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18970527 No.18970527 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read any of Glenn Greenwald's books?

>> No.18970531

literally who?

>> No.18970539

Literally a gay faggot jew, who is ironically the only journalist left worthy of calling themselves a “journalist” and not a paid propagandist. And I say all of this as a Muslim who would love nothing more than seeing a gay jew swing from a rope

>> No.18970554

This is the power of Multiculturalism
#positivevibes #JihadForGlenn

>> No.18970561

One of the very few actual journalists we still have.

Leftists are absolutely seething at him because they are psychotic who live their sad lives through mass media psyops.

>> No.18970570

Implying we dont also live our lives through psyops

>> No.18970588

The fuck did he do to piss everybody off so much?

>> No.18970598


Appear on Tucker Carlson's show because Fox is the only media network that hasn't completely blacklisted him. That's why Chelsea Manning, a former friend of Glenn's who he supported through a prison sentence and donated $10,000 to when she desperately needed it, is now throwing him under the bus.

But of course Glenn is in the wrong because he said some mean words on Twitter in retaliation.

>> No.18970600

Isn't Chelsea that ex cia tranny? lol

>> No.18970606

He reported the news, didn't buy into globohomo sponsored psyops. Now leftists are seething because the truth hurts, and he's a leftist.

>> No.18970609


>> No.18970613
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>> No.18970615

Wow, if that's Chelsea Manning now she really doesn't pass

>> No.18970618

thats dasha you faggot

>> No.18970619

That's Dasha Nekrasova from the Red Scare podcast who's friends with Glenn. She isn't trans.

>> No.18970623

why has no one posted exactly what he said to cause butthurt yet?

>> No.18970629

He didn't say anything in particular. Chelsea Manning, and shitlibs in general, are mad at him for regularly appearing on Tucker Carlson's show, which he only does because every other media network besides Fox has blacklisted him.

>> No.18970632
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Consider yourself trolled, redscare homos

>> No.18970659

I sort of skimmed through his Snowden book once.

>> No.18970664

Anon this is simply magnificent...I'm speechless and teary eyed. Sic transit gloria mundi...

>> No.18970683

>how dare you not know some podcasting twitter whore

kill yourself fag

>> No.18970692

>every other media network besides Fox has blacklisted him.
Why did they blacklist him? What taboo did he break?

>> No.18970693

is this some zoomer tranny i should know?

>> No.18970719

Speaking out against the industrial military complex and the alphabet agencies

>> No.18970726

Chomsky made a career out of that and isn’t cancelled

>> No.18970731

Yes he is and has been. Chomsky gets attention because he is a venerable name but he still isn't a CNN talking head. Greenwald is doing what Chomsky did years ago but as it's breaking, not as a commentator but as a journalist. He's cancelled because half of the mainstream media's staff are now former CIA agents who need fake "consultant" jobs.

>> No.18970737

Chomsky is controlled opposition. He speaks out against the industrial military complex and the alphabet agency, but he comes out every election cycle to urge his followers to vote for whatever puppet candidate has been propped up by the very same things he speaks out against. Greenwald doesn't support the Democratic party like Chomsky does. (He doesn't support the Republican party either, but that goes without saying.)

>> No.18970738

Chomsky made a career pretending to do that while actually saying pretty much the same things the glowies do. Look what they consider "terrorist threats" it's all stuff Chomsky agrees is le terrible racist fascism

>> No.18970749

Tried to sink the entire publication he helped found (Intercept), and throw most of his colleagues under the bus because they wouldn't let him uncritically reiterate a fucking New York Post story.
I had a certain amount of respect for the man prior, since he does have a history of sticking his neck out for new stories. He always seemed more than a little self important and aggrandizing, but desu that's just the nature of the beast with for profit Western Media.
Since alienating all his colleagues l, hes largely just been baiting clicks by contradicting his own direct assertions from not even 2 years ago. So it's pretty easy to read him a s cynically grasping after he overplayed his hand. A real cretin

>> No.18970754

Imagine being this much of a bootlicker

>> No.18970760

>they wouldn't let him uncritically reiterate a fucking New York Post story
Correction: they wouldn't allow him to publish the story on Hunter Biden the media was trying to suppress.
Fuck off back to bunkerchan, tranny. Or better yet, go 50% yourself.

>> No.18970767

Greenwald is a psychopath, but he's not a sociopath; the main difference between him and the leftists who now hate him is that they are the reverse.

>> No.18970772

Never understood people who have such complacency toward the hideously corrupt establishment that they're able to scrutinize someone like Greenwald who steps outside of it to this extent. If you are this capable of smelling shit where there are maybe minor personal foibles at best, how have you not noticed the mountain of shit that is every single one of his hack former "colleagues" and their corporate masters?

What drives people to willingly put mainstream journalist cock in their mouth? Those people are worse than the worst subhuman fucking scum of all time. Craven corpo whores who would eat a piece of dog shit and say it tasted good if a memo came down from some gov agency telling them to.

