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File: 257 KB, 1200x820, hei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18982808 No.18982808 [Reply] [Original]

DUDE i just LOVE the tranquility of the country, it’s so PEACEFUL and makes me feel like I'm in one of my favorite HOLDERLIN POEMS. You should totally come on down to my peasant hut, it’s got a HAND PUMP and everything, we can uncork a bottle of Baden wine or three and get into contemplating the question of Being! And dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the library- listen here, right, it’s a library where us PHILOSOPHERS who do PHILOSOPHY can go THINK. BUT!!!! it’s also in the BLACK FOREST like when we were kids, so we can be AUTHENTICALLY CONNECTED TO THE SOIL, without dumb Communist jews bothering us. Speaking of which, Hannah is going to Paris soon - She's being forced to flee the country tomorrow at the border, that way she can avoid persecution and my WIFE doesn't have to find OUT! I’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna TEAR THROUGH THIS BOOK and CRACK open another one!!!

>> No.18982813

Based. I wish I had a smart friend like Heidegger.

>> No.18982836

How was he so happy? What was his secret?

>> No.18982847

Based, is there anything better than being a volkisch philosopher?

>> No.18982858

I told you you retard. Irony doesn't work in the forest.
The moss absorbs all sentiment and comedy.

>> No.18982913


>> No.18982922


>> No.18982949

I think he was pretty miserable actually, but he was an adherent of Nietzsche in some respond and so life affirmation surely rubbed off on him and his folksy manner at least appeared sincere. But he was actually pretty selfish, I think and quite a bad friend to many of his contemporaries.

>> No.18982956
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>> No.18982959

He was a dick to Jaspers. As a Nazi I don't approve of that kind of thing. We're supposed to be the good guys, set an example.

>> No.18983167

Black Forest absorbs all 4chan humor immediately

>> No.18983351
File: 9 KB, 262x193, Heidegger with Medard Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just being.

Jewish propaganda.

>> No.18983444

Quite based

>> No.18983484

>My brother Friedrich Georg was closer to Heidegger than I, and he always had anecdotes about him. One day, Heidegger was stung in the back of the neck by a bee, and my brother told him that that was excellent for rheumatism.
>Heidegger didn't know what to answer.

>> No.18983488

Heidegger btfo. Truly a fetish of "authenticity" is the root of all soi

>> No.18983503


>> No.18983554

You think so?

>> No.18983915

It's the opposite.

>> No.18984683

>How was he so happy? What was his secret?
Fucking cutie jews roughly and cumming really hard from his roleplay with Arendt.

>> No.18984717

>prof. Heidegger will never invite you to his rural home to discuss the question of Being by the campfire on a backdrop of volkliedern played on the guitar by a fellow student.

>> No.18984995

Heidegger is cringe generally, but this aspect of him was based.

>> No.18985011
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>Heidegger is a good example of how nothing is left but a number of ridiculous photographs and a number of even more ridiculous writings. Heidegger was a philosophical market crier who only brought stolen goods to the market, everything of Heidegger's is second-hand, he was and is the prototype of the re-thinker, who lacked everything, but truly everything, for independent thinking. Heidegger's method consisted in the most unscrupulous turning of other people's great ideas into small ideas of his own, that is a fact. Heidegger has so reduced everything great that it has become German-compatible, you understand: German-compatible, Reger said. Heidegger is the petit bourgeois of German philosophy, the man who has placed on German philosophy his kitschy night-cap, that kitschy black night-cap which Heidegger always wore, on all occasions. Heidegger is the carpet-slipper and night-cap philosopher of the Germans, nothing else. I don't know why, Reger said yesterday, whenever I think of Stifter I also think of Heidegger and the other way about. Surely it is no accident, Reger said, that Heidegger just as Stifter has always been popular, and is still popular, mainly with those tense women, and just as those fussy do-gooding nuns and those fussy do-gooding nurses devour Stifter as their fovourite dish, in a manner of speaking, so they also devour Heidegger. Heidegger to this day is the favourite philosopher of German womanhood. Heidegger is the women's philosopher the specially suitable luncheon philosopher straight from the scholars' frying pan. When you come to a petit-bourgeois or even an aristocratic-petit-bourgeois party, you are very often served Heidegger even before the hors-d'oeuvre, you have not even taken off your overcoat and already you are being offered a piece of Heidegger, you have not even sat down and already the lady of the house has brought Heidegger in with the sherry on a silver salver. Heidegger is invariably a well-cooked German philosophy which may be served anywhere and at any time, Reger said, in any household. I do not know of any philosopher today who has been more degraded, Reger said. Anyway, Heidegger is finished as far as philosophy is concerned, whereas ten years ago he was still the great thinker, he now, as it were, only haunts pseudo-intellectual households and pseudo-intellectual parties, adding an artificial mendaciousness to their entirely natural one. Like Stifter, Heidegger is a tasteless and readily digestible reader's pudding for the mediocre German mind.

