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18939495 No.18939495 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books which adequately explain the decline in intelligence we're seeing across the developed world? As an aside, I feel like 4chan as a whole is far less intelligent than it used to be even five years ago.

>> No.18939500 [DELETED] 

nigger population is exponentially increasing

>> No.18939506

more people=more stupid people

>> No.18939518

Wouldn't the number of intelligent people also increase proportionally? And what is it about the last five years that seems to have totally nuked 4chan in terms of average intelligence?

>> No.18939528 [DELETED] 
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You know why

>> No.18939540

Who wants to tell him

>> No.18939539


>> No.18939544

Mind numbing entertainment
Toxic food, water and air
Shit-tier education
Turns out CRT is no replacement for the classics, maths and science

>> No.18939549

Tell me what? I am right here.

>> No.18939553

Dios mio...

>> No.18939584

To be clear, IQ is separate from knowledge and experience. IQ is genetic. Education/CRT, and entertainment have no impact on IQ. You do have a valid point about food. Malnutrition lowers IQ. I'm not sure about air quality, although I'm sure that's a possibility.

>> No.18939597

How are twitter glownigs any better?

>> No.18939667

>air quality, although I'm sure that's a possibility.
CO2 lowers intelligence

>> No.18939734
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But I am seeing this in white people too?

>> No.18939782

>IQ is genetic
You want to make this conversation about black people, don't you

>> No.18939802

‘intelligent’ people aren’t breeding, simple as

>> No.18939810


>> No.18939854

Although black people generally fall within the lower echelons, that doesn't rule out high-IQ exceptions. The same is true for whites or Asians who fall below average. Also, take into consideration genetic disorders such as autism, which can effect the IQ of all races.

>> No.18939883

No goy, there is no conspiracy against whites. Whites not procreating has nothing to do with the lowered IQ data, that's racist to think IQ is genetic!

>> No.18939920

Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ, followed by Asians.

>> No.18939936

It is even higher if you go purely on the verbal metric - a whopping 120 on average.

>> No.18939950

Modernity and Cultural Decline by Michael Woodley is exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.18939953

thank you

>> No.18940006

>brown eyes and hair

>> No.18940038

Intelligent people over a certain threshold stop breeding because they hate being alive and wouldn’t wish it on others, but up to that threshold intelligence is advantageous.
It’s been in equilibrium for tens of thousands of years, but it oscillates near the threshold.

>> No.18940046
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>brown hair

>> No.18940108

It's really only intelligent women that are not breeding. This appears to be happening across all races and one could argue feminism is dysgenic.

Another article indicates alleles associated with intelligence are decreasing every decade in iceland. This data could probably be extrapolated to other western countries.

>> No.18940123

Smarter (and thus typically more successful) women refuse to have children because they can't find a partner that meets their impossibly high standards.

>> No.18940141

is it that or is it that the lives they take on are mostly incompatible with what is required by most in a wife and from a mother by her child

>> No.18940143

Is it?

>> No.18940160

It may just be due to selection bias, early IQ test would be done in developed countries, now that is done everywhere you have people from less developed countries dragging down the average

>> No.18940167

yes, because dumb people have children often under poor material conditions and often put little effort into raising them on top of that. they just don't want to be tied down with kids or can't find a partner that meets their standards.

>> No.18940169

>I'm not sure about air quality
Some pollutants like lead do
As a side note, many countries in Africa and the middle east kept using leaded fuel until a few years ago

>> No.18940355

>is it that or is it that the lives they take on are mostly incompatible with what is required by most in a wife and from a mother by her child
A lot of them at least do a attempt if is to deal with a high tier male.
Feminism really makes inter male competition even.worse. The whole Alpha vs Beta stuff is awful because historically Alphas and Betas worked together for common goals

>> No.18940383

I'd love for you to explain to me your conception of what a "high tier male" is and what "inter male competition" is.

>> No.18940448

How is this even a question? Technological """advancements""" and the associated constant stream of prefabricated media consumables have dumbed down the population vastly.

>> No.18940525

They didn't even mention whites. The post was "‘intelligent’ people aren’t breeding, simple as"

>> No.18940538

Education does have an effect on IQ. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.18940546

I think easy access to information, along with the overall massive growth of human population, are the reasons.

>> No.18940761

And its beautiful

>> No.18940774

Stop sperging out and actually contribute to the thread

>> No.18941143

It's pretty obvious and you're being obtuse because the reality offends your sensibilities

>> No.18941147

Jews are just bookish white people

>> No.18941171

There are sub-ethnic groups in Europe with similar IQ to Ashkenazi Jews...N Italy, S Germany for example have pockets where the average IQ is the same as ashkenazi jews (~112).

