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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-fascism-is-cured-by-reading-and-racism-is-cured-by-traveling-miguel-de-unamuno-69-13-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18966737 No.18966737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people idolize literature like it's some sort of mysticism? Do people really think you learn something "enlightening" by just reading a poetry book or a play? Like I'm gonna read the introduction of this book and now hey I'mmaaaa enlightened individual!! WOW, JUST WOW.
>HEHE le fascismo is cured by """"""""READING"""""""

>> No.18966752

Mediocre people mysticize everything they don't understand. And to be American is to be quintessentially mediocre

>> No.18966781

Stop being a sperg. It's very obvious what he means, even though it seems to me that people could also reach fascism through reading.

>> No.18966819

>though it seems to me that people could also reach fascism through reading
BRAVO my man. So you see, my thesis is proven.

>> No.18966838
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that guy seems like a retard, but check this out


>> No.18967770

Reading (4chan posts) made me fascist.

>> No.18967781 [DELETED] 

>libro e moschetto--fascisto perfetto ; book and rifle--perfect fascist
>party slogan

horrible place to start for a beginner

>> No.18967786

i don't think books in any way can save your retarded ass, OP

so please stop trying

>> No.18967788

I guess he means you need a bit of empathy to really enjoy reading novels.

>> No.18967795 [DELETED] 

dude was a spaniard wtf did he know about fascism? Shitty catch all term used by politically unaware mouthbreathers

Only fascist in spain at the time ate a bullet from the government

>> No.18967803

Traveling the USA west coast turned me racist

>> No.18967810

the only author i would describe as mystical, in the sense it bring a change of psyche over the reader, is PG Wodehouse.

>> No.18967835

My liberalism was cured by reading and I became a fascist so it doesn't sound like the quote is correct.

>> No.18967839 [DELETED] 

What book

>> No.18967841

where to start with fascism?

>> No.18967842

I thought Unamuno was fascist for a bit

>> No.18967844

Empathy towards one's fellow countrymen tirelessly exploited by Judens makes one a fascist, so try again.

>> No.18967845

>I became fascist by reading
No you didn't. You're just a larper. It's okay, a SWAT team will come to you if you become a problem.

>> No.18967855

Maybe one day fascists will understand theory of mind

>> No.18967862 [DELETED] 

fascism never took hold in spain. There was JONS created by Ledesma which later merged with the falange, which only adopted JONS symbolism. Ledesma was kicked out of the falange, who despite being both a nationalist and an anti-semite wanted to work together with the CNT.

The fascist thing for to happen was for there to not be a civil war at all

>> No.18967865

No one book, just reading widely.
You don't seem capable to make up your mind if I'm lying or I'll be vanned, so it doesn't sound like you can form a coherent thought.
There is no one proven theory of mind, so it appears you're misinformed about the current boundaries of knowledge.

>> No.18967866 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18967873
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Take the jab!!!

>> No.18967880

Reading The doctrine of fascism cured me of fascism. Completely soulless world view about muh state.

>> No.18967881

Reading Marxist propaganda and Jewish literature, implying there is a difference.

>> No.18967883

I suppose for people like you literature is mostly useless. Pearls before swine.

>> No.18967885

holy fpbp

>> No.18967887 [DELETED] 

doctrine of fascism is useless to those without an understanding of hegel

>> No.18967891
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>It was just a prank!

>> No.18967892

First sentence is based. Second one is reddit.

>> No.18967893

The problem with the western world begun when we thought that language and logic can be used to describe the world in its entirety. That's one of the reason today you have boomers that as you say think reading books make you smarter.

>> No.18967896

Incorrect, it's for midwits.

>> No.18967898

t. mutt

>> No.18967900

there is nothing more reddit than being a heckin amerifat chunkerino

>> No.18967901 [DELETED] 

There is a thread up right now asking for a reading list. It helps if you already have left wing tendencies.

>> No.18967906 [DELETED] 

Explain. Gentile was the most rigorous neo-hegelian of his time.

>> No.18967909

So in other words the doctrine of fascism is useless to just about everyone, even virtually every fascist.

>> No.18967910

Menage with the mystics

>> No.18967911

Its not because its all just sophistry and a waste of time.

>> No.18967914

Oh please, to European Academia everything is some kind of dialectic process or subconscious neurosis, Europeans cant help but to ramble while Anglos do analysis based on logic, moreover the do the unthinkable and actually use citation.

>> No.18967916

The anti-American prejudice is huge on reddit. America might be full of stupid fat people but it also produces brilliant artists and scientists. It has the best universities in the world.

>> No.18967917

>travel to congo
>see dudes get burned with gasoline filled tyres around their neck
>god I hate niggers

>> No.18967921

To fascist it doesn't matter, all of them should killed for not being MEN OF ACTION. Try not being an unbased "intellectual" next time.

>> No.18967927

Thats a fallacy bro.

If you luv´ umans and see niggers kill a human then it will make you hate niggers, but if you see niggers kill a nigger it cannot make you hate niggers because the nigger would be both the source of empathy and contempt .

>> No.18967933

t. 20 year old college zoomer who is exploring the world

>> No.18967937 [DELETED] 

Hegel is not that difficult to get into. Use secondary sources. I recommend hegel's ladder. Gentile sets out to correct the mistakes he found in hegels epistemology.

>> No.18967938


>> No.18967941

>America might be full of stupid fat people but it also produces brilliant artists and scientists.
You literally just copy stuff from China and pretend it's American.

>> No.18967947
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>> No.18967959

>Why do people
Because they're bad and not good like you and me. Stop asking this dumb question.

>> No.18967969

>Get into hegel
Why would I give a fuck about what he to say? I don't care. I could literally live my life without reading a single thing, or caring, about anything he said.

>> No.18967972 [DELETED] 

Okay well if you want to understand Gentile's philosophy then you must at least know what he is responding to.

Just read Nietzsche and come to your own conclusions

>> No.18967974

No. If I see a nigger kill a nigger it reinforces my distaste for niggerdom as a whole, considering niggers are essentially interchangeable.

>> No.18967990

Unamuno was speaking about people like you

>> No.18967992

All the good "American" scientists were not actually American. Nowadays academia is dead on your continent and no one wants to touch it.

>> No.18968003

Literature is the perfect way to relegate oneself to the mind because one is ineffectual in all their important desires and endeavors.

>> No.18968008

Top pseud post

>> No.18968022

>The anti-American prejudice is huge on reddit
Not really.
The average Redditor is, in fact, astoundingly provincial. They barely know anything about the world outside urban America. The top comments on every post r/worldnews are either midwit takes or retarded puns; they know nothing about the world outside their blue cities and don't want to. If you try to debate them on anything, they'll instantly assume you're American too and will get aggressive if you refer to anything that isn't (because they won't understand it).

They're "anti-American" in the same way Michael Moore is: they hate the traditional white, Christian America, but call its defenders "anti-American" or "unpatriotic" all the time. Many of them are hicklibs, so there's a lot of self-hatred involved.

>inb4 someone tells me to go back

>> No.18968057

Go back you fucking retard you wrote a block of text telling us reddit bad like we give a shit

>> No.18968059

Top pseud post

>> No.18968125
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>Go back you fucking retard you wrote a block of text telling us reddit bad like we give a shit

>> No.18968198

>Mediocre people mysticize everything they don't understand.
Most philosophy in a nutshell. But when materialists claim to know this, fags call it cringe and bugman.

>> No.18968202
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>i don't understand it therefore it is mystical

>> No.18968254

Because that's not what philosophy is and you got filtered.