend to read/read again
the rest can perish

>> No.18999909

She cute

>> No.19000417

I bouth 5 Jack Reacher paperbacks from a thrift store, and read them all in a single weekend. They're entertaining and hard to put down, but in the end all leave a bad taste of trash in your mouth.

>> No.19000606

142 pages a day: about 2.5 hours of reading per day. It's viable if you're disciplined about it. I doubt many are, though, not to mention you'd have to sacrifice something (either sleep, social obligations, or career opportunities).

>> No.19000643

Not him but I can do that if the style is readily parsed: non-fiction + experimental sentence structure makes it hard to absorb a book like that. I found No Longer Human easy and read that in a single sitting.

>> No.19001141

Which booktuber is this

>> No.19001178

I'm sure everyone in this thread has at least 3 hours to read

>> No.19001408
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>And if you read all of Moby Dick but skipped the cetology chapter.
They're the best parts.

>> No.19001462

Its really not that hard, I can easily read 500+ pages a day. Don't put other people down if you can't do it though, that just makes you look like an angry retard.

>> No.19001474

I agree, which is why I bring up discipline. Refusing to waste time on forums takes discipline (refusing to waste time in general is a discipline).

>> No.19001480

I wanna post the one with a third panel of the american thinking about black on white porn, but this is a blue board.

>> No.19001720

>500 pages
Bullshit, what are you reading? Garfield comics?

>> No.19001735

They read baby books

>> No.19001824

Not him but look up “rwhitegoose racism” or something like that. Basically this speedrun guy had his discord chat leaked and he was saying a bunch of redpilled shit about jews controlling the media and propaganda forcing people to racemix or something. I forget exactly what was said, and I don’t know why that guy said every speedrunner was like that. It’s really just one guy.

>> No.19002491

I read like all the Dresden Files and The Dark Tower this year. That inflated my yearly reads by like 24 books. The amount if books you read doesn't matter. I read real literature a lot more slowly

>> No.19002503

>Jurassic Park is too complicated for most Americans, according to that scale

>> No.19002550
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i am a slow reader. it would take me a year to read three 800 page non-fiction books

>> No.19002634

most Americans are esl retards and blacks now

>> No.19002663

It took me 3 months to read the Iliad and Odyssey after reading it every night. I thought I was doing good. Reading Beyond Good and Evil and it's going over my head. I don't know how people tackle hundreds of books a year.

>> No.19002677

the difference is night and day between a real book that you have to think about and some modern trash. the latter i can get through in 2 days tops

>> No.19002885

There are faggots who just skim read books and supposedly "get" the principal ideas that way.

>> No.19002911

Anyone can learn to speed read.

I learned in 20 minutes following a how 2 article. You do it with your finger a certain way. You make sure not to trace all the way to the edge of the page because your field of vision can pick up text clearly within a certain small area around your finger. You also need to move your finger at an even speed. After doing some example pages you'll be used to the technique.

Your eyes just vacuum up the text. It's handy if you want to zip through instructions to find a certain detail or you're at work.
I wouldn't do it for fiction or something I wanted to enjoy because it turns your eyes into scanners and you blitz through it too fast for anything to have proper dramatic weight.

>> No.19002961

Holy cope


>> No.19003004

>I don't know how people tackle hundreds of books a year.
It's not like I read 50 Iliads/year (I never reached 100 books). I have two small books that are just a collection of "last words". No plot to follow, 10 lines max for each paragraph (last words + quick bio facts), yet very interesting, not a common book.

>> No.19003045

it's hard to feel angry about anything people say on social media: it's fake
I just assume it's a lie and move on
saves a lot of time

>> No.19003129

According to whom? I read much slower than that & I have read more this year than ever.

>> No.19003163

I breeze through short books. But those of 250+ pages I approach in a slower manner, read 2 or 3 chapters and call it a day

>> No.19003179

This. I've read a lot of web novels when I was younger and liked them a lot, but I wouldn't count that as anything to brag about since it takes so little energy that you can basically do it forever without getting tired. I don't think I can think of anything I could do for 50-60h straight without taking a break and still not be very tired besides that.

>> No.19003979

thanks for the clarification, that explains why I wasn't finding anything when searching.
I enjoy watching speedrunning when they have the events every six months, but I'm also kind of fascinated by the sheer autism, degeneracy, infighting and turbodrama that the community experiences on a regular basis: trihex getting banned from the tournament for saying 'faggot' is a particularly bewildering example.

>> No.19003988

I have always been the slowest reader in my class and it takes me about a week to read a book that is 300 pages. You must be clinically retarded.

