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18992771 No.18992771 [Reply] [Original]

What books can I read to learn more about this phenomenon?

>> No.18992792

no book worth reading

>> No.18992800


>> No.18992803

Specifically, in what way is it declining?

>> No.18992813

There's probably some kind chudcore essentials list fleeing around somewhere. I haven't got it.

>> No.18992825
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At least post the proper version.

>> No.18992846

why do americucks love niggers so much?

>> No.18992906

Shit meme

>> No.18993079

there is literally a book called "Decline of the West" you stupid fucking nigger
google FIRST

>> No.18993168

Besides that one

>> No.18993178

Does someone have this meme but with pepe's. I saw it a few times but i want to see it again.

>> No.18993179

Quite literally the Bible.

>> No.18993184

Demographically, culturally, in terms of military, influence and anything that possibly could constitute "decline"?

Compare any Western nation to China and tell me which one is doing better?
Whose people are going to live to see the next millenia?

>> No.18993209

Christchurch elf warned us, whitebros... We didn't listen...

Culturally, and, by extension artistically. Negative flynn effect has been observed in most "developed" countries, the most popular writers, musicians, performers, etc. are a complete fucking embarrassment, depression rates are at an absolute all time high world-wide, the few good artists left are becoming obscure, modern philosophy is pointless, 95% of the population is addicted to social media and video games, modern politics is just an inhuman molochian machine of maximizing fake numbers and satisfying woke twitter mobs, most genius-level intellectuals waste their life working on extremely niche pure math/theoretical physics problems which maybe 40 people in the world are equipped to understand because non-verifiable, human sciences are a complete joke, I can't die in a war, everyone in my country is an obese fuck, women are becoming increasingly more insufferable, the environment is being destroyed, the food contains material which causes cancer, everything around you is designed by advertisers to brainwash you, inner moral sense has been muted as much as it can be, virtue signalling dominates, people at the the top are disusing bureaucrats and chicken-sacrificing cultists of a Sumerian demon, I walk into a bookstore and I see garbage all around me, I walk into a restaurant and I hear garbage playing instead of music. World has ended. Apocalypse is now. Your life is a meaningless exercise in angst. You do not even grasp your suffering because you have not seen the world.

>> No.18993230

The intelligence, cultural, and environmental decline you are talking about is present in China as well, and I doubt anyone considers them a declining civilization.

>> No.18993237


>> No.18993261

No but men can be pregnant and boys can be turned to girls now. Pwhahahah the western world really is a fucking parody of itself. Hundreds of years of bloodshed and tragedy all culminated in sodomy, usury and other disgusting acts of degeneracy that these capitalist institutions promote. Fuck them all, I hope the chinks put them all to the sword.

>> No.18993274
File: 239 KB, 955x1280, 955px-Alexis_de_tocqueville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching YouTube.
Start reading.

>> No.18993276

China is an occupied civilization. They are literally the west but not quite as bad. Ironically, their government is trying to reign in the degeneracy (see their restrictions on video games and feminizing influences on men), while the culture itself is trying to copy the west.
China's most popular writers (Yu Hua, Jia Pingwa, Mo Yan, etc.) are also among the most respectable in the world. China is not as bad. But they have declined, extremely so, since the days of the imperial china.

>> No.18993297

Pretty ironic for someone that watches Tocqueville lectures on youtube.

>> No.18993325

Don't think I've ever watched one and can't remember any youtube posts in the Tocqueville threads. So what's your point?

