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18950680 No.18950680 [Reply] [Original]

Is his books actually helpful or is he just a meme?

>> No.18950704

Dr. Peterson saved western civilization against the evil pomo marxists of course they're helpful

>> No.18950712

Self help books are unironically always helpful. Banal and obvious and whatever, but stick to whatever they say and you'll make your life worth living. That's one of the main points of IJ

>> No.18950726

he is just a drug user

>> No.18950767

i guess dave should’ve read some more then

>> No.18950777

> i guess dave should’ve read some more then
never read a single one of those, I'd be ashamed

>> No.18950806

I personally don't like the guy and I don't like of how his videos are on my stream on Youtube.

>> No.18950808

I have read his first book, helped me lol. Just bought his second book

>> No.18950814

This is like an episode of Black Mirror

>> No.18950815

YouTube's shilling him really hard. All of my friends tell me that regardless of what they watch, they get those generic shitty "motivational" "inspirational" JP speech videos recommended to them, and so do I. No idea why.

Not that I needed any more reason to dislike him, but if YouTube's shilling it, it can't be good.

>> No.18950908

They are, because even if it is "clean your room", it is effective. When your parents say clean your room they do it as an order, or are too tired to go into the why. Meanwhile Peterson contextualizes cleaning your room via explaining how it will actually help you in the long run, thus getting past the lazy egoism of the western manchild.

>> No.18950924

It's self-help precisely in line with the post 2010s. Peterson is an anomaly that could only exist in this bizarre state of the world.

>> No.18950945

>Is his books actually helpful
For some people, yes
>is he just a meme?
Also yes

>> No.18950970

He is the Right's most important public intellectual.

>> No.18950990

He's a liberal

>> No.18950999

He is a Rightwing Liberal

>> No.18951026

If his ideas produced a harlot daughter and a life threatening benzo addiction, of what use are his ideas to me? I am already "above" Peterson, as it were; he should rather be looking to me for help and advice, than the reverse.

>> No.18951083

Where is your book anon?

>> No.18951085

The great men who develop these philosophies often struggle to live by them.

Same with Nietzsche.

>> No.18951095

>Dostoyevsky was a poor drunken loser, this his books have no value.

>> No.18951099

>I am already "above" Peterson

Do you know were you are anon?

>> No.18951111

>comparing peterson to nietzsche and dostoyevsky

>> No.18951112

Yes Peterson is far more relevant to the 21st century, rendering the other two somewhat obsolete.

>> No.18951114

his personality quizzes are the best. i wonder if he'll release a tarot deck soon?

>> No.18951121

Amerimutt paws typed this post.

>> No.18951125

It’s helpful in a fashion.
I have not found his direct advice particularly helpful, but if you read his older material the implications are quite useful.

>> No.18951137

British, actually.

>> No.18951140

About as addicted as one could get to antidepressants or antipsychotics. I'm wondering when this misconception is going to disappear, or if people will willingly take those accusations of him to the grave so they have one more criticism of his person to hide behind.

>> No.18951147

>antidepressants or antipsychotics
benzos, not these. more closely related to booze

>> No.18951171

(((they))) are shilling him be because he's an individualist and anti-nationalist, and doesn't mention the jq. Pretty simple. I still like JBP though because he's a great starting point for young leftists to convert somewhat to the center/rw and learn masculine values and gender red pills. I bet right wing extremists get a bunch of jbp recommendations to balance out one's political opinions and be influenced by more individualist programming.

>> No.18951174

>Are his books actually helpful
FTFY. Also, they are if you never read anything like that before. He's entry-level. If you spend more than a year believing he's a luminaire end-all-be-all on intelectualism, that's because you're dumb.

>> No.18951185

I'm glad /lit/ is starting to get over its Peterson prejudice.

For a while this place was becoming pretty anti Peterson.

Seems like the metronome is swinging back.

>> No.18951194

Nietzsche's books themselves prove Nietzsche's status as an overman. JBP isn't even close in comparison of original, influential output. Actually he is, just to the midwit masses. Intellectually he is nothing compared to Nietzsche

>> No.18951208

I'm aware of that. He developed a severe, quote, "side effect" in the abrupt cessation of them that made him want to kill himself because it was like he was being tortured from the inside of his nervous system. Pardon my frustration, here's a resource on it.


>> No.18951258

The point still stands that you evaluate the writing and not the man, you dosto simp

>> No.18951272

>Is his books actually helpful
>is he just a meme?



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>> No.18951278

keep simping for peterson

>> No.18951279

>Is his books actually helpful
>is he just a meme?