>> No.19004651
File: 36 KB, 720x572, hegel-time-travel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I read Nietzsche it was going over my head too. Part of that was I wasn't used to reading philosophy (which requires a fundamentally different type of reading skillset compared to fiction) as well as having ADHD. If your eyes are just glossing over the words without taking in the content of the sentence, as it relates to other sentences in succession, you will get basically nothing out of it. Nowadays when I read Nietzsche, there are hardly any passages I miss the point entirely. The only time I miss them is if he's talking about a relatively obscure poet or some shit, even then a little bit of effort does wonders. Unironically, reading the greeks or just having a cursory understanding of the general canon of western literature and ideas will do you wonders when reading philosophy, as well as reading other philosophers the writer draws from.

Eventually I got around to reading Heidegger, and I got so much out of it, although I could only read about 10 pages a day on average. Some days I only read a paragraph so that I could digest or ponder over what he said. Other times I reread. I eventually finished the book despite it taking over 7 months of labor. This instilled the best reading habits in me of any book I have come across.

On average I read about 5-12 books a year, with many more articles. Nowadays with my sharpened skill set I can read a 200-350 page philosophical work in about month.

If you can't put the work into your own words, you're probably not able to deal with different interpretations on these sorts of works or compare them to other thinkers at a scholarly level, and you probably shouldn't read philosophy. Mark autism down as another requirement.

>> No.19004730

It comes down to thinking speed. I sure hope you don't think by actually subvocalizing words, anon. You can develop ideas in your mind without needing a monologue like you're constantly explaining yourself to someone else in your head.

>> No.19004744
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>And if you read all of Moby Dick but skipped the cetology chapter. Shouldn’t that still count?
No, it doesn't count. The greatest part about Moby Dick is how Ishmael seemlessly weaves together narrative, philosophical ramblings about life, and seventeenth century whaling lore into one cohesive art. You genuinely miss out on the gravity the story presents if you ignore the context. The sheer amount of autism Melville had to have had in order to compose this is astounding and needs to be appreciated. The amount of research and love this man had for whales is visible in the work only if you take it all in. Without cetology, without the chapters that focus on Ahab's mindset, without the overly romantic, borderline pretentiousness if Ishmael's voice, it's just a story about a man who's pissed at a whale. And being just a story isn't enough to have secured it in the western canon or make it a contender for the greatest book of all time.

>> No.19005741

They're unemployed. Or "working" as booktubers because they're financially well-off due to their marriage. I don't think people understand just how much reading 100 books a year is.

>> No.19005747
File: 9 KB, 323x182, Recent updates Goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to speedrun. I have, however, made certain promises.

>> No.19005775

Yup. It'll take you a lot longer to read a classic or a philosophical treatise than "special teenager takes down the evil government" story #5899.

>> No.19005777

>Goose saying you gotta hide your power level
He didn't do that too well.

>> No.19006020
File: 9 KB, 216x233, gfhjfhjfbjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git good loser

>> No.19006131

It can be done even with non-YA as long as it is your main activity outside of work. And you will get faster at reading if you do it a lot. However most of these people bragging are indeed reading YA.

>> No.19006198

Mostly read non-fiction. I skim or speed read to understand the basic points the author is raising, then I’ll re-read the book or go back to certain parts to understand the intricacies of the arguments being made. I usually try to make sure I can at least restate what’s being said in my own words after a first read.

I usually approach books with specific questions in mind or some kind of idea about what I want to get out of it. There’s not really any way to know beforehand to what extent it’s going to address these or how strong the arguments are, and there’s too much I want to read to spend time slogging through stuff that ends up being irrelevant to what I’m interested in.

At this pace I could do 100 books a year if I was consistent, but like OP I’m probably closer to 30 - 50. I’ll read 3-4 a week but then go a long time without reading.

>> No.19006221

It’s not really a lot. The average book, regardless of genre, is in the ballpark of 300 pages. You only need to average ~82 pages per night, which is 1-2 hours of reading depending on the font size and complexity of the material. With YA novels, you’d easily finish 100+ in a year if you spent an hour reading to unwind before bed.

>> No.19006284

>and he was saying a bunch of redpilled shit about jews controlling the media and propaganda forcing people to racemix or something.
this is literally like 90% of white males in their private conversations tho.

>> No.19006356

idk bro sounds a lot like me

>> No.19006442

>Yeah women are retarded and don't understand how embarrassing it is to brag about reading 500 books when you mean you've read 500 books about queer vampire assassins for children with 30 giant words per page. Men know not to say such retarded things because men have experience of hierarchies and hobby-driven social settings where you get mercilessly mocked and excluded for posturing without being able to back it up. Women live in carefree happy go lucky la la land so they don't understand things like this.

