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/lit/ - Literature

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18935805 No.18935805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are novelists and poets obsessed with these creatures?

>> No.18935810

Le Suck

>> No.18935812

Women are the most wonderful things in the world when you are getting them with little effort. The absolute worst otherwise.

Artists are drawn to extremes.

>> No.18935813

Because we are half man half animal

>> No.18935821

Because women's personalities are so pronounced that novelists can use that as inspiration for characters.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were novels where characters were based on reality tv personalities.

>> No.18935846
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If you have to ask you’ll never know

>> No.18935862

Can't get over their feet

>> No.18935864

>Women are the most wonderful things in the world when you are getting them with little effort
Isn't it literally the opposite

>> No.18935870


>> No.18935873

I love women so much

>> No.18935878

I find that time invested = diminishing returns. Women are enjoyed best as whims, flights of fancy. The lighter and less serious the better.

>> No.18935892


>> No.18935896

They are cute and essential to civilization

>> No.18935907

essential to the continuation of civilization, not the civilization itself.

>> No.18935912

stuff only gets invented for the chance the inventor may get laid

>> No.18935923

I’m gay but I have to admit she has nice feet. I would like to lather them in baby oil and destroy them with a hairbrush. I am attracted to women every now and then but they tend to be broad shouldered, stocky, with larger hands and feet.

>> No.18935935

>Women are enjoyed best as whims, flights of fancy
Live in the reality. Almost all people having casual sex and ONS will report the encounters to be leaving them hollow.

>> No.18935942

Also, I must note OP that a significant bulk of poetry, not only in the West but, perhaps even moreso, in the East, has been devoted not to the beauty of young women but rather to that of young men

>> No.18936003

The irony is you think ONS and hook ups are unserious, but the people who engage in them treat them very seriously in their own twisted way.

What I am talking about isn't a hookup vs monogamy dichotomy. I am talking about not holding on too tightly, whatever it is. I don't like hookups, I like to have something to invest in, but at the same time I don't become overinvested either.

>> No.18936230

I wanted to kill myself for decades but never stopped wanting pussy and lots of it. The sexual impulse is one of the few rewarding things about life, the other being physical exercise and drug use

>> No.18936365

What does this mean? like you wouldn't be able to commit to someone as in a marriage or have a child with them or you just don't want to be tied to some crazy bitch?

>> No.18936376
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Please tell me that’s a trap.

>> No.18936386

Because they make pp hard

>> No.18936399

How do I talk to a girl :(

>> No.18936409

It is more like an attitude. And approach to things rather than the things themselves. Be it a long term committed monogamous relationship, or a one night stand, people behave as though these are 200 pound weights they are lifting when really they are 2 or 3 pounds max. People come, people go, hearts meet and then they break. It is the way of the world, but people have a hard time with it. They have ideas in their head of what they want things to be, and in the process of trying to force things to be that way they often kill what is they initially had. Can you just accept what you have, enjoy it for what it is, not try and force it to be more?

>> No.18936455
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>> No.18936634

So they can have sex with them. I mean the only reason why there are male novelists and poets is that they want to look sensitive and emotional to trick these creatures into fucking them BUT joke on them. These creatures would rather have sex with the males that work the fuck out and be manly. So what ends up happening is these guys write poets and novelettes about how horny they are.

>> No.18936809

The wheels of history are greased with pussy juice.

>> No.18937343

People still meme this guy? I havent posted on /lit/ in a year and its still the same

>> No.18937365

It's not really about hook-ups. One of my fondest dalliances was with a younger colleague a few years ago. We didn't even have sex, though she made it clear it was in the table (we both had partners). We just did date-like things under the pretext of having fun and skipped work to sit in a park enjoying each others company. I had no intention of breaking up with my girlfriend (though she broke up with her boyfriend, not directly related to me).
It wouldn't have been as enjoyable if we were vetting eachother as serious romantic partners, if it was a drunken hook-up or if we'd actually had sex. It was light, like a relationship in your schooldays but with the realism of maturity.
The second half of the movie "Right Now, Wrong Then" did a great job of capturing that dynamic.

>> No.18937397

Yes your point makes sense, especially when you think about how many gay poets and writer there have been

>> No.18937426

Because they're lovely.

>> No.18937495

You can hardly say "obsessed". They make up half of the world, it's hard to avoid all of them.

>> No.18937509

Who is she?
She comes up on this board a lot

>> No.18937519

Shes the femoid translator who did the illiad for women and used 'Achilles seethe' instead of wrath or rage.

>> No.18937535

Very sexy girl, but I don't like her feet. They have that childlike/peasant look.

