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/lit/ - Literature

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18947320 No.18947320 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ every kind of media has managed to scare me, except books. Are there any books that genuinely scare you?

>> No.18947867

House of Darkness House of Light

>> No.18947893

Jung scares me because everyone that I know who’s read him went off the deep end

>> No.18947905
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>everyone that I know who’s read him went off the deep end
You know a bunch of retards

>> No.18947929

Fearing anything but death is a modern low-testosterone pussy character trait. I hope you kill yourself.

>> No.18947975

That's funny cause nothing scares me anymore except /x/ greentexts. I have a couple saved that I'll never open again. I also have a friend that browses /x/ and he comes over and always makes up scary stuff about my house and the skin walkers in the cane fields etc etc

>> No.18947982

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.18947995

how far off the deep end?

>> No.18948007

14 by Peter clines have me a near constant feeling of unease for the first 90% of the book, with the last 10% giving me panic and terror. Closest a book has gotten to scary that hasn't brought it fully into "this is just dumb and edgy."

>> No.18948018

I'm 21 my nigga. And it's true, I can walk around in the cane field and my garden at 2am with birds and all sorts of animals making noises and it never scares me. I can play video games and watch spooky stuff and I am always able to convince myself it's not real. But when you read a good /x/ greentext I find it hard to sleep. But I haven't gone there since I was like 17. Being scared is such an unhealthy cheap thrill. It's not worth it and turns you into an anxious person without any form of reasoning.
Take true crime women for example, they are chasing exactly what you want but they never stop to think how it psychologically effects them. I thankfully was able to convince my housemate how much it was affecting her, so she decided to have a break from it and came back to it a few months later and had a mental breakdown and couldn't stop crying.
It's the same with gore, I could never go back to looking at /b/ rekt threads I used to watch daily when I was young.
I believe this sort of media is what's responsible for the increase of mental illness. It's why amish people are so down to earth, and live in kind, loving communities - cause they aren't exposed to this shit.
I'd honestly love to be amish but there is nothing like that here in Australia except the Hare Krishnas

>> No.18948035

post em

>> No.18948104

whats the likelihood of joining one of the hare krishna communities? taking the chantpill sounds pretty dope

>> No.18948137

>fearing death
>calling anything low test
faggot, i bet you don't want to die by another man's spear in a huge battle for the glory of troy

>> No.18948161
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>> No.18948177

I'm 21 my nigga. And it's true, I can walk around in the cane field and my garden at 2am with birds and all sorts of animals making noises and it never scares me. I can play video games and watch spooky stuff and I am always able to convince myself it's not real. But when you read a good /x/ greentext I find it hard to sleep. But I haven't gone there since I was like 17. Being scared is such an unhealthy cheap thrill. It's not worth it and turns you into an anxious person without any form of reasoning.
Take true crime women for example, they are chasing exactly what you want but they never stop to think how it psychologically effects them. I thankfully was able to convince my housemate how much it was affecting her, so she decided to have a break from it and came back to it a few months later and had a mental breakdown and couldn't stop crying.
It's the same with gore, I could never go back to looking at /b/ rekt threads I used to watch daily when I was young.
I believe this sort of media is what's responsible for the increase of mental illness. It's why amish people are so down to earth, and live in kind, loving communities - cause they aren't exposed to this shit.
I'd honestly love to be amish but there is nothing like that here in Australia except the Hare Krishnas

>> No.18948219

Same thing really

>> No.18948239
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Dunno if these are any good as I read most of them 4 years ago.

I work nearby one of their retreats and I've been keen to go on one, I doubt it'd be hard to join. Their website doesn't make it look that nice though. I think it's more for the kinds of people who like to do yoga and 'charge their crystals' and do moon dances. Though I did have a guy one day come into the store I was working at. He sold me the Bhagavad-Gita and 3 other books for $50 cause I've always wanted to read them anyway.
He told me there was a meeting and free food down the street but I didn't go cause I was the only one working at the store. He came back at about 2pm and asked for a plate, he then left with it and came back with a plate full of food for me. It was really kind and he said he had a lot left and he said I was nice to him. Was really nice of him and the food was great.
I'll check it out eventually though. Not too much into the chanting but I do love listening to recorded religious talks.

>> No.18948252

I'm 21 my nigga. And it's true, I can walk around in the cane field and my garden at 2am with birds and all sorts of animals making noises and it never scares me. I can play video games and watch spooky stuff and I am always able to convince myself it's not real. But when you read a good /x/ greentext I find it hard to sleep. But I haven't gone there since I was like 17. Being scared is such an unhealthy cheap thrill. It's not worth it and turns you into an anxious person without any form of reasoning.
Take true crime women for example, they are chasing exactly what you want but they never stop to think how it psychologically effects them. I thankfully was able to convince my housemate how much it was affecting her, so she decided to have a break from it and came back to it a few months later and had a mental breakdown and couldn't stop crying.
It's the same with gore, I could never go back to looking at /b/ rekt threads I used to watch daily when I was young.
I believe this sort of media is what's responsible for the increase of mental illness. It's why amish people are so down to earth, and live in kind, loving communities - cause they aren't exposed to this shit.
I'd honestly love to be amish but there is nothing like that here in Australia except the Hare Krishnas

>> No.18948258
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I had a good one about some kid who's dad had some part of a dog sewed to his body and treated him like a dog and fed in dog food in a trailerpark. I can't find it but I remember feeling ill after reading it.

>> No.18948267
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>> No.18948281
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>nothing scares me anymore except /x/ greentexts

>> No.18948289

I'm 21 my nigga. And it's true, I can walk around in the cane field and my garden at 2am with birds and all sorts of animals making noises and it never scares me. I can play video games and watch spooky stuff and I am always able to convince myself it's not real. But when you read a good /x/ greentext I find it hard to sleep. But I haven't gone there since I was like 17. Being scared is such an unhealthy cheap thrill. It's not worth it and turns you into an anxious person without any form of reasoning.
Take true crime women for example, they are chasing exactly what you want but they never stop to think how it psychologically effects them. I thankfully was able to convince my housemate how much it was affecting her, so she decided to have a break from it and came back to it a few months later and had a mental breakdown and couldn't stop crying.
It's the same with gore, I could never go back to looking at /b/ rekt threads I used to watch daily when I was young.
I believe this sort of media is what's responsible for the increase of mental illness. It's why amish people are so down to earth, and live in kind, loving communities - cause they aren't exposed to this shit.
I'd honestly love to be amish but there is nothing like that here in Australia except the Hare Krishnas

>> No.18948456

Thanks anon

>> No.18948508

Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein scared the shit outta me

>> No.18948540

There is the brethren church

>> No.18948563

Apt Pupil

>> No.18948590
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>a Dwarf with leathery skin

>> No.18949249

Jordan Peterson is an example

>> No.18949302
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>mfw I read Aion and promptly started having apocalyptic nightmares.

>> No.18950679


That book depresses me so badly I've walked away from it three times lol

>> No.18951964

fearing death is gay as fuck

>> No.18951991

weirdly phillip k. dick
specifically the part in Ubik where he feels his friends withered hand brush against him in the darkness
also the part in Valis where he realises the similarities between his visions and the film he watches

>> No.18952025

When I read Bram Stoker's Dracula as a kid it genuinely frightened me.

I find Communion by Whitley Strieber to be quite a creepy read.

>> No.18952081
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The only media that scares me are gore videos, like the ones you see on /gif/, because they make me realize how easy it is to die from accidents, stupidity, and neglect to crazy people without motivation, etc. I can't go outside without thinking about the ways I can easily die.