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>> No.18951295

I've never read Peterson and never will, but the point stands. The average /lit/tard is on-par with Gardner for lacking self-awareness of the shit that schlops out of the mouth

>> No.18951340

his university lectures is the best he has ever done. 12 rules is for more lower IQ masses

>> No.18951393

I lost all respect for him after he got anally raped by Zizek because of his incompetence and arrogance.

>> No.18951419

Sorry, what is the end of these semantic gymnastics? It seems irrelevant to me; the plain fact is that he was a habitual user of the benzo, stopping its use put him in a life-threatening condition of disease from which he is still not recovered; I call that addiction, call it whatever you like — but I am not addicted to anything of this kind, and in that respect I am above Peterson, and he should sooner ask me for life advice, than I him.

>> No.18951435

>Nietzsche's books themselves prove Nietzsche's status as an overman.
no they don't, they prove him a bundle of anxiety and ressentiment towards his Lutheran parents

>> No.18951439

the point doesnt stand. you think you can equate any two authors, and hurr durr look at the writing and not the person.
thats nonsense, and midwit level thinking.
nietzsche had far more to say, in a more eloquent manner, and thus i overlook aspects of his personality.
dont you at me again

>> No.18951443

>Things that never happened


>> No.18951448

His father died when he was 5 years old. No ressentiment there

>> No.18951462

>His father died when he was 5 years old. No ressentiment there
one does not ensure the other, logiclet

>> No.18951466

JBP just doesn't have the literature skill of Nietzsche. I don't mind his quasi-stoic beliefs, but I don't consider him worth the time when better works and better writers from the past exist.

>> No.18951467

You made a guess and got it wrong, it's fine, just get over it

>> No.18951504

he still went to school and was taught theology, his religious upbringing didn't end at the death of his father, brainlet

>> No.18951530


>> No.18951560

So we've moved away from the parents, that's good. Of course, a true Nietzsche scholar would know that he excelled in theology while doing mediocre-to-poor in subjects like math. It was nothing forced upon him, it was an intrinsic interest.

>> No.18951627

So how was "Maps of meaning"?

>> No.18951651

>wash you penis
Gee, thanks

>> No.18951693


I'm not a fan of Peterson but:

“There is a false saying: “How can someone who can’t save himself save others?” Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?”
― Nietzsche

>> No.18951713

That’s some deep christcuckery there.

>> No.18951770


>> No.18951807

How? I'm not religious, just retarded.

>> No.18951820

Jesus couldn’t save himself, so how could he save the countless christians?

>> No.18951975

Jesus was sent to save everyone else, not himself.
He was a part of God to begin with

>> No.18952108

Jesus rose from the dead and lives eternally.

>> No.18952110

What about IJ was about self help?

>> No.18952123

Yep. Not acknowledged by many, including him.

>> No.18952134

How many Rightwing people acknowledge themselves as Rightwing?

>> No.18952144


>> No.18952160

>needing to justify something that happend thousands of years ago

>> No.18952202
File: 335 KB, 750x1334, F81EC94A-08E4-4CC7-90D6-B92274641EE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me bro

t. DMT gang

>> No.18952297

I was I had a father like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.18952313

He's in EVERY SINGLE vid recc for Keith Woods, even his book reviews which have squat to do with JP get, nonetheless, reccomended to everyone.

>> No.18952680

The great men who develop these philosophies often struggle to live by them
and what "philosophy" has Peterson developed?

>> No.18952697

you'd probably end up a whore like his daughter

>> No.18952709

cleaning your room is good advice and you can easily spiral that advice out into other aspects of your life if you understand the idea within it

>> No.18952716

>Is his books actually helpful or is he just a meme?

>> No.18952726

he's a helpful meme, to those who really need it.

>> No.18952777

Better than being a chronically depressed volcel fag.

>> No.18952783

so is dr phil

>> No.18952798

Dr Phil is an active detriment to everyone, even the people who need him.

>> No.18952843

He fell for the Christian vs liberals memes, and basically the current culture wars, he will be forgotten in a few years after this nonsense wrap up.

>> No.18952911

Both the 12 Rules books are helpful, although I'd say Beyond Order was more succinct and interesting. He worked in too much mythology into the first 12 Rules for my liking. I'd about 10% into "Maps of Meaning" which is not so much useful, but extremely interesting so far.

>> No.18952982


>> No.18952983

Peterson wrote one decent book two decades ago, Maps of Meaning, and then got tenure. He has been coasting entirely off of this ever since and his cash-grab self-help books are the most pithy Canadian dad advice imaginable.

>> No.18952990

>in that respect I am above Peterson
Not in the slightest, and you couldn't hold a candle to him intellectually speaking, because you're not clever, and you won't dare to see past your own nose for fear of what you might find.

