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18985355 No.18985355 [Reply] [Original]

Suddenly everyone is talking about the coming technocratic dystopia, and it isn't really making much sense to me.

You have endless literature discussing this like Ellul's "The Technological Society", and the endless tech-dystopia movies that have come out over the 20th century. So if the system has been showing us tech dystopia, why are they wheeling it out now?

I get the impression it's not happening at all

>> No.18985390

>coming technocratic dystopia

>> No.18985454

Where is it though?

All I see is dumb people willingly complying with it, which isn't really a "dystopia", as much as it is urbanites just sitting around waiting for new tech infrastructure to be implemented in their metro-area

>> No.18985465
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>> No.18985472

>if it's accepted willingly it isn't dystopia

>> No.18985490
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I guess what I mean to say is that the problems we're having in society are more about people themselves and less about the technology.

I don't see how we wouldn't have basically the same issues without the technology. I feel like what people are blaming on "technocracy" is more people's hearts darkening or something

>> No.18985558

define technocratic

>> No.18985758
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Find the Nick Land chart and read it, or start with pic and here:

>> No.18985765


>> No.18985808

Yeah I’ve already read Nick Land, I get it

Not really answering my question though. The USA is in a free fall collapse. Absolutely nothing works with no hope in sight. Where’s the technocratic oligarchy?

>> No.18985813

the reason wall street exists in hi falutin' cities is becuase their transaction rates in internet infracstructure.

news has always been thirsty for first scoops to go to press.

every fucking you tuber/streamer lives in los angeles.

and all the hackers and engineers that know more about technology than the government official behind the desk, and causing them to shit bricks for the lulz.

>> No.18985816

the kids that dont care and just want to play computer games

the chinese constantly trolling on the western world. by buying up all channels of big propaganda

>> No.18985828

How is that any different than just generic late empire stuff

So nothing then

>> No.18986011


its not

a measure of the success of a city is acess to water and having a very good engineering school

>> No.18986015



you know john nash was the schizo autist that invented game theory which most "world players" offten use when strategizing their campaigns?

>> No.18986048

>john nash
John von Neumann* invented game theory

>> No.18986250
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its coming together now because the possibilities for advancement through technologies has developed to the point where it is possible for the entire apparatus to be borne a-new in a techno-fascist dystopia. its a coalescence of development toward a new world order, you see.
where is it? reshaping a whole world of people that houses billions of people takes time. first its seemingly starting with integrating everyone into a biometric ID system that will be attached to everything about that person from the people they interact with, to what he ate at breakfast, to what time he goes to bed, to what he spends his central bank digital currency on, etc. So whenever the ID system is in place, in comes the rollout for everything else to subdue man into submission by a dominant minority or in the Ellulian dialect, by technological development.

>> No.18986431

Read Pseudopandemic by Ian Davies. In it he outlines some of the potential future plans from a lot of past literature. He lists all the sources at the end of each chapter.

>> No.18986459

>takes time

Ok so nothing is happening still though

>> No.18986494
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except it is. that "takes time" was in reference to the relationship spanned out between the villages of paleolithic and neolithic cultures and the "modern" day nation. technology was the crux to pin it all together whereby mass communication was possible to inculcate the serfdom into obedience and let it be said, with technology came the expansion of globalism.
are you not aware of the assessment this data aggregation will bring upon man? have you not heard of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

>> No.18986527

Yes I’m aware Klaus Schwab’s fourth industrial revelarption. Even read the book

I just don’t see it. The entire world is on the brink of a population collapse and possibly a food collapse, but we’re going to implement a new tech revolution? What?

>> No.18986539

its not one organization. its a body of organizations bringing reshaping civilization. at any rate, i'm done wasting my time on you.

>> No.18986548

Yeah I know, but where’s the actual concrete action?

Has a technological revolution ever come out of a collapse? How does this make any sense? It seems like the final neo lib cope

>> No.18986645

You are largely correct but there is still a risk coming from the technology.
If 95% of the population complies with the system in place the current technology might be enough to identify the remainder.
Still, I think many people forget two elements. First recent technological changes are not mysteriously all geared towards dystopia. For instance private crypto exchange makes the system butthurt but there is nothing they can do about it short of banning the internet (which to be fair they might consider).
Second the high technology control grid requires more skill to run that many think. I'm skeptical that our current degenerated would be elites (the Klaus Schwab types) are incompetent enough to run it in the manner described in dystopian media.