>> No.18970805

I honestly believe that Manning is a glownigger now. They have probably thrown every trick in their book at him, while he was in prison. And that is a huge fucking book they have, where they have learned from the best. The entity formerly known as Manning does no longer exist and his transition is the least of his problems now.

>> No.18970817

That's fairly obvious. He recently threw Assange under the bus and said he wished he had never aided in the WikiLeaks. Now he's going after Greenwald.

>> No.18970822


>> No.18970868

They were literally suppressing the Hunter Biden story. Imagine being this dishonest lmao

>> No.18970871

Libtard located

>> No.18970873

Based. Russian agents to the wallm

>> No.18970876
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>they don't know the leading political commentator in the west


>> No.18970880

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.18971010

I can't believe sissy hypno is the new LSD

>> No.18971067
File: 205 KB, 750x382, AEB1DB16-1112-45E9-B4C5-F0E5FAD482E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornel West, Black socialist thinker, once said Obama was a “Rockefeller Republican in blackface”. Greenwald basically has the balls to point out how this is true of almost all leading Democratic Party officials — there’s a bipartisan consensus that the military-industrial complex has to be fed, the Wall Street bankers appeased, and the huge multi-national corporations helped out — with the addition that he also has the stones to add that they now have put up the ugly Social Justice Warrior cult as a front over this to get the plebs to fight with each other, and even target (relatively) innocent people as “terrible enemies and horrible people” just because they disagree with them for having conservative or politically incorrect views.

He basically calls out liberal journalists on their whiny shit, double standards, and hypocrisy, such as how they went overdrive into turning basically into outright Soviet-style propaganda during Trump’s presidency (because “anything, any smear or lie, is justified if it’s against Bad Orange Man), even though he, Glenn Greenwald, himself is a devoted leftist. He points out parallels between the targeting of Islam after 9/11 and the targeting today of conservatives (“the threat of White supremacist domestic terrorism”), or, in simpler words, calls out the new domestic war on terror. He calls out the majority of Big Tech and mainstream media outlets having become arms of the Democratic Party, basically. He calls out the ACLU not having the balls to stand up for what should be the most obvious civil rights issues when it applies to conservatives. In other words, the ACLU will very rarely apply their supposed love of civil rights to obvious cases of conservatives’ civil rights being violated, or civil rights issues that apply to the conservative side more (such as the right not to get the COVID-19 vaccine). He calls out Democratic hypocrisy and totalitarian tendencies, such as about not really allowing any dissent on the issues of lockdowns, masking, vaccine mandates, etc., and Democrats thinking it’s some sign of evil or idiocy to give rational cost-benefit analyses of their policies towards COVID-19 that disagree with how firm they are about some of it, such as by fucking up the lives of children who are about as likely to die from a lightning strike as they are from COVID-19.

He points out how privileged liberal journalists are often very whiny, malicious people who think they’re being targeted when people disagree with them, or when they face some harassment, but hypocritically turn a blind eye when cancel culture outright ruins the lives of some people with dissenting opinions.

Was that enough? Basically, he infuriates them for so intelligently pointing out their flaws and hypocrisy, so they smear him with, “You’re supporting evil Republican cultists now.”

>> No.18971087

Serves him right for trusting a severely mentally ill person to act rationally; too bad he probably won’t learn his lesson

>> No.18971122

Good post. I don't "trust" Greenwald or anybody else in media or politics but he has done good work and everybody who opposes him so far is a manic sociopath neoliberal flunky.

>> No.18971139

I'm sorry vladimir, I love Russia.

>> No.18971143

that's a man

>> No.18971167

>the leading political commentator in the west
is Anna

>> No.18971183

it's an angel

>> No.18971190

a male angel with cock you gay faggot simp for men

>> No.18971249

>Craven corpo whores who would eat a piece of dog shit and say it tasted good if a memo came down from some gov agency telling them to.

That is the state of journalism in a nutshell.

>> No.18971281

one of the journalists who helped Snowden leak stuff, relatively outspoken. Kind of an asshat but also a decent journalist if such a thing exists.

>> No.18971325

Sadly he now serves Putin and his Russian oligarchs. Why a gay man would work for a vile homophobic country such as Russia is still a mystery to me.

>> No.18971335

please, please, please kill yourself

>> No.18971354

Russia delenda est.

>> No.18971387
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Poccия дa лaдa ecть

>> No.18971402

he lost me at the covid shit

>> No.18971478

Same, I think smug California liberals should be able to force medications on people when those medications are good. I'm not worried about the precedent this sets for a future scenario in which smug California liberals want to force bad medications on people. As a consistent intelligent liberal myself, I know that I will always be correct because I'm smart and always "in the know," so if a future vaccine is bad, I'll oppose it, and I'll win, because the good liberals always win. This one isn't bad, so I don't opposite, and I win, because the good liberals always win.

