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File: 19 KB, 375x500, Debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18943140 No.18943140 [Reply] [Original]

What was being said in this book, is it all true?

>> No.18943361


>> No.18943410

Is this just some random nonfiction book that could have been an essay, written by some guy who is mildly popular on twitter and has an assistant professorship at some small uni that you never heard of but according to some idiot is the "center of whatever"?

>> No.18943880

It's what isn't said that isn't true

>> No.18943915

About as wrong as you could get.

>> No.18944064

It's just a popular presentation of some not so controversial anthropological research. It's counter to standard economic narratives where people bartered goods and then developed money to facilitate trade. Also how interest rates have not really been set rationally since the dawn of civilization.

>> No.18944790

The best book of the past decade

>> No.18944800

>anarchist academic
Into the trash

>> No.18944821

I loved this book. It’s been my favorite non fiction I’ve read in years. His overarching thesis is brilliant and his musing style and side stories are fantastic. I’ve recommended it to all my friends that read. They have loved it too. I’m sad he passed away because he was a wonderful writer. So many misconceptions of our current state of affairs that are based off miss truths or lack historical context are explained in a way that the word I look at now makes just a little more sense.

Haters gonna hate, but this book was good and /lit/ doesn’t read.

>> No.18944827

>reading anarkiddies
No thanks.

>> No.18944838
File: 36 KB, 348x499, 51uz86FTVxL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who enjoyed this should also read this, it strikes fear into the Jew.

>> No.18944845

Jew lover.

>> No.18944859

Why would you post on /lit/ if you don't bother to read?
Why would you post in threads about books you won't ever read?
Why would you waste your time spouting a baseless opinion that no one is going to take seriously?
Is this how you spend your time? Writing 4 word shitposts, hoping for the dopaminergic response of pseudo social interaction?

>> No.18944864

>anarkiddie faggot
You have to be 18 to post here. How about you grow up and become a Marxist at least.

>> No.18944868

Cuckold, impotent kike lover. Pay your interest and be quiet.

>> No.18944881

>t.seething anarkiddie
As usual, the under 18 invariably outs themselves

>> No.18944885

>I love paying debts to my Jew masters

>> No.18944893

Could you move this pointless discussion back to /pol/? Neither of you have addressed the book itself and are talking about the ideological beliefs of the dead author without taking into consideration the actual content of the work itself that distinguishes itself from his belief system but also covers those particular issues within the historical context itself.

Mom, Dad, stop fighting.

>> No.18944896

doesnt your high school offer anger management classes for at risk youth? No wonder you lash out when your favorite anarkiddie, bourgeois academic isn’t taken seriously

>> No.18944899

is it against all forms of debt or only the excessive?

>> No.18944904

>Anyone who doesn't love debt slavery is in high school
Jew lover.

>> No.18944916

It's not for or against any kind of debt. It just shows the evolution of debt from the basis of social relation up to the more modern constructs. It's basically just historical context for how we got here today without relying on the "BACK WHEN MEN WERE APES WE WOULD BARTER BUT THEN CAPITALISM AND MERCHANTS WERE BESTOWED UPON THE WEST BY GOD".

>> No.18944917

Does this book cover how Jews have been the primary source of usury since time immemorial?

>> No.18944929

Wait, he's dead? I never heard about it :(

>> No.18944933

Yes, and the historical reasons as to why they were forced into that role. But it is the victim doing the best with what they got story as opposed to malicious intent of the “Jew” that you are taking from the nazi playbook.

>> No.18944937
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>> No.18944940

Yeah. There’s apparently one book he coauthored that’s coming out posthumously.

>> No.18944944

will you fucking niggers stop shitting up the thread

>> No.18944949


>> No.18944959

I thought listening to other opinions was part of free speech bullshit and expanding one’s mind to the melting pot of ideas. Does it only count when I read natsoc bullshit /pol/ charts and not the other way around?

>> No.18944968

Most anti-jewish were also kikes, what's your point?

>> No.18944992

Jew lover.

>> No.18944999

Yes, that’s what Graeber is

>> No.18945029

Graeber is spiritually Gentile, while you are an eternal kike lover. Pay debts.

>> No.18945038

>tfw we lost both Graeber and Sahlins in less than a year

>> No.18945044

The government is at fault, always.

Fuck government and fuck central banks.

>> No.18945060

>victim doing the best with what they got story as opposed to malicious intent of the “Jew” that you are taking from the nazi playbook.
The thing is, the latter is historically correct whereas the former is an attempt as rehabilitating Judeo-bankerism.

>> No.18945079

Great point. I'm convinced with all your evidence proving mens rea of a group thousands of years ago. High quality post, anon. Thanks.

