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18942418 No.18942418 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me Judas's betrayal? He kissed Jesus, thus the Pharisees could identify him, but wouldn't they already know who Jesus was?

>> No.18942427

Also this is /lit/ because I'm asking a question regarding the narrative aspect of the Gospels

>> No.18942430

>He kissed Jesus, thus the Pharisees could identify him

>> No.18942444 [DELETED] 

>but wouldn't they already know who Jesus was?
Not necessarily, we know they had heard about him, but it's possible that they didn't know who he is, back then there was no television or social media, image would only travel as far as the person, and Jesus didn't preach in Jerusalem that much.

>> No.18942456

>but wouldn't they already know who Jesus was?
Not necessarily, we know they had heard about him, but it's possible that they didn't know who he was, back then there was no television or social media, image would only travel as fast as the person, and Jesus didn't preach in Jerusalem that much.

>> No.18942457

Maybe find a bible/Catholicism thread.

>> No.18942468

Oh, "my bad" butters, lemme just go into the Bible general thread

>> No.18942507

You’re right. It’s pretty paltry atm for. Some reason
All I could find

>> No.18942519

Those are different theological threads. Posing this question in such threads would derail them

>> No.18942533

The synoptic Gospels and John are pushing a Sauline line, essentially in their reedits, to Greeks. (Come at me about Pre-"Council of Jerusalem" christianity fuckhole.)

Therefore this is a metaphor which makes sense to Greeks as an instantiation of a divine or theoretical concept. The "kiss" is an embodiment of intimate betrayal. Remember all the other major followers at the piss-up betray Jesus before dawn.

Judas gets us into the dualistic Greek mindset, it appeals to the structure of tragedy, and in particular the Illiad, it provides a strong narrative turn as to "how in the fuck could God be betrayed? Because of [MYSTERIOUS KISSING]. It acts a potential mystery hook for secret revelations (Go read some heretical gospels other than Thomas.)

The Sayings of Yeshua bin Yusef are aimed at Jews, Samaratins and Noahide godfearing gentiles. The narratives of the live of Jesus Christ are aimed at Greeks who are already primed for an union of Apollo and Dionysus who dies and is reborn.

fucking pagans.

>> No.18942548

This is beside the point.

>> No.18942547

Take your meds schizo

>> No.18942575

Learn about early christianity and greek genre conventions.

>> No.18942588

The tragic tone of the kiss is obvious, but I reiterate that there was no reaso to believe that the Pharisees who paid Judas knew how Jesus looked.
Also, I disagree that it was made to convert the Greeks, I think it's much more plausible to believe that it was due to Greek influence.

>> No.18942595

How is that beside the point? My point is that such an OP belongs not in any other thread. If there was a Bible general, or something similar, then this OP would belong in such a thread, but since no such thread exists, my posts belongs in no other thread

>> No.18942629

Between CE30 and CE50 the narrative and sayings developed rapidly, considerably hindered by their reception as a mystery cult by greeks, greek interplay caused story change (compare Mark/"Q" to John).

In particular the Greeks hankered after a resurrection narrative to fit their structure of existing mystery cults of resurrection. Christianity, due to Saul, looked like a free mystery cult for the poor.


>> No.18942709
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>> No.18942850

The Pharisees didn’t come to arrest him it was their illiterate guards, who were probably hired Roman thugs.
>corrupt elitists ever doing their dirty work
Somethings never change

>> No.18942855

God I wish we had a Catholic general thread

>> No.18943051

Yes. But in particular this acts as the sacrifice in the structure of a mystery cult. Go read Robert Graves King Jesus and White Goddess.

>> No.18943089

jesus had shapeshifting abilities and only a disciple could recognize him when he'd taken another form. in the past he had escaped crowds which were trying to kill him using this, which is why the romans knew they'd have to buy one of his followers off. however, he ended up getting the last laugh when he disguised himself as simon of cyrene in the end.

>> No.18943094

also this is why the disciples failed to recognize him on the road to emmaus

>> No.18943097

This is some dark souls lore interpretation level

>> No.18943107
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anon... they didn't have cameras back then...

>> No.18943985

does that mean there was no crucifixion?? wtf

>> No.18944214

Check out Sergius Bulgakov's excellent essay Judas Iscariot: Apostle-Betrayer.

>> No.18945440 [DELETED] 

Yes, the Qur'an explicitly states that there was no crucifixion.

>> No.18945448

it's symbolic

>> No.18945452

Yes, the Qur'an explicitly states that there was no crucifixion.

>> No.18945459

You are legitimately fucking retarded butters and this is perhaps your biggest blunder yet, complete nonsense

>> No.18945470

For assuming there was numerous christcuck threads like usual? And for once I was wrong about this?
Shut up.

>> No.18945477

You are a fucking idiot, let this series of posts stand as a testament of your room temperature IQ

>> No.18945480

go back to r/atheism, w*man

>> No.18945493

Maybe don't enter threads about Christianity, if it is so distasteful to you, lol.

>> No.18945512

Maybe stop trashing up the board with them.

>> No.18945548

Romans probably had an "All Asians look the same to me" problem with the various people they conquered.

>> No.18945603

i'd tell you to go post in threads where your contributions would be useful but i would never make the mistake of assuming such threads exist

>> No.18945610 [DELETED] 

Allah put Jesus' appearance over another guy
Simple as