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File: 108 KB, 523x587, patton on ww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18983299 No.18983299 [Reply] [Original]

Any alternative history books were Patton isn't assassinated and tries (and succeeds) to convince the US to fight the USSR?

>> No.18983300
File: 108 KB, 960x692, patton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18983346
File: 879 KB, 320x240, tiredandannoyed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay look, I get it. The Communists were the real bad guys, McCarthy was unironically right about everything and to this day we're paying for the mistake of not treating the evil of communism with the ferocity it deserved. But at some point you have to move on from what could have been. It's been 76 years since WWII. It's been 30 years since the Soviet Union fell. We still have the communists to deal with, inside our borders and in China. Stop moping about the past and work towards the future. Communism will lose, and good will win, but only if we focus and fight.

>> No.18983357

>mccarthy was unironically right
>man who diluted communism from an ideology opposed by the west into a personal political tool
Teenagers really overprivilege the ability to be very loud and single-minded

>> No.18983361

He was right at how infiltrated we were and still are. USSR, China, they're all the same, and they use the same tools.

>> No.18983393

America was heavily infiltrated by KGB agents, more than anyone ever realized until the Cold War ended and archives opened up. And America has been culturally infected by communism for a century and the commies parade it around.

>> No.18983399

It starts with a V I think.

>> No.18983543

Hm so what is it?
Is this a joke I'm not getting?

>> No.18983657

>USSR, China, they're all the same
You forgot Sweden

>> No.18983752


>> No.18983933

Scandinavia is too cold to not drink alcohol and not eat pork, to survive there you need to be haram
All muslim refugees will be converted this way

>> No.18984049

They aren't even White, let alone Nordic.
Back to their native lands they go, where they left behind their women and children.

>> No.18984095

oh pork and alcohol turn ethnic middle easterners into ethnic swedes that's neat

>> No.18984108

Sweden is not communist.

>> No.18984135
File: 92 KB, 762x741, somebody think of the children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what I said, learn to read
>t-they left the women behind!


>> No.18984141


>> No.18984147

Neither is China or Soviet Russia.

The US didn’t defeat the nazis, but they sure adopted their lead and cling fast to it to this day

>> No.18984161

I really, really don't care for the sandnegros.
Even if they'd bring all of their families with them they are not welcome in white countries, our countries will not be dragged down to the level of theirs.
Apart from that it's more like a figure of speech.
Those that could really be called 'refugees' don't even have the money to pay for the trip to western countries.
And those that do have the money should not spend it outside of their country, weakening their economies even further.
But that's what they do, only to live on welfare in Europe and violate women for not wearing a 'hijab'.

>> No.18984166

>dude not real communism

>> No.18984176

>Not what I said, learn to read
>>thinking the Swedistan meme has anything to do with religion and not with the fact that ethnic Swedes are on the irreversible path to becoming a minority in their own country

>> No.18984184

>t-they left the women behind
>t-they even brought their women!
>b-but they breed with our women!
>and they even rape them!

Those that could really be called 'refugees' don't even have the money to pay for the trip to western countries.
And those that do have the money should not spend it outside of their country, weakening their economies even further.
But that's what they do, only to live on welfare in Europe and violate women for not wearing a 'hijab'.

Read books. Read data. Speak with people.

>> No.18984197

When it’s not actually communist, it isn’t communism. There’s nothing you or I can do about it.

>> No.18984214

>left women behind
Some surely do.
>brought their women
Some do, but even then many of them leave family behind that could use them badly. These countries do not have social services. Old people that can't make the trip will be left behind.
But I really don't care, they can do whatever they want. Just saying that all the 'muh you must take in the poor refugees!!' doesn't help anyone.
>breed with our women
Our women largely have no interest in them.
It's mostly the (((media))) and the (((porn industry))) that tries to pressure them into having interracial relationships but white women are still the msot race loyal by far.
>rape them
Sadly they do. Women who do not wear a 'hijab' are allowed or even have to be according to their religion, do you deny that?

>> No.18984218
File: 90 KB, 899x590, chinacommunists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is not communist!
>Meanwhile in China

>> No.18984296
File: 114 KB, 580x584, Patton2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18984302
File: 110 KB, 811x965, Hoover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek @ a fucking pseud like you trying to deride someone else and insult their intelligence. Suck a dick you fucking retard


>> No.18984348

>Shows a picture of state-socialists worshiping an economist named Marx
Stop Americaning so much. You’re embarrassing us all

>> No.18984350
File: 2.51 MB, 1408x788, 1630552450761.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you idiots hate about the modern world is the fault of a certain ethnoreligious group, not Communists. Marx didn't invent gender ideology or multiculturalism, they did. And China isn't sending our teenagers to die in pointless foreign wars, their lobbyists are. Hell I even support China now because no matter how horrifically evil they are to their own people, the people who run this country have much worse things in store, and they want them to happen everywhere in the world. I would rather live in North Korea than whatever globohomo looks like 20 year from now.

>> No.18984382 [DELETED] 
File: 388 KB, 1200x697, jewish-communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fault of a certain ethnoreligious group, not Communists

You don't even know Marx was a jew?

>> No.18984463

Jews don't want me give up my religion, Communists do.
Jews don't want to steal the fruits of my labor, Communists do.
Jews don't want to seize my property, Communists do.

Jews are a religious group with good and bad people. I do not think it is possible to be a good person and a Communist.

>> No.18984471

Communism is just rebranded judaism.
You think it is a coincidence that communism was thought up by Moses Hess and Karl Marx, both jews?
And that the soviet leadership was overwhlemingly jewish?

>> No.18984480

have you heard of the concepts of ethnic insularity and welfare tourism