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/lit/ - Literature

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18978946 No.18978946 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read, /lit/?

>> No.18978954

it's fun

>> No.18978963

I want to believe

>> No.18978969
File: 58 KB, 335x326, 1B1989BE-DB86-4CE3-8ADA-1360A76CB71F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life augmentations

>> No.18978978

Post more cute pics, Butters

>> No.18979041

It's the only art form that I truly and consistently connect with. Save for a few exceptions, most films seem vapid in comparison and despite liking music, since I never learned any musical theory there are layers to any musical piece that I don't understand, so my appreciation will always be, to an extent, superficial.

Whereas books have always felt comfy, in some way. Like listening in on a conversation that has been going on throughout the centuries.

>> No.18979043

To get a better sort of OKC match

>> No.18979057

I can't find one good reason to read a book for the life of me.

>> No.18979063

I feel like I'm wasting time when I'm doing any other recreational activity. Watching netflix, youtube, etc. all feels like I'm wasting time, even discord and 4chan. Only recreational time I can enjoy without my subconcious bugging me is reading and piano playing

>> No.18979068

I literally dont read anymore because i got into watching Legend of the Galactic Heros

>> No.18979069

books have storytimes in them and sometimes also pictures of cool things

>> No.18979078

>most films seem vapid in comparison
You're watching the wrong films. Film is by far the superior storytelling medium.
>Whereas books have always felt comfy, in some way
That's because the postwar novel was marketed as something that the elite do in their spare time. You had to read novels in order to be with the in crowd. The idea that reading is a more substantial way to spend your time is what's sold to you nowadays instead of the actual merit of what you're reading. That's also why you feel like it's superior to other art forms when it's actually pretty shit all things considered. Takes the longest to consume and you forget most of right after you read it.

>> No.18979086
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I try to learn more, or learn to better articulate ideas that I've already come up with myself. Books help me do that and are less able to be abused than other forms of entertainment (for me)

>piano playing
Very nice anon. I used to play trumpet and was quite good but probably am not anymore. If I get extra cash I'll buy a new one and begin practicing again

>> No.18979087

>Takes the longest to consume
Opinion discarded.

>> No.18979089

You're wasting your time when you're reading too. It's just something you're told isn't a waste of time. But it's still just media you're consuming that's created by fallible humans. Just like all of those other things you listed. Your time on Earth is limited, anon. If you enjoyed time you spent doing something then you didn't waste any of your time. That fact is entirely independent of what you spent the time doing.

>> No.18979094

You read the book and I'll watch the movie and we'll see who finishes first.

>> No.18979098

I don't want to finish first.

>> No.18979105
File: 557 KB, 590x400, pepecroc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow Call of the Crocodile enjoyer I see. Based. I read because it's always been my favorite hobby.

>> No.18979108

to feel less alone

>> No.18979114
File: 98 KB, 800x741, literature-stand_up_comic-stand_up_comic-comedian-stand_up_comedian-stand_up_comedian-shrn4629_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a dog returns to its vomit

>> No.18979123

Then keep wasting significantly more time and getting less lasting substance out of your dead tree skin.

>> No.18979137

You're reading a lot of things into my comment that I never intended. I don't think literature is per definition superior to any other art form. I only said that for reasons specific to my own circumstances it happened to be the art form that I connected with the most and as such, latched onto from an early age.

As for films, you have no idea which films I've seen or enjoy. That being said I do think that in recent times films tend to more enjoyable overall than most literature being published. I connected more with a film like La Grande Bellezza than any book I've read that was published within the past decade.

>> No.18979172
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Yes. And you can keep consuming product at maximally efficient speed.

>> No.18979193

It's the only medium I can enjoy for many hours from a time when art was valued for anything other than money laundering.

>> No.18979194

That's because the quality of books in this era have declined significantly. Meanwhile, films and the such have only increased in quality at least superficially, through more complex effects, and more HD cameras.

Not to mention, people's attention spans have been decreasing at a rapid rate. Thereby decreasing the amount of people who read and also those who can write, and even moreso for those who can actually write good stuff.

>> No.18979198
File: 6 KB, 200x202, Laughing Pepe V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. zoomer who lost his ability to focus

>> No.18979204
File: 32 KB, 600x468, 4832174832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can learn more about the cultures and peoples of the world, so that I can be racist more accurately

>> No.18979207

Normalfags finally found out about Call of the Crocodile? There has been more threads about that book than ever before

>> No.18979216

>t. newfag