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/lit/ - Literature

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18972229 No.18972229 [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books

And other anons rate how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.18972248

>Call of the Crocodile
>The Shit Kicker
>Moby Dick
>Infinite Jest

>> No.18972253

and my age is a secret.

>> No.18972263


>On the Apostolic Preaching
>Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ
>Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

>> No.18972277

>i'm not telling you
>the importance of being earnest
>the picture of dorian gray
>lady windermere's fan
>a woman of no importance

>> No.18972278

faggot larper

>> No.18972298

>The Once and Future King
>The Magic Mountain
>Death in Venice
>Don Quixote
>Light in August

>> No.18972339

>King Lear
>Wuthering Heights
>Selected Political Speeches of Cicero
>Collected Shorter Fiction Vol. 1 by Tolstoy
you pass

>> No.18972344

Is this faggot serious?

>> No.18972345

Storm of Steel
Journey to the End of the Night
Death on the Installment Plan
Moby Dick
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.18972349

>Man in the High Castle
>A Scanner Darkly
> Chaos by Tom O'neil

>> No.18972359

>Crime and Punishment
>No Longer Human
>Notes from Underground
>Heart of Darkness
>The Stranger

>> No.18972365


>> No.18972379

>Industrial Society and its Future
>Spare Change
>Rabbit, Run
>Consider This

>> No.18972383

>Not even in college core

>> No.18972403

>The Gutenberg Galaxy
>The Dwarf
>Invitation to a Beheading
>The Encyclopaedia of the Dead
>The Birds

>> No.18972404

>Death in Venice
>Collection of Chekov short stories
>Against Nature
>The Invisible Man

>> No.18972424

>soul music
>feet of clay
>all systems red

>> No.18972463

>I, Claudius
>Bulfinch's Mythology
>Tao te Ching
>Brian Blessed's autobiography - "Absolute Pandemonium"

>> No.18972475
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25 or 26

Jonathan Crary – 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep
Dino Buzzati –The Tartar Steppe
Philip Connors– Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout
Plato – Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phedo
John Williams – Stoner

between there somewhere was Peter Wessel Zapffe's The Last Messiah but it's an essay so idk if it counts

>> No.18972571


>Klara and the sun
>Notes from underground
>The loser
>Rashomon and 17 other stories
>The sun also rises

>> No.18972577

>After Virtue - Alasdair MacIntyre
>Autobiography - Saint Teresa of Avila
>Les Contemplations - Victor Hugo
>Secretum - Petrarch
>La Petite Fadette - Georges Sand

>> No.18972587
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>Totem and Taboo
>Keeper of Sheep (pic related)
>Don Quixote
>Tao te ching
>Ecce Homo

>> No.18972658


>Cien años de soledad
>Deep work
>Your brain on porn
>Gödel, Escher, Bach an eternal golden braid
Please don't bully me

>> No.18972677

The Antichrist
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Beyond Good and Evil
The Steppenwolf
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.18972710

east of eden
growth of the soil
the forever war
war and peace

>> No.18972717 [DELETED] 
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The Elementary Particles
half of gravity's rainbow but I dropped it

>> No.18972722
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The Elementary Particles
Forever war (again)
Half of gravity's rainbow but I dropped it.

>> No.18972728
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These are much better than stack threads. I hope we see more of this in the future.

>> No.18972743

I cannot ascertain the meaning behind your post.

>> No.18972745

>Religion within the bare bounds of reason, Kant
>Introduction to the Wissenschartlehre, Fichte
>The vocation of man, Fichte
>Moral philosophy, Hume
>Dialogues concerning natural religion, Hume

>> No.18972749

forgot to rate
not 5 books idiot
seems like a bunch of gay British shit
fine I guess, seems a little boring
patrician, but boring. lighten up, kid.
very nice. yes.
great stuff, but a depressing series of books.
idk any of this shit, probably gay
what? gay.

>> No.18972750

Oh, and 19.