>> No.18945080

>primary source of usury since time immemorial
You really think the ancient Egyptian and Roman economies were financed by Jews?

>> No.18945101

Post nose

>> No.18945102
File: 114 KB, 502x670, Bakunin_Nadar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about you grow up and become a Marxist at least.


>> No.18945114

He provides no solutions but based on his history with Occupy Wall St. one can infer its an amalgamation of intersectionality and proletarian ideology.

>> No.18945121

Graeber is a spiritual shudra. He's more Jewish spiritually than secularly.

>> No.18945123

David Graeber is a well known anarchist author

>> No.18945208

Marx wasn't a Marxist

>> No.18945311

it's sad how polluted this board is by pol. i feel bad for you people.

>> No.18945316

:( I really liked this book and wish I could talk about it with /lit/. But it's all just /pol/ posters every time. And then butterfly comes in and posts that one similar book and refuses to acknowledge that she/he hasn't read 5000 years or infinite jest.

>> No.18945325
File: 119 KB, 781x1220, A47BBB58-FE9D-4234-A189-BA21CD02A33E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it’s very good. Michael Hudson even said Graeber’s is … I forget the exact wording, but he liked it in comparison to his own even though they come to similar conclusions

Aha. More Hudson. Will read.

>I hereby adopt Graeber into the gentile race, postmortem
I can see his reaction now…

Well, he’d have boxed Lenin’s ear, I would think.

>> No.18945339

No, I haven’t read Debt yet. Looks great, I know his writing, so I recommend. I am the second person in thread to mention Hudson this time though
Have you read Direct Action? Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology?

>> No.18945436 [DELETED] 

>Jew saying true things

>> No.18945447

>falling for liberal propaganda

>> No.18945478

That's a lot of text to say nothing of substance.

>> No.18945489

>taking someone's meta ironic post not meaning to be taken at face value gets taken at face value

>> No.18945531

If you need a reason to avoid Graeber , here it is:

>> No.18945536


Agent Smith, please. Go.

>> No.18945771
File: 170 KB, 900x1350, 714lUr4kpLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put this book recommendation here for those interested in OPs topic.

>> No.18945789

>to malicious intent of the “Jew” that you are taking from the nazi playbook
Nope we should beating the around the bush. Westerners crushed the Jews for a 1000 years for a reason. It's only recently they have been had a great resurged influence.

>> No.18945790


>> No.18945902
File: 50 KB, 492x700, 45BAA0C8-15C6-4EA8-B129-93A4B405F720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez Louise

>> No.18945989

even nassim talrb praises him, including the upcoming book

>> No.18946036

trans rights

>> No.18946166

>He provides no solutions
What's wrong with that?

>> No.18946193

For fucks sake. This board can have meaningful discussion. The psychology thread a few days ago was good. Maybe every thread should start with asking for only the experts. So, any Economic anthropologist here?

>> No.18946244

debt and finance are such boring and reactionary things to particularly care about. as shown by this thread

>> No.18946973

I had to stop reading it, couldn't stand the Marxist undertones.

>> No.18947454

Jew lover.

>> No.18947662

braindead commie

>> No.18947724

>I love Jewish debt slavery.

>> No.18947891

Tried reading this it is was a terrible cope of a book

>> No.18948468

Jew lover.

>> No.18948562


>> No.18948659

He isn’t Marxist.
No. You’re liars.
Probably the same poster

>> No.18948685
File: 142 KB, 1311x564, 1630299907196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18949052

You haven't read the book >>18945339 so how would you know?

>> No.18949180

An anarchist antisemite? Lol never seen that one before

>> No.18949271

>How would you know an anarchist isn’t a Marxist
Hello. I’m an anarchist. We’re not Marxists

>> No.18949972

Right wingers are fake antisemites. They claim to hate Jews, but they secretly love big banker (Jewish) dick.

>> No.18950143

fuck u butterfly u cant like books i like

>> No.18950251

it's pretty hard to read because of all the filler but it is nice at the crescendos.
only true part is that it could've been an essay (lots of filler in Debt!)
exactly, it's just presenting the manifest facts (anthropology) against the speculative models (economics) & showing how they don't match up

>> No.18950279
File: 52 KB, 850x400, quote-every-anarchist-is-a-baffled-dictator-benito-mussolini-21-2-0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes everything is true but I'd prefer Nationalization for the time being rather than self-issued credit.


>> No.18950368

Jew lover.

>> No.18950379

Jews are good people! I am not anti-semitic.