>> No.18993378

The entire world's birthrate is at the lowest point ever and its only because we are fucking too many. Where the decline?
Films, videogames, audiobooks, tv series, documentaries, docuseries, cartoons, comics... W
e have obtained so many new media for entertainment that I cant understand what are talking about: where is the decline?
We created hypersound fighter aircraft, drones that kill people on their own, internet warfare: where is the decline?
>Compare any Western nation to China and tell me which one is doing better?
Demographically: Greenland.
Culturally: Europe(?)
Militarily: Russia.
Whose people are going to live to see the next millenia?
None. Which people from the 1st saw the 2nd millenium? We all eventually mix up.
the most popular writers, musicians, performers, etc. are a complete fucking embarrassment
As it should be. Popularity is very rare that it means quality... See Bach for example.
>depression rates are at an absolute all time high world-wide
Anon was talking about: western decline, not worldwide decline.
>the few good artists left are becoming obscure
As it has always been. See lovecraft.
>95% of the population is addicted to social media and video games
Source? Also, normalfags doing what the fad dictated them to be done is very common. Also, again, not a western only problem.
>modern politics is just an inhuman molochian machine of maximizing fake numbers
American fingers typed this.
>satisfying woke twitter mobs
In... Poland?
>most genius-level intellectuals waste their life working on extremely niche pure math/theoretical physics problems which maybe 40 people in the world are equipped to understand
Before that Irnerius the fad among geniouses.
>non-verifiable, human sciences are a complete joke
As it has always been. Read Bald's leechbook. Not much has changed.
>I can't die in a war, everyone in my country is an obese fuck
Very american hands typed this. Being fat in america isnt a sign of decadence. It's a sign of normality.
>women are becoming increasingly more insufferable
As it has always been... Wait. Did you actually fantasied about a weaboo-tier wife? Good women have to be conquered. Now go get one!
>the environment is being destroyed
Only on the northern and southern pole. YOU dont have to worry even a little bit.
>the food contains material which causes cancer
As it has always been. Eat healthy means to find good shit. Also, it's a worldwide problem.
Im bored now. Fuck off back to your doomsaying scriptures.

>> No.18993389

Take your fedora off, redditor.

>> No.18993400

Alright the problem seems to be with good men, why do these retards keep creating good times? They should make Adequate times, which will produce Okay Men

>> No.18993406
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>Films, videogames, audiobooks, tv series, documentaries, docuseries, cartoons, comics... W
>e have obtained so many new media for entertainment that I cant understand what are talking about: where is the decline?

>> No.18993410
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China's economy is tanking (no pun intended). You're literally eating up all their propaganda like a good westerner.

>> No.18993422

Seethe harder Jew, you can´t fit in as easily in Beijing as you can in Manhattan eh?

>> No.18993425

My diary de gozaru

>> No.18993429

Probably a Map. Directions don’t have potence. Stop your trivial newspaper Magics.

>> No.18993432

I've been hearing predictions of this for literal decades. I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.18993434

>We didn't listen...
no "kike" no "mudslime" no "commie" no "globalist" ever forced you to not have children

literally have sex

>> No.18993452

>allergic to systemic critiques
>literally everything is the individuals fault
>nothing is systemic, just carry on
bad faith faggot, arguing with people like you is cancerous.

>> No.18993477

>stop disagreeing with me

>> No.18993488

Are you talking about the decline of the west or decline of China?

>> No.18993492

Read Nick Land
It all makes sense

>> No.18993533

>The entire world's birthrate is at the lowest point ever
Are you retarded?
There's not a single African country with "low" birthrates and niggers will be 50% of the world population by 2100.
Most Western countries are on their way to becoming minority white and a shit load of Asian countries have horrible birthrates.
Do you not understand what "decline" means in terms of immigration and ethnic strife or are you playing dumb?

>Films, videogames, audiobooks, tv series, documentaries, docuseries, cartoons, comics
With no substance, pushing degeneracy, and essentially just devolve into consumerism.
Are you reddit?

>We created hypersound fighter aircraft, drones that kill people on their own, internet warfare: where is the decline?
Who is "we"?
You're obviously not talking from a Western perspective, and if you think that building high tech toys for zog-bots to play with while fullfiling their Jewish masters wishes isn't decline, than I don't know what to tell you.
Most people in the west are either uninterested or completely void of any understanding of why and how a military should look and operate.

>Demographically: Greenland.
>Culturally: Europe
Literally just an extension of US globalism.
>Militarily: Russia.
China has a bigger military than Russia and a better demographic prospect to fill its ranks.
>None. Which people from the 1st saw the 2nd millenium? We all eventually mix up
That's statistically impossible.
There's no mass immigration happening from western countries to other ones, it's the reverse.
Africans will remain majorities in Africa while simultaneously replacing Europeans and some Asians.
There can also be no proportionate "mixing" because the races don't exist in proportionate numbers.

Not even gonna bother reading the rest you mouthbreathing nigger.