>> No.18972766
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unfathomably based momoposter

>> No.18972778

she is a real sexpot

>> No.18972786
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>> No.18972805

literally gay
never heard of these, which means they suck
You were ok until that last one. keep it up kid
the first 3 seem interesting. The last 2 are required reading here obviously.
really, really gay
quit the self-help shit faggot. actually, the fact you even considered them in the first place means it's already late for you
nice. very good. I hope you are studying german if you dont already know it.
good good

>> No.18972830

lenin, Victor sebystyn
Revolutionary syndicalism and French labor, Peter stearns
Story of the velvet underground
Cats cradle
Aspects of a novel forester

>> No.18972839


Going through a Houellebecq phase

>> No.18972843


>> No.18972844
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>> No.18972848

Oh no I feel bad now

>> No.18972849

me too man. I had a dream last night where I met him walking around my campus. he was cool.

>> No.18972855

I only read atomized but going by this board I feel like all his books are the same. Kinda like Ozu made the same
movie over and over. Is there really any point on reading more of his books?

>> No.18972861

They’re all more or less the same story. I’m trying to jam the lesson into my head after being a cosmopolitan modernite blew up in my face.

>> No.18972862

I was about to ask the same thing. I just read atomized and Submission back to back and I'm on the fence about starting Whatever. Ill probaly just wait a lil while.

>> No.18972866

Extremely poor taste

>> No.18972869

sneed fag

>> No.18972954
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27 and pic related.
You're trying too hard.
When are you going to off yourself?

>> No.18972983

>The Odyssey
>Notes from Underground

>> No.18972985

>Napoleon: A life
> Intelligence: All That Matters
>Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America
>Montaigne's Essays

>> No.18972993
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>Last books

These books. I've been reading through them since this board won't shut the fuck up about them. They're pretty good but I do have some minor complaints. I'll be uploading a video on them to my Youtube channel.


>> No.18973002

Numerically illiterate, yet based and Orthodox-pilled
Not bad
21 for sure
Plato and buzzati, basado
s' ok
good stuff
dont watch porn my son, youre on the right path
forever war is classic, manly picks
youre too young to understand what youre reading but carry on
fun reads, straight

>> No.18973005


You've been beaten to it. There's already videos about Croc.

>> No.18973018

>The Road
>Roadside Picnic
>On the Shortness of Life
>Blood Meridian
>Outer Dark

>> No.18973064

>Pierre et Jean and Other Stories
>Père Goirot
>The Grand Alliance
>Absalom, Absalom

>> No.18973080

>Kaka by the Shore
>The Sun also Rises
>Norwegian Wood





>> No.18973091


The Man Without Qualities
To The Lighthouse
Critique of Judgment
Madness and Modernism
Doctor Faustus

>> No.18973102

>everyone here are 19-22 year old undergraduate children
There's a reason Plato said you're not allowed in the academy until you're past 30. I'll be sipping in there with my boomer friends, kids.

>> No.18973108

Doesn't matter for him. Capitalizing on CotC is a smart move for a Booktuber channel. Going after the audience for niche series is a good way to build a fanbase and get an audience.

>> No.18973133


>The Sickness unto Death
>The New Testament (If you count the new and old as separate books within one book)
>The Book of Disquiet
>City of God

>> No.18973153


- No Longer Human
- The Mote in God's Eye
- Sourcery (Discworld #5)
- Heart of Darkness
- Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained

>> No.18973299

stop reading and get it over with

>> No.18973327

>Aquinas Selected Philosophical Writings
>The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine
>Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of the Soul
>Reflections on Violence

>> No.18973338

>Novel with Cocaine
>Life of Jesus by Renan
>Sentimental Education
>Hitler Moves East by Carell

>> No.18973341

>Malone Dies
>The Evenings.

