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/lit/ - Literature

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18960249 No.18960249 [Reply] [Original]

I hate to say it, but Card's the last one standing.

>> No.18960254
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>> No.18960256

Even butterfly looks manlier than all of them

>> No.18960263
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Three betas and a chad. No competitionat all.

>> No.18960269

Yo physiognomy cheeeck

>> No.18960279

people make this comment in every thread (or something similar) but lets be real mike looks pretty masculine

>> No.18960397 [DELETED] 

Starting at top left in a clockwise fashion:
1. Ashkenazi Jew with Sephardic admixture
2. Germano-Celtic with Hungarian admixture
3. Han Chinese
4. Celto-Germanic with Ashkenazi Jewish admixture

>> No.18960403

Starting at top left in a clockwise fashion:
1. Ashkenazi Jew with Sephardic admixture
2. Germano-Celtic with Hungarian admixture
3. Celto-Germanic with Ashkenazi Jewish admixture
4. Han Chinese

>> No.18960406

He’s a Mormon

>> No.18960410
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>> No.18960412

what's the difference between germano-celtic and celto-germanic?

>> No.18960424

im going to write stuff im better than all of these guys

>> No.18960434

Who’s Card? Didn’t Gardner just release several more books? Also Waldun has L’Book.

>> No.18960439

The prominence of each in sequential order.

>> No.18960447

I’m in a discord with Gardener. He’s Irish Catholic.

>> No.18960458

What about Celto-Germanic did you not understand? He clearly also has some Ashkenazim due to the frizzy hair and also his incessant shilling.

>> No.18960480

Call of the Crocodile is the only book that’s shilled. I doubt it’s him considering he has new books out. Wouldn’t make any sense. The spams are just memesters at this point.

>> No.18960482

Hi Frank.

>> No.18960498


Card was never standing to begin with. He's a literal no-name whom no-one has read, and all who have read disparage for mediocrity. He's greatest claim to fame is his constant shilling, which typically takes the form in Waldun threats, wherein Card will try to ride off the former's organic coattail's, and he -- wait a minute -- he's you...

>> No.18960507


Remember to sage every thread. Each and every one is this Card faggot shilling himself.

>> No.18960509
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Is this the shitpost your own book thread?

>> No.18960516

Also source on the redhead?

>> No.18960528
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What is this thread saying? I don't understand?

>> No.18960568

I’ll bet >>>/cgl/ knows.

>> No.18960594

Imagine if all four of them donated sperm and the doctors mixed it all up in the same tube and impregnated some woman with it and it was like random luck who the baby came out looking like

>> No.18960616

It's an insult to place Ma next to these losers, his books are actually good, and he doesn't shill himself on 4chan or youtube.

>> No.18960637


Is /lit/ excited for the new Waldun kino? Fresh book in 8 days.

>> No.18960649
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>> No.18960662
File: 35 KB, 314x500, call of the crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so dark and disturbing, exploring many subversive themes which are only for mature readers. You shouldn't read these books ever unless you are sure that you can handle them because they are very intense, and frightening. Look out Steven King F Gardner is the new Steven King.

>> No.18960749

fuck off mike

>> No.18961149

According to his tumblr he's
>half White (Mormon), quarter Jew, quarter Native Canadian

so idk

>> No.18961154

Can we get an edit to go along with this of John Card in his flower vest as the 60s Joker.

>> No.18961253

Anyone got a wojak of Waldun?

>> No.18961984

yandex reverse image search - https://twitter.com/ElinFlame
first link I hope thats her ;)

>> No.18961987

imagine browsing /his/ for a decade and this is what it all amounted to

>> No.18962497

Ma > Card >>> Waldun >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>> Gardner

>> No.18963534

thankyou kind sir

>> No.18963803

go back to twitter

>> No.18963829

no love for our guy Quentin?

>> No.18963836

Had he written a book faggot?

>> No.18963861


Yep, granted it was a bit shit but it had its moments

>> No.18963939
File: 62 KB, 715x557, 564335D0-0A35-4B4E-88FF-19ABAB947F06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest one I have is this

>> No.18964009

I saw one once that was like a little wojak, literally yellow, with waldun's face drawn on jumping up and down in frustration and i can't find it again.

>> No.18964674
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>> No.18965159

never heard of him, must be another hitler youth fetus

>> No.18965242

they all look so fucking annoying

>> No.18965318

is that a jewish tranny?

>> No.18965361

>It's an insult to place Ma next to these losers
It also doesn't make any sense. has he ever used this board before? He is a twitter writer if anything.

>> No.18965645

If Card’s the last one standing it’s because Gardner is sitting on the throne

>> No.18965654

stop shilling, kike nigger.

>> No.18965657

is this a bot

>> No.18965839
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>> No.18966869


>> No.18967879
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>doesn't shill himself on 4chan

>> No.18968181
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>White guy named Ma
>Asian guy named Waldun

>> No.18968208
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>> No.18968241

Look at that hair and that face, F Gardner is definitely Welsh