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18968586 No.18968586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do all reddit users have the same kind of prose? What are their shared characteristics?
The one thing that strikes the most is their tendency to dwell on irrelevant personal details, probably in order to get compassion/praise. What else?

>> No.18968607
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>le reddit is... LE BAD!!!

>> No.18968620

The content you see on reddit is based on algorithms of popular consensus, which will naturally lead to a certain degree of uniformity. This is further reinforced by users intentionally embracing that uniformity in their posts in order to appeal to that same popular consensus.

>> No.18968641

aah yes reddit bad, meanwhile on 4chan:

>> No.18968662

this but unironically

>> No.18968681

The way Reddit is set up rewards being a Nice Guy who self-censors their speech to gain gold and upvotes.
Meanwhiles on 4chan you can say NIGGER and your post won’t be removed.
There is no incentive to censor yourself since you are anonymous and there are no rewards for behaving in a socially acceptable way.
The only rewards you get are (You)s, which you will only receive for effortposts, or by posting bait.

>> No.18968702

The most obvious red flags to me are:
>spacing right before the beginning of a greentext sentence, as in '> I'm a reddit faggot nigger lover'
>spacing between a greentext and its following corresponding regular text, as well as spacing between separate consecutive greentexts
>unironic usage of exclamation marks
>unironic infantile responses such as >>18968607 >>18968641
>iphone image filenames, as well as any other filename of meme images (pepe, soijak, chudjak, etc.) that aren't a unix timestamp number

>> No.18968742

i wish more places didn't censor racist schizos, it feels like they all congregate on 4chan. instead of upvotes or likes people just say you are based

>> No.18968771
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>tryhard posting on inane thread which has nothing to do with literature
how 4chan of you

>> No.18968786
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>> No.18968835

Reddit is better (hear me out) for small hobbies and focused interactions. On /lit/, a conversation about Classical Chinese will invariably turn to the posters' opinions on modern China and geopolitics. On Reddit, the mods keep each thread focused on the topic at hand.

>> No.18968870

When your arguments are weak or superficial, you must add 75% of your personal identity to try to bolster them.
>as a [whatever], my view is that...

>> No.18968914

They use italics to emphasize the part of their post that they would have said really dramatically irl
They'll make some giant post and then put Edit: and put a bunch more shit at the end of it
Opening posts with "Ah," "Hell," "To be fair,"
Ending posts with ellipses
Unironic use of exclamation points
Making part of the post a diegetic link to a corporate news article
Passive aggression and sarcasm to avoid being banned or downdooted

>> No.18968957

Because the mods ban people for being uncivil, Redditors always speak in a passive aggressive tone that they try to cover with fake niceties.

>> No.18968961

because they're bots

>> No.18969014
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Reddit lingo
>it’s called being a decent human being
>you must be fun at parties
>as a...
>who hurt you
>it’s almost as if...
Redditors think in clichés

>> No.18969046

> red flags
Aww did I give you the heebiejeebies? Did I make you feel unsafe? Fuck me in the ass because You! Are! Valid!

>> No.18969080

i have never once in my life visited reddit.com, i only interact with redditors here on /lit/

>> No.18969128

4chan lingo
>kys cuck
>based, cringe
>I seriously hope you don't do this
>have sex
>>tfw no gfw
>books for this feel?
>whore, roastie, jezebel, stacey riding chad's cock, cock-carousel, beta simps
>I'm going to say the NIGGER word! fuck NIGGERS
>glowniggers, take your meds schizo
>dilate, tranny/join the 41%
>tfw 29 y/o khhv
>le reddit is... LE BAD!
>jannies/he does it for free
>redpilled, bluepilled
>you don't do X, right?
And many many more. 4chan and reddit can both be distilled into clichés

>> No.18969138

Cum guzzling niggerfaggot

>> No.18969142

those are all better

>> No.18969158

"X for this feel?" riles me up so much I wish I could smash the pumpkin-headed faggots who make threads with that headline.

>> No.18969189

The way that people talk or write on any social media platform and engage with it in general essentially all comes down to the way it's designed. That literally determines almost everything
Reddit is designed around upvotes among many other things so people naturally tailor the way they write to get upvotes.
That's probably the big thing you're picking up on but it's a combination of many factors all of them having to do with the design of the website.