The only thing that doesn't make sense in my worldview is why we need constitutions and checks and balances and shit like that. Why not just always ask me, the guy who will always do what is right because it's right, and never be convinced he's right while doing something wrong?

>> No.18971921

he dared to bring up the fact that the "Russian collusion" story was 99% bullshit and maybe the media should have had been more critical on it

>> No.18971939

I don’t read anything by the glowie “journalists” at the intercept because every whistleblower who has come to them, has been burned and convicted

>> No.18971966

How can you be one of the most famous trannies in the world and not have $10k?

>> No.18971990


>> No.18972036
File: 60 KB, 720x754, 6613E740-E79E-45AB-8BD0-4F8CCFFB8A71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> In virtually every realm of public policy, Americans embrace policies which they know will kill people, sometimes large numbers of people. They do so not because they are psychopaths but because they are rational: they assess that those deaths that will inevitably result from the policies they support are worth it in exchange for the benefits those policies provide. This rational cost-benefit analysis, even when not expressed in such explicit or crude terms, is foundational to public policy debates — except when it comes to COVID, where it has been bizarrely declared off-limits.


Thanks for telling me exactly what pissed you off so I could piss you off even more. Here’s the evil selfish fucking Russian propagandist Republican governor of Florida, DeSantis, showing the COVID-19 death rates per age, all according to the CDC.

>> No.18972051
File: 331 KB, 1344x924, CFF8AE15-300E-48E4-A3B3-0927D18F3421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The quickest and most guaranteed way to save hundreds of thousands of lives with policy changes would be to ban the use of automobiles, or severely restrict their usage to those authorized by the state on the ground of essential need (e.g., ambulances or food-delivery vehicles), or at least lower the nationwide speed limit to 25 mph. Any of those policies would immediately prevent huge numbers of human beings from dying. Each year, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world,” while “crashes are a leading cause of death in the United States for people aged 1–54.” Even with seat belts and airbags, a tragic number of life-years are lost given how many young people die or are left permanently and severely disabled by car accidents. Studies over the course of decades have demonstrated that even small reductions in speed limits save many lives, while radical reductions — supported by almost nobody — would eliminate most if not all deaths from car crashes.

> Given how many deaths and serious injuries would be prevented, why is nobody clamoring for a ban on cars, or at least severe restrictions on who can drive (essential purposes only) or how fast (25 mph)? Is it because most people are just sociopaths who do not care about the huge number of lives lost by the driving policies they support, and are perfectly happy to watch people die or be permanently maimed as long as their convenience is not impeded? Is it because they do not assign value to the lives of other people, and therefore knowingly support policies — allowing anyone above 15 years old to drive, at high speeds — that will kill many children along with adults?

>>Social Cost Benefit Analysis [is] a decision support tool that measures and weighs various impacts of a project or policy. It compares project costs (capital and operating expenses) with a broad range of (social) impacts, e.g. travel time savings, travel costs, impacts on other modes, climate, safety, and the environment.

>This framework, above all else, precludes an absolutist approach to rational policy-making. We never opt for a society-altering policy on the ground that “any lives saved make it imperative to embrace” precisely because such a primitive mindset ignores all the countervailing costs which this life-saving policy would generate (including, oftentimes, loss of life as well: banning planes, for instance, would save lives by preventing deaths from airplane crashes, but would also create its own new deaths by causing more people to drive cars).

Etc. Too lazy to post more. The rest of the article is at the link I gave.

>> No.18973025

This is a lie.

>> No.18973679

He is a hyper-argumentative lawyer who got into journalism and has made a career by pointing out how corrupt and anti-liberty American politicians since the early 2000's when he was skewering Bush for starting stupid wars and passing totalitarian shit like the PATRIOT act.

>> No.18973713

Greenwald is a civil libertarian married to a socialist in Brazil's Congress. Are you really going to pretend he's some dumbass trumpist?

>> No.18973888

>That's why Chelsea Manning, a former friend of Glenn's who he supported through a prison sentence and donated $10,000 to when she desperately needed it, is now throwing him under the bus.
Bradley Manning was subjected to mental reconditioning and a forced sex change while in solitary. He's literally not the same person he was before he was imprisoned.

>> No.18973904

people die riding horses too

>> No.18973910

That's obviously a real woman you faggot.

>> No.18973942

There are 30 million Americans over 65 (closest I can get to 70 without putting in effort). 5% of 30 million is 1,500,000 people.

Total US war deaths (in combat or not) is about 1.3 million. Worth it to you?

>> No.18973971

And what's 1.3 million out of 320 million? insignificant.

>> No.18974011

It's weird how people get so involved in these vitriolic Twiter wars. You can't even get a foot-in to understand what's going on or to practice deeper research to see what side you're on, because there's so much bullshit flying from both camps and everyone's acting as authoritative as they possibly can. It's just a fucking tornado of shit and I don't understand why people waste their time keeping up with this nonsense. I fucking hate everyone involved.