>> No.18985409

>I don't actually want to give criticism, so I'm just going to pretend I'm smarter than you.

>> No.18986002

Stolen goods? From who?

>> No.18986012

The Book of Tea, Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard.

>> No.18986026

Only one that could be argued is Kierkegaard.

>> No.18986027

Always saw this as trying way too hard. One of the more embarrassing of these epic dismissive takedowns, up there with Deleuze saying Wittgenstein sucks when he clearly has very little idea who he is and is really talking vaguely about Vienna positivists instead, or Derrida pussying out of the debate with Gadamer.

He has 1/3 of something to say here, about the jargon of authenticity and how Heidegger is trying too hard, but he doesn't know a lot about Heidegger so it's lacking substance. It has so little substance I was convinced he was French until I found out more about him. This is the kind of shit they say in interviews.

>> No.18986039

Nietzsche, Dilthey and the Heidelberg school of neo-Kantians mainly.

>> No.18986089

The French are massive cucks every time.

>> No.18986138

Then you might as well say everybody plagiarized Plato. Also
>no pre-Socratics

>> No.18986176

love this passage. too funny. whenever someone gets buttblasted that it doesn’t “engage” with heidegger enough, it gets even funnier

>> No.18986209

Seethe harder

This anon got it

>> No.18986253

Heidegger was a filthy fucking goblin retard who stole ideas

>According to Tomonobu Imamichi, Heidegger's concept of Dasein in Sein und Zeit was inspired – although Heidegger remained silent on this – by Okakura Kakuzō's concept of das-in-der-Welt-sein (being-in-the-worldness) expressed in The Book of Tea to describe Zhuangzi's philosophy, which Imamichi's professor Ito Kichinosuke had offered to Heidegger in 1919, after having followed private lessons with him the year before:[2]

>‘Ito Kichinosuke, one of my teachers at university, studied in Germany in 1918 immediately after the First World War and hired Heidegger as a private tutor. Before moving back to Japan at the end of his studies, Professor Ito handed Heidegger a copy of Das Buch vom Tee, the German translation of Okakura Kakuzo’s The Book of Tea, as a token of his appreciation. That was in 1919. Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) was published in 1927 and made Heidegger famous. Mr. Ito was surprised and indignant that Heidegger used Zhuangzi’s concept without giving him credit. Years later in 1945, Professor Ito reminisced with me and, speaking in his Shonai dialect, said, ‘Heidegger did a lot for me, but I should’ve laid into him for stealing’. There are other indications that Heidegger was inspired by Eastern writings, but let’s leave this topic here. I have heard many stories of this kind from Professor Ito and checked their veracity. I recounted this story at a reception held after a series of lectures I gave in 1968 at the University of Heidelberg at the invitation of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Japanese exchange students attended these lectures, and I explained that there were many other elements of classical Eastern thought in Heidegger’s philosophy and gave some examples. I must have said too much and may even have said that Heidegger was a plagiarist (Plagiator). Gadamer was Heidegger’s favorite student, and we ended up not speaking to each other for 4 or 5 years because he was so angry with me’ (Imamichi 2004, pp. 123–124).[3][4]

>> No.18986268

>we're part of the secret club heh you don't know why well i'm not going to tell you that's part of being in the club
nobody cares, just learn to read philosophy instead of being sour grapes

>> No.18986289

Jesus Christ, the left could never meme.