>> No.18973497

-Fear and Trembling
-Letters from a Stoic
-Divine Comedy
-Discourses of Epictetus

>> No.18973827

>blood meridian
>butchers crossing
>all the pretty horses
>spring snow
>old man and the sea

>> No.18973832


>no fucking one

>> No.18973848

>Gurdjieff : Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
>Deleuze : Difference And Repetition
>Derrida : Of Grammatology
>The Zohar
>Bronislava Nijinska : Early Memoirs

>> No.18973853

-The Trial
-The Sound of Waves
- Ulysses
- Men Without Women
- The Rebel

>> No.18973866

>implying that reading a book is an automatic endorsement

>> No.18973890

>Mythology by Edith Hamilton
>The Iliad by Homer
>The Odyssey by Homer
>Histories by Herodotus
>A New History of Western Philosophy by Anthony Kenny

>> No.18973896

>last 5 books
1066: The Hidden History in the Bayeux Tapestry by Andrew Bridgeford
The Boatman's Daughter by Andy Davidson
Subhuman by Michael McBride
The Driver's Guide to Hitting Pedestrians by Andersen Prunty
The Montauk Monster by Hunter Shea

>> No.18973970

>The Idiot
>Master & Margarita

>> No.18973997

>Journey To The End Of The Night (2nd read)
>All of Gogol's short stories
>The Symposium
>A gólyakalifa by Babits Mihály
>One Minute Stories by Örkény István

>> No.18974174

>You're too young to understand
Projection. Not everyone picks up Nietzsche for the first time in their late 20s. I've been reading philosophy voraciously for two years now, and my favourite area of study is German Idealism, it's safe to say I know exactly what I'm doing.

>> No.18974183

>john copwer powys' porius
>Tao te ching
>Sir walter scotts ivanhoe

>> No.18974188

>crime & punishment
>the plague
>art of love (fromm)
>archetypes of the collective unconcious
>jung: an autobiography

>> No.18974190

I'm sure you know what you're reading, but that doesn't mean you understand it. :^)

>> No.18974202

>Woman in the Dunes
>Elementary Particles
>East-Prussian Diary
>In the Miso Soup
>The human stain (100 pages left)

>> No.18974221

>When we cease to Understand the World
>Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
>Pereira Maintains
>the Invention of Morel
>Pedro Páramo (reread)

>> No.18974231

Breakfast of champions
Captains courageous
Hard times
Heart of darkness
Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.18974239

>The book of Ebenezer Le page
>Gravity's rainbow

>> No.18974359

>the subtle art of not giving a fuck
>tales from earthsea
>men without women
>lotr two towers
>dante's inferno

>> No.18974480
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>You are too young to understand what you're reading, take me for example, when I read Nietzsche at 25, I was far to impressionable and unseasoned, most was lost on me! You'll get there soon champ!

>> No.18974525

Who are you quoting? :^)

>> No.18974556


>> No.18974644

very nice young stoic. you better live it

>> No.18974682

"The Psychology of the Unconscious" - Carl Jung
"Yanamomo: The Fierce People" - Napoleon Chagnon
"In the Shadow of Man" - Jane Goodall
"Chimpanzee Politics" Franz De Waal
"Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape" - Franz De Waal

Currently reading "Crime and Punishment."

>> No.18974685

The Discourses,
Crime and punishment,
Jiahd vs mcworld,
The Russian Revolution.
My aim is to become the giga pseud

>> No.18974705
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>Society of the spectacle
>How to read a book
>Literary works of Jorge Luis Borges
>The stranger
>Do androids dream of electric sheep?

>> No.18974710

The Oresteia
Prometheus Unbound
Women of Trachis

either very faggot or not faggot at all, can't decide
you're well on your way

>> No.18974729


The Age of Kali (William Dalrymple)
Death on the Nile (Agatha Christie)
Nine Lives (William Dalrymple)
The Indian Mutiny (Saul David)
Medieval Persia (David Morgan)

>> No.18974802

>the Servile State
>Foundation trilogy
>Outline of Sanity

>> No.18974815

Chronic trend chaser

>> No.18974851

31 year old boomer reporting in
Growth of the soil - Hamsun
Pale fire - Nabokov
The will to power - Nietzsche
Decline of the west - Spengler
Imperium - Yockey

>> No.18974861

where are all the 35+ anons at? Do we all die before then or something, or is there actually a way out?