>> No.18969199

yeah it's the reason the something awful of 10-20 years ago produced a lot of funny posters and reddit never has and never will

>> No.18969200
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>> No.18969201

Reddit is generally shit, but this is only true of very big subs. The norms of discourse differ from sub to sub if you're not on any of the popular subs.

>> No.18969202

>oh no no no
>not le heckin
I post both of these multiple times a day

>> No.18969209

You could say the exact same thing about 4chan. You are not unique. You are barely better than a redditor. You are just as pathetic. KYS

>> No.18969217

I hail from the BB.com misc forums. I saw the birth and death of Zyzz.

>> No.18969222

Everybody is unique sweetie

>> No.18969223

imageboards make me censor even more because I'm scared of people being mean to me

>> No.18969251


>> No.18969258


>> No.18969262

good times

>> No.18969270

image is missing latinx

>> No.18969274

You have to go back

>> No.18969275

That is correct

>> No.18969277

>Meanwhiles on 4chan you can say NIGGER and your post won’t be removed.
If only…

>> No.18969296

My post was removed once i got short ban for "Racism outside /b/" when i had a post with nword in it.

>> No.18969317

But these are funny. The Redit clichés are all just smug and bitchy and really not funny at all.

>> No.18969319

Take your meds schizo

>> No.18969342

yeah calling someone a cuck or an incel for the 5000000th time is hilarious. 4chan is absolutely superior to reddit

>> No.18969354

Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.18969368

This is why I sometimes check reddit threads when looking for the answer to a specific question I have instead of posting it here.

>> No.18969372

Tbf chud/cuck/incel are the most cancerous ones. Any political slurs are like that. But there's a certain level of abstraction in 4chan memes that normies can't into and thus will always be better than Redit

>> No.18969378

Yeah. redditors should burn

>> No.18969383
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Guys, is Reddit actually based?

>> No.18969387

sometimes. reddit at its best is superior to 4chan but generally inferior

>> No.18969402

ITT: Redditors come out in force and get ruthlessly called out; they're just a bit too desperate to take a hint. As it was and will forever be.

>> No.18969416
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Meh.. Somettimes a janny will take his job very seriously. But MUH RACISM! Is hardly enforced on this site which is a good thing.

>> No.18969423

redditors are shit and unbased

>> No.18969427

I hated reddit even before I developed hatred for reddit users' antics because its user interface and format is so ugly and cringe. And the site doesn't even load well.

>> No.18969445
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Reddit is like if the snitches from school grew up and all got their own website

>> No.18969463

Indeed. I hate reddit and redditors with perfect hatred.

>> No.18969464

Then you are truly pathetic

>> No.18969530

Reddit is consensus driven which includes affect and prose characteristics. Some writing styles will emerge as the consensus and then be mimicked by everyone on the site because the consensus style gets likes.

>> No.18969550
File: 319 KB, 1536x776, 42B44C35-CEF2-413C-8E34-636B54E99B84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking… is this person a troon. Please be a troon.
What goes through someone’s head..
>I’ve been a good boy my entire life wahhhh
>I’ve just seen someone say le he king misinformation wahhhhhh
>I’m gonna show them. We are gonna take things straight to the boss wahhhh
>bosss you need to ban these naughty deniers wahhhh
>good golly I think we’ve got even a couple of subs as big as tifu
>we did it guys!!!!!
>grrrr. That’s good and all but Reddit has a long way to go

>> No.18969572

Racism doesn't exist, it simply can be reduced to aggression of a particular outgroup. The fact that people get banned for that anywhere and not political persecution is selective enforcement and abetting at best.

>> No.18969589

That rule mostly just exists so you can troll people by reporting them. I dont think it's ever enforced unless reported for. If you want to avoid it, just have like a modicum of human decency

>> No.18969599

>grr. If those hecking mods would listen to the people and not be greedy capitalis pigs. *waggles finger*

>> No.18969604

>human decency
Faggot alert

>> No.18969610

Pretty sure a lot of those come from plebbit users

>> No.18969636

No I'm just white

>> No.18969652

Lel. There's moralfagging and then there's also not keeping someone's shitty feelings to themselves; kind of one in the same, in a way. Best to avoid both.

>> No.18969655

It is literally immoral to not say nigger, you are a bad person

>> No.18969656
File: 61 KB, 726x175, Screenshot 2021-09-02 at 19.54.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm forced to be home today, so I'll dive into it.

