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/lit/ - Literature

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18959352 No.18959352 [Reply] [Original]

The collaborative effort between Waldun, Jay and Jaidyn is out.

"Jay, the restless wanderer, rocks the lives of two strangers by introducing them to the strange world he has stumbled across-the streets of Melbourne. Rick [Waldun], the bookworm, is torn away from his mundane academic life. Johnny [Jaidyn], the paranoid poet, is released from his small-town worries.

When they hit the streets together, twisted tales rise from the gutters. The bathing man. The cardboard preacher. The mute who isn't a mute. The trio cast aside everything they know, embarking on a journey to meet the city's neglected souls.

There's a Tale to This City is an offbeat portrait of Melbourne that combines poetry, narrative prose and toilet paper diary entries, recollecting the strange experiences of three writers, who came together to learn the art of listening."

Documentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLcwevklLZg

>> No.18959359
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Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.18959396
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>I wrote Waldun a positive review on Goodreads, because I want everyone from /lit/ to succeed.

>> No.18959414
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"Let the games begin"

>> No.18959421

Y'all need to touch grass and have some sex

>> No.18959440


>> No.18959497

what a weird thing to say

>> No.18959509


>Gardner is a Waldunchan. Unfathomably based.

>> No.18959779
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>>18959352 (Moving over from the last thread)

Fair/balanced prediction:
>The Writing will be decent on a technical level.
Jay can write well as can Jaidyn. Now, that doesn't mean the writing will be great or anything but those 2 are at least capable of stringing together words. I don't think we'll see the level of nonsensical storytelling we were subjected to in L'Academie (plus TATTTC is journaling/Jay's travel writing so they won't be responsible for creating a world--only reporting on one). They'll reproduce a writing style they love but without personalizing it and making it they're own (i.e. at most it will be an ornamental homage to "muh Kerouac" sans anything interesting in itself).
>The content will be ok
Lots of mediocre art is elevated by the real-life shit that inspired it (e.g. the writing in Schindler's List is a mediocre morality play elevated by the subject matter it deals with). The normies did their homework by going around talking to mentally ill societal outcasts and odds are their takes will appeal to other normies. My prediction here is that the bare content, the reportage itself, will carry more weight than anything these guys have to say about it. Their takes will be contrived--there will be little to bring the actual character of the freaks/loners they've encountered. Basically, we'll see superficial interactions and shallow takes expressed by way of purple prose.

The deeper, more literary, meaning of their work will lie in just how out of touch they are with actual suffering.

>> No.18959795
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TATTTC is a great epilogue for /lit's Waldun Chronicles.

>> No.18960470

I gotta agree with gardener on this here.

>> No.18960495

Why is this thread so dead? This book seems like absolute kino. Who's going to buy it and upload a rip?

>> No.18960499


>> No.18960513

I literally just saw this pop up on Goodreads half an hour ago.

>> No.18960518

It all runs so painfully deep bros . . .

>> No.18960570

I just finished the book. In terms of writing, Jaidyn>Jay>>>>Waldun>Jay (when writing about homeless people).
The second half is actually pretty good until Waldun's POV interrupts it. Plenty of soul and better than L'Academie in every way.

>> No.18960576

Do you think KDBooks may review it?

>> No.18960581

It's obviously more of a Jay/Jaidyn project and Waldun isn't shilling it so hard, so no. It's better than a 0/10 though.

>> No.18960710

All reasonable except for writing a good review for a shit product because you have ulterior motives.

Unfair and misleading to the innocent public who would, on the basis of the good review, consume said shit product.

>> No.18960722

I'm watching their IG stream rm, Robin looks defeated :(

He's lost those childlike eyes

>> No.18960768

Maybe this pain will go on to inspire him to write something good, though it's doubtful, you have talent or you don't, and he don't.

>> No.18960799

Holy shit f Gardner’s posting in it

>> No.18960804
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>> No.18960806

If the master himself wants us to succeed, we are all gonna make it lads.

>> No.18960813

Best thing on lit since whatever. The Waldun saga is loosing steam now, but it was fun. We laughed and we cried.

>> No.18960825

No shit. Did they mention /lit or 4chan at all?

>> No.18960829
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Jaidyn has funko pops.

>> No.18960833

Gardner said "Waldunchands Unite" and then said "Your words sir....They flow!"

>> No.18960838

Hey Gardner! I know you are reading this.

>> No.18960840
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>> No.18960841

Post anything interesting, please.

