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18972252 No.18972252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books on why women are the way they are?

>> No.18972265

>Women are females and men are males. According to gynaecologists, women menstruate every month or so, while men, being male, do not menstruate or suffer during the monthly period. A woman, being a female, is naturally subject to monthly bleeding. When a woman does not menstruate, she is pregnant. If she is pregnant, she becomes, due to pregnancy, less active for about a year, which means that all her natural activities are seriously reduced until she delivers her baby. When she delivers her baby or has a miscarriage, she suffers puerperium, a condition attendant on delivery or miscarriage. As man does not get pregnant, he is not liable to the conditions which women, being female, suffer. Afterwards a woman may breast-feed the baby she bore. Breast-feeding continues for about two years. Breastfeeding means that a woman is so inseparable from her baby that her activity is seriously reduced. She becomes directly responsible for another person whom she assists in his or her biological functions; without this assistance that person would die. The man, on the other hand, neither conceives nor breast-feeds. End of gynaecological statement!

>> No.18972271
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The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.

Although, I don't agree with the quote he's most famous for in the book:

>"Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. Men are loved on the condition they provide something."

More specifically the first item on that list, 'Women.'

Women are *not* loved unconditionally. Both men are women are loved conditionally in regards to dating.

>> No.18972279

*Female hands*

>> No.18972285


Sexual ornamentation, gestation time, the incubation tax in most mammals, care for young children, and general entropy (women aren't even very good at being women because they don't have to be)

>> No.18972295

Nothing and no one is loved unconditionally. That’s the kind of nonsense statement the sort of person that seethes at kids for not working would make.

>> No.18972302
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>> No.18972311

I love women for the same reason I love my cat:
They're cruel, selfish, and hurt you quite unintentionally, but I'm a moron and put up with it anyways, because having something/someone is better than being alone.

>> No.18972313

This is true, but it's mostly bad word choice on Rollo's part.

What me meant to say was that when you see a women you see her for her looks and her personality and on a subconscious level her fertility. You don't care if she's a doctor, or a lawyer like a woman would in a man. You only care for her just being "her" so to speak.

What the author meant to imply was that Men are only loved for their status/wealth anything that they can provide that is of value. It's special pleading on the author's part though because looks and personality is technically something a woman can provide.

>> No.18972333

Yeah that’s some incel-to-tranny-pipeline logic. He’s basically complaining that he’s able to improve himself instead of being stuck with a borderline-immutable value assigned by genetic lottery (looks).

>> No.18972340

His whole shtick is exactly to 'improve' yourself, though this improvement is somewhat sociopathic

>> No.18972357
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>> No.18972369
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>> No.18972373

He has a point in my opinion. There's so many hot girls with ugly guys out there it makes you wonder 'Why is she with him?" A 'bluepilled' mind might say personality but that's just not how women work. It's more than likely that guy is a good provider. He probably pampers his woman, is emotionally there for her, buys her all sorts of things.

The truth is women care about a man's abiltiy to provide as they get older and consider a serious relationship. And even on a societal level, if you as a man don't have any currency or valuable skill then you're just invisible, a nobody.

>> No.18972377

lol has the author even met a woman before?

>> No.18972380

how do I turn myself gay?

>> No.18972384

God bless you anon.

>> No.18972385

the bible

>> No.18972397

It’s complaining about an advantage.
>be male born ugly
>oh well, get rich
>be female born ugly
>kill yourself I guess lol

>> No.18972400

Don't praise me. I'm just a lonely man with an ugly cat.

>> No.18972406


>> No.18972408

Don't fret. This doesn't mean to hate women and wish you were gay. It just means that a woman will evaluate you based on how many valuable assets you have


And this doesn't mean be rich necessarily, or be the most famous guy or the most handsome guy out there. All it means is to improve yourself to the best of your capability so you can attract a high quality woman or women. There's someone out there for everybody.

And don't get it twisted, women care about personality you just have to meet the pre-requisites like your financial status and physical appeal.

>inb4 somebody calls me an incel for stating what should be common sense

>> No.18972412
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He just is. I had to amputate his tail, his ear is clipped, black with gray hairs and bald spots, most of his teal are pulled, a mole of some sort on his nose.

He's broken and ugly and hated me for the longest time, but we're fairly good pals now. He still scratches me on accident, though.

>> No.18972413

Cum guzzling faggotnigger cat

>> No.18972416

The only things he guzzles are shreds of cheese and bacon.

>> No.18972417

Was your cat in the fucking war anon

>> No.18972422

he's so cute anon. I'm glad you are you cat are such good friends. Me and my cat are good frens too. Although I'm pretty sure he has some cat version of autism

>> No.18972426


>> No.18972427
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No, he was just an outdoor cat and lived an outdoor life until he got hurt and I had to amputate his tail.

>> No.18972434

It took me far too long to replace my laptop despite it being written on that white board for 2 years.

>> No.18972437
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I understand if you have an NDA to talk about his time in the field

>> No.18972439
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>> No.18972476
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Women deserve death

>> No.18972539

why you done it

>> No.18972545

Anna Karenina
Madame Bovary
Tess of the D'Urbervilles

>> No.18972548

Cute cat and cute Steyr

>> No.18972555

For me it's Tess>>>AK>>>>>>>>>>>MmeB

>> No.18972564
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Thanks. :)

>> No.18972623

You can’t just be a provider though, otherwise she’ll be taking tens to hundreds of dicks while you’re off earning.

>> No.18972629

This, is there a booké?

>> No.18972641

You need therapy or a priest.

>> No.18972659

the absolute maniac

>> No.18972662

if not, someone needs to write it.

>> No.18972663

Don't women produce children. Attraction to women is largely based on her perceived ability to produce healthy children. Not a great take.

>> No.18972669
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>> No.18972685

he so smart :3 I like the rug

>> No.18972690
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Thanks! He is very clever and it makes it so much more fun messing with him.

>> No.18972694

But being rich is not easy, men. And often depends in other genetic traits such as intelligence. Besides that what bothers men the most is the fact that they’re haven’t these concerns respect to women, it’s something that they can’t comprehend

>> No.18972706

I can recommend "why gender matters" a lot of male and female behavior can be singled down to mate selection and the pursuit of sex. A very interesting read and is a strong piece in the puzzle of understanding human behavior.

>> No.18972718
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Imagine being only valuable because of a wet warm hole that mini-mes pop out of after a lot of bitching and getting fat.

>> No.18972726

>so you can attract a high quality woman or women
why would I want this? serious question

>> No.18972746


>comes to thread wanting to hate on women
>end up leaving with better overall mood thanks to catanon

Thanks cat anon your cat is not ugly despite his physical defects, which gives him a lot of merit imo

>> No.18972769
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I'm glad I could cheer you up. That's always my hope when I share him.

He's still ugly, though.

>> No.18972773 [DELETED] 


>> No.18972814

This niggerman playin fetch!

>> No.18972831

I think you’re taking it wrong. “Loved” in the sense that they are coddled, and treated with baby gloves no matter what. Do you see many homeless women? No because women are not allowed to fail.

>> No.18972881


>> No.18972921
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>> No.18972935

anon, there are some good women, you just really got to be patient...

>> No.18972999


>> No.18973006

>because having something/someone is better than being alone
strong disagree

>> No.18973021
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>> No.18973196

More like
>be male, lose/win a genetic lottery
>still have to put in great amounts of effort to become successful
>be female, lose/win a genetic lottery
>find someone to provide for you
That's how it works

>> No.18973335

Absolutely based man.