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/lit/ - Literature

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18947552 No.18947552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They're officially imploding.
u/olphan was just b&. She's a huge name in AN. Now they want inmendham gone.

https://www.. eddit com/r/Efilism/comments/pduj6m/what_happened_to_inmendham_honestly_thought_he/

>> No.18947555

don't care
not reading
cope again

>> No.18947572
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>How do you rationalize killing your pregnant girlfriend who won't abort?

>How do you rationalise allowing the pregnant girlfriend's desires to become a problem not only for her kid, but also every generation of descendants from her kid? How is the sanctity of her life, and her choice more important than all the consequences of failing to act, which involves an untold and exponentially multiplying group of unconsenting individuals?

holy FUCK every damn day you think youve seen it all and you will never find a more fucked up community or trend, but then....AGRESSIVE DIRECT ACTION ANTINATALIST DEATH SQUADS lmaoooooooo

being a national socialist feels less and less extreme every day lool

>> No.18947597
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Oh and here is some AN books.
Ya know, to keep it /lit/ty.

>> No.18947601
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>> No.18947621
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>> No.18947630
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What is it about the big "R" that always torpedoes community cohesion?
Its just rape!
One syllable. Jaunty tone. Perfectly harmless word, really.

>> No.18947632

Whites are mentally ill

>inb4 whining
You know they are white, don't lie

>> No.18947634
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They're right you know...

>> No.18947642

>no one can suffer if there is no one to experience suffering
antinatalists are truly the ultimate supervillains
this does seem to be logical conclusion of nihilistic thought though so if you are into that, then they are right i guess

>> No.18947644


>it's a capeshitter

gosh how surprising.

>> No.18947646
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aah yes everyone aware of the concept of supervillains obviously watches capeshit

>> No.18947647

Whoever suggested that hypothetical knew exactly what they were doing kek

>> No.18947648
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Oh no it's just The White from SMTIV

>> No.18947656
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>> No.18947666
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Calm down, I literally fucking posted Darkwing Duck.


Check out VHEMT. They are now and always have been the true core of antinatalism. Fact is, we accept that you and your geneline are going to go extinct eventually - probably sooner rather than later - and there is little point in pursuing any kind of activism.

We're right and the universe already works with us. We don't need you, we don't even particularly want you. If you or your offspring or theirs don't fall in line, they get what they deserve by default.

>> No.18947778

everyone is mentally ill, it's just that his particular ideological disease caught up with whites, gooks had a prominent baby-killing movement, was called Mabiki, it eventually received pushback by the govt because the population was stagnating. At least in the regions where it was most popular. Everywhere you go you can find bouts upon bouts of collective mental illness. We work in mysterious and irrational ways.
An example is your need to make this post, was there any rational reason for it? Or did you just have an emotional reaction? This is a rhetorical question, you obviously had an emotional reaction to >>18947572, if you didn't, why tag him? (Note: this is assuming this is not bait, that it probably is), not that there's anything wrong, it's not like there's a solution to a problem only 1 autist sees.

>> No.18947786

I always knew there was a reason I instinctively sided with the villains as a kid.

>> No.18947794

>An example is your need to make this post, was there any rational reason for it?
Someone was gonna blame the Jews eventually, might as well point out who's actually to blame

>> No.18947830

>no one can suffer if there is no one to experience suffering
extremely based if you ask me

>> No.18947922

>dude suffering is bad because…it just is okay?!?
>that means we have to end all life
Could even Nietzsche have predicted this level of gayness?

>> No.18947927



>> No.18947930

>Could even Nietzsche have predicted this level of basedness?

>> No.18947940

>can you torture a woman for months if that meant she wouldn't give birth to a single child
Why of course

>> No.18947963

>suffering isn't bad
Antinatalism defeated in a single clause.

>> No.18947994

>if the suffering prevented is greater than the suffering caused

how the hell do you even begin tangibly measuring positive and negative acts? how do you assign a value to stubbing your toe, or seeing the woman you love smile?

>> No.18948031

It’s just a retarded cult for depressed zoomers, they claim to be atheists, determinists, and moral nihilists yet throw out a lot of value judgements and are especially concerned with human suffering for some reason.

>> No.18948061

game theory

>> No.18948128
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Can you keep your literal incel reddit drama to your own site, please?

>> No.18948134
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we must kill the pregnant women, that is the only way to minimise suffuring

>> No.18948151

>dude life is inherently good because uh... IT JUST IS OKAY

>> No.18948160

Why the fuck is this thread on /lit/? It's not about literature, it's fucking reddit drama. Fuck off.

>> No.18948218

beyond the fact that it might be a rationalization rather than a rational reason, ok. I guess. Still seems that it was something to "Trugger da /p0l/z" But that is my personal opinion. And might be untrue.

>> No.18948225
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If AN is to be discussed, its usually here.
As to relevance of reddit drama, inmendham is an important key to the modern movement. If True Detective got people to read Ligotti, then inmendham took them the rest of the way to AN.

But I guess we could have another thread about how to escape the archon's moon ray.

>> No.18948230

unironically the end stage of all utilitarian thought

>> No.18948244
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This is how antinatalists look like.

>> No.18948256

She's the one that got b&.

>> No.18948273

*end stage of atheism

>> No.18948355
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Its funny these people literally advocate for the extinction of the entire human race but rape is where they crossed the line.

>> No.18948359

I'm an antinatalist and I do advocate rape.
I'm trying to lose weight, as I do kinda look like that.

>> No.18948366

Thus Spoke Zarathustra - The Despisers of the Body and The Preachers of Death cover these people already

>> No.18948378
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>this whole post

>> No.18948417

Hi Satan. The real, actual future belongs to people with a natalist ideologies who propagate them through children. The one actually going extinct in real life is you.

VHEMT is literal tranny shit and practically no one knows what it is.

>> No.18948426

Benatar is so based

>> No.18948428

Based. I used to be antinatalist, but now I think I'm going to have a kid some day.
It just doesn't hold together when you read broader philosophy. Pessimism is blinding.

>> No.18948440

i think thats the thing with antinatalists, theyre just miserable pessimistic fucks, all they see is suffering,a nd they dont comprehend that life isnt actually like that for most people

>> No.18948454

>life isnt actually like that for most people
Yes, we've all read Zapffe

>> No.18948458

i certainly havnt

>> No.18948474

I think one step to getting out of the mindset is to realize 99.9% of the world isn't uncaring, unenlightened freaks who have never suffered and never realized their offspring will suffer.

Antinatalists tend to think they're the only ones who know life is a motherfucker.

>> No.18948517

you're not just defending it, you're advoocating for it?

>> No.18948529

This is what happens when you give far too much primacy to infantile syllogisms just because it 'makes sense'.

>> No.18948550
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>WOW!, another edgy-trend / psy-op for mentally disabled us-people to follow.

Your government truly loves to mess with your brain guys