Most likely it will continue the recent trends in the middle run. My country, the UK, is slowly turning into a nightmare police state on paper but the system is corrupt and incompetent. The state puts cameras everywhere yet crime is higher than ever. We must have loicenses for everything, with centralized identification, yet the administration could not even follow the number of EU nationals in the country. They expected 3.5M when there were 6M, and that's nt counting illegals, of which the state admitted it has no idea how many they are.
I fully agree that we are way, way more at risk from the increasing servile behavior of the population than by the technological gadgets of the control grid. Look how 90% of people mindlessly complied with the most ridiculous covid restrictions even as the authorities were contradicting themselves every month. The truth is they didn't even need the tech control grid for it. Good old social control is much easier, cheaper and effective.

>> No.18986652

>incompetent enough
*competent enough

>> No.18986673
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If you want answers all you have to do is follow the money as thats the base for any system within a society. In August of 2019, Blackrock[1] decreed that a "downturn" was about to happen wherein they would explicitly state their intention to inflate the dollar by driving up "helicopter money" with the intended goal of boosting the stock of money[2] to essentially destroy the dollar to replace it with central bank digital currencies[3] and to what will eventually replace state-capitalism, i.e. stakeholder-capitalism or "going direct." At the beginning of the plandemic, the privately owned Federal Reserve printed 3 Trillion Dollars in 3 Months; to give you an idea how ridiculous this is, its taken 107 years for the Fed to get its balance sheet to 4 trillion dollars, and 107 years and 3 months to get it to 7 trillion dollars. What is more absurd is that there was a 99% equivalence of wholesale (reserves) fiat into retail (commercial fiat) supply; this is basically the Fed pumping the stock market. Lets go back though, in 2020, just as during the 2008 stock market crash, Blackrock was handed to it full control of the Federal Reserve[4].

In India, the ID system[5] that is tied to biometrics has been in place for almost a decade now and its being rolled out globally[6]. Gates has said himself[7] that that he is funding the World Bank “to take this Aadhaar approach to other countries.” To see the ties between Aadhaar and Gates, I recommend going through this transcript in Corbett's report[8]; Ctrl + F = Nilekani to find the exact point in the source material to the ties. Although the transcripts meant to be taken in its entirety. As it goes over not just the ID system based on biometrics in India but also the World Bank's ID4D[9] initiative among others that have set the stage.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution[10] is not some "larption." Only a moron would be so foolish to think so.

[1] https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/whitepaper/bii-macro-perspectives-august-2019.pdf
[2] "Second, this boost to the stock of money has to be permanent. Otherwise, the money might not be spent if the increase is expected to be reversed in the future. If these conditions are met and helicopter money is delivered in sufficient size, it will drive up inflation –in the long run, the growth of money supply drives inflation."
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FM4Fu2ujDE
[4] https://archive.is/rqIop
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWT0TMn8t9w
[6] https://reliefweb.int/report/world/digital-documentation-covid-19-certificates-vaccination-status-technical-specifications WHO DIGITAL Identification guidelines, funded by the Rockefellers and Bill & Milenda Gates Foundation
[7] https://www.news18.com/news/tech/bill-gates-praises-aadhaar-technology-funds-world-bank-to-bring-it-to-other-countries-1737211.html
[8] https://www.corbettreport.com/gatescontrol/
[9] https://id4d.worldbank.org/
[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r6CFcXzvRI

>> No.18987165

Finally a high quality post thanks for the sources

The biometric shit is nasty but I don’t get it, they’re gonna chip you or something? What if you just don’t wanna get chipped? Otherwise I’m not really getting the implications of all this shit

What about the large portion of the world who live in rural areas, they’re gonna get chipped and have their bio metric data tracked 24/7?

