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/lit/ - Literature

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18962878 No.18962878 [Reply] [Original]


>After making John promise not to research any more rightwing material, the judge continued: “Have you read Dickens? Austen? Start with Pride and Prejudice and Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Think about Hardy. Think about Trollope.
>“On 4 January you will tell me what you have read and I will test you on it. I will test you and if I think you are [lying to] me you will suffer.”

>> No.18962888

Great way to make him even more right wing

>> No.18962900

>On 11 August, he was convicted by a jury of possessing information likely to be useful for preparing an act of terror, which carries a maximum jail sentence of 15 years.
How the fuck is that a crime?

>> No.18962918

>oy m8 that's a lot of 'ateful literature innit?

>> No.18962957 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18963007

Unironically because of the Terrorist Act.

>> No.18963053

no knowledge loicense

>> No.18963061

this pic always makes me laugh

>> No.18963084

Because if your country has dealt with an insurgency like Irish Nationalists and Ulster Loyalists it tends to make you less, say, receptive to people who gather knowledge on manufacturing of IEDs.

>> No.18963099

unless theyre muslim rape gangs that turn people into human kebab

>> No.18963109

Those are very different things.

>> No.18963135

>reading Pride and Prejudice
I rather go to jail

>> No.18963143


>> No.18963151

wouldnt that book make you want to minecraft even harder?

>> No.18963163

Amazing that all of England’s modern problems could have been avoided by just letting their colonies practice some self governance. Or perhaps not even colonize them in the first place.

>> No.18963167

totally has nothing to do with jewish infltration
its muh imperialist karma

>> No.18963176

>if your country has dealt with an insurgency like Irish Nationalists and Ulster Loyalists
Oh yes, the British government certainly dealt with Loyalist terrorists - but probably not in the way you're expecting.

>> No.18963177

The judge just hates people with stupid ass long backlogs. He knows that pencil necked geek didn't read more than ten pages of the 70 fucking thousand documents he downloaded. Especially if there wasn't any pictures. If he makes him read every book he gets for the next few months, the kid might stop being a hoarder.

>> No.18963278

they could have just not abused the Irish people for centuries

>> No.18963358

I'm Irish and I don't believe, and am yet to meet someone that believes that the abuse of Irish people during previous centuries justified the IRA's bombing campaigns and shootings in civilian areas.

>> No.18963551

Because justification is not needed for the man who wields true power. You are not privy to the cause. This country is full of the lightheaded, bootless servants of false crowns and foreign tyrants. Woe be upon he without bollock or scrotum.

>> No.18963570

Dont you IRA types not even mind your country being replaced with brown people lmao

>> No.18963581

Brother, I will not be baited into revealing any single claw of this hand. Trusting the american dog was the anchor that sank our warship once before. Just know that fire begets fire.

>> No.18963583

>thinking the classics will make him less racist not more

>> No.18963621

The judge is clearly trying to turn him into a sophisticated and understated racist, like himself.

>> No.18963631

is bri'ish litachuh the worst in the world? seriously, take away wilde and what the fuck do they have? yes, they have a lot - a lot of overhyped utter shit.

(not including philosophy in this)

>> No.18963665

i just realised how drunk i am i goddam forgot keats and byron, fuck, maybe its just novels they suck shit at

>> No.18963670

>UK judges can make you promise not to read right-wing literature and not only make you read classics but also test you on them
What else can they do? Any more cases like this?

>> No.18963683

wilde was Irish you shithead

>> No.18963697

finally, someone finally got what was happening here.

>> No.18963714

>invade Ireland
>give their land to scots
>outlaw their religion
>refuse to give them aid during famines
why would the Jews do this?

>> No.18963724

>Or perhaps not even colonize them in the first place
why would a non modern state before the invention of the UN and nukes ever do that?
idk Scotland came out of it pretty well. try diversifying your crops next time Patrick.

>> No.18963730

Not him, but Wilde was Anglo-Irish, you shithead. As were Swift, Sterne, Goldsmith, Yeats, and Beckett.
But even together, they were counterbalanced by Joyce.

>> No.18963732

scotland has oil and still cries in brussels for europe to take them back
no backbone of which to speak. you'd be best now to fuck off back behind your rock.

>> No.18963734

Chesterton & Belloc

>> No.18963781

Do A*glos really try to claim an Irish nationalist as one of their own with a straight face?

>> No.18963853

t. American
I'm Irish and can tell you that it is only recently that Yeats has been recuperated as an 'Irish nationalist'. Read one (1) biography written before 1990 and you'll find that he was long seen as an A*nglo larping with Irish legends and fantasies.
The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between.

>> No.18963879

Ulster Scots just retook their ancestral lands.

Also it is telling that as a result of their return the agricultural output of the island increased by a lot, it's almost as if Irish who stayed in Ireland were functionally homo habilis

>> No.18963884

big comming from a rock in perpetual servitude its whole life. Only gaining freedom after colonialism was long dead and gone.

>> No.18963899

and what freedom do you have following a red faced menopausal woman back to brussels with tail between legs? you're the more shameful for having the means to be independent and choosing to kneel.

