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/lit/ - Literature

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18951981 No.18951981 [Reply] [Original]

someone pls explain what happened with this guy and his book and this board

>> No.18951983

>August 30th... I am forgotten...

>> No.18951992

He's the /lit/ version of chris-chan. People see in him an exaggeration of their own worst traits.

>> No.18951995

Why is this mongo so popular on this board

>> No.18952000

Booktube Pseud released his second novel and it was a complete disaster.

Now he's facing the existential angst of realising he is not talented enough to be a writer. He has an audience but he does not have the ability to create good work for them.

Poor guy.

>> No.18952007

1. He wrote a horrendous and derivative book.
2. People told him that his terrible drivel was bad.
3. He apologised for publishing said drivel, thus further diluting the already terrible market for literature.

Haven't read the book by the way, I don't read meme authors, especially those that /lit/ shills to such a degree.

>> No.18952027

If he could have relaxed his gargantuan ego for a split-second, he could have hired a ghostwriter and made serious bank. If he did that now everyone would figure him out though. Oh well...

>> No.18952036

>>18952000 (checked)
>He has an audience but he does not have the ability to create good work for them.
this is probably the worst situation to be in as an author or artist in [current year]. better to not be "famous" at all, even.

>> No.18952054

Watch the book club's review of L'Académie and you might begin to understand.

>> No.18952075


>> No.18952084


At least the anonymous failure can fool himself into believing he is a victim of circumstance, of the publishing industry, the dull taste of the masses etc etc.

Waldun cannot hide behind such delusions. He simply is not good enough and, regardless of how hard he works, he may never be. He has to entertain the cruelest truth an artist may face: he simply lacks the natural talent required for his craft.

>> No.18952102


>> No.18952604

i heard he fucked a very underage girl (maybe boy), but i could be wrong

>> No.18952609
File: 90 KB, 1264x792, rc waldun cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a difference between not good enough and this absolute embarrassment. how do you larp so hard as a writer but still manage to put out those two works with the errors included....

>I know at that instance under the incessant typing noise: writing shall be my craft, a craft that have not left me since.

>Mr. Morton was who I'd consider as a fond mentor of an older age.

>Once, at the corner Cafe's desk, he offered me a glimpse into his notebook full of remarka written with the utmost eloquence, as I soon have grown ashamed of my own scattered scribbles atop the ink-stained desk.

>"Indeed. His elegeance simply cannot be denied. When one submits to Mozart, all are absolved from moods bizarre." - "Wow, Arthur, it rhymed!"

>> No.18952630

Short version of the story up to the Clark argonian incident and Waldun's apology:

>Waldun is a relatively small booktuber.
>Writes a shitty book, The Learned Disguise.
>Lit makes fun of him for being terrible and being a pseud.
>Lit pirates the book, makes even more fun of him.
>He releases a new book
>Lit gets it early, pirates it and goes apeshit, making fun of him for writing another piece of absolute crap with some people ironically acting like he's a literary genius. These are the Waldunchads.
>Waldunscholars come up with theories about him, such as the Homosexual Hypothesis.
>A KDbooks review comes out, tearing the book apart.
>One of Waldun's friends, Clark, stabs him in the back. Says the book was bad even though he endorsed it previously, says he only did it for money and people are the idiots for trying to hold him to his word, just a snake all around
>Lit doesn't like it, tries to dig up dirt on him.
>Lit finds his old accounts and find out that he was looking for skyrim mods that make argonians naked.
>Lit starts commenting on his comment about Waldun with this info, he promptly deletes the comment.
>Lit suddenly feels sympathy for Waldun, a project is started to rewrite his new book so it doesn't suck ass.
>Now, he apologizes for it, says the book was indeed bad and not up to standard.
>Says he will give royalties to some charity, but won't pull the book. Still admits that it's bad.
>Lit doesn't know what the fuck to do now.

>> No.18952651

Someone pls post the origin of the "proses" meme

>> No.18952676
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>> No.18952683
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>> No.18952693

It's on par with a Greek tragedy

>> No.18952701

>lesson learned. never hire an editor from Fiverr :)

Where'd he hire one this time? Tenerr?

>> No.18952715

he said he found a "company" online. they convinced him when they gave him some feedback that was basically just "sir... these words... they flow!"

>> No.18952717


lol. I leave /lit/ for a few years and this happens. This is worse than the Tao Lin craze

>> No.18952721

Why is this the funniest fucking thing I've read in weeks?

>> No.18952722

nah it's not
unlike with tao lin, at least everyone can tell waldun's a fraud

>> No.18952734

I guess that is true. Its been so long. I was around for the whole "I am a huge Orson Welles" thing but this is really something

>> No.18952762

He first contacted a company that does the first 2000 words for free. He was to naive to realize that a company who's entire business model hangs on not discouraging amateur writers is going to be favorable no matter what and he shouldn't take them seriously.

>> No.18952774

You keep repeating this but you're telling me this little peanuthead doesn't know about Reedsy?