>> No.18993542

I would give it to you that modern work life, modern ideology etc makes it difficult to have people start families, but I find it quite ironic the most radical defenders of white race etc often never get married or have children. Similarly most vehement defenders of west do not bother to read classics, learn language etc.

Walk the walk first, get married have kids then you will have the right to complain about how it is difficult

>> No.18993544

In the book called "Those Who Remain: A Postapocalyptic Novel (The New World Series Book 7) Kindle Edition", which is where that beautiful quote is from. It is a delectable piece of genre fiction: THE FINAL CHAPTER IN THE VAN ZANDT SAGA IS HERE is the tagline.

It's about the war between the Republic of Cascadia and the rogue nation Western Canada. You will have to read the 6 preceding books in the series to truly understand the profundity of Gordon Van Zandt and his enemy Jacques, Gordon Van Zandt being the character that utters those wise words, the weight of which have not been seen in literature since Ahab or Jesus Christ.

There is nothing funnier in the entire world than defending the western cultural legacy with quotes from shitty genre fiction hacks and mass-normie video games: LE ANCESTORS LE SMILE VPON ME LE IMPERIAL, CAN YOU SAY LE SAME? I cannot think of a more perfect faggotry

>> No.18993547

The decline of China. The West's decline is in some aspects highly exaggerated and in others a foregone conclusion

>> No.18993573

kek is this real.

>> No.18993576

"The Rising Tide of Color", man was rejected as a kook but nearly predicted everything that was to happen a century ago.

>> No.18993595

>The West's decline is in some aspects highly exaggerated

You can't open a single popular western news media outlet without having anti white propaganda shoved in your face.

Not just America, but Germany, the UK, France, Canada, Australia etc.
If its not direct race slander, then its anti nativist drivel, identity relativism or historical guilt tripping.

We are watching as our own media is dismantling the very fabric of our ethnic identities, whilst instilling a deep hatred for us and our children within the people they import as labour.

All this, no more than 76 years after we "defeated" the man who claimed his fight was for Europe and for "... the very existence of nations...".

>> No.18993606

Is that book an analysis or glorification of said tide?

>> No.18993613

Wonder what´s going to happen in a future North America that is brown and whose inhabitants have consumed anti-European agitrprop for their entire lives. That will probably work out well for the Europeans in those places.

>> No.18993620

It is basically a geopolitical analysis through a civilizational or racial lense however you want to view it and how the "white civilization" will eventually be overtaken due to internal bickering.

>> No.18993641

Obviously not, the first book in that septology was written in 2013, the final book in 2016, and that image alone dates back to before 2010. Anon googled "hard times lead to strong men", and the second hit is a goodreads quote page where Michael Hopf uses that line in his book.

>> No.18993644


Everyone with money in China is fleeing. Most Chinese billionaires got their money through Hong Kong to NYC years ago. The West is in rapid decline, maybe irreversible decline. But China is a paper tiger ready to collapse the moment anyone challenges them. The PLA can't even beat fucking Indian border guards in the Himalayas.

>> No.18993645

Reminder that boomers and millennials are the weak men creating hard times for us zoomers.

>> No.18993646

The west gets what it deserves for abandoning the LORD. No amount of ideological nationalism can replace Him.

>> No.18993654

I hope you're right. They seem nigh unstoppable to me, unless we can bring manufacturing back to the States.

>> No.18993657


Do you think that future generations will be smart enough to recognise that liberal whites betrayed their own kin because they hated themselves?

Do you think that in 200 years there's gonna be a widely spread understanding amongst the browned masses inhabiting the west that suicidal xenophilia and race traitors were the reason we couldn't fend em off?

Do you think they will ever succumb to a fate like ours?

>> No.18993668

He was 100% baiting, retard, learn to ignore troll posts

muh "have sex" is probably the single most embarrassing combination of words you can type

The west was better off before Christianity.

>> No.18993679

'The End of History and the Last Man' by Francis Fukuyama, published 1992, discusses possible western decline while disregarding Spengler. Western civ is definitely in decline but Spengler's ideas about how it'd happen have been proven wrong.

>> No.18993683

baste. boomers are low iq niggers and millennials are pompous psueds getting high off their own farts.

>> No.18993690

>Spengler's ideas about how it'd happen have been proven wrong.
This'll be fun: how?