>> No.18974874


>Infinite Jest
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Kafka on the Shore
>The Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18974884

>Why Liberalism Failed
>Gunfighter Nation
>The Crossing
>The Gospel in Brief
>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

>> No.18974886

Either suicide or mature beyond using this site I guess

>> No.18974904

I am a faggot irl. Not sure if the faggotry translates to my taste in lit though.

>> No.18974910


>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce)
>Rhetoric (Aristotle)
>The Orthodox Church (Ware)
>Screwtape Letters (Lewis)
> Antigone (Sophocles)

>> No.18974943

>Gawain and the Green Knight
>On Revolution (Arendt)
>Dubliners (reread)
>Moby Dick
>What Hath God Wrought: A History of the United States

>> No.18974954

or too embarrassed to reveal themselves.

>> No.18975012

>age 22

>Diary of a madman, government inspector, and collected stories
>absalom, absalom!
>the bear
>slaugherhouse five

>> No.18975026

How was heart of darkness? I'm planning on reading it soon and I don't really ever see people on /lit/ talking about it.

>> No.18975158

It definitely does get some positive rep, read it ages ago as I love Apocalypse Now. Was really good as I recall, his prose and environmental stuff is great and really eerie. Good length too, not overdone or whatever.

>> No.18975168

because everyone reads in in highschool

>> No.18975200

>La Morte d’Artur
>Man and his Symbols
>Meditations (again)
>The Old Man and the Sea
>The Never-Open Desert Diner
The last one is /literallywho/ but I know the author personally and enjoyed it

>> No.18975224

Unspeakably sodomitical. Joyce himself wouldn't be able to 'fuck the farts" out of this one

>> No.18975236


Everyone I knew IRL who read this was a dysfunctional incel faggot

>> No.18975246

>In search of lost time
>indochina: an ambiguous colonisation
>some Jack Bogel invest ment book
>Three novels of Samuel Beckett
>the authorised KJV
I miss my anime gf

>> No.18975251

what happened to her

>> No.18975252

Why else would I be looking to a centuries-dead autist’s diary for personal development advice?

>> No.18975264

>Storm of Steel
>The Old Man And The Sea
>Tolstoy folk tales (this exact collection doesnt exist in english)
>The Sickness Unto Death
>The Idiot

>> No.18975270 [DELETED] 

>South of the Border, West of the Sun
>Sayings of the Desert Fathers
>Technological Slavery

>> No.18975299

I left her because I couldn't see a long term future together. I could just date her but it'd be a sad affair because I think she wanted a relationship which could lead to marriage. Seems that I made the wrong call since I spend quater of my day thinking about her.

>> No.18975356


Velocity weapon, Megan O’keefe
The monkey wrench gang, Edward Abbey
Cadillac Desert, Mark Reisner
One Hundred Years of Solitude, Marquez
The Water Knife, Paulo Bacigalupi

>> No.18975376


>Andre Aciman - Call Me By Your Name
>Jon Ronson - The Psychopath Test
>Thomas Szasz - The Myth of Mental Illness
>Aristotle - The Nichomachean Ethics
>Alasdair MacIntyre - After Virtue

>> No.18975722

Should have started with the pirates.

>> No.18976970

The Aeneid.
The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Confessions of a mask
Agnes grey

>> No.18977009

Capital in the 21st Century
Manufacturing Consent
Das Kapital vol 2
Das Kapital vol 1

>> No.18977012
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>Carson McCullers, Clock Without Hands
>Carson McCullers, Ballad of the Sad Cafe
>Carson McCullers, The Member of the Wedding
>Carson McCullers, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
>Jack Kerouac, On the Road

I read The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and went on a binge, unfortunately her other books weren't as great but still loved reading them. I would recommend her a lot.

>The Call of the Crocodile

Leave this out and I would have said based

>absalom, absalom!

Based list, never read Faulkner before but I might pick this up soon, how was it?


Based boomer

>Three novels of Samuel Beckett

was going to ask which ones but googled and realised thats what its called lol

>I miss my anime gf

also very based



>> No.18977021
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Three body problem series
Lobido Dominondi
Industrial Society and it's Future
Behold a Pale Horse
The bell curve
Bronze Age Mindset
Suicide Note (I didn't read it all)

>> No.18977022

It has some interesting components to it, but overall I think it's overrated.