>> No.18952802

who's this clark fellow? one of the beatnik crew? i had to unsub from waldun back when lit got ahold of the learned disguise because it just made me sad/angry for someone to blow up on youtube as an advocate for reading difficult books/posing as a 'rebel academic' but still produce a piece of writing where he thought Mozart rhymed with bizarre...

>> No.18952810

>he thought Mozart rhymed with bizarre
you clearly don't understand the Waldunian disposition

>> No.18952820


>> No.18952830

I was the guy who pirated the book by pulling it from bookmate and I feel a bit conflicted about it. On the one hand, a writer should own up to it if he wrote something terrible and move on. On the other, after reading how bad it actually was... was it wise to let that loose upon the world?

As for Clark, he is some friend of Waldun but not part of the beatnik boys. Just another pseud who make pointless video essays related to books.

>> No.18952848

what the fuck is bookmate
i thought the digi release wasn't out yet

>> No.18952855

he used the italian pronunciation of bizarre (bizzarro) with an elided e and he used the german pronunciation of mozart with an elided t. so it goes "bitsar" et "motsar", thus it rhymes. joyce uses similar multi-language wordplay in finnegans wake.

>> No.18952857

I'm talking about the Learned Disguise. That book had a kind of digital release, you could read it on a site called bookmate if you paid for their subscription. They had a 5 day free trial though.

>> No.18952869

oh ok
whats the benefit of that over KU?

>> No.18952870

Basically after the following video was posted, Waldun lost confidence in his book: https://youtu.be/g8RSLbCh8gs

>> No.18952888

Nothing, there's almost nothing worthwile on it. The only big title they have exclusively (which according to rumors brings in 78% of their subscribers) is The Learned Disguise.

>> No.18952896

holy based
our boy waldun has a killer app

>> No.18953090

What happened to the main Waldun Thread?

>> No.18953106

jannies are killing the threads like mad today

>> No.18953680

Damn, all it took was the existance of discordfags to kill waldunposting

>> No.18953750

He should have presented himself as just a thoughtful book aficionado sharing his opinions and enjoyment of literature with his followers. Such behavior would have played it safe but preserved his credibility because anyone, writer or not, can have good opinions on the subject. Instead he tried to do big boy things when he wasn't ready for big boy things, put himself out there, and got burned. Now he can't speak with any authority on the subject to his audience . If I were him I'd spin it so that I was honest with myself. A young, inexperienced aspiring novelist who is prone to mistakes and has much to learn rather than a prodigy selling his feigned expertise to the unwitting. I'm assuming most of his followers are in a similar boat so he ought to use that as a way to relate rather than to put himself above them as this font of wisdom.

>> No.18953884

What worst trait of mine is exaggerated to being Asian?

>> No.18953946

Has anyone ever thought about how we’re living in such a dystopian hell that the previous generations got classics with subtle commentary. And now we get cunts with full on woke feminist childlike brainlets being in newspapers etc. the only books allowed to be published by penguin being leftist. Do writers all just get cancelled before they even begin writing.

>> No.18953984
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>Has anyone ever thought about how we’re living in such a dystopian hell that the previous generations got classics with subtle commentary. And now we get cunts with full on woke feminist childlike brainlets being in newspapers etc. the only books allowed to be published by penguin being leftist. Do writers all just get cancelled before they even begin writing.

>> No.18954022
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>> No.18954035

Some anon has to make a There's A Tale To This City thread. Go check Jay's instagram. It's gonna be an experience.

>> No.18954046

Pretty much my phenotype

>> No.18954052

Your worst trait is exaggerated to eating dogs so I take back what I said. It's a yes.

>> No.18954102

he's cute but his writing is lame and his voice is annoying.

>> No.18954116

>with subtle commentary
we wont get anywhere until we realize that this had nothing to do with what made good art good.

>> No.18954292

your post was very reddit

>> No.18954307

He is from Melbourne so naturally /lit/ declared a fatwa.

>> No.18954398


>> No.18954404
File: 1.17 MB, 800x800, fuckyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short-attention-span homo zoomers find another "booktuber" to wank over.
This time it was this twink.

The booktuber fangirling on this board is cancer.

>> No.18954541

He was being pushed by youtube algos, his dark academia video got a lot of hits, and /lit/ found him in oct of last year. the first few posts are genuine admiration for waldun. >>15419103 >>16158144

the first waldun thread >>16514743
the first BIG waldun thread: >>16642419

and the rest is history. just look up waldun in the archives and you can see how the trickle turns into a downpour of incel rage

>> No.18954552

were is the cum picture? then the double cum picture?

>> No.18954568

God I hate his pigeon-beak lips.

>> No.18954894

Rampant pedophilia, obviously. That's a caucasian trait.

>> No.18955250

Lmao you still pronounce the t in german

>> No.18955259

the board has never been better

>> No.18955263

some asshole with a creative writing phd is going to be inspired by this incident and write the defining novel of the century with a character based on Waldun as the protagonist

>> No.18955264

Because you've never read JG Ballard.

>> No.18955400

He's cute tho. Asian Quentin.

>> No.18955763

>find out that he was looking for skyrim mods that make argonians naked

>> No.18955862

What a fucking horrendous writer. I fucking cringed lol.

>> No.18955976