>> No.18974023

Yes. They're fucking old, not 18-30 year olds like the ones who die in war. The old faggots will be dead either way 5 to 10 years from now.

>> No.18974030

The most based gay Jew

>> No.18974388

Everyone at the intercept is a glownigger

>> No.18974405

just turn off the screen nigga

>> No.18975231

based utilitarian

>> No.18975293

>Greenwald is a civil libertarian married to a socialist in Brazil's Congress
Marriage between two men is a contradiction in terms

>> No.18975315

I read his book on Snowden, or rather, I tried to read it. I got maybe 50 pages in, but got really tired of how much Greenwald continued to write about how great he was. Every single page seemed to have something on it where he was lauding his own work and how important Greenwald was. It was so remarkably tiresome.

On the whole I largely agree with his overall take on politics, but the man himself is so remarkably insufferable that I can't read him without getting very quickly turned off.

>> No.18975319
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>> No.18975378

Liberals aren’t leftists.

>> No.18975384

your ‘marriage’ to a brown cabana boy will never be real glen

>> No.18975403

You will never be a real son of god

>> No.18975498

Perhaps not

>> No.18975528

Natural law is a fiction created by old decrepid white men. Marriage is a purely social convention created by man. Sodomite marriage will ALWAYS be valid, chud.

>> No.18975532

>over 65
the average age of death of Coronavirus is closer to 80. Many of these people would, in another year, die of the flu. If you are Old, Fat, or both, manage your risk accordingly, instead of demanding society be shut down for your sake. The probability of dying from Coronavirus if you are under 50 and not Fat is like, 1/10,000 or less.

>> No.18975541

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.18975554

Natural law was created by the LORD and is inscribed on every human heart bud

>> No.18975736

>Marriage is a purely social convention created by man.
>Sodomite marriage will ALWAYS be valid, chud.
Nice bait

>> No.18975755

>old, fat and AIDS ridden people dying now
>old, fat and AIDS ridden dying a year later
whhooooo cares

>> No.18975809

In 20 years are we going to waste millions jailing people over the War on Hypno?

>> No.18975816
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>> No.18975842
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Hell no! Obviously not. I wrote this whole post >>18971067 where I hinted at how he basically calls out Republicans too on their bullshit (“bipartisan consensus”). But he calls out Democrats on their bullshit, too, and also how liberalism is overpowered today, and it’s always “bash the Republicans” from official sources, so he wants to divert from this precisely because it’s so easy and what’s expected.

For some liberals’ brains, this breaks them, so THEY are the ones essentially going, “He’s gone to the dark side, he’s a Trumpist in spirit simply for giving credence to some of their arguments and sympathy for them being the new target and calling us out on our bullshit.” I’m not saying that.

The average age of death in the United States — first-world countries overall, actually — is about 80. The average age of death from COVID-19 in Western countries is about 73. As much as 95% of the recorded COVID-19 deaths had multiple pre-existing conditions (an average of four), one of the most common amongst these being obesity — so it’s a minuscule minority recorded as dying OF and only WITH COVID-19 (as opposed to already being obese, diabetic, or what-you-will). The average vaccine has 10-15 years of testing and they never used mRNA technology in them before. Some sources are claiming the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins produced by the mRNA vaccines are themselves a mild “toxin” to the body, just like COVID-19 is, with coagulant effects, possibly damaging blood vessels, the lungs, the heart, the internal organs, and even crossing the blood-brain barrier and potentially causing neurological damage. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is actually permeable across the blood-brain barrier. It’s true. Sources can be coming up if you don’t believe me (cherry-picked, sure, but the media cherry picks in the exact opposite way — get it?).

There’s such a thing/potential as targeted lockdowns, giving people the chance to opt in or out of this stuff, and tailoring the policies by age and health condition.

Look at pic related. If they focused on all the young and healthy flu and cold deaths (rare, but they happen), they could make you afraid of the flu, too. That’s how easily propaganda works.

>> No.18975845

So, uh…. Anybody read his books?

>> No.18975869
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They already admitted the vaccine causes Guillain-Barré syndrome (paralysis of the extremities caused by the immune system attacking the peripheral nervous system), blood clots, and heart inflammation in a minuscule minority of people. There has to be a mechanism of action for causing this. Do you get it? How can the vaccine cause this or be tied to it if there’s no way the vaccine is not possibly causing damage to these people? There has to be an explanation for it, a route for it.


>SARS-Cov-2 spike protein alone can cause damage
>mRNA vax makes cells produce these spikes
>Can damage endothelial lining of cells


>Vax affecting women's periods


>SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins produced by mRNA vaccine can cause neurological damage by crossing the blood-brain barrier


>Spike proteins accumulate in the internal organs and could damage them


>mRNA-vaccine produced SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins could cause lung damage

>> No.18975915

They have their beliefs and they want to feel good. Whoever coddles them wins.

>> No.18975927


>> No.18975937

This is your brain on CNN. Abysmal.


