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18994098 No.18994098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explain why the government supports left wing extremism but suppresses even moderately right wing views?

>> No.18994119

Left-wingers are a threat that needs to be placated.
The right isn't a threat.

>> No.18994170

>books that explain why [narrow politicized notion]?
threads are sometimes thinly veiled bait to get us to fume and argue and flood OP with (you)s. If you're being sincere, it helps to post some evidence that you've tried and failed to answer this question yourself: what authors have you looked for, and how have you found them lacking?

>> No.18994184

If I already knew of authors and books that explained what I’m trying to understand, I would be asking for authors and books that explain, now would I? Stupid fuck.

>> No.18994185

LoLchads, I KNEEL

>> No.18994189

we have an olympic gymnast in here

>> No.18994192

>I would be asking
*I wouldn’t be asking

>> No.18994198

But seriously, why are the right so incompetent? The left are there, getting their people into the institutions, influencing policy etc etc, and the right post frogs on the internet and put cringe 300 stickers on their bumpers

>> No.18994237

>Stupid fuck.
we're not going to learn anything from each other.
to the lurkers, note that in any other internet forum one would expect some preliminary effort when asking a question, something like "I tried searching on google but only found...", or "my common sources said nothing about this". lit is the same way, at least for threads that have real value in which we can learn from.

>> No.18994258

If you deny the Holocaust or imply the country is secretly run by Jews, you are instantly shunned by society and banned from all mainstream social media platforms. If you deny the Uyghur genocide or imply the country is secretly run by Russians, you become an internet celebrity and receive happy birthday letters from governors. That’s why the left is so powerful. They can parrot the opinions of Neo Nazis as long as they swap out a few words, but if you even think of saying you’re not sure if you support COVID lockdowns, you are public enemy number one.

>> No.18994269

Mhm yeah. Meanwhile libs are seething about abortion bans supported by a US supreme court that is as far to the right as it has been in 60 years.

>> No.18994296

So take a leaf out of Gramsci, and do the same long march through the institutions. The left did it.
But you won't, because the you lot are incompetent and don't have the brains for it

>> No.18994302
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books that explain why /pol/tards will read pages of schizo threads but won't bother reading a single page of non-fiction? books that explain why /pol/tards feel the need to dismantle every other board? Books that explain why I'm still lurking on this cunt board when it's clearly ruined by r*dditors and incels?

>> No.18994314

You mean you wont.

>> No.18994320
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>D-did you just say something socially unacceptable on 4chan? That’s not the 4chan I remember! 4chan used to be a bastion of normality and politically moderate opinions! Fucking /pol/.
I’m so tired of new fags pretending to be old fags.

>> No.18994321

we don't have the coke or the beatles either

>> No.18994327

>why /pol/tards will read pages of schizo threads but won't bother reading a single page of non-fiction?
Because they are stupid. David Icke videos are easy, books iz hard.
Still, we had an okay Walter Scott thread before they got upset that he didn't hate jews

>> No.18994335

Why would I want to? As far as I can see, being ruled by leftist jews is pretty cool.

>> No.18994341

The left didn't do anything but jump when told to jump. Your ideals align with people far richer than you, so they accepted you and yours as stooges and mouthpieces.

>> No.18994349

Holy kek.

>> No.18994376

OP you're getting pretty pathetic even for polfag standards, your efforts on speed-replying with wojaks will all be wasted once the jannies delete this thread. I want literature on this board. If you don't then gtfo

>> No.18994400

Go dilate about it on bunkerchan, hon

>> No.18994411

I sincerely think the idea of reading books doesn't even cross their minds

>> No.18994412

Never happened
Anyway google something like this

Lead Years
Strategy Tension

>> No.18994421

Imagine bring this mindfucked by /pol/

>> No.18994423

This guy is too stupid and narcissistic to understand how much of a clown it makes him look that the governor congratulates him while he LARPs as a revolutionary communist to his hordes of teenage viewers. Genuinely this guy is like hyperreal rebellion.

