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18959133 No.18959133 [Reply] [Original]

He is due in 4 weeks.
How can people name their sons after anyone else?

>> No.18959136

You're naming your son Charlton?

>> No.18959137

im naming my son Leon after Leon Kennedy : )

>> No.18959954

If I ever have a son, I shall name him Octavian.

>> No.18959960

I named my son after my grandfather.

>> No.18960108

On both sides of my family the paternal line named the eldest son after the father for as far back as we remember, the streak was sadly broken when my mother's brother died in his early 20s.
My parents weren't aware of them at the time but I share my name with my great-great-great grandfather and my youngest sister shares the name of his wife. Your family tree is a pretty good source of names if you don't want to be as direct as father to son.

>> No.18960153
File: 81 KB, 1125x1500, 0485AFCF-8CC0-4013-A16F-1505EF5AFEEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander "the Great"

>> No.18960442

>no bro I promise marxism is actually for smart people and eye opening

>> No.18960454

As long as your wife’s boyfriend aka the biological father aproves

>> No.18960468

You did not read this.

>> No.18960475

This. Familial. Anything else is basically cucking.

>> No.18960824
File: 25 KB, 389x475, 4629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*yawns* name him after an actual general, ahem.

>> No.18960850

if alexander was so great how come his domain totally fell apart unprepared after he died?

>> No.18960857

Alexander The Great was a faggot btw, didn't mean to spoil your party OP

>> No.18960863
File: 67 KB, 600x492, Monsiau_-_Alexandre_et_Diogène.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can people name their sons after anyone else?

>> No.18960865

Don’t worry bro you’ve got plenty of time to finish writing your son. Just write 100 words an hour 8 hours a day 7 days a week. Pretty much in three weeks the first draft of your son will be done.

>> No.18960870
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1590119474226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naming your son after some delusional fag who abandoned his own culture to LARP as a Persian and forced others of his own creed to do the same

>> No.18960886

>This. Familial. Anything else is basically cucking.
You think your great^great amoeba grandfather was named Richard or something?

>> No.18960995

It's a nice name OP

>> No.18961268

Holy based

>> No.18961544

new dynasty in town, chud

>> No.18961552

I’m not going to have children because I am a moral person

>> No.18961557

on a serious note if you want to name your son after someone great then Alexander is a pretty good choice
go onto /pol/ and wait until someone makes a similar thread to this one and the suggestions will propel your sides into orbit
>Otto Gustavus Odysseus Achilles Wilhelm Adolfus Hitlerus Siegerstein

>> No.18961569

My first son is named after my grandfather, who was named after his grandfather. My second son is named after my father, who was named after his grandfather.
Stop larping through your kids.

>> No.18961581

>his family doesn't have a tradition of using the same name every 2 generations since the 600s

>> No.18962178

>portraying Alexander as pale-skinned

>> No.18962181

For me? Agathokles.

>> No.18962194

Your son will rape and sodomize you, no different than the historical Alexander. Should have picked a better historical leader.

>> No.18962609

I'm going to name my son Trajan.

>> No.18962625

>criticizing the greatest conqueror of all time when your greatest achievement in life is wagecucking

>> No.18962642

>ancient slaves
>class struggle

>> No.18962645

>bot portraying a blonde blue eyed guy as pale