>> No.18975955

If you weren't a moron, you'd know that a decision between two courses of action entails confronting the two possibilities' pros and cons, not just listing the negative parts of one of the two and hoping that your interlocutor gets scared. If you actually do that with covid vaccination, it turns out vaccinating is the smart thing to do, the only exceptions being hermits/basement dwellers, people with known allergies to components and people undergoing certain heavy medications.

>> No.18976029
File: 114 KB, 970x1086, 581B31A5-5B06-4E91-B6B8-258BC1E8C889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My exact point is the risk-benefit analysis is not as fully developed as the so-called “experts” claim. Look again at the COVID-19 death rate stats by age. For kids, it’s like a flu. If you’re putting an experimental genetic therapy — yes, messenger RNA is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, meaning you could call this genetic therapy, if you so wished, even though “fact-checkers” say it’s a misnomer because it doesn’t directly have anything to do with DNA — quit facepalming — if you force this onto young healthy kids when they’re about as likely to die from the flu as they are from COVID-19, but don’t force flu shots onto them, that’s hypocrisy you don’t even realize is hypocrisy.

>it’s to prevent the kids transmitting it to people who could catch it and die

Again, why not force yearly flu vaccines onto them, too, then? Just as they’re suggesting yearly booster shots for COVID-19 are possible, too. Do the cost-benefit analysis Greenwald is suggesting, basically — why don’t we ban cars, or reduce the speed limit to 15mph? Do you get it? How drastic and draconian do the measures have to be, to protect some obese 70 year olds on the verge of death in a few years regardless of COVID-19, anyway.

I also acknowledged it’s cherry-picked but in the opposite way from the mainstream media. Do you get the point of this rant? My and Greenwald’s point is, if the media bans the opposing viewpoint and/or viciously attacks it without even considering it, that’s hypocrisy they don’t even realize is hypocrisy.

>> No.18976050
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P. S. By definition we don’t know what the vaccines could do in 10-15 years. Because they didn’t have 10-15 years of testing as normal vaccines do.

>it’s just the Nobel Prize winner and French virologist who discovered HIV saying the vaccine appears to be causing new variants

“The bizarre refusal to apply cost-benefit analysis to COVID-19 policies.” Get it? Just saying “the benefits outweigh the risks,” and “COVID-19 is obviously more dangerous for the young and healthy in both the short and long term than the vaccine is” doesn’t make it true because you heart it repeatedly, day after day, on CNN, from Fauci, etc.

>> No.18976085
File: 537 KB, 1334x698, 25EAB52F-46FF-4452-B73F-CE7CC3DA9610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at “vaccine enhanced disease” on the bottom right. From an admitted FDA source. You can put the url in the waybackmachine to confirm, they took it down, but I saw it myself while it was still up.

Two of them, Guillain-Barré syndrome and myocarditis/pericarditis, are ones the FDA/CDC only publicly admitted months later. How many more will they admit, I wonder?

Ever heard of something called “antibody dependent enhancement”? Maybe just that fact checkers debunked it? It’s a phenomenon where having antibodies for a disease, such as those produced by a vaccine, paradoxically makes people more susceptible to the disease when they get it. Ever heard of the high amounts of vaccinated people coming down the virus in Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world? What about that research is suggesting vaccinated people are more susceptible to the new Delta variant than previously thought before? No? Fact checked? Deboonked? Cringe? Take meds, schizo? Go back to /pol/? Dr. Robert Malone, who did groundbreaking research on mRNA technology and worked with the Department of Defense, also thinks the vaccines could be causing new variants to arise and/or even making the vaccinated more susceptible to variants.

>> No.18976089

the FDA would approve an intelligence supplement whose active ingredient was lead paint chips if someone bribed them enough and people are screaming "TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!". The same people approved thalidomide and the "Food Pyramid" kek

Meanwhile, no one who actually works in an exact science (physics, chemistry, etc.) ever uses the phrase "The Science" - this is telling.

>> No.18976096
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Exactly my point. There is no “the science.” There’s science, which is an ever changing field. The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission, by the way.

>> No.18976103


>> No.18976153 [DELETED] 
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tl;dr yes possibly. Since they were going to die soon anyway. Think about keeping someone in terrible pain on the verge of alive on life support because you’re so selfish you just want to cling and hold onto that chance that they might, might, might just live. Imagine being a reverse Holden Caulfield obsessed with saving the lives of the already very elderly and sick — wanting to shut everything down, lash down at everyone, and freeze time in place just to save to these people. Think about that. Then think about the fact that even of 70+ year old people, it STILL has a 94.6% survival rate, and the 1.3 million deaths would be distributed across all ages and health conditions of society, but tending, of course, on average (literal average age of death from COVID-19 is 73), to be the already very old about 7 years away from death, as well as having on average about four underlying conditions.

Once again, millions of deaths from car crashes. Imagine banning cars, then saying, “Only the selfish are against it. Even if we save one single life...”