>> No.19006651
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Step out your echochamber

>> No.19007395


>> No.19007408

life is hard to understand, and good books attempt to grapple with that

>> No.19007542
File: 486 KB, 1000x757, 79c0628fe1379e36d216e511b914319d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we using pages as a valid unit for reading speed ? Pages' length can vary from a 1 to 3 ratio.

>> No.19007554

True. I had a version of the 4gospels+acts that was 400 pages long.
Then i bought a complete bible. 4 gospels + acts are 150 pages long in the latter.

>> No.19007579

i don't mean to brag, but in second grade I was reading harry potter and put it down because I thought it was the stupidest shit ever.

i never read in school because the only thing they made us read was YA crap. I read more this past year than my entire public school period

>> No.19007615

>look at me I read the bible
nobody cares

>> No.19007757

True, but what else do we have?
Word counts? Books don't have it.

>> No.19007807

>implying i read the books i own
>implying reading the bible is something to be proud of
>implying i need validation on a tibetan imageboard
I dont need your (you). Take it back.
I'd go for the chapters per publishing year. In this day and age, chapters are 20 pages long. Years ago it was 5 pages long. But years ago, books had a smaller font.
Therefore it equates to the same number of words.

>> No.19007963

Almost 200 books a year is something 1 book every 2 or 3 days. I’m calling bullshit. But I also have dyslexia making me a slow reader so maybe I’m just too retarded to read that fast.

>> No.19008194

I was proud of myself for reading jurassic park in third grade. The book was so much better than the movie and the chaos theory fractal diagrams were cool and mysterious
Loved harry potter too, every white/asian kid with triple digit IQ did

>> No.19008247

I've read 27 books so far this month (8 days for those who do not have a calendar)

>> No.19008376

Sometimes I wish copyright never ended and you needed approval from Shakespeares ghost to use his stuff.

>> No.19008420

It's not a brag. A 2 year old would think Tolstoy and Hesse are terrible. You are doing the exact same thing everyone in this thread came here to laugh at.

You never read in school because you're a pseud. They made you do math and English every day? Should I assume you didn't do those in your free time?

>> No.19008642

Post list
>A 2 year old would think Tolstoy and Hesse are terrible.
True, I didn't like Santana at 12

>> No.19008755

grief is the thing with feathers - max porter
1914 - jean echenoz
"repent, harlequin!" said the ticktock man - harlan ellison
hell is the absence of god - ted chiang
indian nocturne - antonio tabucchi
the dream life of balso snell - nathanael west
a grief observed - c.s. lewis
mogens and other stories - jens peter jacobsen
you should have left - daniel kehlmann
the captain is out to lunch and the sailors have taken over the ship - charles bukowski
heliopause - heather christie
old rendering plant - wolfgang hilbig
the yellow arrow - victor pelevin
a boy and his dog - harlan ellison
fup - jim dodge
tender buttons - gertrude stein
the necrophiliac - gabrielle wittkop
morphone - mikhail bulgakov
wild is the wind - carl phillips
a memory of wind - rachel swirsky
white as milk, red as blood - franz xaver von schonwerth
hellscreen - ryunosuke akutagawa
the art and craft of approaching your head of department to submit a request for a raise - georges perec
this is please - mary gaitskill
the bridegroom was a dog - yoko tawada
eros, philia, agape - rachel swirsky
babyfucker - urs allemann
incidences - danill kharms
these possible lies - fleur jaeggy

it's 29 now. i read two more since my last post.

>> No.19008850

you're a slow reader and it depends on the type of reading
>people read for entertainment and don't give a fuck about difficulty or retention
>average books takes 3-7 hours to complete at average reading speed

>> No.19008939

I randomly selected a few books to look up and they were all ~100 pages. Pretty embarrassing, anon.

>> No.19009044

not embarrassing at all. the thread is about reading a lot of books. those are books. i can't help it if the term is so nebulous.

>> No.19009226

The last one is 64 pages! Are you allergic to high page counts?

>> No.19009244

i'm reading everything i have starting with the shortest

>> No.19009270


>> No.19009483

It's unbelievable how insecure /lit/ sounds like. Just read a your own pace ffs, almost like most of you never had sex.

>> No.19009497

>i'm reading everything i have starting with the shortest
This should be the new banner at the top of /lit/

>> No.19009556

i bet i've had more sex than you

>> No.19009561

you think that's impressive? i've literally raped >>19009483

>> No.19009762

I bet your mom has sucked more dicks than you've read books

>> No.19009773

Hmm sweaty I got touched as child...

>> No.19010791

Both nonfiction, usually something related to history and fiction novels. No BS, Joseph Stallin read at least that much every night while being head of state. I've been reading for longer than some of you have been alive probably. Most of the books I've seen mentioned here I've read ages ago, and about 80% of the books mentioned here, reading them was my homework.

>> No.19010955

>Approximately 17 pages per minute