>> No.18994425

Strategy tension still follows the same gameplan but with the flags switched around now. Groups like Antifa or BLM are the new staybehind/domestic armies.

>> No.18994429

The left aren't a threat either you moron. This is all copes they whisper to themselves as the neolibs shove their cocks in them. Radical liberalism is literally good for capital, they want you to be a gay cosmopolitan office bug with no identity consooming the latest product.

>> No.18994435
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I'd be honored to get a letter from a governor

>> No.18994443

Because the government does not want you to be free. See? Now you don't need a book.

>> No.18994446
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>If you deny the Uyghur genocide
Never happened
>t-that's leftism!
>Saudi Arabia on Thursday defended signing a letter along with 36 other countries in support of China’s policies in its western region of Xinjiang, where the United Nations says at least 1 million ethnic Uighurs and other Muslims have been detained.
And now tell me that fucking Saudi Arabia of all places is leftist

>> No.18994448

The left isn't a threat, the right is. Anything to the contrary is cope. There is a reason antifa and BLM rioters are largely ignored by the government, and right-wing militias and the like aren't. Only the right wing is acting as a fifth column, the left actually strengthens the system.

t. liberal

>> No.18994462

How the fuck is BLM a staybehind organization if they organize marches and go speak in media?

>> No.18994464

>Stats from the Chinese government
>Support from countries bought out by Chinese dollars
Genuinely embarrassing

>> No.18994484

Other way around.

Ultimately the lefties do nothing but yell and smash things in the streets, which doesn't hurt the government in any way. If anything it justifies further authoritarian force.

Right wing extremists tend to bomb government buildings and form armed militia groups and avoid paying taxes.

>> No.18994486

>Saudi Arabia is China-aligned
In what kind of alternate reality do you live?
Does the Vatican still exist in there?

>> No.18994487

Because they're the ones that cause destruction and harm while getting a spotless reputation in national (media-sanctioned) awareness. You still need enforcers and thugs to induce fear in localized populations to agitate and build the actual tension, while shifting the political blame elsewhere, the proud boys in Oregon being an example, or January 6.
It's pure compartmentalization which is the OSS/CIA's MO for operations like Gladio.

>> No.18994494

You can’t be serious. Do you honestly think any institution would allow you to do that. The left was able to long march through the institutions because of liberal free speech ideals and natural leftward entropy. Any right genuine reactionary will be frozen out or drummed out for hate speech.

>> No.18994498

>spotless reputation in national (media-sanctioned) awareness.
>which is the OSS/CIA's MO for operations like Gladio.
No, ffs, Gladio did not go on fucking CNN to state their goals. What are you even talking about.

>> No.18994511

Not that they are Chinese-aligned, but they are not willing to risk trade relations with China for the sake of the Uyghurs. If you think KSA is a country which supports the rights of Muslims over its own interests, you are delusional. Now, if there is no genocide, why doesn't the Chinese government let UN observers into the camps?

>inb4 "what about US border" or some other wumao cope
We should let the UN in there too, I have no problem with that.

>> No.18994516

Whatever, I just hope some spics rape their daughter and nigs beat their sons to death.

>> No.18994522

Neither does BLM/Antifa, not really. Don't you think it's a plausible evolution of the strategy of tension to have an organization with nominally worthwhile goals, but effects terroristic tactics? In a world where everyone has a camera in a pocket and is able to immediately communicate to wide swathes of people, you'd need to get out ahead of it and legitimize the staybehinds so they can do their work with the least resistance.

>> No.18994535

I hope the big ugly black guy wins and fucks Gavin in the arse.

>> No.18994564

Which side deserves this? I don’t think lefties deserve such a fate. Probably 80% of them are just retards genuflecting to power and media. Most people are not capable of critical thinking and just don’t what they are told.

>> No.18994571

>it's not fair, they are big and mean and don't let us do shit
Just admit you are weak faggots and by your own retarded ideology you deserve to lose. You can't even occupy a fucking campus to get the syllabus changes you want. Blue haired trannies are a more effective political unit than you

>> No.18994580

Just admit you love conformity, and that you kiss the feet of oligarchs like a broken dog.

