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18946292 No.18946292 [Reply] [Original]

Weird how Christianity follows Paul and Paulianty not Jesus...

>> No.18946298

Explain how they are so vastly different from each other

>> No.18946325

>Jesus accepts and converse with Paul
>The apostles like Peter converse and accepts Paul
Yet you believe there is a disconnect between Paul and his savior Christ?

>> No.18946350 [DELETED] 

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>> No.18946351

Jesus never met Paul. Paul just wanted to become important within a community and he thought the marginalized christians were a good target.

>> No.18946369

they met in a vision anon

>> No.18946382

>Paul just wanted to become important within a community and he thought the marginalized christians were a good target.
I guess he is the greatest actor the world has ever known, as no other actor has 'pretended' to be something with such genius.

>> No.18946385


So if Paul was alone when this happened, how are we supposed verify Paul's claim at all?

>> No.18946406

by living the christian life and experiencing the effects of Jesus’s teaching and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit for ourselves anon

>> No.18946431

>What if he lied
Come on son

>> No.18946483

He wasn’t alone, there were witnesses to how he lost his sight that Ananias miraculously restored.

>> No.18947052

>and all of the sudden the whole of christianity becomes as retarded as its Mormon sect
>believe in the vision
>have faith in this guy who saw the things you cannot see
>have faith in this guy who had faith in this guy
fucking hell

>> No.18947066

So what exactly do you think would be different if it weren't for Paul.

>> No.18947086

there wouldn't be any christianity because Paul invented it

>> No.18947098

There were several different christian groups that taught things different from Paul though. No serious historian thinks Jesus was a fictional character.

>> No.18947112

Yeah Paul totally never had contact with the Christian community or the other Apostles or anything. Nothing he taught is out of line with what the non-Pauline epistles say or any other early church document

>> No.18947170

>Paul makes trannies seethe for the 12370912741298012794093457895320654302590325'th time

>> No.18947214


>> No.18947238

>No serious historian thinks Jesus was a fictional character.
but the proof of its existance are equal to zero, atleast for other historical characters you have indirect and unbiased sources. But for Jesus you only got Paul, who is a biased source, and that man is somehow the son of God, but this time he is special the others in history claiming to be sons of Gods totally fake. Jesus's legit.
Do you even see how fake it is? It's dumb to even believe in it, it's outright retarded. I'm religious but the masses give me such garbage to choose from I'll remain a deist, the only true belief.
>is there a God?
>do you believe in bullshit?
>do you believe that God is also the moral compass

>> No.18947248

If you don't believe Paul actually had a vision of Christ, then you probably don't believe Jesus actually rose from the dead. And if you don't believe that, why would you bother calling yourself a Christian?

>> No.18947249

>non-Pauline epistles
such as?
>early church document
already influenced by Paul
The other apostles took their part in building Christianity after Paul. Paul was the first writer and the first preacher. Nobody preceded him.

>> No.18947257

Jesus was killed by the Jews and the Romans and they created Christianity as a form of Social control making him martyr. History is written by the winners. Jesus did not die for our sins. He died because he was causing political unrest. The Romans and Jews subverted his teachings and came up with the lie that he died for our sins. Fear the anti christ. Jesus wanted us to spread love. Not the hate that many christians flout today

>> No.18947261

2 Peter 3:15-16
>And account the longsuffering of our Lord, salvation; as also our most dear brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, hath written to you: As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction.

>> No.18947304

>can't answer my questions
>post a bootlicking excerpt from a follower of paul
case settled, you are retarded.

>> No.18947313

Peter was one of the original twelve disciples

>> No.18947336

>because he said so
I was a disciple too, you just need faith in me. If you want I can send you a letter where one of my friends tell you that I had a vision of Jesus. You just need faith bro.

>> No.18947369

Peter met Jesus when he was alive. The twelve disciples who met the physical Jesus were the initial spreaders of his message. Paul persecuted Christians, then converted after having a vision from Jesus, and Peter says that Paul's teachings are true in his second epistle. You can argue that Paul's a liar, and Christianity is a farce, but the movement wasn't started by Paul, that doesn't make any sense

>> No.18947387

>Paul persecuted Christians
by whom? Who gave such orders in 50 ce? Nobody, this is as true as Paul's roman citizenship.
>muh Peter epistles
who all scholars agree that they were written by two different guys and thus forgery but it's ok because they were written by Peter if you believe it and have faith.

>> No.18947389

You're this far down the religious rabbit hole and haven't confronted the "what if he lied" issue yet?

>> No.18947417

Jesus got himself killed his first three day weekend in Jerusalem
He was like the Pied Piper. He’d lead you right to the fucking River to drown yourself.
Paul was a bit more smooth.

>> No.18947422

they never had such questions. They never even asked themselves if the Annals by Tacitus were forged in the part about Nero accusing christians burning rome. The events never gets mentioned in any other important historian, even by judging its importance, and totally ignored by christians. It's the only part in Tacitus that gets "discovered" in the Renaissance.

>> No.18947431

There was only one Christian and he died on the cross.

>> No.18947434
File: 213 KB, 1400x1032, blog-thomas-resurrection-jesus-1400px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm detecting a general lack of religious faith in this thread.

>> No.18947440

He died for you and me anon

>> No.18947450

Joseph got cuckolded brothers

>> No.18947456

>faith in men is the same as religious faith
there is nothing more distant than God than believing in the lies of men.

>> No.18947494

>that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God

Thank you Paul

>> No.18947513

I've noticed kikes hate Paul with a passion too.
i was arguing with one on youtube comments like a retard, pointing out to him what interesting things they had to say about Christ in the talmud. he immediately spergs out and starts mentioning the things Paul said about jews.

>> No.18947609

How was Joseph cucked? He had a sweet life being basically a king in Egypt

>> No.18947889

Paul haters are always Muslims, Jews, feminists or homosexuals. No exceptions

>> No.18948545
File: 155 KB, 700x361, paul_damascus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul just wanted to become important within a community
He already was very important in the phrasisiatic community, which he dropped entirely to follow the Truth, who revealed Himself to St. Paul.
You are superimposing your modern wants and desires of power onto a traditional man who clearly cared for the truth but was deceived/mistaken about it initially. Christ then fixed this and set him onto the straight path.

>> No.18948552

don't forget the gnostic bugman, although that falls under "homosexual".

>> No.18948560

some gnostics will tell you that paul was a gnostic the whole time

>> No.18948568

What's wrong with any of that though?

>> No.18948629
File: 122 KB, 540x427, 1585017854147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paul was a gnostic
>Jesus never met Paul

>> No.18948640

If you’re a catholic then yea

>> No.18948710

True. They are a unique breed of cancer

>> No.18948756

all legit gnostics hold paul in high regard. western larp gnostics who think the da vinci code is real hate paul on the same grounds that feminists and homos hate him.
>But for Jesus you only got Paul, who is a biased source
how was paul biased saying that he'd met with jesus's brother and then complaining that james had subsequently sent men to antioch to oppose paul? if jesus was fake then surely someone could have just gone and asked james to confirm or deny it.

>> No.18948760

>the others in history claiming to be sons of Gods
Nobody in history makes remotely the same claims Christ makes.

>> No.18948789
File: 17 KB, 600x315, 0r8DjZ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider pic if you have no intention of learning proper orthography

>> No.18948823

Nor can they follow through with the claim

>> No.18948911

Not him but the apostles were illiterate fishermen and that didn’t stop them from being holy. Orthography is for vain academic elitists.

>> No.18948926

Typos happen anon, let him be.

>> No.18948976

This thread was moved to >>>/bant/13364914