>> No.18941174

No I just wanted your opinion.

>> No.18941190

>"high tier male"
Atractive Male with economical status to serve as a provider.
> Inter male competition
Males trying to prove their worth. At best is just bragging their dicks and showing their expensive stuff. At worst we're talking about taking stupid risks or killing others.

>> No.18941195

No. It does not. Education simply creates discipline and hones knowledge.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Caucasian. They restricted their gene pool for thousands of years, effectively creating a new race. But, from a mere glance, yes they are pretty much just white people and I see no issue with identifying them as such.

>> No.18941205

Thank you for this information.

>> No.18941250

imagine breeding with a race that never invented a written language. the average IQ of american darkies is 80, and that is AFTER 200 years of white admixture. native africans are around 70. they are literally all retarded apes. koko the gorilla had an IQ of 85.
I went to a 40% black high school in a 40% black city. My IQ is in the 130s. It's absolutely genetic. You can't educate up something as dumb as a literal gorilla.
Surely has nothing to do with the ridiculous tax burden (25-30% of income, PLUS property taxes of about $300 a month, and then sales taxes of $100 a month.) All to fund the welfare state to keep alive a bunch of humanoid gorillas. God forbid a darkie have to work for a living, that would be like slavery. Better make whitey work 50 hour weeks and give up half his income to the black hole and happy merchant. Oh surprise! Whitey doesn't feel like he can afford a family! Tee hee, surely that's just a cohencidence!

>> No.18941266

Why do you need to exaggerate? It's well established that african americans have an average iq closer to 85 than 80.

Note: Even the US military refuses applicants with <83 IQ...This means nearly half the black population is ineligible to even be cannon fodder.

>> No.18941270

only the rich and poor are having kids. there are a lot more poor people than rich people. poor people are probably lower iq.

you don't need a book for this

>> No.18941277

2016 was five years ago.

>> No.18941278

How did they survive for so long if they're incapable of working or holding down employment?

>> No.18941295


>> No.18941317


Intelligence test scores and educational duration are positively correlated. This correlation could be interpreted in two ways: Students with greater propensity for intelligence go on to complete more education, or a longer education increases intelligence. We meta-analyzed three categories of quasiexperimental studies of educational effects on intelligence: those estimating education-intelligence associations after controlling for earlier intelligence, those using compulsory schooling policy changes as instrumental variables, and those using regression-discontinuity designs on school-entry age cutoffs. Across 142 effect sizes from 42 data sets involving over 600,000 participants, we found consistent evidence for beneficial effects of education on cognitive abilities of approximately 1 to 5 IQ points for an additional year of education. Moderator analyses indicated that the effects persisted across the life span and were present on all broad categories of cognitive ability studied. Education appears to be the most consistent, robust, and durable method yet to be identified for raising intelligence.

>> No.18941326

There is a genetic component to IQ. Dumb people are cranking out kids that they can't afford to pay for in between getting drunk and bingeing on opiates. Smart people are waiting to have kids, having fewer kids, or just not having them.

It's obvious what's happening, but nobody wants to address the elephant in the room.

>> No.18941416

before whitey they just shat out 10 kids so maybe 2 or 3 would survive and they ate dirt cakes, wild grass, wild roots, and whatever animals they could catch and whatever fruit they found growing. the african population was never very large before whitey landed there and started interfering with the balance of nature.

after whitey it's all welfare gibs.
the population of equatorial new guinea is like 67. dont' fuck with me, dude. i know my 13% statistics. not all darkies are equally retarded but all darkies are retarded.

>> No.18941424

every aspect of the modern welfare state is dysgenic and will lead to the extinction of humanity at this rate. everything will return to mud. but i guess the destruction of civilization is preferable to saying mean things.

>> No.18941437

It's dysgenic but doesn't exist in a vacuum. Capitalism with no safety nets is just as dysgenic if not more so.

>> No.18941459

You mean sociopathy and psychopathy rather than low IQ right?

>> No.18941484

No. I mean that the winners and losers in Capitalism are largely arbitrary over successive iterations of the game, but without safety nets you eliminate a section of the losers over successive generations. There's always a starving genius and there's always a Paris Hilton or a Kim Kardashian.

>> No.18941493

Being facetious?

>> No.18941514

Gamer Gate, all of the big boards lost its gatekeeping culture and overall younger users replacing older users.

Early 4chan was dumb as fuck though, other than above average usage of the internet and computers, its users have never been considered smart, specially not during the golden era which poster child was the /b/tard.