>> No.18953076

take your meds

>> No.18953077

i don't know, is it helpful to end up in a serbian mental facility?

>> No.18953088

If you have akathisia, then I suppose. That's like asking if it's beneficial to be put under anesthetics while you get a rotten tooth extracted.

>> No.18953101

I recall many times during the Ennet House segments DFW lists off lots of the typical platitudes of AA and addiction struggles but notes that despite their obviousness its all useful advice you must live by to survive and recover from addiction

>> No.18953103

Why does he cry so often on camera, is he that unhinged? Do midwits mistake that for sincerity?
He's an entertaining personality, but you probably shouldn't entertain him.

>> No.18953131

Dumbass, you would be crying too if you were put in his place.

>> No.18953144

Why don't you take his parkinson's for him if you want? Since you're such an upstanding guy.

>> No.18953155

Please take your meds, but unlike Peterson please follow the recommended dosage.

>> No.18953181

No. You can eat shit if you want, instead. People get fucked up for life by recommended dosages all the time. You think Big Pharma is your friend?

>> No.18953204

Thought so. Dumbasses ITT need to get a clue, or they're next.

>> No.18953217
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>> No.18953229

eh, the problem with self-help in general is that it tells you things to do but never successfully convinces you, they just expect you to do certain things until (if you have the persistence) they become habit, at which point they may or may not be effective. Ive gotten a lot more out of philosophy like neitzche which actually changed my perspective and led me to enjoying my life more, than just giving me a set of rules that im not in the least sure will work, so...

peterson in specific is kind of a quack, a lot of his shit is incomprehensible and he constantly misunderstands shit, be it politics or philosophy

>> No.18953557

He used to promote Solzhenitsyn (second book jewish bolsheviks meme) and talk how 70 IQ people are not capable of doing any job. Also not so new but still fresh interpretation of christianity through jungian lenses. Self help stuff is usually looked down by every non-total normie - so imo not a big deal. Although I remember reading something about his work for UN commission connected/financed by Soros?

>> No.18953678
File: 616 KB, 627x3741, JPIsAHack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18953723

Came here to post this.

>> No.18953731

my normie househusband brother likes him. He also likes ben shapiro so, maybe good for a particular sort of stodgy atheist.

>> No.18953739

buddy he's obviously on fucking cocaine or adderal in his speeches. Are zoomers so used to tweaking they cannot even detect it in other people?

>> No.18953756

Man I would love to watch JP on coke, bet it'd be wildly entertaining

>> No.18953773

>Ive gotten a lot more out of philosophy like neitzche which actually changed my perspective and led me to enjoying my life more

Kind of ironic that's what you got from Neitzche

>> No.18953774

Not helpful. But certainly thought provoking and novel, if you only count Maps of Meaning. Anything commercialized JP is absolutely the most vapid shit possible. That he thinks the perennial ethic resolves in liberal capitalism is an absolute atrocity and it ironically reflects in the way he himself promotes his figure online.

>> No.18953781

Who cares?

>> No.18953794
File: 5 KB, 300x168, c c c c COCAINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is wildly entertaining for many people. He's a very popular man. Sure has lost a lot of weight since he became so emotional and talkative with racing thoughts and rapid changes in subject! Must be the all meat diet.

>> No.18953800

Big brain.

In one of his interview he says ‘I thought I got pretty good at managing my time [doing drugs to stay awake]’

>> No.18953823

No they're not. If they were helpful, they'd work and people wouldn't need to constantly buy more of them and there wouldn't be a self-help industry. The only people self help books help are the people who write self help books.

>> No.18953825

cuck bois of /lit/ cannot admit it

>> No.18953841

>I am already "above" Peterson, as it were; he should rather be looking to me for help and advice, than the reverse.
Have a daughter and raise her and we'll see

>> No.18954118

>“Meaning is manifestation of the divine individual adaptive path”
>“Meaning is the ultimate balance between… the chaos of transformation and the possibility and…the discipline of pristine order”
>“Meaning is an expression of the instinct that guides us out into the unknown so that we can conquer it”
>“Meaning is when everything there is comes together in an ecstatic dance of single purpose”
>“Meaning means implication for behavioral output”
>“Meaning emerges from the interplay between the possibilities of the world and the value structure operating within that world”
utter woo-woo jibberish. now please stop making these threads it's 2021 ffs he'(s) not relev(a)nt and there's nothin(g) n(e)w to discuss

>> No.18955119

did you just fucking compare JP to Nietzche
why do I still visit this boardgj4

>> No.18955146

wrong lol

>> No.18955218

That is an amazing quote

Shut up faggot

>> No.18955280

The state of zoomers

>> No.18955355

>Is his books actually helpful or is he just a meme?
Neither. They are classics.