>> No.18986327

Keep seethe

>But the Germans are impressed by posturing, Reger said, the Germans have an interest in posturing, that is one of their most striking characteristics. And as for the Austrians, they are a lot worse still in all these respects. I have seen a series of photographs which a supremely talented woman photographer made of Heidegger, who in all of them looked like a retired bloated staff officer, Reger said; in these photographs Heidegger is just climbing out of bed, or Heidegger is climbing into bed, or Heidegger is sleeping, or waking up, putting on his underpants, pulling on his socks, taking a nip of grapejuice, stepping out of his log cabin and looking towards the horizon, whittling away at his stick, putting on his cap, taking off his cap, holding his cap in his hands, opening out his legs, raising his head, lowering his head, putting his right hand in his wife's left hand while his wife is putting her left hand in his right hand, walking in front of his house, walking at the back of his house, walking towards his house, walking away from his house, reading, eating, spooning his soup, cutting a slice of bread (baked by himself), opening a book (written by himself), closing a book (written by himself), bending down, straightening up, and so on, Reger said. Enough to make you throw up. If even the Wagnerians are more than flesh and blood can bear, what about the Heideggerians, Reger said. But of course Heidegger cannot be compared to Wagner, who really was a genius, a man to whom the concept of genius really applies more than to anyone else, whereas Heidegger has always only been a small philosophical rear-rank man. Heidegger, that much is clear, was the most pampered German philosopher of the century, and simultaneously the most insignificant. The people who made pilgrimages to Heidegger were mainly those who confused philosophy with culinary science, who regarded philosophy as something fried and roasted and cooked, which is entirely in line with German taste. Heidegger used to hold court at Todtnauberg and at all times would allow himself to be admired on his philosophical Black Forest plinth like a sacred cow. Even a famous and much-feared North German publisher of periodicals kneeled before him devotionally and open-mouthed, as though, in a manner of speaking, he was expecting the host of the spirit from Heidegger sitting there under the setting sun on his bench before his house. All these people made their pilgrimages to Todtnauberg to see Heidegger and made themselves look ridiculous, Reger said. They made their pilgrimages, as it were, into the philosophical Black Forest, to the sacred Mount Heidegger and knelt down before their idol. That their idol was a total spiritual wash-out — that they could not know with their dull-wittedness. They did not even suspect it, Reger said.

>> No.18986481

Heidegger going towards the same truth as this is not a bad thing too

>> No.18986496

Fucking KEK

>> No.18986532

More like stealing that Truth 8 years before publishing his shit.

>> No.18986536

This is basically just a long winded way of calling Heidegger a phony, which ok, maybe he was, but that says nothing about his Philosophy.

>> No.18986543

Anybody who thinks Heidegger stole from the Book of Tea either hasn't read Heidegger or hasn't read the Book of Tea. The resemblance is mostly terminological.

>> No.18986546

This >>18986253 says a lot about """his""" philosophy

>> No.18986550


>> No.18986559

Fuck off wikipedia reader

>> No.18986564

His own student accused him of plagiarism you retarded cunt

>> No.18986634

Yeah his own retarded cunt of a student, Gadamer saw through that bs

>> No.18986738

Because that fag fag built his career on his hack master's plagiarized bullshit.

>> No.18986820

I'm going to the library to check out the book of tea to see if Heidegger really stole from it

>> No.18986887

Extremely based
I'll make sure to bump up the thread

>> No.18986993

I have never seen amounts of seethe this high; quite an accomplishment!