>> No.18950402
File: 329 KB, 1280x692, Salo-1975-01-09-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noi fascisti siamo i soli veri anarchici

>> No.18950413

Guarderò quel film un giorno.

>> No.18950477

>debt and finance are such boring and reactionary things
>reactionary things
lol, plus you can't understand this world if you don't understand finance

>> No.18950482

Tell me what this books is about.

>> No.18950531

Bankers are not, black tongue

Financial history by an anthropologist. A fun writer actually.

>> No.18950550
File: 2.79 MB, 600x447, 1630171063754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bankers are not, black tongue
Not all Jews are bankers obviously- anon was implying the kind of shit you'd see in the protocols of the elders of zion.

also see >>18950279

we have the same taste in film too butters. we would make good friends IRL, a real dynamic duo!

>> No.18950579

>Financial history by an anthropologist.
Tell me more, what are his theses?

>> No.18950585

back in the day money wasn't a commodity and people would just issue themselves money and the person would be held accountable via trust/community standing for the value which they issue.

>> No.18950608

So the book is empty and doesn't provide anything new?

>> No.18950609

but most people don't know the information presented in it

>> No.18950623

I actually studied finance and the most interesting class I ever had was about financial history, but I don't think that an empty book written by an anthropologist would be worth the time.

>> No.18950652

if you studied finance then i don't think it's worth your time.

what do you think of the "money as debt" documentary?
do you agree that people are essentially hostage to private banks who are able to lend money that does not exist?

also what books do you recommend about this subject because you clearly know more than I

>> No.18950698
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 32233FED-C5AD-431E-B177-A005B37AC18D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not all Jews are bankers obviously
I wasn’t implying
The Muss actually seems to be saying that anarchists are “baffled”. A case of a crazy person telling the sane they’re crazy. Ot everyone is as pea-brained as his sort.

Debt jubilee would be a great good.

>> No.18950725

>I wasn’t implying
obviously you aren't but anon called me a jew lover
musso may be pea brained (a midwit) but he had guts and that made him the man he was.
baffled in his quote most definitely just means confused.

i hope you know how to use sci hub, read this:

>> No.18950732
File: 312 KB, 1122x1398, financial history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think of the "money as debt" documentary?
I haven't seen it, I'll watch it, thanks.
>do you agree that people are essentially hostage to private banks who are able to lend money that does not exist?
My opinion is that usury should be illegal, but it's because of personal religious views. The truth is that, in my studies, I have read many papers that have challenged my views and that tend to show that debt has a positive effect on households' finance. For instance I had to do a literature review on payday loans (short-term loans with very high rates, almost loan sharking), and my general conclusion was that they tended to help households and did not push them in negative spirals.
>also what books do you recommend about this subject because you clearly know more than I
On financial history I would recommend The Ascent of Money, as it is quite easy and Niall Ferguson is very well respected in the small world of academic financial history. If you want to go further you should read a textbook on finance, then whatever textbooks and academic papers universities in your country would recommend. Pic related is a list of introductory papers I had to read for instance. But first you need to be familiar with general finance, because the average man knows nothing about finance, although he should.

>> No.18950738

>Debt jubilee would be a great good.
I see, so it's a political book.

>> No.18950747

well it's not debt or interest which is the issue but the fact that money is a commodity.
C. H. Douglass' "social credit" i think is a good system.
ty for your recs I will read them.


>> No.18950764

But money isn't a commodity, it has no intrinsic value (it's paper or numbers on an account).

>> No.18950776

>but money isn't a commodity
yes it is

>> No.18950805

Your video is just about the fractional-reserve banking system, meaning how the majority of money is created by loans. You can read "The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets" by Mishkin if you want to know more, but it really is the least outrageous part of the financial system.

>> No.18950835

money is a scarce. countries can literally run out of money to circulate when banks stop issuing new loans. that's how you get depressions.

>> No.18950890

>As a true anarchist, Malatesta-who never thought of Mussolini as a genuine revolutionary-saw the matter differently. It's the same old story," he said, "of the brigand who becomes the policeman!
I don't agree but that's a good burn

>> No.18950921

>He was to spend his remaining years leading a relatively quiet life, earning a living as an electrician. After years of suffering from a weak respiratory system and regular bronchial attacks, he developed bronchial pneumonia from which he died after a few weeks, despite being given 1,500 litres of oxygen in his last five hours. He died on Friday 22 July 1932. He was an atheist.
so he still ended up being able to live in musso's regime lol
some "revolutionary" lel. even if I were 70 i'd still be putting bullets into those who are against my causes.

anyway fascist italy was like disneyland compared to every other dictatorship in europe

>> No.18950942

Jew lover.