>> No.18994605

I don't give a shit dude, I just want my dick sucked by cheap brown hookers
You guys on the other hand, bitch about how dreadful troons and fags and leftists are, yet get your asses kicked every time you try to confront them. Then you talk some bullshit about strong men and hard times, post some frogs and tell yourself you're a warrior
It's worth saying again, because it's so fucking funny: blue haired redditors are beating you. You don't have the wherewithal to defeat a bunch of dudes in dresses

>> No.18994636

What "left" are you talking about?
Post-Marxist and desconstructionist left is unironically a CIA psyop. The 'proletarian' left of Brigate Rosse, M-26-7, or the Red Army, aren't there anymore and have been as marginalized as the extreme right (of which real contingents remain only a few - muh Jews and muh race is not Fascism).

>> No.18994647
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>If you think KSA is a country which supports the rights of Muslims over its own interests
Never said it did. I was answering to the statement that "denying Uyghur genocide is leftism", which is not.
>why doesn't the Chinese government let UN observers into the camps?
Never happened
>United Nations’ counterterrorism chief Vladimir Voronkov in China to visit Xinjiang internment camps
>Undersecretary general is highest level UN official to visit far western region

>> No.18994655
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 51EBAB99-F5A0-4629-9622-64A6356EA01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has to pay for sex
>Calls others pathetic

>> No.18994662

You do give a shit, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to mendaciously frame the whole problem as a contest for who's the better tyrant and excusing yourself to go hide behind whoever's holding the whip right now. If you want to be a test tube podboy, that's on you, but trying to belittle the right by claiming they're losing to just trannies instead of the entire economic and political weight of the first world is a lie.

>> No.18994675

This. This. So much this.

>> No.18994711

I'll believe it's not a genocide if the UN gets to investigate and decides that it isn't. In the meantime, video evidence and the testimony of Uyghurs who escaped China leans very heavily towards it being one.

>denying Uyghur genocide is leftism
Not necessarily leftism, but allying oneself with a communist country certainly suggests leftism.

>> No.18994739
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>instead of the entire economic and political weight of the first world
Ultimately it's all a mind game
You don't like racemixing? Do not racemix.
You like buttfucking? Do the buttfucking.
Politically, these are non-issues, completely irrelevant personal choices.
What matters is how corporations behave towards the public, which is ignored by everybody because "fuck trannies" "fuck niggers" "fuck kkk" "fuck patriarchy"


I notice that there is a middle class in Dahl that despises the heatsinkers and a criminal class that terrorizes the rest of the sector.” Davan’s lips tightened, but he remained unmoved. “Quite true. Quite true. But the Empire encourages it as a matter of principle. Dahl has the potential for making serious trouble. If the heatsinkers should go on strike, Trantor would experience a severe energy shortage almost at once . . . with all that that implies. However, Dahl’s own upper classes will spend money to hire the hoodlums of Billibotton--and of other places-to fight the heatsinkers and break the strike. It has happened before. The Empire allows some Dahlites to prosper-comparatively-in order to convert them into Imperialist lackeys, while it refuses to enforce the arms-control laws effectively enough to weaken the criminal element “The Imperial government does this everywhere--and not in Dahl alone [...] Each sector is encouraged to be suspicious of its neighbours. Within each sector, economic and social classes are encouraged to wage a kind of war with each other. The result is that all over Trantor it is impossible for the people to take united action. Everywhere, the people would rather fight each other than make a common stand against the central tyranny and the Empire rules without having to exert force.”

>inb4 its a juice
The trick is real and is being used right now. He saw through it, and he's telling (You). But he was a leftist j*w, so nevermind, let's just keep beating fags for holding hands

>> No.18994827

I agree with all this, it's just that the corporations, government, and millions of mob-followers are congealing (or maybe already have congealed) into an unassailable monoparty/monoculture/mono*

>> No.18994830

> Human Rights Watch says that [Xinjiang internment camps] have been used to indoctrinate Uyghurs and other Muslims since 2017 as part of a "people's war on terror", a policy announced in 2014.