>> No.18937544

No it hasn’t you faggot
Get aids and die

>> No.18937560

It objectively has

>> No.18937603

>he doesn't get a boner from reading about Telemachus' copper calves
What are you, gay?

>> No.18937619

Tesla would disagree.

>> No.18937631
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Because mommy

>> No.18937644

Without women there would be no literature
No Iliad
No Bible
No Divine Comedy
No Shakespeare Sonnets
You get the idea

>> No.18937664

Wonderfully said, /thread

>> No.18937682

Your breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle.
Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus.
Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. Your hair is like royal tapestry; the king is held captive by its tresses.
How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights!
Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit.
I said, "I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit." May your breasts be like the clusters of the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine. May the wine go straight to my lover, flowing gently over lips and teeth.

>> No.18937712

Well, we’d still have at least 126 of Shakespeare’s sonnets

>> No.18937733
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I don't understand how that relates to mommy.

There's also a trend to, in a way, unidealize women now. There's this popular video game (forgot the name, I don't play games) where they cast a beautiful model, as a model, and then made a sheman out of her.

>> No.18937751
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>> No.18938072

That's why you read Greek poetry.

>> No.18938092

I want you as a partner.

>> No.18938535

Damn anon, that sounds like a great experience, and I totally get that feeling, I'd love to have something like that.

>> No.18938848

post a picture of yourself and Ill decide if youre worth obsessing over

>> No.18939182

she looks exactly like my friend. the face, the body, the mannerisms

>> No.18939211


Why man? Why?

>> No.18939217
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Aloy is a qt.

>> No.18939250

They are just as horny but they want to fuck their own kind. Truly Poets are just sexless scum with a thing for words. Once they can move on being a chad Story writer then the world will become a better place.

>> No.18939588


>> No.18939596

Trans lover

>> No.18939606

to filter out incels like you

>> No.18939619

>I-if you have a tattoo, you're a tranny!
Why do you spend so much energy thinking about them?

>> No.18939621

I don't ever think about women when writing. If I'm horny, I just masturbate first to get it out of the way.
>inb4 it's all subconscious bro
not an argument, freudniggers

>> No.18939626


>> No.18939983


>> No.18939993

t. has never felt real love in his life

>> No.18940012

>real love
no such thing

>> No.18940036
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Speaking of Tesla, I just read this piece by him. He was asked by a newspaper why he never married, his response:
>“I had always thought of woman as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in her respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshipped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.

>But all this was in the past. Now the soft voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies on making herself as much as possible like man — in dress, voice, and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind. The world has experience many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.

>Practically all the great achievements of man until now have been inspired by his love and devotion to woman. Man has aspired to great things because some woman believed in him, because he wished to command her admiration and respect. For these reasons he has fought for her and risked his life and his all for her time and time again.

>Perhaps the male in society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don’t know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it — and there is striking evidence at hand that they do — then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world’s history.

>Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants, and other insects — a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established, the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life.

>The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me.”

>> No.18940055

go to your pedofile mama for further grooming

>> No.18940117

We like pussyfucking.

>> No.18941228

anon gets it
it's not about adding to your bodycount like notches in a belt, the autistic fuck machine that you are.
it's the light, fleeting feeling of appreciating the present for what it is.
Longer efforts cannot sustain this. Married couples speaking of "rekindling" are struggling with its absence.

>> No.18941253


>> No.18941387

Because they're cute and I love them.

>> No.18941409

I'm writing a book intentionally leaving a lack of description for characters for the twist I'm setting up. I only leave vague descriptions like "She was modestly pretty," so the reader's imagination can take flight. It's optimal for the type of story I'm writing.

>> No.18941507

be cause they are like an artpiece that can move and sometimes react to stimuli.

>> No.18941528
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My crush is literally a living work of art

>> No.18941547

it's a portable punching bag

>> No.18942103

holy based

>> No.18942170

I love pussy and tits (also ass and pretty faces) but I hate how women behave and almost everything about them besides their body.

The fuck is wrong with me? Books for that feel?

>> No.18942209
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>> No.18942226

the pussy is wild

>> No.18942245

sounds like an average male to me.

>> No.18942355


>> No.18942460

Being inside of a woman is the height of human experience.

>> No.18942480


>> No.18942498

It is the nature of man that he succumbs to the holy quaternity of pussy, ass, tits, and feet.

>> No.18942499

>these creatures
Windows aren't creatures mate. They're objects.

Fuckable objects.

>> No.18942637

Beauty. They are just interesting and will do things which are contrary to all conceptions of logic for indecernable reasons expecting the outcome they want (which they then regret).

Falling in love with a women is probably the greatest feeling in the world though