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1894233 No.1894233 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing exists in absolute form.

We have no reason to believe anything, nor any reason not to believe anything, or to live our life one way or another.

We have a will, but it is not free, we are merely an extension of the universe, on a set path towards the unknown.

One can make meaning out of nothing, but can't truly believe it. As one learns more, you only realize how infinitely little you or anyone else actually does know.

You could submit to your impulses, live your life based on biological urges, or continue on with whatever preconceived notions of value you had... or maybe withdraw into yourself, letting the emptiness fill you.

You've achieved enlightenment, but now you can't make sense of anything, except that you can't make sense of anything. You are still in the dark.

You will always be limited by your senses, you are infinitely insignificant. You don't even really know if there is such a thing as significance.

Perhaps it is better to life ones life in ignorance, than to be the wiser and filled with doubt & indecision. Confident are those who know little and question even less.

It was inevitable though.

>> No.1894245

>live your life based on biological urges
this is a construct based on the rational basis you are arguing against
>You've achieved enlightenment, but now you can't make sense of anything, except that you can't make sense of anything.
The word enlightenment actually has a meaning...don't just disregard it when you're trying to make a stoner philosophy thread
>Confident are those who know little and question even less
Confidence is actually pretty mutually exclusive to knowledge, believe it or not
oh and Deep and Edgy did you forget your trip?

>> No.1894246

Worries of the deep-thinkers. What about the masses who never trouble themselves with such semantics? It is difficult to philosophize about absolutes when you are surviving paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.1894249
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nihilism is not an actionable axiom set. enjoy your egoism and faires.

>> No.1894250

The world is a will to power and nothing else.

>> No.1894252

rational and instinctual decision making come from two very different parts of the human psyche.

>> No.1894248

Actually, it is only when you are living paycheck to paycheck..or in even worse poverty..that you are actually capable of conceiving of absolutes..this kind of shit in OP is bourgeois apologetics.

>> No.1894255
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>Deep and Edgy did you forget your trip?

>> No.1894261
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the only advantage your commie bull ever promised was more crap for more people, and it failed on that account over and over again. At least the nihilist-atheist-capitalistics (regular dildos) can pretend honestly its about freedom. Your ideology is about materialism and its failed horribly at it. You should be embarassed if you had the self-awareness.

>> No.1894267
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>deep and edgy thinks he's a serious intellectual

>> No.1894269

>Nothing exists in absolute form.
Does, it where can one find it in absolute form?
>We have a will, but it is not free, we are merely an extension of the universe, on a set path towards the unknown.
So why is it not free, the will is necessarily consistent with that path, therefore it is free to complete itself, the will cannot be bound because it is nothing beyond the force that leads to its own fulfillment.
>One can make meaning out of nothing, but can't truly believe it. As one learns more, you only realize how infinitely little you or anyone else actually does know.
Perhaps one cannot, but it doesn't matter what one can do, we have the many, a whole social engine at work crafting meaning from nothing, what more could you ask for?
>You've achieved enlightenment, but now you can't make sense of anything, except that you can't make sense of anything. You are still in the dark.
Then maybe you should be looking for light outside yourself, your navel will never start glowing, stop gazing at it.
>You will always be limited by your senses, you are infinitely insignificant. You don't even really know if there is such a thing as significance.
Reality will be limited by your senses, you won't be. Significance is simply a quality we grant to things, we let them signify, so if you're insignificant then you're doing it wrong.
>Perhaps it is better to life ones life in ignorance
You're doing a solid job of that one OP

>> No.1894270

everything you just said was wrong, it sounded stupid and it lead me to believe that you are fat and have a really small penis.

>> No.1894272

why does it have to be serious

>> No.1894274

I don't have a trip.

>> No.1894280

Deep&Edgy, why are you taking over my thread?

I don't really mind, but I just want to put it out there that Deep&Edgy != OP.

>> No.1894284


Your thread is shit.

>> No.1894285

Deep and edgy is OP like I said..you only get what you give! >>1894280

>> No.1894289

goddammit I'm too drunk to use commas right.

>> No.1894293

Isn't nihilism about not giving a fuck?

What's freedom have to do with nihilism but being just another thing not to give a fuck about?

>> No.1894297


No, nihilism is about negating a once thought meaningful aspect of life. You're not a nihilist, just an idiot.

>> No.1894299


I just came over from /b/.

I'm new to /lit/.

So far, I'm not really disappoint, since this is already a massive improvement in the kind of responses I'm getting.

>> No.1894300

What is absurdism?

>> No.1894302

atheism ends up at nihilism. however, almost all atheists revert to egoism, which mostly pushes personal freedom as the greatest good, as nihilism is not actionable.

the internet is shockingly homogenous to an outsider.

>> No.1894305
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in my cynical momments i say they revert to egoism for convience, in my expansive momments i say its because of familiarity, but it is equally intellectuallyl disonest either way.

>> No.1894307

Its /lit/ babby's first nihilism isn't exactly interesting or on topic.

>> No.1894308

Something about being a nihilist is liberating, and something is superfluous..

>> No.1894312


well maybe I screwed up here trying to philosophize so broadly in one post...

I guess I better an hero, but we all know I won't actually do it, due to the fear of that unknown.

>> No.1894317

>You're doing a solid job of that one OP
If that's true I take back what I said about ignorance being wonderful, because it hasn't done me any good, assuming as you say I really am ignorant.

>> No.1894321

Superfluous? How so?