>> No.18941626

>Capitalism with no safety nets is just as dysgenic if not more so.
idiotic assertion

>> No.18941636

Go observe the frat bros at your local college town of choice and tell me that capital accruing more of itself while siphoning wealth from productive labor doesn't lead to a dysgenic outcome.

>> No.18941790

Frat bros being dumb is a meme

>> No.18941807

I lived with three housemates who were frat bros back in college. Stop fetishizing people born into wealth.

>> No.18941829

The ones I've met have been average to above average students. Dumb jock stereotype is cope

>> No.18941847

>my anecdote > your anecdote
Bruh. If it doesn't jump out at you that C students who cheat their way through all of their exams (if you don't know about that then you don't know what you're talking about) don't belong in college in the first place, and definitely shouldn't be running things when they graduate, then you need to get some perspective.

>> No.18941889
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>> No.18942002

Reversals in the flynn effect noted in all of what, two countries are on the order of one or two points, nothing like pic related.

When this exact thread popped up on /sci/ only a few people noticed that. I think that's the IQ test and you all failed.

>> No.18942283

I don't really like you, but thank you.

>> No.18943109

God it sucks too have an IQ multiple standerd deviations from the mean. I wish I was dumb.

>> No.18943156

Mass educated necessarily degenerates to accommodate wider varieties of people. Diversity is our weakness.

>> No.18943202

In the prevalent culture of diversity and acceptance, people are no longer punished for acting retarded. You can't tell anyone they're wrong or it might hurt their feelings. As a result, people never learn to think for themselves. They make their way through life only impulsively reacting to things without any kind of conscious, critical evaluation or drive to improve. Is it any surprise then that they're idiots?

>> No.18943522

What is blue eyes

>> No.18943548


>> No.18943638

reversal of flynn effect account for the whole iq and not the hereditable aspect of it, which is decreasing at a higher rate

>> No.18943827

CO2 levels directly impact brain functionality. 1000ppm worsenes it by over 20% IIRC. Atmospheric levels are constantly rising and 1000ppm ia easily reached indoors, especially in classrooms and similar where there is little airflow and a large number or people.

>> No.18943842

Most whites don't even have blue eyes. Most Spanish don't

>> No.18944040

It's "if I can't be white than no one can" mutt cope

>> No.18944307

IQ is not genetic.
There is an increasing concentration of neurotoxins in the food we eat. Mix that with radio waves and air pollution.
Communication saturation probably doesn't help either

>> No.18944327

>IQ is not genetic.
>Early twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%,[6] with the most recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%.
oh nononoo

>> No.18944419

It definetly is.
This website somehow gets more retarded every day, I swear.
Usurped by leddit ig.

>> No.18944431

I mean to be fair, the numbers on heritability change as often as the reason for sore muscles do. It's nothing we have a clear answer on yet, simply, other than there is at least some heritability period.

>> No.18944503
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no it doesnt

>> No.18944519

I think this thread should answer your question, OP. The real niggas don't stick around, they keep moving. What remains are cast-offs, culture collectors, and lazy ass government agents. Sometimes an OG drifts back through, but mostly they've gone in search of greater glories. This is essentially a museum for all the resemblance it has to the 'good days' you seem to think existed.

>> No.18944535

>2009 at the latest

>> No.18944554

well, the book is from 2013. study from 2015 says the same thing

can you point to contrary sources?

>> No.18944590

You don't even understand what that article is saying

>> No.18944620

>Here, we highlight five genetic findings that are special to intelligence differences and that have important implications for its genetic architecture and for gene-hunting expeditions. (i) The heritability of intelligence increases from about 20% in infancy to perhaps 80% in later adulthood.<...> These five findings arose primarily from twin studies. They are being confirmed by the first new quantitative genetic technique in a century—Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis (GCTA)—which estimates genetic influence using genome-wide genotypes in large samples of unrelated individuals.
still, you didnt provide any counter examples

>> No.18944973

It's all over the place

>> No.18945135

Being 'white' isn't a good thing. Whites have never done anything positive for humanity. All the great rulers, writers, artists, philosophers, etc. all hailed from the Mediterranean world. Cope, nordcel.

>> No.18945233

Applying moral superiority to any race is foolish.

>> No.18945235

what is all over the place?

>> No.18945583

If someone says that the people on this side of the tracks are smarter than the people on the other side of the tracks no one bats an eye. If you say the children of the people on this side of the track are smarter than the children of the people on the other side of the tracks no one bats an eye. If you try to explain why both the children and the parents are dumber than their counterparts, you are going to be shut down.

>> No.18945620

itt: based jew making incel poltards seethe with simple historical facts and logic