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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 974 KB, 2560x3520, Colapinto-Woolf-Wharton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18982843 No.18982843 [Reply] [Original]

How does your misogynist bone cope with the fact that this writer existed??

>> No.18982853

The more women I know existed, the more I hate women. I have infinite hate. I already knew about Virginia Woolf but I will increase my hate for her threefold just to prove my point.

>> No.18982877

i was on the train the other day and read her short story solid objects, i was very impressed and genuinely surprised that a woman wrote it

>> No.18982964

Not a problem, like her
Though Dalloway's my favorite I thoroughly enjoyed the inter-chapter in Lighthouse; rivals Melville's Encantadas (in the way of pure description)

>> No.18983208

Sounds pretty gay bro

>> No.18983462
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>misogyny is wrong

>> No.18983474

There are so many talented male writers that the talented female writers are disposable and not worth the time investment

>> No.18983511

this. Woolf is mentally deranged and a seething mediocre writer

>> No.18983518

Femboy Guenon?

>> No.18983546

she's ugly

>> No.18984397

I disagree.

>> No.18984439
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This. When people say they like a female writer, even if she's genuinely good, their appreciation is bound up in the novelty of her gender. No one respects a woman as a writer. They are only respected as woman writers.

>> No.18984458

Enjoy jacking it to your googly eyed grandma ya fucking degenerate

>> No.18984464

God has cursed women with being the servant of men. Any woman who acts otherwise is an abomination. Similarly, any man who does not produce anything with his hard work is an abomination.

>> No.18984469

There isn't a single misogynistic bone in my body.

>> No.18984500

There's lots of good Englishwoman writers from yesteryear. But what do these women have to do with women writers or women in general? I have more connection to them than almost all women because we are from the same culture and I have read them.

>> No.18984605

She's fantastic. But does have five or ten solid representatives for your sex really warrant anything beyond charitable curiosity?

>> No.18984705
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Reading several feminist authors and theorists made me a misogynist. Before that I was just an ambivalent normie (and before that, a bog standard neolib in my early 20s) but reading this shit helped me understand women and if anything made me fucking hate them lol. The meme that there are no good female authors is retarded, if anything they are most in their element on the page as writing and literature are feminine pursuits. But in discovering the depths of female thought, I also came to understand how fucking evil they are. Most men underestimate just how different the foid brain is from theirs and project many things onto women that they think are common sense. It's an easy mistake to make. But when you actually Read Women™, and really understand what they are saying, women can seem like outer space aliens at times in a bad way. It becomes apparent why, throughout the ages, cultures and authors have always accused women of being sex obsessed and childish: women have an extremely darwinistic mindset that transcends shitty internet takes. In contrast, the relative moralfaggotry of the male brain seems sophisticated because it is a sort of break from our animalistic and irresponsible roots as sentient apes. You really have to read feminist literature to appreciate how fucking brutal and cold they are to the overall human experience compared to the naive and sincere "martial" aspect of the male brain. And once this is understood, the root of many of society's ills is easy to trace.

I have fantasized about beating my gf to death several times already and view my mother and grandmother with a slight amount of contempt now because now that I'm feministpilled I can see the faults in their day to day behavior. The only way you can read this stuff and then proceed to give women the benefit of the doubt is that if you are so un-self aware and feminized that you might as well be a woman yourself, aka the soiboys of today who somehow come to the conclusion that women are deprived of some great social inheritance that needs to rectified. Muslims got it right, they really just need to wear ninja suits and shut the fuck up.

>> No.18984762

Is it true that Joyce was BTFO by her?

>> No.18984773
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>> No.18984781

Looks like a privileged white woman to me. Read a colored transwoman sometime sweaty.

>> No.18984802

Modern theorists suggest Woolf would have most likely identified as non-binary. Your labeling this historical figure as female is appallingly sexist and ignorant. Grow up, OP.

>> No.18984808

Quite well actually. Good female writers are outnumbered by men like 1 gazilion to one.

>> No.18984841

>How does your misogynist bone cope with the fact that this writer existed??
That Joyce made her seethe so much with Ulysses she then fucked off for a few years before copying the entire concept of it while making it incredibly boring.

>> No.18984849

>throughout the ages, cultures and authors have always accused women of being sex obsessed and childish
I always thought that this is /pol/ autism until recently. I had a few conversations with my mom recently and she ALWAYS started talking about sex regardless of the subject, and she used to do this shit with me since I was 17. Last week for instance we had a discussion about weird customs of various Christian sects and she always had to tell me about their fucking practices, like her life depended on delivering this information. And then I realized that 4chan and all the great thinkers of the world were right about women. They only think about sex 24/7 because it is the only metric of quantifying value they understand. Because this is the only value they add to our species. She also used to read a lot of Freud when she was younger so maybe that influenced her over the years. I love my mom but she is also a wretched and depraved woman even in her old age. She fully embraced to modern age American roastie mentality.

>> No.18984863

The more women I know existed, the more I love women. I have infinite love. I already knew about Virginia Woolf but I will increase my love for her threefold just to prove my point.

>> No.18984934

>I always thought that this is /pol/ autism until recently.

the rest of your post is shit but how the fuck did you manage to pull this off when the vast majority of human history and even today the vast majority of cultures are considered "misogynist" by westoid standards. you have experienced the extreme exception throughout your life likely in a western country, not the rule.

>> No.18984956

Women can be writers too guys! Let them write! One day they'll reach our heights. We'll have our Shakespearie by 2600s.