>> No.18963909

sorry for not genociding you and anglofying you through cultural osmosis fast enough to prevent that nasty feeling of resentment patty :)

>> No.18963942

>/lit/ is triggered by the idea of being forced to read actual literature rather than /pol/ garbage

>> No.18963952
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>give their land to scots
Wher do you think the Scotii came from?

>> No.18963954

I dont think you read the thread at all.

>> No.18963960

You would accuse practically every person in the 19th of century of being a /pol/tard were they to voice basic views on social issues they had

>> No.18963963

>NOOOOOOOOOO there is like, a 500 year statutes of limitatio-
>Realizes ulster scotts have been there for like 500 years now
>It just IS OK.

>> No.18963977

Don't laugh, I lost me mum to an artisanal bullet proof vest guide

>> No.18964401

Even if I don't agree with this guy it makes me seethe so much that us UK anons can literally get jail time for an illegal opinion. Dumb judge would probably loose a political discussion with this /pol/tard how come he thinks reading le classics is seriously going to change someones mind.

>> No.18964410

I meant lose not loose fuck

>> No.18964494

What an egregious claim, the 19th century saw multiple reforms across the century with most ideologies shifting in a matter of years--many of which were close to ideologies we hold today, and many that are fundamentally opposed.

>> No.18964530
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Cry paddy potato, while your at it get that bum bandit minister of yours to maybe stop sucking landlord cock and give you a house

>> No.18964540

The UK has become a fucking joke of a country.

>> No.18964543

I'll take the Jew of Malta, please Judge.

>> No.18964562

>>give their land to scots
At least you acknowledge this instead of buying into that cringe as fuck "Celtic union" shite.
Nothing more embarrassing than an Irishman sucking up to the group of people most responsible for their subjugation to own teh English.

>> No.18964592

Where is this judge in my life

>> No.18964609

Austen is great. Wilde is good, yeah, though I did just learn he was a massive pedo (look at Andre Gide's wiki page)

>> No.18964625

>Anglo Protestant who moved to England at age 2 is anything but English

>> No.18964638

Did you even read this thread? Or did you just decide your bait was too genius to bother?

>> No.18965232

This honestly

>> No.18965462


J.K. Rowling (PBUH)

>> No.18965573

precrime mate, we know you better than you know itself watch itself buddy

>> No.18965600

You have no idea the level of cope. I've seen people try to claim Wolfe Tone must be British because he's Protestant to cope with the internet votes Ireland spams. I think the UK just doesn't understand their civil wars, which is why they kept having them. I doubt your average Britisher knows Cromwell was fighting royalists.

>> No.18965631

And the English think there free?

>> No.18965637

free as in beer

>> No.18965643

In the UK they are very proactive with anti-terror measures.
In the US this kid would have just been placed on a watchlist and maybe encouraged to act out.

>> No.18965833


>> No.18965859


That's just going to completely backfire since reading the western canon will only confirm him in his racism and thereby deepen it. Also he clearly has a non-zero interest in reading to begin with, since he downloaded all that stuff. He must have read at least some of it already.

If the judge had actually wanted to punish the guy, he would have assigned CRT, Coates, bell hooks, or whatever other black grievance literature is currently fashionable. The experience would of course have the same effect on the guy, confirming him in his racism since he has been subjected to inferior literature, but it would actually carry a punitive effect.

>> No.18965867


First amendment isn't a thing over there. Actually strictly speaking it is (the right is granted by God to all), but their political system simply doesn't recognize it.

>> No.18965947

Bongland is a tyranny

>> No.18966050

Euros never consecrated freedom of speech like the states did. Even in the states lefties and "liberals" are trying to undermine and fundamentally kill it and it's like possibly the most important principle of the nation. It's not hard to imagine if it wasn't one the central ideas of your country, that this would happen. Democracy died to communism why everyone was falsely crying about fascists.

>> No.18966088

Trips of truth

>> No.18966091

The thinking man's endgame.

>> No.18966425

The judge is an old school nationalist making the siegefag larper get cultured.

>> No.18966433

anon, the 19 century had legalised slavery for the whole fucking world

>> No.18966454

Same. Victorian literature is so fucking dry and the stories don't go anywhere

>> No.18966488

clearly just being made an example of for other "right wingers"

>> No.18967122
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i googled the judge out of interest and it turns out you're right

>> No.18967138

>Read Shakespeare to deradicalize
>Reads Coriolanus
>Ben John grows from man to dragon...

>> No.18967332
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>Buck Breaking is pretty old
>Search YouTube to see if there are any decent meme vids

>> No.18967359

This a good punishment. I know anons here live in the UK and absolutely DO NOT want to be blown up by some retard who's read maybe 1 book and thinks he's a genius. By the time he's read Shakespeare, he will have totally deradicalized to the point of impotence. No more threats.

>> No.18967468

Cope. In Pride & Prejudice everyone gets married. That's a classic comedy ending.

>> No.18967490


>> No.18967502
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>Read Shakespeare
>Pick up Merchant of Venice
> More radicalised and anti-semetic
Genius move by the judge here

>> No.18967524

honestly seems like the judge is in on it

>> No.18967675

Pretty based Judge actually, it's sad and pathetic in a way that he thinks these classic authors will provide any more of a kick or stimulation than he could get out of edgy fash literature. This guy isn't going to become a socialist Fabian member by reading fucking Dickens.