>There are 30 million Americans over 65 (closest I can get to 70 without putting in effort). 5% of 30 million is 1,500,000 people.

>Total US war deaths (in combat or not) is about 1.3 million. Worth it to you?

>> No.18976160 [DELETED] 
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*** response to this

>> No.18976164

>Bradley Manning was subjected to mental reconditioning and a forced sex change while in solitary
Literally a forced feminization fantasy lmao

>> No.18976173
File: 40 KB, 300x300, AFD68666-B309-4C2F-9404-569CF66E768E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr yes possibly. Since they were going to die soon anyway. Think about keeping someone in terrible pain on the verge of alive on life support because you’re so selfish you just want to cling and hold onto that chance that they might, might, might just live. Imagine being a reverse Holden Caulfield obsessed with saving the lives of the already very elderly and sick — wanting to shut everything down, lash down at everyone, and freeze time in place just to save to these people. Think about that. Then think about the fact that even of 70+ year old people, it STILL has a 94.6% survival rate, and the literal average age of death from COVID-19 is still 73, as well as having on average about four underlying conditions.

Once again, millions of deaths from car crashes. Imagine banning cars, then saying, “Only the selfish are against it. Even if we save one single life...”

>There are 30 million Americans over 65 (closest I can get to 70 without putting in effort). 5% of 30 million is 1,500,000 people.

>Total US war deaths (in combat or not) is about 1.3 million. Worth it to you?

>> No.18976192
File: 71 KB, 600x719, 408FD4ED-C663-4FC1-AE9E-6555D2A4B62F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, even according to your own and the mainstream media’s admitted logic, these 70+ year olds can get the vaccine and be even better, reducing the death rate to a minimum.

>but then we still need to keep locked down because new variants and the booster shots every year and then give the shots to the 5 year olds too who are as likely to die from a lightning strike as they are from COVID, even though kids have been found to have an abnormally low chance of even developing a high enough viral load of COVID-19 to transmit it to others because, and also the asymptomatic transmission the news talked about has been found to be extremely rare, tending for practical purposes to non-existent, isn’t that strange?

Then think about the psycho-social and emotional damages and cost of all this on children’s lives Greenwald talks about and which people don’t like to think or talk much of for this reason.

>> No.18976210
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You hear about the spike in psychiatric hospitalizations and mental health issues in young adults and teens during the lockdown? No?

>> No.18976237

> a 94.6% survival rate
You're off by an order of magnitude. In reality it's more like 99.4 percent. (For every person registered as a "Covid sufferer" there are 10 who had the coof with very light symptoms and never bothered to tell anyone.)

>> No.18976255
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Possibly very true. I’ve heard of this, too. People who got it and the symptoms were so mild they didn’t even register and record it. 94.6% survival rate was for 70 year olds, by the way, just to make clear, not overall for all age groups, for whom it’s 99.98%, from the CDC, if not, again, magnitudes of order off as claim, being 99.9999% or something crazy like that, as you point out, which is also very possible.

>> No.18976264

Think about it. There is only one person that "knew" he wanted to be a woman and that single person is the one who told on him and got him arrested.
It's all fake.
He was put through the modern version of MKUltra, the version that works.

>> No.18976283

So they made him trans to scare off other military people from doing what he did? I dunno. What about all the LGBTs and women already in the military?

>> No.18976314
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I was a teen not paying extreme attention to the news when this happened but subconsciously remember being weirded out by it. One of the few controversial big government/military whistleblowers who got targeted by the US government in a while, on a par with Snowden or Assange, perhaps, and they happen to become one of .1% of the population that’s trans while Obama is president? Just while the social justice movement is taking force?

Some type of MK-Ultra forced feminization, and also as some type of subconscious code or symbol or message to the population at large. A Sadean/Antonin-Artaud style theater of cruelty, or like some of those stranger passages from Burroughs’ Naked Lunch about that sadistic doctor, Benway, messing around with the patients’ sense of masculinity, showing them pictures of attractive women but some of them happen to be drag queens, too... I dunno. Surrealistic. Strange. Archetypal clown world.

>> No.18976374

He got the version of sissy hypno that actually works, and also turns you into a CIA operative.

>> No.18976378
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**and of course only while they’re in jail. I even remember the shift from, “controversial whistleblower, Bradley Manning, has been imprisoned,” to “she now wants to be known as Chelsea Manning.” Some type of theater for the masses — the emasculation of the rebellious whistleblower, like neutering an uppity dog. My God is that creepy.