>Chancellor of Germany In office 30 January 1933 – 30 April 1945
>The first camps were established in March 1933

If CCP had wanted to exterminate the Uyghurs (why, though? A periferic population in a border region - it's not like they control the banks or something) they would have done so decades ago.

>In the meantime, video evidence and the testimony of Uyghurs who escaped China leans very heavily towards it being one.
Just to be clear: I'm sure these camps are horrible places (all prisons are, except maybe Norwegian ones, or the like), and there are rapes, beatings, torture, brainwashing, murder, whatever. But genocide? I don't buy that, sorry.

>> No.18995201

The leftist agenda advances (((cabal))) interests. That's all.

>> No.18995209

ask me how I know you're a wumao ESL

>> No.18995223

>I'm sure these camps are horrible places (all prisons are, except maybe Norwegian ones, or the like), and there are rapes, beatings, torture, brainwashing, murder, whatever. But genocide? I don't buy that, sorry.
If you recognize that there are brainwashings, rapes, murders, and torture at these camps, how does it not qualify as a genocide? You're arguing over semantics.

>> No.18995231

Hasan is a grifting multi-millionaire and not even remotely a threat to the State

>> No.18995248

Unironically I think I am becoming a Stalinist Gentilist. We need to destroy the corporations and then ruthlessly purge the left of anti worker bourgeois elements.

>> No.18995254

happy birthday, comrade

>> No.18995301

The leftists' voice is now being heard more than ever and governments are changing everything accordingly to their stupid thinking just not to hurt their feelings. We are teaching our kids there are hundreds of genders, that being gay/lesbian is special, feminists oppressing males. The winners are the ones that write the history and continue to do so. Invest your moneys on crematorium companies anons. Sooner or later it will happen again.

>> No.18995345

New normals always occur. It isn't affecting me that the US is changing to this pozzed reality. Learn to accept the changing world if you can't change with it

>> No.18995376


>> No.18995413
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>> No.18995431

I won't accept the change if I am not allowed to speak the truth and shut my mouth just because someone gets hurt from it. They have to accept things as they are. USA is the source of all these bullshits and that is why it is turning into a shithole. But please let the white european male out of this.

>> No.18995441

Man you really are salty your shitty european country can't stop sucking america's cock huh?

>> No.18995472

>Your ideals align with people far richer than you
elucidate on these ideals if you will

>> No.18995486

>If you deny the Holocaust or imply the country is secretly run by Jews, you are instantly shunned by society
And rightfully so. 99 times out of 100 a person who does that IS an unironic neo-nazi, or at the very least, if they refuse that label, they hold views that are strikingly similar, and that garbage should have no place in modern society. Or any society, really.
This post is unironic by the way. It's fucking sad that we've got to the point where you need to specify that on this board, but here we are.

>> No.18995526

>filters and post hiding
>check filter and highlight specific threads/posts
>press add
>check auto and hide
>type the tripcode (in this case: !faker/PodU)
>check on
>Press save
>save settings

Now you don't have to see this tranny faggot post

>> No.18995529

because everyone else who would rationally be able to think and express those thoughts, which reflect reality, have been cowed into silence by people in power

>> No.18995562

Have none of you ever got birthday cards from your politicians? I've received a few from congressmen and city councilmen.

>> No.18995565

wtf does this even mean? Do you like the fact that your country is runned by the jews?