>> No.18985280

It is very funny how /pol/ faggots can never decide between the "women don't care about sex" narrative and "women are obsessed with sex" narrative. Make up your fucking minds my brothers

>> No.18985288
File: 20 KB, 252x378, 22E8B8EF-7A1F-4ECE-85BC-C73ADF10F1CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad her work is in translation. Borderline laughable. Even women prefer Proust here in frogland.

>> No.18985290

No, when I publish my epic poem in 5 years this entire discussion about whether women can write will be over. I will end it single-handedly

>> No.18985294

>frog opinion

>> No.18985295

>This writer is bad in translation!
So don't read translations bitch, what is this retarded post

>> No.18985301

esl's should be banned from this board

>> No.18985306

Read her in english personally, still middlebrow bs. Look at all this anglo*d cope lel. Imagine rating that woman in a world where Musil exists.

>> No.18985314
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>How does your misogynist bone cope with the fact that there are exceptions to the rule??
The exceptions are pretty cool.

>> No.18985334
File: 266 KB, 500x363, 107513294_753039205455831_7937307330178966149_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cope by being a misandrist

>> No.18985349

You just got filtered because you are an ESL cunt who can't understand or use the English language. I had to re-read your stupid post four times to get it because of how bad you are at expressing yourself.

>> No.18985356

Exceptions dictate evolution

>> No.18985357
File: 78 KB, 1000x1155, 0303FCA5-91A6-44AF-8B40-8FD5BF8A8DB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this anglo*d cope
That’s the best you can do ? Her work isn’t even challenging, stop flattering yourself.

>> No.18985376

>another episode of anglos thinking they can write

>> No.18985385

Tbf even Spark or Frame or Murdoch are more interesting than W**lf but anglos are so fucking ignorant when it comes to literature.... nothing us gentlemen can do about it, i’m afraid.

>> No.18985448
File: 936 KB, 2600x2600, bc-drops-Shakespeare-e-outras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continentals can only compare their greatest men to English women, because they know they stand no chance against England's men.

>> No.18985469

I'd like to prone bone her if you know what I mean.

>> No.18985502

name a better writer than woolf
>protip: you cant

>> No.18985511
File: 153 KB, 1200x1418, Peaceful+skunk_eb6741_8866501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur durr esl you got filtered
whenever I read this kind of post (obviously made by an aglo) I refrain myself from insulting close minded people (you) since you can't even understand my arguments

>> No.18985516

cut the english some slack, at least they're not american

>> No.18985525

>Europeans all learn English so they can talk to us
>For some reason they get mad when we don't learn their irrelevant language.
I'll never understand this one

>> No.18985545

imagine not being a native english speaker and thinking you can understand beautiful prose
it's like a blind person trying to judge a painting from a braille interpretation of it

>> No.18985551

speaking more than one european language is meme imo
speak english and if you must learn a second, go asian

>> No.18985596

Please refer to >>18985525

>> No.18985626
File: 22 KB, 288x375, Henri-Frederic-Amiel_2889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a Man
>reading woolf past the age of 15
Why though ?

>> No.18985635
File: 260 KB, 828x893, A6B536C9-09A0-45CF-AC96-E8FC327D27FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I despise both Virginia Woolf and modernism.

>> No.18985690

Retarded tripfag GO BACK TO YOUR DISCORD

>> No.18985697

Discord tripfag attention whore

>> No.18985778

Thank God. How did you manage this feat?

>> No.18985788

you'll have one more next time you bend over lad

>> No.18985794


>> No.18985798

Can you please elaborate? I'm unable to understand what you mean

>> No.18985887

>Frater Asemlen !XS8vrClKs2
>a based tripfag
How does your tripcodegynist bone cope with the fact that this poster existed??

>> No.18985913

>If only you knew how bad her work is in translation.
How is this an argument at all?

>> No.18985991


>> No.18986114

I like Faulkner a lot. Would I also like Woolf? I've heard that her writings are pretty similar

>> No.18986127

Faulkner does the style a whole lot better from the exposure to one book of hers I’ve had, you’ll get a ton of simile in rapid succession like Faulkner does but they won’t be as connected to each other or to the actual plot. It’s worth a shot just to see if you like this aspect of Faulkner.

>> No.18986921

On the contrary, the English men have also produced such a poor output of literature that they're not even worth comparing to (with Shakes being the one notable exception).

>> No.18986956

Folk be makin dat argument all the time tho. If translation be shit, the og also be shit

>> No.18987439

Is this another incel's rant?

>> No.18987443

this is unironically based

>> No.18988105

I have only read three of Woolf's novels, Mrs. Dalloway, To The Lighthouse, and The Waves, they are three of the best books I have ever read
Yes, give those three a go

>> No.18988110

Ugh go away bitch!!!

>> No.18989623

why not

>> No.18989888

wait till you read dickinson

>> No.18989895

Jokes on you The Waves is one of my all time favorite books

>> No.18989896

Why are you posting pictures of Virginia Wolf's murderer on here?

>> No.18989915
File: 2.25 MB, 1461x1801, Herman_Melville_by_Joseph_O_Eaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. After the Britons are done fucking your boipucci, the Yanks will have their turn with your sore ass.

>> No.18989970
File: 657 KB, 1000x2876, 43FA10A8-0946-4824-92F7-AE0E4CA28FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women know how each other are. That is why they hate each other.

>>pic and video related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keTUfy58JUQ

>> No.18990143

>at least they're not american
Well, of course they aren't. They're much worse.