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/lit/ - Literature

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18950358 No.18950358 [Reply] [Original]

How do can I read 100+ books a year? I read like 30-40 now. I read really slow.

>> No.18950360

doesnt seem slow at all

>> No.18950364

How is this weirder than vanilla ice cream in root beer?

>> No.18950383

pilk lol

>> No.18950389
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Read more.

>> No.18950432

Choose shorter books if you’re so worried about stats, which you shouldn’t be.

>> No.18950464

Leave this forum and become obsessed with reading. I read 400 pages a day when I was locked up in a psychiatric hospital

>> No.18950525
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there probably is a connection between the two lol

>> No.18950543

Nah I tried to kms but then I got locked up there. Didn't have much to do so I spent my days reading and chain smoking. It was the most litkino moment of my life though.

>> No.18950874

That sure is a crisp batrachian

>> No.18950884

Why would you be reading so many books?
Do you even remember the titles of the last ten books you read?

>> No.18950891

pepsi/coke and milk is fuckin' tasty. Gotta drink it fast though, or it separates. That's how you get clear pepsi.

>> No.18950901

t. Jordain Peterson

>> No.18950910

How do I read more? 400 pages seem almost otherworldy to me. Even 100 pages.

>> No.18950920

Glad that you're better now.

What does litkino mean?

>> No.18950934

I only read 12-20ish books a year but I take my time with them, reread parts and take notes to make sure I comprehend the contents, and really try to chew on them

Reading for comprehension is the goal

>> No.18950941

Don't make reading a competition. Fuck goodreads, fuck kindle stats, just read because you like to.

>> No.18950943

Quality > quantity, my “amount” per year fluctuates based on the length and difficulty of the read, this year I’ve only read about 50 but last year it was 190 purely because i limited myself to 200 pages max. Shorter novels equals a larger number of books per day but does not indicate either the challenge or enjoyment one gets from reading in the first place.

>> No.18950954

that's a very decent amount of books.

it isn't. I'll do you one better: cream soda is a thing.

>> No.18950980

Are you literally me? Did the same thing, suicide attempt and all - had a very relaxing time reading, chatting, and listening to live performances of the favourite songs of emo teenage girls. I think I was reading more to the sum of ~200 pages a day, nonetheless that was what got me reading again

>> No.18951045

Who is she?