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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 556 KB, 640x745, shitkickers-drinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18976931 No.18976931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 sea kelp
>inb4 schizo
>inb4 ngmi

>> No.18976948

I've read it. It's serviceable for a creative writing class but nothing to get excited about

>> No.18976954

explain. why should I care

>> No.18976982

I edited the shit out of it using:

>Elements of Style

Also got feedback from my liquor store buddies and took out some stuff while adding in more what people liked

I think some of ya'll are going to love it!

>> No.18977007

if the book is as low effort as the shilling I'm gonna hard pass

>> No.18977015

I promise to paypal you the cost of the book if you don't find it entertaining and see the hard work I put in. I wrote this book to show people that they're not alone in the feeling that our civilization is extremely unfair and getting worse every single day.

>> No.18977017
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Holy based

>> No.18977025

>I wrote this book to show people that they're not alone in the feeling that our civilization is extremely unfair and getting worse every single day.
so it's pol troon whining.
got it.
also FYI the drinks in the OP are not in correct chronological order

>> No.18977045

sup gardner

>> No.18977046

I’m excited. Call of the Crocodile was kino and I’m thinkin Mr. Bryan’s book will be too. This board literally has the best user created content.

>> No.18977053

Not Gardener just a fellow meme book enjoyed.

>> No.18977058
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I tried to write it as neutral as possible and present each character's story without bias as much as possible, it's not a right or left wing book and couldn't fit into that false dichotomy, if you look at western nations in 2021 you'll see the entire fabric of society is being torn to shreds and this book is a darkly comedic look at what life will be like soon.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

>> No.18977068


>> No.18977072

You forgot to remove the Seabus memes watermark I'm calling the meme police

>> No.18977078

ill download it from libgen but i promise to bump your threads by hating on your dilettante book. deal?

>> No.18977107

I am only releasing a print version so someone is going to have to scan 400 pages to pirate it?

Just buy it from me, I'll include a money back guarantee if you don't like it!

>> No.18977114
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>400 pages
what in tarnation

>> No.18977123

So you were too cheap to hire an editor.
Yeah dude, sure it's gonna be great kek.
Can't wait for KD to tear this shit into ribbons.

>> No.18977128

The book is printed on legal paper divided into 4 double-sided rectangles, so it is a bit smaller than a 6x9 book which pumps up the page count.

I think the MC is interesting but the female antagonist character will be the favourite character to emerge from the book

>> No.18977138

If KD tears it to shreds I will listen to his criticism and learn from it with an immense sense of appreciation and apply what I learn to my 3rd novel, Coyolo, based upon the coyotes taking over Vancouver's most prestigious park.


>> No.18977149

As another struggling author I'm gonna level with you dude, you really need to work on your elevator pitch. Nothing you've said so far makes me want to read your book.

>> No.18977150

Nobody on /lit/ wants to hear from people that live in fucking Vancouver lol

>> No.18977156
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>another shill to shit up the catalog

>> No.18977172

Is this a /lit/ writing renaissance? I've never seen so many lit authors here at one time. Even though I think shit kickers was boring. Least he's writing. Also, anon is right. I don't care about Canada.

>> No.18977179

No problem, the book is about a guy who is pretty bluepilled and believes in the good in everyone, and he gets fucked over pretty hard. I'm still trying to figure out a good way to condense the tagline into a couple of sentences.

Thank you for your reply and I hope you enjoy the book!

Godspeed anon

>> No.18977184

Canada and Australia are petri dishes for the rest of the white world.
I hope any other writers see me finish my 2nd book and be excited for my 3rd book and are inspired to write something better than my pathetic 43 year old gen x retarded ass.

If I can write a book, you can... GO GO GO!

>> No.18977189
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>> No.18977230

You forgot the Four D's of publishing to /lit/

>> No.18977232


>> No.18977238

Develop in secret
Dump money into 4chan ads
Discord channel for shills

>> No.18977288

Every single time I go on Discord and just be myself I'm banned within like 2 minutes.

This is why the public square is so important, the people who will silence me online would just get punched the fuck out in person.

>> No.18977354

whats ur username

>> No.18977436

Maybe you're just too toxic to make it in any environment.

>> No.18977451

>Is this a /lit/ writing renaissance?
but it's all shit. a shit renaissance

>> No.18977460

I think so. Call of the Crocodile seems to have inspired many on this board. I guess it was inevitable for something like this to happen.