>> No.18993693

Nope. The quote does not exist on google before. Do a custom range search yourself. The genre fiction hack invented it, faggots with zero semblance of culture ran with it.

My ancestors smile down upon me as I shitpost my youth away on an animeforum redditor, can you say the same?

>> No.18993708

>my generation good
>your generation bad

>> No.18993709

I'm going to impregnate as many brown chicks as I can, that way my children will be spared the inevitable white genocide

>> No.18993714
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not him but

>> No.18993716

for this case it is true
anyone who wants to save the white race, evropean people etc must have kids and 3 minimum. The fertility rate for "whites" is abysmal the median age is very high. 1-2 kids won't save you

unironically the welfare leeching schizo varg contributes more to west by having kids than many of the people

>> No.18993717

>He didn't marry and have kids with a Black woman so his kids could profit off of affirmative action
Do you even racemaxx bro

>> No.18993721

Millennial here. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude that I was raised before the internet became ubiquitous. The amount of permanent damage done to a developing dopaminergic system from constant access to instant gratification is unfathomable. I mean imagine having access to hardcore pornography on your phone from the ripe age of 11, how utterly fucked wouldn't you be? No wonder a rising share of zoomers are virgins, every single motivational circuit in their nervous system has been fried beyond repair. Even methheads have a better chance of recovery, because their damage didn't happen in the developmentally formative years.

>> No.18993732
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>> No.18993736

>anyone who wants to save the white race, evropean people etc
Why would I want to save it? So there can be more white women fucking dogs and virtue signalling on twitter? Or so that there can be more vidya addict onions boys? Or for the 1 in a milllion outliers who will create things of value after I am already dead?

>> No.18993742
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China has 34 million more males than females. Even if their demographics aren't currently precarious, they're rapidly going down the drain.
So because capeshit exists, China is surpassing us culturally? When's the last time you saw a movie from mainland China? Listened to a song from mainland China? Didn't think so. China has no cultural influence abroad.
The PLA is a meme force that can't even beat Indian border guards in the Himalayas.
What, China's building roads on random patches of dirt in Africa? Who gives a shit.

China is certainly gaining on paper, and western civ is no doubt in decline. But the free world is still far ahead of China and has plenty of time to spare for getting our shit together. There's a reason why while China and Russia managed to make two vaccines, neither of which work, the west made four, all of which work. If the West can put aside identity politics and other liberal nonsense, we can curbstomp China easily.


>> No.18993744

This. Who /stronghorse/ here?

>> No.18993750

I think the west is doing okay, not everyone are poltards

>> No.18993752

Fuck the "free world" and fuck you, amerishit. Get nuked.

>> No.18993771
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>China has 34 million more males than females
Good. Women are inferior.

>When's the last time you saw a movie from mainland China?
Last month watched pic related. Kino.

>China has no cultural influence abroad.
Why is this relevant?

>What, China's building roads on random patches of dirt in Africa? Who gives a shit.
Low IQ, poor insight

>If the West can put aside identity politics and other liberal nonsense
The fact that you imply that "conservatives" a.k.a trumptards are any better suggests that you are a /pol/ tourist.

>> No.18993773

>what are porno magz and dvds

>> No.18993778

stfu and read until you understand

>> No.18993800
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Sucks for you. We won the last century and we'll win this century.

>> No.18993801
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>> No.18993804
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>Culture isn't in decline because Aphex Twin exists

>> No.18993805

I'm sorry to break it to you anon but you can find autistic breakdowns of Evolian cyclic history from Iron March made back in 2011 two years before Michael Hopf started writing. You only stopped leaving youtube on mommy's iphone recently, so I don't blame you for not getting this.

I'll give you this: maybe that PRECISE wording comes from this obscure genre fic guy you like so much. It definitely seems to have taken off in 2016. But whether it's weak men making rough times, or soft men making tough times, or bad men making bad times, it's the same line, and it predates this one random guy.

>> No.18993812

>Aphex twin good
...do normies really?

>> No.18993823

>mass repliers are zoomers
Cannot say I am surprised in the slightest

>> No.18993832
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>Good. Women are inferior.
An underclass of 34 million incels isn't good for stability.