>> No.18960845
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>> No.18960878

Livestream is over. Jay and Jaidyn will be alright.
>Waldun says his character's surname, Walkow, is an homage to his Russian heritage
>Waldun says his life before meeting Jay was like being trapped in a closet
>Waldun plants to move to Paris for his fourth year at university

>> No.18960897

>Waldun plants to move to Paris for his fourth year at university
kino arc incoming

>> No.18960899

>Waldun says his life before meeting Jay was like being trapped in a closet
so they are gay?

>> No.18960900

the post-Paris Syndrome autobiographical novel will be lit

>> No.18960904

fuck he'll move from my city before I get the chance to call him a dirty chink in person

>> No.18960908

Face it, anon, you'd be nice, you'd compliment him on his blazer.

>> No.18960917

Probably, in any case, I'm getting my copy of Ulysses signed by him.

>> No.18960938

They are just trolling us and throwing gasoline on the HH fire.

>> No.18961016


>> No.18961030

Jack Kerouac ruined a generation of bookworms

>> No.18961056

i don't think these people are bookworms

>> No.18961074


>> No.18961120

>Russian heritage

>> No.18961140

>Waldun plants to move to Paris for his fourth year at university
He’s going to go full Beckett and write his next novel in French, isn’t he?

>> No.18961454

anyone got a link to this?

>> No.18961903

>Waldun says his character's surname, Walkow, is an homage to his Russian heritage

He.... cannot be serious.

>> No.18961907
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god fucking damnit he's disowning his book yet again... Waldunchads, we can't keep on losing like this

>> No.18961925

>I'll continue to hone my craft mainly through essays and non-fiction

>> No.18961934

I think he's referring to L'Académie. Surely he wouldn't throw Jay and Jaidyn under the bus like that.

>> No.18961960

Did Waldun just throw his friends under the bus before the book was even released? That's kinda fucked up, snake like if you will.

>> No.18961992

Yeah he's referring to L'Academie, he's not lizard fetishist Cl*rk

>> No.18961998

Essays and non-fiction? What the fuck is Waldun gonna write about, coffee going cold? This is gonna be even more lifeless than his attempts at fiction.

>> No.18962027

He's gonna butcher an already butchered field, if his derrida video is a clue to what he's going to do.

>> No.18962082

It all runs painfully deep bros

>> No.18962097

>In the future, I'll continue to hone my craft mainly through essays and non-fiction
Waldun, you don't have to pick one over the other. You don't have to publicize everything you write. You can continue practicing your fiction in private and publish it once YOU feel satisfied with it (fuck everyone else)

>> No.18962129

>publish it once YOU feel satisfied with
He felt satisfied by 'The Learned Disguise'

>> No.18962133

He made a video on Derrida? Rarely have I seen a chigger who so lacks self-awareness.

>> No.18962169

>ewwy stowy ’as a beginnin

>> No.18962188

Is there rival lit clique in their city that can antagonize them? We need a Liquid Waldun arc.

>> No.18962199

Overall what do you guys think about his nonfiction writings on his website? Some of them are not that horrible when he's not trying too hard.

>> No.18962209

None of them are "not that horrible". He is genuinely just a fucking terrible writter

>> No.18962233

The pain bros, all so deep it runs.

>> No.18962240

RC Emersun, author of L'école

>> No.18962252

>Literary Publication: An Imprint
No, Waldun; your "publication" is not an imprint. You've obviously just tacked that word on without actually knowing what it means.

>> No.18962384

“Some of WHOMSTVE were gunning for him”

>> No.18962424

So he is done with fiction? Waldunchads I don't feel so well

>> No.18963622


>> No.18963668

He has genuinely improvised, his texts in the quirky inquiry site were honestly painful to read. I'd say that the main let down of his stories are his absolute lack life experience and "artistic view" towards life, him writing about the hardships of his life like having to wake up before 11 am or having a bad date are incredibily boring, only enjoyable in a meta/ironic sense. He has improved, tough he's still terrible, but still has absolutely nothing to say about anythiny

>> No.18964906

I don't believe he is done with fiction. However, he was surprised by how poorly his latest effort was received and his personal support network has influenced him to go fully autobiographical-type writing (akin to Jay, Waldun is influenced by his confidence and the ease of producing that type of writing).

If he's been reading these threads he probably has a sense of how his writing says more than he thinks it does (HH) and might grow a bit when it comes to producing meaningful subtext intentionally instead of just passively.

