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18949323 No.18949323 [Reply] [Original]

The book that destroyed atheism...

>> No.18949330
File: 34 KB, 313x475, 2BE3FFB3-387F-433F-A8DD-5BFD547674EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book that destroyed theism...

>> No.18949576

Most pro theism books usually end up destroying theism because it makes people realise how retarded it is

>> No.18949595

The video that destroyed Christianity

>> No.18949619

>A literal fucking Rabbi

>> No.18949665
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on 4chan OP is always a fag, but IRL OP always means based

>> No.18949686

So was Jeebus Creepus

>> No.18949699
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>> No.18949708

>Sorry, I only believe the Jews when they're trying to fuck me over in THIS way, not THAT way

>> No.18949709

wtf is op not always a fag?
wtf i love op now

>> No.18949791
File: 205 KB, 893x1360, misquoting jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the book that destroyed christianity

>> No.18949848

Jesus Christ/Jesus THE Messiah

>> No.18949855
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Based OP

>> No.18949874
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choose one

>> No.18949899
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>New York Times Bestseller

>> No.18949908

>choose one
How about no?

>> No.18949928

Why has 4chan become full of anons LARPing a Christians?

Has reddit sit down its Christianity boards?

Is this another wave of reddit refugees?

>> No.18949946

you're like a pyromaniac fireman

>> No.18949951
File: 1.02 MB, 1724x2296, Study to show thyself approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2021 anno Domini
>still being Roman Catholic

>> No.18949954

>leddit spacing
>is this another wave of reddit tourists?

>> No.18949988

just cause you're dead inside and can't get behind anything truly meaningful doesn't mean others can't.
The fact that catholicism is much older than any christian denomination is an argument for it. Would you get behind a new vesion of christianity that was created today or would you reject it because a long standing tradition is probably closer to the truth?

>> No.18950441

>The fact that catholicism is much older than any christian denomination is an argument for it
>Catholics actually believe this
I hope you come back someday

>> No.18950986

t. redditor

>> No.18951310
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>> No.18951327

>The fact that catholicism is much older than any christian denomination
Apostolic Catholicism, which is Orthodoxy. RC is apostasy.

>> No.18951489

what are your thoughts on Eastern Catholicism/Byzantine Catholicism?
from what I've read they seem to be Orthodox Churches in all ways except that they are in communion with Rome, they still practice Eastern liturgy and are aesthetically the same as Orthodox churches
good middleground if someone is looking to seek the most universal form of Christianity or a heresy between two denominations?
it seems to me like a nice middleground, they still get to use the original rendering of the Nicene creed pre-filioque

>> No.18951491

That book is not anti-theist in the slightest

>> No.18951622

They're still founded on the false idea of papal supremacy. No one denies the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, but the idea that he is supreme over all other pentarchs and patriarchs is completely unfounded both Biblically and according to church tradition
>good middleground if someone is looking to seek the most universal form of Christianity or a heresy between two denominations?
The universal form of Christianity is the true form of Christianity. Orthodoxy. There can't be a middleground to the truth. Something is either true, or untrue. No matter how much closer something might be to the truth when compared to another, it is still an untruth. In the fact that they still use the true Nicene Creed and observe proper liturgy, Eastern Catholics are closer to the truth, but in rejecting the Orthodox church they are still not the truth

>> No.18951691

Atheism is indestructible sweetie

>> No.18951699

>t. Redditfag

>> No.18951796

alright, my interest had been sparked in it because there is a Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church not too far from me, but all the proper Orthodox churches are a bit inconvenient to get to
I agree with the notion that papal supremacy is false, which is why I flirted with protestantism before learning about Orthodoxy
my next question is: as someone not living in a traditionally Orthodox country, are there any guidelines for what branch of Orthodox church I should seek out?
There are Greek Orthodox establishments in a city a ways South of me, and a small Russian Orthodox church in a rural area East of me (though the Russian church isn't listed on the OCA or anywhere else and may be part of a schismatic Orthodox group, I can't find much information on it, they do have an icon store though so perhaps I'll pay a visit sometime outside of liturgical hours just to see the place and make my first move towards Orthodoxy by acquiring an icon or two)
I have family that came from Ukraine and Russia, none that were Greek, should I let this influence my decision or should I just visit a couple and see what works best?