>> No.18977464

kill self

>> No.18977480

>too lazy to even make a trannycord
>releasing a book
unironically ngmi

>> No.18977507

Self-absorption oozes from every single one of this dude's posts, here and in /wg/

Like literally every line he has is a direct reference to his hopes for the book and his experience writing it. It wasn't until halfway through the thread that he made an effort to explain what it was about. Compare the font size of the title and his name on the cover. And then compare that ratio to every other cover in the image.

>> No.18977563

it sickens me to vault book after book knowing it's not quality enough to release, then seeing people dump their shit for validation and poison the well for the rest of us.
kill yourself faggot boomer

>> No.18977729

I am bipolar and I apologize for my outbursts, I hope /lit/ can enjoy my work for as long as I'm able to create.

Thank you

>> No.18977777

sorry but that excuse is only available to women.

>> No.18977787
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>> No.18977801

Jesus Christ those digits

>> No.18977819
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Extremely based digits

>> No.18977830


>> No.18977837
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>> No.18977851
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My mother killed herself when I was 19, my entire life is based around the idea that I have to find ways to not want to KYS

Hopefully /lit/ enjoys my work so I can live in a van down by the river in Kelowna while the vaxx culls the population of subservient beta males and useless fat cunts

>> No.18977874
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Checked. Shitkickers BTFO'd permanently and for all time.

>> No.18977900
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I would flip my shit if RC Waldun would review my book

>> No.18978102

Listen up shitlicker because I'm only gonna say this once. Get it?
You're doing everything wrong. Even more wrong than Waldun.
Every sentence that comes out of your pathetic mouth makes me vomit. I finally understand how women feel when faced with incels.
I don't need to read this 400-page asswipe to know what it's gonna be: completely self-absorbed, overwrought bullshit that meanders forever and has no sense of rhythm, no real beats, a paper-thin plot shoehorned in to what amounts to page after page of your snivelling whining.
Just stop right now. Nobody is going to pay for your faggot little van. Nobody is going to do the work for you. Even this thread is the most pitiful attempt at shilling I've ever seen and your fake ig screenshot doesn't even use the right fonts. Your book cover looks like shit and you still haven't explained what it's about other than women bad.
I am going to report every thread you make from now on. You're so much worse than Gardner. At least he has a sense of humor. And you're worse than Waldun, because at least he puts effort into his persona and built a following.
You are just a lazy, talentless sadsack and you don't deserve thread space.
Seriously. Stop the countdown, delete the book, and start again. Preferably by rerolling.

>> No.18978119

I am sure The Shit Kicker will be just as good as Call of the Crocodile and Waldun. Stop spamming against someone who is putting his heart into his novel.

>> No.18978131
File: 146 KB, 638x359, apu-tsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will paypal $50 to any charity you want right now if you tell me what about myself has made you believe I am such a massive piece of shit

I'm trying guys, I really am

I wrote this book for you

>> No.18978348


>> No.18978389

Where is it sold?

>> No.18978396

very impressive

>> No.18978462
File: 1.04 MB, 750x911, 1595476999720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore him and post a page or two so we can see for ourselves if it's any good. At least you actually wrote a book unlike everyone else on this board.

>> No.18978469
File: 57 KB, 699x761, 1619825778805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason called me a loser virgin with no good car nor sex experience a few times (he's right!) but I can't but hope he makes it.
Good luck with The Shitkickers Jason you faggot.

>> No.18978498


I even critiqued this for you, didn't I? I hope at least you incorporated some of my suggestions

>> No.18978528

>You're doing everything wrong. Even more wrong than Waldun.
I've read Jason's novel, well half of it.
It is very alright. He has a good sense of how to write awkward or tense situations. Better than tons of shit novels I've read. Infinitely better than L'Acad(e)mie.

>> No.18978582

Kino incoming.

>> No.18978582,1 [INTERNAL] 


The reason it's boring is because the writing is terrible. Chapter 1 tells us what Ke is doing but not why. We find out what is happening around Ken but not how that affects him or why he is affected in any particular way.

It's like someone transcribed a twitch stream of someone playing Skyrim. It's not compelling as there is no opportunity to understand or empathize with the character. Ken's LiveJournal is not engaging and you just give up reading after the first four pages. I don't care what Ken is doing and I haven't been given a reason to.