For one, they really love infantile name calling. 4chan does too, but here it's more masculine and well-intentioned; it's pretty much locker room talk.
The R*ddit version of name calling is extremely simple and unintelligent, nasty, and mean-spirited at once. Pic related is a perfect example.

>> No.18969684 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 735x384, 1630605824242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the top comments on news-related subs are either retarded puns, or Bush-era strawmen against conservatives.
These kind of kindergarten-tier arguments not only get tons of updoots, but become a revenge fantasy circlejerk. BTW, this is how you know /pol/ is chock-full of Redditors now: they do the same thing all the time.

>> No.18969697

I tried reddit back in 2012 and eventually deleted my account. The main reason redditors write different is probably due to how every comment is subject to the judgment of the masses and simultaneously it's impossible to hide your comment history so everyone tries to be overly polite because getting downvoted feels like shit. And it's not like the feeling you are being judged is just a feeling, if people detect a slight hint of anything bad in your comment then someone will call it out and your comment gets a negative score while they get a positive one. That's why the site has this weird feeling you're not talking directly with someone, but rather toward them while everyone else in the room listens in on your conversation and judges it.

When a website works like this but it's just a bunch of computer nerds chatting about tech news in 2008, the system works pretty well. But when it's applied to a site with millions of users, it breaks down a bit and you see its faults. These trifling quirks of the commenting system through an insane amount of repetition go on to make a huge impact in the end.

Anyway, the site was still kinda fun until all the normalfags in America discovered it around 2016. And the massive amount of admin censorship. It used to feel kinda organic and community-driven like 4chan but those days are gone

>> No.18969705

Just say nigga then. Niggers always call themselves nigga, so I think it's more permissible.

>> No.18969715
File: 56 KB, 735x384, Screenshot 2021-09-02 at 20.00.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the top comments on news-related subs are either retarded puns, or Bush-era strawmen against conservatives.
These kind of kindergarten-tier arguments not only get tons of updoots, but become a revenge fantasy. BTW, this is how you know /pol/ is chock-full of Redditors now: they do the same thing all the time.

>> No.18969722

Whenever you ask a question they'll be like "are you sure that's the right question and the question you meant to ask?" and then go into some rant

>> No.18969723

>simultaneously it's impossible to hide your comment history
having someone spend time digging through all your comments to find something 'offensive' or 'bad' or 'wrong' you once said when someone disagrees with you is so uncomfortable

>> No.18969727
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Well no shit, after that 2016 election shitshow allot of their faggot refugees starting pouring in here. But in all fairness to /pol/ its full of seething faggots,shills and other kind of niggers who still think they can win over the board and change it from its stormfront origins. Allot of people dont realize raiding this shithole is pointless.
>Pissing into an ocean of piss.

>> No.18969733

You can just delete your comments ve6ry couple days cant you?

>> No.18969748


When does the narwhal bacon?

>> No.18969754
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They literally cannot tell reality from fiction. They love persecution fantasies, because that's the only way they can see themselves as "fighting the system".

>> No.18969761

>wed all be on house arrest
Top lol

>> No.18969786
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And lastly, they're universally smug. They never present their arguments in a simple way; it's always snarky and angry. Like they were shaking in anger while writing it.

>> No.18969792

>Look there are phrases you'll find common on this site too
>'books for this feel?' is exactly the same as the obnoxious reddit lingo meant to break down the boundaries of the individual and socially strongarm them into the collective mood, they're both just as bad!

>> No.18969809

Upvotes/downvotes for that exchange are not what I thought they’d be

>> No.18969878

>destroy private property to protest the state good
>destroy state property to protest the state bad
I will never understand this

>> No.18969942

>my people good
>other people bad
It's really not difficult to discern

>> No.18970930
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>The only rewards you get are (You)s, which you will only receive for effortpost
Whose going to tell him?

>> No.18970970

What I find to be even more repulsive than the reddit prose is the few times 4chan is the topic of discussion on twitter. Twitterfags really feel threatened by this place for some reason

>> No.18970997

when will cute moon-bunnies stop haunting my dreams? i apparently can't even escape them on /lit/.

>> No.18971016
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You need to read the greeks (and not play on easy modo)

>> No.18971030

Twitter is a narcissism generator and 4chan is a schizoid dissociation generator so they're somewhat opposed

>> No.18971047

>They love persecution fantasies, because that's the only way they can see themselves as "fighting the system".
So /pol/?