In the modern day, if you look at Andy Ngo’s reporting, it becomes even spookier in reverse. Quite a few of the really aggressive, violent Antifa thugs who beat the crap out of him, and/or that he recorded as getting arrested, are trans. Sort of spooky. Genuinely not trying to make trans people an object of derision or “Other” them unnecessarily (even though this is fucking 4chan and I can do whatever they want) but imagine all this as some type of mass societal MK-Ultra theater? Baphomet, too, the androgynous goat-headed deity supposedly worshiped by the Knights Templar then later appropriated by occultists like Eliphas Levi, whom Aleister Crowley bizarrely claimed to be the reincarnation of ... Crowley’s Thelema is somewhat big in the music industry and Hollywood, too, I’ve heard — I think it’s Jay-Z who has a “Do What Thou Wilt” tattoo. L. Ron Hubbard, kooky founder of Scientology (also big in Hollywood, as with Tom Cruise, who starred in Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” about the elite having fucked up occult sex orgies in which victims are ritually sacrificed and murdered — after which Kubrick died, and some footage was removed from the film before it was released to the public ... and what was the castle used that the elite had these fucked up orgies in? the Mentmore Towers built for the Rothschilds — who today had a friendship with Epstein, before he was murdered), also studied Crowley’s teachings deeply and supposedly appropriated some of them for Scientology.

>you OK, Tommy?

Yeah, I’m alright.

>> No.18976427
File: 1.73 MB, 1825x1217, 401F0128-72B8-498D-8884-A98A4D7C92AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what about Black comedian Dave Chappelle, who talked about how fucked up Hollywood and the entertainment industry is, walked away from the incredibly lucrative Chappelle Show because of disagreements he had with the producers, objected to wearing a dress for a skit, abruptly quit the show and left to live away from all this in South Africa for a while, and later said in a stand-up routine that there was something strange about this practice of making Black men wear dresses in the music videos, the comedy skits, the movies? You see the stand-up routine he gave about how vicious the entertainment industry is, why he left the Chappelle Show, and how he had a friend in the industry who went mad, Alan-Ginsberg style, “ destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,” screaming about how “They’re trying to kill me” in the middle of the streets until he was hospitalized?

Here’s rapper Young Thug wearing a dress...

>> No.18976430
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Might very well be possible.

>> No.18976446

I can get trans people being pushed to further a political agenda, but you added a lot of mystic stuff there. Do you think they are using trans people to shape society at large? What’s the end game?

>> No.18976466

Honestly I’ve noticed the “Black men in dresses” thing in hip hop and the like, but I’ve always discounted it since the mainstream seems to stereotype Black men as hypermasculine (BBC meme, etc.). It seems these things would be in conflict if they were actually feminizing Black dudes in the entertainment industry.

>> No.18976508
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FUCK I typed up a huge paragraph but it got deleted.

That was a rambling free-associated half-assed parody of Thomas Pynchon I wrote for fun, but it could actually be possible. The androgynization of society, the emasculation of men, the masculinizing of women, “smash the patriarchy” and the like, a Satanic reversing of polarities (it’s said that in Satanic black masses, the ordinary Catholic rituals, for instance, are simply reversed, with things like crosses placed upside down, etc.), psycho-socially and politically too (“Quit mansplaining”, “Quit being a deplorable who hates me, Hillary Clinton! Benghazi and helping create ISIS and being married to a friend of Epstein’s who went to his island, so what? A lot of the hatred of me comes from misogyny?”) — the Rockefeller Foundation was instrumental in pushing women’s lib/first-wave feminism, and today makes pushing feminism to as many countries as they can a priority of theirs, just as population reduction is a priority of theirs!

You know men’s sperm counts have been plummeting for decades, too? From all the xenoestrogens in the food and water, even from the plastics used in a lot of water bottles, stuff like Bisphenol A getting absorbed through the skin from receipts, and so forth — all this crap messing with the hormones, too.

Also want to point out I have nothing against trans people as such and view many of them as sincere, troubled people whom I’m willing to accommodate and wouldn’t want to be offended or hurt or freaked out by any of this riffing. But imagine it’s actually “something in the water” leading to the rise of transgenders, as well as psychological influences from the radical transgender teaching done in schools to kids, as is Abigail Shrier’s hypothesis?

>> No.18976534
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This book is from a psycho-social angle, she doesn’t bring up the chemical hypothesis — simply that there’s an explosion in young girls going through trans surgery and HRT then regretting it, and tying this to teachings about how it’s harmless and you HAVE to do it if you feel like you’ve been uncomfortable with your gender, and the laws that they can change their pronouns and names with teachers without the parents’ consent, and even go on the puberty blockers and get the surgery and HRT without the parents’ consent!

So long as the Benway-style doctor (think Burroughs’ “Naked Lunch”) — very readily — diagnoses them with it. Then an increasing lot more of them regret it, whom the news isn’t talking about. They call it “transphobic” to bring it up. Shrier says it’s parallel to how anorexia, bulimia, and cutting were other trends of young girl’s mental health crises that became contagious, passing from friends to friends.

She talks about the explosion even of young girls becoming trans shortly after someone in their friend group become trans! Is that normal or expected?? Hell no! Being trans is really rare, and young girls could somehow be especially susceptible to these psychological hysterical fads. Shrier herself is a feminist woman who made trans friends and some of these older trans people even said, “Yeah, it’s weird and creepy what’s happening to some of the kids. I don’t support it myself, and I also think it’s obvious there’s such a thing as masculinity and femininity.”