>> No.18987544
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biometrics are unique identifiers of specific persons such as a photograph, fingerprint, facial or iris image to determine the usage for applications within a system. chips come much later with a primary focus of exacting locations of persons and potentially augmenting behavior. so imagine your currency, the thing that is required to pay for goods and services being tied to your digital identification or the use of your digital identification to access the internet (this is not fiction, its cemented reality in China); it'll encompass everything about your daily life if you wish to participate in society. the regulations are much more pertinent than the semi-far off chips. regulations such as biodata or carbon emission tied to a "new approach to credit scoring"[1], i.e. Social Credit Scores[2] is nothing new and will reach every extent of our lives, even in education[3][4]. The onset will be less severe for certain member states, as their cultures demand, through the progression towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It must be noted that the dystopic systems already exist and are being used against us, if for example, you live in the states you have probably heard "contact tracing."[5]

Once you get rid of physical currencies and, if we know anything about our central bankers mindset, crypto-currencies; what you are left with is a centralization of data to determine who is buying what within a system which can then be used to exclude outliers forthright or augment behavior to fit the ideal citizen. Please do not bring geopolitics into the discussion-all politics are, are a scam to distract from the global co-operation towards the complete subjugation of the serfdom by the dominant minority. India, China--these examples of set-in-places of systems to come will encompass the globe.

1. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/this-new-approach-to-credit-scoring-is-accelerating-financial-inclusion/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evBzPwCdeHI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMLsHI8aV0g
4. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/08/investigative-reports/american-federation-of-teachers-sells-out-to-rockefellers-trilateralists-and-big-tech/
5. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/05/reports/techno-tyranny-how-the-us-national-security-state-is-using-coronavirus-to-fulfill-an-orwellian-vision/

>> No.18988590

take your meds schizo

>> No.18988660

he obviously meant the concept of nash equilibrium in game theory.

>> No.18988708

Who are you quoting? Where are you copying these paragraphs from?

>> No.18988913

sounds like a glorified SSN system with a layer of technocrat fan-fic fetishism layered over it. India's "biometric" system is hilarious garbage that barely even works. It is the "last man" system for retards, and not even an impressive one at that

>Please do not bring geopolitics into the discussion-all politics are, are a scam to distract from the global co-operation towards the complete subjugation of the serfdom by the dominant minority. India, China--these examples of set-in-places of systems to come will encompass the globe.
yes we know politics is fake
ok globetard

>> No.18989280

>I get the impression it's not happening at all
Because it is not. What is going on is the bureaucratic capture of large institutions(large companies, mainstream media, academy, NGOs, federal and to a lesser degree local government apparatus) by an increasingly unstable and radical ideological cult, at least in the western world.
Bottom line is whatever it snaps back into a more reasonable and less self-destructive position, or fully commits into driving off the cliff for its own beliefs.

>> No.18989576

maybe late empire is technocratic, because we reached the limitations of directly applied violence. empire has further advanced through bio and techno-power

>> No.18989582
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i want a technocracy
unfortunately i do not see it

>> No.18989652
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>> No.18989933

Seems like a LARP

>> No.18989944

No. It is not possible to separate policy from the ideas that underpin it. There is always a theory at the basis of action. What distinguishes "technocracy" from other forms of government is its pretense of working on the basis of objective, neutral, universally true, and undisputed knowledge. That it pretends that nothing outside of it exists is its basic characteristic. To take this at face value is wrong. You must go to the root of the malaise afflicting us, and for that, you must read Leo Strauss.

>> No.18990050

No, he obviously said
> x invented y
His original statement was false because for x, he said Nash instead of Von Neumann (i.e. the man who was the actual inventor, together with some help from Morgenstern). Because of the structure of the sentence it is likely that the error didn't arise in the transmission of the message (e.g. typo, ommission, automatic text reformating, 4chan filter, etc.) but rather in it's formulation (his original intent, what he believed, what he was trying to say, etc.).
If he knew that Nash wasn't the real inventor he most likely wouldynt have made such a preposterous error but he did so he likely doesn't.
Do not try to give this man an out; he was wrong and now has to live with it.
Don't let him save face or in the like you have shared in his error.

>> No.18990231

>The USA is in a free fall collapse. Absolutely nothing works with no hope in sight. Where’s the technocratic oligarchy?