>> No.1894325

well something about declaring your nihilism seems pretty needless if you are a nihilist...you suffer from nihilism? You want to destroy what exists? If the second thing, then it's active nihilism..and I would say...throw a bomb..speaking of which..i'm going to go drink beer

>> No.1894334

>You want to destroy what exists?
If that's a part of nihilism, I think you're categorizing OP wrong.

This is more a case of extreme not knowing anything or feeling any inclination to do anything (except apparently, write out and posts ones thoughts).

>> No.1894343

oh that's apathy..well just get hooked on heroin like i did..it makes you very much un-apathetic..a new lease on life

>> No.1894345

So destroy your mind, because it can't handle reality?

>> No.1894347

It can handle reality..and drugs are the way to ''handle'' it..

>> No.1894348

technically apathy is the lack of caring about things, nihilism is a statement of the nonexistence of certain things, presumed to exist, eg reality, morality or knowledge.

Also Heroin doesn't really exist.

>> No.1894349

reality, its objects are absolute.

however, our perception is not. our perception is imperfect. basically, our perception is fucked.

we are doomed to imperfectly percieve the absolute. we will never know the absolute absolutely.

hence, is the curse of our perception.

>> No.1894350

Ok so that part a previous poster said about 'wanting to destroy' things is bullshit.

Besides, how can I want to destroy that which isn't there to be destroyed?

>> No.1894352

Well, the word is big and complicated, there is a certain sense of the word in terms of advocating for the nonexistence by actively trying to make un-exist. But in the philosophical context that's generally not how its used.

Also true nihilism is just plain stupid, subjectivity still exists, therefore subjectivism serves as the basic minimum of tenable philosophical positions.

>> No.1894353

How can you know that?

>> No.1894356

I intuit it with my mental faculties which perceive the truth of the platonic forms directly, though obviously the soul having transmigrated from death to life, I no longer am in direct contact with those forms and most simply work with memory made hazy by imbibing the waters of the river Lethe before said transmigration.

>> No.1894359

All of philosophy is still built on assumptions, is it not?

If you assume something you say a great deal, but it's all conjecture.

>> No.1894361

the cogito still remains. You cannot reject the subjective itself, even if you contest its relation to some external reality.

>> No.1894365

We will all live. We will all die. We will all be forgotten.

>> No.1894368

>We will all live
Tell that to ABORTED BABIES.

>> No.1894371

Can't there no external reality and still, we don't know what the one we perceive really is?

>> No.1894379

Babies even, are not people. They are merely vessels. One can not count themselves as a person until they perceive their own mortality.

>> No.1894387

I don't.
It's just an idea. But like I said, we can't solve the whole universe, because we aren't ultimate beings. we cannot percieve the whole, and never will.

anyway, on with the ad hoc reasoning thread.

>> No.1894391
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I'll be back, I need to sleep right now.

>> No.1895952

Took forever to find this thread back...

>> No.1895962


>> No.1896030

I've seen that before, but I must say, my interpretation of it has changed significantly from then. I really don't think he's saying much though.

>> No.1896091
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>> No.1896173

And isn't it ironic that the moment you communicate these thoughts, you paradoxically contradict what it is you are saying?

>> No.1896195
File: 365 KB, 500x496, fiona apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Animals in multitude eat each other, forming a face.
This is the face you must worship, for it is the only face that exists.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that the goal of our order is the weakening of the individual. No, we aim to strengthen the individual until he becomes superfluous, a hulking and obsolete artifact, a sculpture of nothing.
There is no quiet beyond the mind. The prophets of the East and West teach of a great light, beyond the individual, a grand unity, and an eternal bliss. This temptation is anathema to the growth of the creature, a final acquiescence to the need for womblike comfort. We believe that terror is the only reality, we believe that there is only tensile force, and that the true final form, destruction or apotheosis, sees the ego either violent within or violent without the screaming, the ripping of the veil, and the awful laughter. You do not understand the joke until you realize that it is on you.

>> No.1896199
File: 30 KB, 410x308, my way with you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no nihilism. Nihilists have no worship; they have no great love, they have no great hate. They have a small idea of nothingness, an impotent conception of meaninglessness. They find comfort in this smallness, in this impotence.
You must embrace the scream. It is the goat, it is the engine, and the symbols are its static. You cannot believe, or disbelieve. You must despair, and continue to despair.
This is not for you to be strong. You are strong only so you may despair at your eventual weakness. This is not for you to be weak. You are weak only so that you may despair at your failure to be strong. You do not worship rest and bliss any longer. Come into the noise.
Feel the eternal gap and feel fear. Begin to babble. From this babbling, forms will arise. This will be your new scripture. This does not exempt you from study. You will study the babblings of those before you with rapt attention.
The final revelation is not that this babbling is meaningless. The final revelation is instead that this is the only source of meaning there is.
Do not dare to die. Dare to live, to know what this means, and to be, to the core of yourself, terrified.”
David S.

Mother Goat Society: Trona Summit

Excerpt, Opening Lecture, 2010

>> No.1896219

ITT: idiots who don't know the way the world works. take a look at the postings in this thread, don't they look almost identical? as if posted by one person? we do nothing but copy things we see, hear, and feel from one another. in reality when you can see this you'll understand just how uniform everything truly is. remember, we do nothing but copy things we see, hear, feel, touch. the best example i can come up with is our language. it's not language at all, it's us imitating animal noises put together, that's it. the only true word man has is "om".

>> No.1896245



>> No.1896324


hippie bullshit

>> No.1898049