It’s not even a “patriarchal stereotype” that girls can be more susceptible to these hysterical fads than boys can be. She brings up the psychological research about itt.

>> No.18976610

Transexuality is a satanic inversion of the divine androgyne. From the Traditionalist Charles Upton:

>Melchizedek had no father or mother. As such, he symbolizes the primordial Unity of Being, ontologically previous to the pairs-of-opposites that determine manifest existence. The Satanic counterfeit of this transcendence-of-polarity, however, is the denial of polarity. Primordial Humanity, before the fall into time and space, was androgynous, as was Adam before Eve was separated. But the satanic counterfeit of the androgyne, was William Blake pointed out, is what he called the hermaphrodite. In Blake’s system, Satan is an hermaphrodite in whom all possible states are chaotically mixed together—a perfect counterfeit of the Unity of Being, where all possibilites are embraced and synthesized by That which transcends them. What falls below polarity apes what transcends it. The figure of Melchizedek, as interpreted by the UFO-worshippers, is thus a satanic counterfeit of principial Unity, symbolizing, among other things, the destruction of sexuality, which modern genetics has now made possible. The self-castration of the members of the Heaven’s Gate UFO cult was an act of satanic worship: to destroy sexuality is to separate humanity from its archetype, and end its vicegerency.

Contrary to what some conservatives believe, transexuality is not a fad or the modern equivalent of a lobotomy -- that being a medical procedure that was once prevalent and accepted, but is now considered to be barbaric and primitive. No, transsexualism is a precursor of what's to come the further we slip into the Kali Yuga; it is a big milestone on the road to total dissolution of identity.

>> No.18976627

How much further can you go with dissolution of identity? Gender/sex is a foundational piece of that. What’s left blurring the line between human and animal?

>> No.18976674
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Yes, exactly, even better than what I was saying. Hermaphroditism is not necessarily identical to androgyny, as Upton puts it. A somewhat androgynous man or woman can still be very good-looking, but an outright hermaphrodite disturbs most people. Also, even psychologically and spiritually, the balancing of these poles can be very good. For men, the feminine side would be softness, standing up for victims, compassion, mercy, and the like. For women, it would be practicality, logic, firmness when necessary, and the like. No one necessarily likes a weak-willed airheaded vapid woman who can’t do anything for herself, and likewise we don’t like hardheaded brutes of men without any sensitivity.

In Kabbalah, of course, there would be the feminine pillar and masculine pillar, mercy and severity. Balance.

But psychologically the opposite would be the butch mannish “I don’t need no man” radical feminist woman, and of course there’s the emasculated man. In Jung’s term, animus- and anima-possessed people respectively. Yin and yang is not the same as a dull gray blob, throwing black and white paint at each other.

>> No.18976717
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Also some people might now be wondering, “What the hell does any of this have to do with Glenn Greenwald”?

Answer: he’s a gay leftist Jew who is a passionate supporter of animal’s rights, helps dogs at animal shelters, but also went through hell and death threats as an investigative reporter in Brazil, and worked as an attorney for the civil rights of a neo-Nazi and a White supremacist in his early career as an attorney. I view him as someone in whom the anima and animus are amazingly well balanced. He’s a cool psychological androgyne and gay, not one of those “teehee I’m gay” dandies and faggots like Oscar Wilde. If I had to choose sex with either Wilde or Greenwald, I’d go with Greenwald all the way.

>> No.18976753
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PS he also discussed Shrier’s book and her case in his online substack journalism, as well as the disturbing rise of transgender regret and how accusations of transphobia are weaponized to silence these discussions.

>> No.18976754

Genetic engineering/transhumanism

>> No.18976786 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 313x500, paradise lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read the Bible before I tackle Paradise Lost? I grew up going to church so I am familiar with many of the classic bible stories (Job, Sampson, Jonah, etc.).

>> No.18976793
File: 6 KB, 167x250, 589CE753-C9BA-4D4A-8E94-C98CCD9A5528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the one who’s been shitposting about trannies, occultism, and conspiracy theories and this is actually extremely relevant and interesting. In pic related, Hoffman actually — no lie! Discusses >>18976754 genetic engineering and transhumanism, as well as blurring the lines between human and animal >>18976627 , and how there’s this imagery in the media and the slow ramping up of it (as well as lots of other occult imagery) in the news, the cloning of Dolly the Sheep and how he thinks this is meant to push us into the uncanny valley deliberately, and so forth. He’d have a field day with the transgender stuff I’m talking about. A lot of this ties into what he calls “The Revelation of the Method”. This thread from /x/ explains it pretty well.


Only on 4chan will you find autistic shitposting pseud cranks like me who know a little about everything and reads the strangest stuff. Enjoy.