>> No.18995617

The government is a giant tard wrangler institution that works to corral and subdue the population when it gets a bit too rowdy for their liking. The government is ironically rather agnostic politically at least in some sense, following a general code of conduct and swatting away any ideological flies that get too close to inciting change or causing a shift in the status quo. If you seriously believe that the government gives a shit about the right or left beyond the most rudimentary means (are they a threat, are they armed, do they intend to do something to our interests, do they pay taxes) then you simply spend too much time on the internet and have adopted a tribalist mentality that doesn't really work in the real world, where things are significantly more nuanced. People that rise to power in these institutions are filtered heavily by a high bar for entry that gets rid of the overly ideological or those with an agenda, leaving you with a group of wise men that will shift and warp the policy according to what is most pragmatic, what is most likely to keep the peace, what is most likely to secure stability whether by force or otherwise. No government on this earth is really interested in radical change as this is antithetical to its existence, merely they must cling on to political power as tightly as possible with an unshakeable grip and never let go.

>> No.18995618

The Left are propped-up by the elite and used as a bludgeon against the Right. It's that simple.

>> No.18995623

Why do the elite fund the militarization of the police, enact conservative policy, and generally propagandize against any and all left wing attempts at unionization or social welfare programs? It's not that simple.

>> No.18995631


>> No.18995632

>enact conservative policy
As for the rest of it, would you be happier if he said "liberal" and not left? You guys like to draw that distinction but the "left" is then completely irrelevant.

>> No.18995639

>books about extremist opinion I have picked up
>anyone know any books about thing I already agree with
>can someone recommend books defending my latest zinger against well-adjusted people
>looking for books about the made up thing I want other people to buy into

>> No.18995651

I live in texas and the long list of shit (other than just the abortion thing lmao) that is nothing but endless conservative policy choices ranging from criminal defense, to open carry, to forcing the national anthem to play, to what can and can't be taught in schools. The list is too long to thoroughly cover in what amounts to a bad faith conversation.

But yes, that distinction would have been better. I completely agree that WOKE brand bullshit is being pushed to the forefront as a means to placate and displace the poor.

>> No.18995652

>As for the rest of it, would you be happier if he said "liberal" and not left? You guys like to draw that distinction but the "left" is then completely irrelevant.
Not him but yes. I fucking hate liberals more than I hate conservatives and would rather be irrelevant than grouped in with them.

>> No.18995672

the only book of the sort is BAP. I would suggest extremely opinionated podcasts for the rest of your ego stroking pleasure

>> No.18995685

Tucker Carlson? Is that you?

Imagine seriously thinking that extreme leftists constitute some kind of threat.

>> No.18995692

In order, the top five threats to the USA are:
1. Climate change
2. China
3. Radical leftists/liberals (Antifa, BLM, etc.)
4. Right-wing terrorists
5. Opioids

>> No.18995701

>other than just the abortion thing lmao) that is nothing but endless conservative policy choices ranging from criminal defense, to open carry, to forcing the national anthem to play, to what can and can't be taught in schools.
Oh come on. Wait 5 years and the Overton window will shift in the left's favor.

>> No.18995723

>Only five people should own all the wealth and capital, but at least three of them should be women of color!
Yes, I can't wait.

>> No.18995725

I don't think it can go from americans thinking leftism is when global corporations say nice things about homos and black people to the abolishment of capital in 5 years

>> No.18995743

Socialists and Communists are still within the Post WW2/Post-1968 moral consensus, right-wingers are evil.

>> No.18995753

>Only five people should own all the wealth and capital
Well, socialists do want the centralization of the economy, so maybe you'll like it

>> No.18995756

You're just seething because corporatism has co-opted socially left things in order to sell your things and you're confused about who's really in charge (hint: it's globalist corporate elites).

Actual leftist ideas, such as Marxism or any structural critique of society are essentially powerless.

>> No.18995767

>central planning is when 5 people own all the wealth and capital
>socialism is when capitalism
mind = blown

>> No.18995803

I'm ESL but not wumao
Feel free to believe what you what
>If you recognize that there are brainwashings, rapes, murders, and torture at these camps, how does it not qualify as a genocide?
Because the aim is not to erase the uighur ethnicity
Just to kick them in submission
Will it work? I don't know
I hope so, do we really need an ISIS to fuck in China too?

>> No.18995831


>> No.18996009