>Last month watched pic related. Kino.
Don't care about "muh indie movies." America has those and has Hollywood.

>Why is this relevant?
Everyone wants to be American. No one wants to be Chinese.

>Low IQ, poor insight
Says the guy who thinks having an incel underclass is sustainable

>The fact that you imply that "conservatives" a.k.a trumptards are any better suggests that you are a /pol/ tourist.
Not a /pol/tard, trumpism and conservatism as they are today aren't serious solutions to present issues. The way forward is adopting what worked against the USSR: militarism, traditionalism, capitalism. Or in one word: neoconservatism.

>> No.18993844

>tumblr propaganda word
opinion ignored

>muh Hollywood
opinion ignored

>Everyone wants to be American
opinion ignored

>tumblr propaganda word
opinion ignored

>militarism, traditionalism, capitalism
opinion ignored


>> No.18993846
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Die, chicom.

>> No.18993901

Things which do not do nearly the amount of damage that instant tab-switching between 50 screens of sissy-hypno does.

>> No.18993922

Not him but you've never been on /pol/ in your entire life now have you?

Nobody on /pol/ shills for conservatives or even America.
/pol/acks literally shilled for the taliban because they defeated zog-bots.

>> No.18993939

I don't care I just want him out of /lit/. I haven't checked up on /pol/ since 2016. You do make them sound less retarded than he guy I was responding to.

>> No.18993995

Even the pajeets have more soft power and a more vibrant cultural scene than the chinks. Had no idea Bollywood was so popular in eg Africa.

>> No.18994005

I hate Bollywood.
I watch art house films because I am a classy man.

>> No.18994027

The wider public across the world disagree with you. China has zero soft power in the way US, brits and even South Korea have.

>> No.18994032
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based & redpilled, zoomers just spwaned in literal hell and suddenly everything it's their fault according to boomer faggots that have already been fucking this world since the 80's

>> No.18994054

There wont be people intelligent enough for that, the future is 1984 where everyone is a serf drinking gin and talking about the footie with the local bazzas.

>> No.18994067

I kneel.

>> No.18994164
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>Films, videogames, audiobooks, tv series, documentaries, docuseries, cartoons, comics... W
>e have obtained so many new media for entertainment that I cant understand what are talking about: where is the decline?

Dude, just shut your brain OFF and CONSOOM!

>> No.18994194

Miggers have been driven off /pol/.

>> No.18994228

Based, people assuming the western empire has fallen dont understand that the chinese have been subjugated by the west. Just like japan, just like korea, just like most rich countries. Pretty much only some parts of the middle east and africa remain unconquered. But i have no hope for them. The time of a true multicultural world is at its end. A new paradigm shift has occured where we have one global culture. I hope within it new subcultures will emerge. But im not sure if i will still be alive at that point.

>> No.18994251

>the western empire
There is no west without westoids, it's just meaningless globalism without racial cohesion and serfs aimlessly milling about like rats for the managerial classes.

>> No.18994261

Leo Strauss, Natural Right and History

>> No.18994308

magz/dvds are a Coors light compared to online's heroine

>> No.18994310

>just meaningless globalism without racial cohesion and serfs aimlessly milling about like rats for the managerial classes.
Always was baby

>> No.18994426

The scientific method. The technological sponsored state regulated economy. The rise of secularism. The fall of the big family and direct neighbour community. The nation state. The main political ideologies. Education systems, and all the other consequences of industrialism. The importance and implementations of hygiene and quality childbirth. Even the spatial seperation of modern houses, and the emergence of the personal bedroom. I could go on and on. You have no idea how incredibly western the world has become. Its a joke how much the world has become subjugated by the western empire. Some parts were inevitable. But some are just plain stupid copycat give-ups because of subjugation.

>> No.18994455

tumble was really based and still is
If you want to see some cool/patrician visual art on internet then tumblr mogs every other social media platform. It's just full of aesthetics obsessed youth and I loved it when I was teenager. Sure it has weird shit but so does 4chan.

>> No.18994470


>> No.18996461
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Seraphim Rose, "Nihilism: the Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age".

>> No.18996492
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>> No.18996554

Wect has been in "decline" for like 200 years now, the real decline is the defatist sentiment among you faggots because you cant wait out a bunch of dumbass boomers with diabetes.