>> No.18987369

>According to Tomonobu Imamichi, Heidegger's concept of Dasein in Sein und Zeit was inspired – although Heidegger remained silent on this – by Okakura Kakuzō's concept of das-in-der-Welt-sein (being-in-the-worldness) expressed in The Book of Tea to describe Zhuangzi's philosophy
No, Dasein is inspired by Heidegger's readings of Aristotle, Dasein being his regular translation of the word psyche; *being-in-the-world* is inspired by being-in-the-worldness. Stupid jap, get the rice outta yer eyes.

>> No.18987388

I agree.
The book of tea falls way too short compared to the claim it gets from such allegations.

>> No.18988353

>Heidegger is a good example of how nothing is left but a number of ridiculous photographs and a number of even more ridiculous writings. Heidegger was a philosophical market crier who only brought stolen goods to the market, everything of Heidegger's is second-hand, he was and is the prototype of the re-thinker, who lacked everything, but truly everything, for independent thinking. Heidegger's method consisted in the most unscrupulous turning of other people's great ideas into small ideas of his own, that is a fact. Heidegger has so reduced everything great that it has become German-compatible, you understand: German-compatible, Reger said. Heidegger is the petit bourgeois of German philosophy, the man who has placed on German philosophy his kitschy night-cap, that kitschy black night-cap which Heidegger always wore, on all occasions. Heidegger is the carpet-slipper and night-cap philosopher of the Germans, nothing else. I don't know why, Reger said yesterday, whenever I think of Stifter I also think of Heidegger and the other way about. Surely it is no accident, Reger said, that Heidegger just as Stifter has always been popular, and is still popular, mainly with those tense women, and just as those fussy do-gooding nuns and those fussy do-gooding nurses devour Stifter as their fovourite dish, in a manner of speaking, so they also devour Heidegger. Heidegger to this day is the favourite philosopher of German womanhood. Heidegger is the women's philosopher the specially suitable luncheon philosopher straight from the scholars' frying pan. When you come to a petit-bourgeois or even an aristocratic-petit-bourgeois party, you are very often served Heidegger even before the hors-d'oeuvre, you have not even taken off your overcoat and already you are being offered a piece of Heidegger, you have not even sat down and already the lady of the house has brought Heidegger in with the sherry on a silver salver. Heidegger is invariably a well-cooked German philosophy which may be served anywhere and at any time, Reger said, in any household. I do not know of any philosopher today who has been more degraded, Reger said. Anyway, Heidegger is finished as far as philosophy is concerned, whereas ten years ago he was still the great thinker, he now, as it were, only haunts pseudo-intellectual households and pseudo-intellectual parties, adding an artificial mendaciousness to their entirely natural one. Like Stifter, Heidegger is a tasteless and readily digestible reader's pudding for the mediocre German mind.
Absolutely seething, lmao.

>> No.18988373

it's not the forest it's the german soil

>> No.18988386

literally who. When was the last time this man's words were posted outside of a heidegger thread?

>> No.18988397

Synthesizing ideas from various philosophers is not theft, it is the essence of philosophy.

>> No.18988409

>eastern "philosophy"
as if there was anything there worth stealing

>> No.18989242

So true

>> No.18989271

I remember reading somewhere that Handke and Bernhard were inluenced by Heidegger

>> No.18989288


>> No.18989332


>> No.18989333

Chingchong cope

Daoism is nihilism

>> No.18990658

Keep coping retarded leech

>> No.18990670

posting on a based thread

>> No.18990679

is this from a book?

>> No.18990705

No, Bernhard was influenced by Schopenhauer

>> No.18990707

>Synthesizing ideas
Funny word for stealing ideas.

>> No.18991777

Because he wasn't a contemplative philosopher, he was a successful careerist, who managed to save his comfy sinecure during the chaotic developments of the 20th century.

>> No.18992153


>> No.18993640

Yes he was a hack

>> No.18993675
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>> No.18993698

So using internet then and go discuss Heidegger with your neighbor's bull.

>> No.18993749

Based thread