>> No.18964923
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i don't wanna have to read more gay little stories about waldun's mundane melbournian life bros...

>> No.18965481

I do. What would you rather?

>> No.18965799


Now go and reread Metropolitan Diaries

>> No.18966199

Waldun has the Big Dipper on his face

>> No.18966436

>Waldun says his character's surname, Walkow, is an homage to his Russian heritage

>> No.18966887
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>> No.18968200

Did sneed-anon just disappear? Will we ever see his video?

>> No.18968211

> >Jay (when writing about homeless people)
I've always thought his gawking fascination with homeless people was quite exploitative lol, this makes sense.

>Plenty of soul
Bittersweet to hear. Doesn't seem as memeable as L'Academie, so the Waldunchads probably won't get as much out of it, but on the other hand, perhaps they are actually improving.

>> No.18968323

Uploaded here: https://gofile.io/d/sL4tSF
Just in case he decides to delete. There's some gold in here. The frequent descriptions of haters in the abstract form while not specifically mentioning /lit/ made me kek

>> No.18968351

Lovers. We love you Robin...

>> No.18968425

Good, we must turn everyone in jaded retards like ourselves.

>> No.18968441

>Liquid Waldun
I need this in my life.

>> No.18968454
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this is a fake waldun, an imposter... true waldunchads know that his window and quirky book curtains are on the left hand side of his room

>> No.18968464

we fucked up lit...we should have left him alone

that dejected look is our fault

>> No.18968475

Jay is such a turbonormie, i think he's genuinely a happy, well-adjusted person.

>> No.18968483

I remember the face of Waldun, the Waldun cum tributed by Anon. This livestream Waldun is not our Waldun. We somewhat broke him. It's like what happens to pornstars.

>> No.18968487

Well, he IS the body. Pure fertile non anemic bloomer life energy.

>> No.18968943

Imagine calling yourself (Insert Name) The Author. The level of hubris.

>> No.18969009
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Plz critique first draft excerpt from the first chapter of L'Ecole by RC Emersun.

>> No.18969117

Of course he doesn't read them. He doesn't have to. Below is one anons logical reasoning as to why Wally didn't finish reading Infinite Jest, even though he made a video on how to read Infinite Jest:
>we are trying to figure out if it's concievable that he finished Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow
no, he only hypothetically finished them. observe:
on monday he read one page
on tuesday he read another
by the principle of induction, he would have read the entire book of IJ in 1000 days.
knowing this, there was no need to actually read it.
Waldun's a pretty smart guy.

>> No.18969134

Why are they screaming in public? Very annoying behavior. Some inhibitions are good actually.

>> No.18970110

shit, cat, they're under the influence of the groove monster, you dig? loose wigs; pure madness that translates into pure litrachure, and then we'll have world peace. dig it

>> No.18970256
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>> No.18970260

holy based

>> No.18970407

How old is he now? Remember the comments being 6 years ago.

>> No.18970469

Idk I think he's like a college freshman

>> No.18971329

Ryan Schreiber.... the precursor....

>> No.18971475

Lmao are you still lurking these threads Clark? When I was that age I didn't have a reptile fetish, neither did almost everyone else.

>> No.18972648

Old enough to masturbate to lizard cock

>> No.18972657

Clark deleted his Instagram kek

>> No.18972737

Waldunchads just can't stop winning

>> No.18972827
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>> No.18973836

waldunchads... does nobody care about the movement anymore?

>> No.18974621

The threads were already slowing down by the time Clark betrayed Waldun, KDBooks reviews was the climax of the saga. There is not much to discuss anymore until Waldun drops another video or story

>> No.18975379

i've only made it ~6:30 into this documentary since it came out. the gigacringe is too strong

>> No.18975397

Waldun has given up on fiction

>> No.18975398

About the same for me really

>> No.18975706

He don't fear so-sigh-ahtee. The man blows and when he blows he blows from a place of pure madness, pure life. All gas, no breaks.

>> No.18975747

Jay talks like he legitimately has an 85IQ, why in the world did they have him narrate this

>> No.18976327

i don't know anything about naked anthropomorphic video game lizards haha but i'm going to delete any comment mentioning it and also my instagram because i literally don't care hahah

>> No.18976341

This stream was very Waldunian.

>> No.18976350

and jaidyn holds a pen like he just got it from a band of pioneers who are about to slaughter his entire village

>> No.18977618

ban test

>> No.18977979

>There is not much to discuss anymore until Waldun drops another video or story
But he did drop another story.... It's in this book.