>> No.18955357

Paper is too glossy for toilet paper.

>> No.18955363

Holy cope

>> No.18955369

>Although I remember reading something about his work for UN commission connected/financed by Soros?
Wtf? Where did you get that info? The Daily Stormer?

>> No.18955379

They're good if you're 15 and lonely and want a purpose in life, OP.

>> No.18955461

only info I found:



>> No.18955486

not ironic at all, its what he wants you to get out of his books, beyond good and evil and thus spoke zarathrustra at the very least

>> No.18955643


>> No.18955683
File: 147 KB, 500x730, 1630409199574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a one-hour long lecture on YouTube in which he summarizes his book. It's really not worth to read if you've watched the lecture or vice-versa.

It is somewhat obvious advice, but it's advice that most people don't follow anyway ("clean your room", "surround yourself with good people", "stop to find joy in small things even during awful times", etc.)

Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience. His advice is mostly practical stuff to better the quality of life of people. It's not necessarily profound and philosophical or even "deep" by any stretch of the imagination, it's just good practice that most people entrenched in modern life will find helpful.

His lectures on psychology are very solid though. As a psychology student I can vouch for their quality.

>> No.18955709

I mean he also became famous and earned millions of dollars

>> No.18955953

I use YT only for music and random vidya shit. Two months ago my entire feed is full of Peterson and Zizek videos.

I think it's the new wave of young impressionable men looking for male role models what's feeding the algorithm this way.

>> No.18955977

>If his ideas produced a harlot daughter
Children are not only the result of their parents. Children are also result of the culture that surrounds them. Notice how the strict, hard-ass Silent Generation parents gave birth to hippies.

His daughter will eventually come back as she's got a solid base.
>and a life threatening benzo addiction
He was doing lectures, attending to interviews in which reporters were actively trying to provoke and back him into a corner to get a reaction, he was being harassed daily and wis wife got cancer. As a mental health specialist he went for a medical treatment.

If anything it shows how corrupt psychiatry and their over-reliance on drugs is. If a man who knows what he's doing can get hooked on anxiety drugs, what's left for regular patients who do nothing but blindly trust their doctors?

>> No.18956867

>His daughter will eventually come back as she's got a solid base.
no. she's an unhinged whore, a total failure on Peterson's part.
>He was doing lectures, attending to interviews in which reporters were actively trying to provoke and back him into a corner to get a reaction, he was being harassed daily and wis wife got cancer. As a mental health specialist he went for a medical treatment.
Dude's always been on a myriad of pills, way before being on the limelight.

>> No.18956974

[Citation needed]

>> No.18957005

There's an interview of him and his daughter some 10 years ago talking about all their "automimune disorders" and all the shit they have to do to deal with it, dietary (their retarded carnivore diet) and pharmacologywise.
Peterstein has always been, if nothing else, a pharma shil.

>> No.18957011

>As a mental health specialist he went for a medical treatment.
>bro im a medical specialist, just gobble these benzos bro, yea yea i know that some say take them only for acute panic attacks but this pfizer study PROVED that it is safe and effective to just eat benzos every single day of your life bro, dont you trust medical science?
>*needs to be put into a medical coma for a month to not die from withdrawals*
Absolute fucking meme. There is no such thing as a medical specialist anymore, as all of the research is done and funded by big pharma. The replication crisis is often attributed exclusively to social studies, but it started in medicine and is even worse here.

>> No.18957696

Yeah, give me time though, he achieved those things at nearly twice my age

>> No.18957708

>If anything it shows how corrupt psychiatry and their over-reliance on drugs is.
No argument there, but let's not forget that Peterson always recommended psychiatric care to people. His own advice pwned him.

>> No.18957850

Peterson's fears:

>being asked to name some Marxists

>> No.18958675

God our parents did us all a disservice.

>> No.18958682

Trips O Truth

>> No.18958685


>> No.18958687

Go to sleep anon :3

>> No.18958694

Wasted ass trips. No one is a volcel. Do you call yourself a sigma male as well? Gay.

>> No.18958697

This. He makes clowns out of them, THEN gives them the resources they need. Its funny sometimes.

>> No.18958844

>>being asked to name some Marxists
Why did people completely miss the point Ž-man was making? The important part was not "Where are the Marxists?", but "Where do you see any elements of Marxism in this (sjwism)?"

>> No.18958873

He's a total meme. He's such an insufferable cuck that, If I was his wife, I'd cheat on him, too.

>> No.18958910

Uh oh we got a witty redditor in our midst!