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/lit/ - Literature

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18962956 No.18962956 [Reply] [Original]

How did this guy become a meme? Is he even racist?

>> No.18962981

It’s sort of a meta-meme, as far as I can tell, precisely because he’s not an author. He’s a social media influencers and a “content creator”. He hawks a manufactured aesthetic and the appearance of something literary first and foremost and thus he does not actually create literature. The meme relies precisely in pretending as though he is in fact a craftsman of literature, which he is not. It’s meta-Dadaism for books really, a mockery of what “literature” has become.

>> No.18962992

was luh academy really that bad?

>> No.18963024

Painful overanalysis. He is a hairless, femboy twink; therefore, he is popular on the literature board of 4channel.

>> No.18963038


He's a sperg trying to pull pussy with the "sensitive artist gimmick". Listen to one of his YT videos, he can barely string a sentence together. Ugly face too, like the worst sense of bad physiognomy, monstrum in animo

>> No.18963068
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here's what his fans think

>> No.18963071

You talk a lot of smack, but hes gonna be seen as the Camus of zoomer generation.

>> No.18963077

No one even knows about this twink chink aside from the autistic homosexuals on /lit/

>> No.18963107

he's the most concentrated version of the pseud meme possible in a human being

>> No.18963108

desu I probably couldn't deal with the level of intense negative feedback he is receiving if I were his age.

I am keen to see if these experiences of his, of being blasted as a pseud publicly and repeatedly over several years might actually help him in the long run if he manages to transmute them in to some manner of insight. Maybe a retreat from the public for a decade to work on his craft in earnest.

But part of me suspects there is a wall there, and he just doesn't fucking get it.

>> No.18963110
File: 834 KB, 1116x1032, walduntribute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18963116

Waldun came to notoriety for pushing the "dark academia" fad which never even caught on

>> No.18963118

He has a pretty big audience so he'll be fine regardless

>> No.18963121

It caught on on tumblr/tiktok. It's just Gen Z version of Teabooism.

>> No.18963126

The "dark academia" tiktok meme didn't even last a year, and yet /lit/ latched onto it like nobody because "teehee irony! we say things we don't really mean! isn't that hilarious?!?!!? xDDDD". What a cesspool.

>> No.18963133


>> No.18963134

If you count Light Academia, it's still going strong.

>> No.18963157
File: 406 KB, 1638x2048, Mythopoeticconflict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18963166

His writing would probably be better if he didnt use a typewriter. If he used a computer editing could be a much smoother process.

>> No.18963170

the one on the left is cuter

>> No.18963173

> performance art

>> No.18963184

>left: pot
>right: heroine

>> No.18963185

Whether it was bad or not is irrelevant. It’s not literature, as a matter of fact. What Waldun writes are not books, but products. Waldun is not an author. He makes YouTube videos.

>> No.18963310

I don't care what clothes a woman wears. What is important is that she has both feet, that they emit a putrid odour pleasing to my nose and that I can smell them anytime I wish.

>> No.18963798

He gets what he deserves, he is young, he will grow and realize how cringe all his shenanigans were, he probably will delete his YT channel in the near future because of all the embarrassment and shame.

>> No.18963833

How old is he? Anyone have a numerical age?

>> No.18963846

I cam in his half chink boipucci, shit was tight