>> No.18977043

The Golden Bough
God and the State
The Future of an Illusion
Proposed Roads to Freedom
The Wealth of Nations

>> No.18977057


No longer human
Satyres by Horace
Voyage at the end of the night

Purgatorio is taking a lot of time so I didn't read many books this Summer

>> No.18977059

Christ I'm the oldest person here. Wtf .

>> No.18977122

On the road by Jack Kerouac (too long on my shelf)
Klara and the sun
The handmaid's tale (to see why women love it)
Mayor of casterbridge by thomas hardy

>> No.18977228

And why do women love it?
Is it genuinely a great book or is just a decent one elevated to greatness by the priorities of the culture we live in?

>> No.18977261


> De Bello Gallico
> Discourses on Livy
> Lost Victories
> Robert J Evan's Third Reich Series
> Juvenal's Satires

>> No.18977357

>Mister President - Asturias
>Petersburg - Bely
>Paradiso - Lezama Lima
>Lysistrara - Aristophanes
>Thousand Cranes - Kawabata

>> No.18977438

duality of man

>> No.18977493


how was that? have you read any other powys?

>> No.18977524

>A Boy and his Dog - Ellison
>A Sorrow Beyond Dreams - Handke
>Fup - Dodge
>Tender Buttons - Stein
>The Necrophiliac - Wittkop

I finished The Three Body problem series not long ago. Really loved them.

And yes it's disconcerting how young everyone here is.

>> No.18977539

>Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe
>The Book of Disquiet
>Collected Machen Short Stories
>The Savage Detectives
>Roadside Picnic

>> No.18977551

>a Mayakovsky anthology
>The Sound and The Fury
>Story of The Eye
>The Art of Writing (Schopenhauer compilation)
>Ugly Man

+Notes from Underground
you seem nice enough
based Tao Te Ching
you strike me as the sort of person that has debates on Discord

>> No.18977679

> goodbye, things
>farenheit 451
> the selfish gene
> on truth and lies in a nonmoral sense
> the subtle art of not giving fuck

>> No.18977769

>European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
>Theogony/Works and Days
>Simulacra and Simulation
>Ressurection (Tolstoy)
>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.18977918

>How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Tom Woods
>Which Way Western Man? By William Simpson
>The Bhagavad Gita As It Is
>Let Them Look West by Marty Phillips
>The Other Side of the Mountain by Michel Bernanos

>> No.18977956

>Tao te ching
Did you get a lot out of this? It's on my reading list and I'm considering it next.

>> No.18978686

this is the first of powys' books ive read, its probably been the most difficult book ive read through just because of how much of a slow burn it is. that being said it was well worth the read. im waiting on my copy of a glatsonbury romance to come in so i can start on that next. the version i have is the unredacted 1994 colgate university press release, which is roughly 30% longer than the typical re releases you may come across. most modern releases of the book are of the original redacted print, so that may have exacerbated the pacing a fair bit.
not really, its was an interesting read certainly but its mostly just axioms for navigating day to day life wrapped in some nearly translated poems. it got quite a few chuckles out of me here and there, but there was a lot of times where i had to stop and think about what i was reading, not because it was terribly deep, but because i wasn't really sure if i was interpreting the text correctly/not being able to interpret it because a phrase is untranslatable. its unfortunate but thats just how translation works sadly.

>> No.18979265

It's bleak and depressing and I gained nothing from it. There are woman power lines in there and overall it can be felt that the book has been written by a female. It lets off a scent to people who think orange-man-bad and appeals to them directly.

It's not a terrible book but as far as dystopias go, there are many better ones out there. THT doesn't deal with issues like how the state can support itself.

>> No.18979301

Not that anon. I only got half way into it before I dropped it, but it see it as pornography for women, like 50 shades of grey. Men taking total control and ownership of women and the world in general turns women on and is missing from the weak men in modern society. BDSM, being chosen as a sex slave and breeding sow, punishment/spanking, and driving otherwise sensible men mad with lust are also fetishes the book caters to.
It probably works as pornographic pulp. As a serious novel, the prose, story, world, and characters are all too weak or absurd for me to take seriously.

