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/lit/ - Literature

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18942510 No.18942510 [Reply] [Original]

>finally find a white girl that’s into me
>she’s into YA lit and not obscure philosophers and political extremists that 4chan admires
Is it over bros?

>> No.18942550

i do not care about your personal problems

talk about literature or gtfo

>> No.18942565

Reread my post fag

>> No.18942569
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>obscure philosophers and political extremists

>> No.18942576

Yes. Go cry yourself to sleep now.

>> No.18942578


>> No.18942581

i can read
i don't need to reread
you have not mentioned anything literature specific but vague bullshit about a girl
you need to grow up and delete this thread

i am filtering your thread

>> No.18942594 [DELETED] 


>> No.18942641

Try to find a way to create some kind of synthesis between obscure extremist philosophers and YA superstardom.

>> No.18942867

Women follow a man’s lead. I will say nothing more

>> No.18942876
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Yes. You have to do with nigger women who are into obscure philosophers and political extrements.

>> No.18942882
File: 37 KB, 586x1024, 572323C9-9A48-4DDF-893E-FA77FD803E55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones that look like elves and vampires!?

>> No.18942896
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Why are you sad...? It's a great opportunity to bond and get to know about her.
You should tell her it's fun you read "different genres and types of books" because now both of you can do a small literature club.
Make one and let her pick a book. You will read some retarded YA, that's fine. Discuss it with her. When you're finished, give her some simple yet great actual book. You can also start with the Hobbit if she didn't read that. Something very simple. Illiad. Odyssey. The Stranger. Or the Animal Farm, 1984, BNW, people like things like this nowadays. And discuss it. Then read her YA, then pick another good book.
This way you not only bond but also help her with discovering literature.

>> No.18942908

>TFW no Kaczynski loving gf

>> No.18942911

They’re all schizos anon

>> No.18942987

Holy shit this seething faggot -->>18942581 just got BTFO!!!1!! How will he ever recover??

>> No.18943175

One ought not desire a woman who is like a man. That is precisely a fast track to trouble. Instead, desire a woman who complements you. YA exists for children, as do women, their mothers and caretakers; therefore it makes sense that childish things appeal to women.

>> No.18943977

whats "YA lit"? And what kind of books are they?
Anyways, my recommendation is that you recommend her stuff, if she's really into you she'll read books you tell her to, just go through some random chart and boom, you'll have your based gf [male]

>> No.18944011

>One ought not desire a woman who is like a man. That is precisely a fast track to trouble. Instead, desire a woman who complements you. YA exists for children, as do women, their mothers and caretakers; therefore it makes sense that childish things appeal to women.

ironic that you're posting this on an anime fansite visited by lonely men

>> No.18944060

See i knew a girl who was into Thoreau, Kaczynski and Handke ( and was years before the Nobel prize) She was even 7/10 cute, if a bit plain. But none of that made up for how dull the sex was .

>> No.18944206

holy based /adv/ bro, OP listen to this guy

>> No.18944302

>/lit/ is so dumb they take an obviously joke thread seriously
How does this happen?

>> No.18944386


No. And maybe over time you can find a way to merge your interests. For now, just go out with her and have fun, don't worry about philosophy when you're with a girl.

>> No.18944405

>is it over
You mean your life? I believe that's your choice.

>> No.18944421

Just groom her

>> No.18944500

Nigga you post here too lmfao

>> No.18944532

good-sounding advice, but there's clearly an air of superiority and dismissiveness to the books that OP'll be reading. "Oh now I have to GET THROUGH one of your TRASH YA books so I'll later have the opportunity to inculcate you with my higher taste."

>> No.18944812

YES? Some books are better than others, what's the problem?

>> No.18944978

No if you're not narcissistic. If OP genuinely likes the girl and wants to know more about her, he will read everything she gives, just to discuss it and see what she already likes. If he wants to strengthen the bond, it shouldn't be solely pro-lit propaganda but a deal, an actual literature club. Something from her - he is interested. Something from him - she is interested.
Bonding, getting to know each other, and of course showing her the world of literature. It's love, anon.

>> No.18944987
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Fuck I wish.

>> No.18945040

All you need to find in a woman is her love. Anything else can come after as long as she isn't crazy.

>> No.18945065

>All you need to find in a woman is her love
lol and that's the tricky part, a woman can "love" a man for years until she suddenly doesn't and just disappears without a word

They are indeed the fairer sex, but they are anything but reliable