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18944782 No.18944782 [Reply] [Original]

I'm itching to read some sci-fi and I have never delved into Star Wars. Is the mythos as a whole worth investing time into?

>> No.18944867
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There’s some good ones, but none that really captured the same spirit of the original trilogy.
The shorts from Tales of Mos Eisly, Jabba’s Palace, Bounty Hunters are good because they’re quick and character building. Like watching edited out scenes from a DVD. I also liked the comic book settings in the past. It fizzles out too, but I imagined it out in my head a lot better. Nice films could have been made of a lot of it.
That Mandalorian show is supposed to be good too, but I haven’t seen it.

People around here keep citing the Thrawn trilogy, but that series is all set up and no action.

>> No.18944872

>but that series is all set up and no action.
Literally wrong.

>> No.18944898

How about the new High Republic books, I see they are praised online a lot, I wanted to start with those unless you suggest something else to begin with? Novels written by Gray also get praised for focus on politics which sounds interesting (was looking at Bloodline).

>> No.18944912

They introduce Thrawn, force dampening marsupials, Mara Jade, a lost fleet, Darth Vader’s midget Afghan ninjas.
Plot: we discover Mara Jade is pissy, Leia doesn’t want to say anything to her ghost dad because he tortured her, force marsupials, Thrawn likes to study art and culture of his victims, Bothons are now furry rodents for some reason, and someone gets killed. This takes three books. I wasted time and money on this shit and it never took off.
The Jedi Academy was more eventful and emotionally charged (believe that was by Kevin J Anderson)

>> No.18944928

I donno. I haven’t kept up. Just watched the new films (Rogue One was best, but could have been better as a two parter)

>> No.18944930

You know, being that you're in your 40s, I never took you for the type to require constant action. It's a slow burn to tie up all the loose ends. Definitely one of the better book series.

>> No.18944984

The films were all about excitement. The Zahn books are the opposite. I read all three. Actually wanted to find out Mara Jade was Palpatine’s daughter

Oh yeah, I forgot that mad pseudo jedi jurus caboth or whatever his name was. He had no reason to be there. He was like Tom Bombadil hahaha

>> No.18945051

>Oh yeah, I forgot that mad pseudo jedi jurus caboth or whatever his name was.
C'baoth is both Thrawn and Skywalker's foil.

>> No.18945057

He’s a defective clone as I recall

>> No.18945138

That is correct, yes.

>> No.18945260

what does everyone think of death troopers? I had a friend back in highschool who was reading it and it sounded interesting even when I wasn't super interested in star wars back then.

>> No.18946632
File: 214 KB, 625x1030, RevengeOfTheSithNovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Woodring Stover and Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn are still my favorites.

>> No.18946640

Red Harvest is a cool Star Wars horror story set in the Old Republic.

>> No.18946652
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>I'm itching to read some sci-fi
why not read the countless quality sci fi novels that predate Sales Wars rather than the cheap imitation?

>> No.18947344

seconding tales of the bounty hunters, i remember that one fondly

>> No.18947500

I don't like the prequels but this book is surprisingly great. The author has his own unique take on the story that has a ton of personality. Much better than the movie.

>> No.18947559

I remember reading some good ones back when I still was in school. I don't remember what they were but I liked them a lot.

>> No.18947823

All of the prequel novelizations are better than the actual films (Revenge of the Sith is easily the best one), the authors probably took George Lucas’s script/outline and filled in the gaps and removed some of the nonsensical dumb ideas that unfortunately made it to the screen.

>> No.18947879

Time to grow up. You’re almost 40

>> No.18947892
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Here's all the books I've read.

>> No.18947969

Why not list them instead of being an ass?

>> No.18947980 [DELETED] 
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Shit on my dick boi

>> No.18948048
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I think pic related does a great job at capturing the magical feel of the original trilogy.
>Bounty Hunters
I'm interested in re-reading this, but I remember being really annoyed at a lot of the stuff in the IG-88 story.

>> No.18948908


I did two as a kid: Truce at Bakura, and the Bounty Hunters anthology. I'm sure that if I were to re-read either one they'd come across as infantile, but I liked Truce at Bakura because it depicted the "entechment" (enslavement) of conscious organisms by an alien race, which appealed to my budding kinky sensibilities. It's basically the same idea as the Borg, but given a somewhat more sensual, individual treatment for the person so enslaved.

Never did the Thrawn stuff, or another related trilogy from around that time, though that was available. Now that I think about it none of the bounty hunter stories really left an impression on me either, except that Zuckuss and 4-Lom just seemed like two cool dudes trying to make a living. Wait, now I take it back: THE IG-88 STORY. OP, read the IG-88 story. That one's good.

>> No.18950162

Foundation, Dune and Nova. Did you not see the pic?

>> No.18950668

I agree. These books were talked up so much I gave them a try after The Force Awakens was such a rehash. What I got was the opposite, plenty of new plot elements, decent writing for Luke, Leia and Han, a cool villain, but endless, limp plot with a lot of wasted potential and some stuff that's too dumb even for SW. Luuke? Come on.

>> No.18951603

I found that one the other day and picked it up on a lark. Glad to know it's good.

>> No.18952225

I really liked Bloodline

Also, Catalyst, a Rogue One Novel and The new Thrawn books are pretty cool for a more sociological and technocratic look at how the Empire actually 'works' on a day to day basis.

>> No.18953724

The early paperbacks are fun just because it's the first new material before the first trilogy is finished, and Splint of the Minds Eye was originally going to be a low budget sequel to Star Wars if it would have failed at the box office
Which is the one that has the big fart battle at the end?

>> No.18955080

Of course Butters likes shit consoomer schlock

>> No.18955441

So this is just a novelization? I never understood the point of these.

>> No.18956806

If you play vidya, then the game is great as well. Much like the book, it feels right at home with the original movies.