>> No.18979343

>Children of Dune
>The King in Yellow
>last ASoIaF book
>Dune Messiah
>E. A. Poe Collection

>> No.18980091

>The Midnight Library
>A Scanner Darkly
>On Love and Barley: Haiku of Basho
>The Sirens of Titan

god i hate the first, fourth and fifth

>> No.18980124

> 26
> The pragmatic programmer
> The C programming language
> Buddhism
> The communist manifesto
> The time machine

>> No.18980297


>Essential Jung by Anthony Storr
>The Portrait of an artist as a young man
>A season in Hell
>Thus spoke Zaruthustra

>> No.18980838

>the Conquest of New Spain
>Wuthering Heights
>Dawn (Legend of the Galactic Heroes novel)
>De Bourgondiërs (Dutch book about the dukes of Burgundy and the low countries)

>> No.18980977

I've only read the original Dune and heard the subsequent books take a nosedive in quality. What say you? Are they worth a read?

>> No.18981004

> Andrew Carnegie
> Letters from a self-made merchant to his son
> Models of my life
> Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field How Two Men Revolutionized Physics
> Deep Simplicity

>> No.18981010

>Rousseau's Social Contract & Origins on Inequality, Hume's On the Standard of Taste, Pliny the Younger's Complete Letters, and Candide

>> No.18981024

Never read a book in my life outside of school

>> No.18981031

The two first are based and very nice reading. The three last are cringe and retarded.

>> No.18981189

> <30
>Fathers and Sons
>The picture of dorian gray
>a hero of our time
>the republic of plato

>> No.18981201

>Children of Time
>Oryx and Crake
>Roadside Picnic

>> No.18981251


>The Great Code: The Bible and Literature
>Virgil's Aeneid: A Reader's Guide (undergrad/layman-level intro to Virgil)
>The Mortal Hero (undergrad/layman-level intro to the Iliad)
I read both of the above after I had already read Virgil and Homer
>A Guide to Hellenistic Literature

>> No.18981267

David Diop At Night All Blood Is Black
Frank Herbert Dune Messiah
José Saramago All the Names
Elizabeth Strout Olive Kitteridge
Andrey Platonov Soul

>> No.18981278

americans dont know terry pratchett

>> No.18981280

>Dead House
>Shadow over Innsmouth

>> No.18981283

>fundamentals of tibetan buddhism
>bald's leechbook
>analects of confucius
>The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life, Vol. 1
>spice and wolf vol. 2

>> No.18981298

Also, 20
Very faggot
Fucks bottoms
Dresses as a faggot to hit on girls

>> No.18981303


>> No.18981327

complete plato counts as one book faggot now do it properly

>> No.18981473

>Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
>The Republic
>The Innocence of Father Brown
>The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.18981590

>Lies of Locke Lamora
>The Rum Diary
>The Three Musketeers
>The Silmarilion

>> No.18981608

wanderer by sterling hayden
the brothers karamazov
jack dempsey championship fighting
limmys autobiography
the sunflower

>> No.18981612

Melville - Clarel
Milton - Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
St. Athanasius - The Life of St. Antony

>> No.18981621

also i could beat you all on a stretcher

>> No.18981648

>everybody posts theirs
>nobody rates faggotry
I rate each and every participant in this thread a 10/10 narcissist faggot. especially >>18981621

>> No.18981688

Except i did.
I didnt post my age in my first post so i posted it in ny second

>> No.18981749

Journey by moonlight
Kierkegaard - Papers and Journals
Goethe - Maxims and Reflections

>> No.18981826


>Cat Sense by John Bradshaw
>20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
>The Structure of the Novel by Edwin Muir

I hope this is from your uni courses. Reading this voluntarily is tryhard
(you) seem cool
actually 16
age appropriate reading
too young for that stuff. On the road to pseudism
Same as above. Calm down
you too

Too many posts to go through them all but you're all pseud faggots and so am i