The half the US that have money and careers is doing just fine, the other half that went from blue collar union jobs to service jobs to unemployment is fucked and will continue to stay fucked. The technocratic oligarchy or whatever I'm part of sick of catering to stupid and would like the unwashed plebs to either take responsibility for their own actions or please go quietly die in a ditch.

BTW, hospitals in the south are running out of oxygen and basic sedatives for COV patients are are turning non-COV away because the hospital ICUs are above capacity with COV patients. Whose fault is this? Dumb fucks who don't trust doctors but are willing listen to fools on Youtube coupled with the dumb fuck politicians who are more concerned with playing social justice politics than mandating national stockpiles of critical drugs.

>> No.18990326

shut up faggot

>> No.18990411


>> No.18990421

>if only you knew how bad things really were.

>> No.18990445

You sound like an utter moron who has no clue what's going on

>half the US that have money and careers is doing just fine
The white collar metropolitan class is absolutely fucked. These corporations were already going bankrupt and that entire field is going extinct. That's why they're pushing people out of the cities.

>blue collar union jobs
Blue collar workers are the only ones doing well. They are getting raises and have more work than ever. You can't find a job for your life in metro-areas

>BTW, hospitals in the south are running out of oxygen
Which blackrock owned media outlet did you see this on? This is not happening. They are purposely closing down swaths of medical facilities in order to rebuild them the way they like

>> No.18991029

If I give you tendies will you come out of your moms basement?

>>half the US that have money and careers is doing just fine
>The white collar metropolitan class is absolutely fucked. These corporations were already going bankrupt and that entire field is going extinct. That's why they're pushing people out of the cities.
Zillow disagrees

>>blue collar union jobs
>Blue collar workers are the only ones doing well. They are getting raises and have more work than ever. You can't find a job for your life in metro-areas
Stop pretending you have ever held a job

>>BTW, hospitals in the south are running out of oxygen

>Which blackrock owned media outlet did you see this on? This is not happening. They are purposely closing down swaths of medical facilities in order to rebuild them the way they like

None - have friends who are doctors and nurses. Hospitals in the south are completely overwhelmed and its getting worse. The NE US is in good shape, but too far away to provide support. Biden could send mercy ships, but isn't doing it. Of course a RN with a CCRN can make bank...

>> No.18991088

>Zillow disagrees
Blackrock are buying all the homes in the cities

>linkedin job search
75% of these listings are fake and a tiny amount of the labor force are even qualified for them. It's a scam to cook job numbers and ship tech jobs offshore

>have friends who are doctors and nurses
So? They have zero clue what's going on and are told nothing. Hospitals are short on oxygen because they're being purposely shorted

>> No.18991100

i see you prefer your kool-aid injections to be administered anally

>> No.18991116

So you believe there are microchips in the vaccine?

>> No.18991122

>The entire world is on the brink of a population collapse and possibly a food collapse, but we’re going to implement a new tech revolution? What?
You think the dystopian shit starts happening when things are going great?

>> No.18991133

Why would there be a big breakthrough in science and technology in the middle of a collapse?

>> No.18991161

dozens of kpop qts and you choose dubu

>> No.18991190

they don't need to chip you retards everyone already carries their phone around lmao

>> No.18991206

serious quesiton, how do you tell the difference between these identical plastic gooks

>> No.18991259

>population collapse and possibly a food collapse
those things are mutually exclusive

>> No.18991290
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stfu i fucking love dubu

>> No.18991363
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Get informed.

>> No.18991371

If you substitute the pseudo-difficult words with this ending with their normal synonim the theory is simple, straightforward, stupid and cringe.

>> No.18992461
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based dubu enjoyer

>> No.18992469

What a terrible thread.

>> No.18992698
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tell that to the 'lisk

>> No.18992798

>objective, neutral, universally true, and undisputed knowledge
Isn't this just every single belief system that claims this? What government would not be a technocracy by this definition?
Is every single religious government a technocracy as well?

>> No.18993958

>Suddenly everyone is talking about the coming technocratic dystopia
i fart memes into your head when you sleep