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18926883 No.18926883 [Reply] [Original]

>[anything] ass

>> No.18926891


you can guess where I'm from

>> No.18926896


>> No.18926897

preponderance of these reflects inability to be sincere or come at anything straight

>> No.18926899


>> No.18926902

“Latinx” is based, we are forcing hundreds of millions of people to change how they refer to themselves in order to fit in with American ideology. It’s the ultimate expression of dominance.

>> No.18926933

You're only forcing your own kind to follow leftist ideologies, Ameripig. No one outside Burgerland cares, let alone forces others to do such things. It's like spitting to yourself thinking you're attacking others.

>> No.18926948

Cope and seethe. Maybe it’s not “Latinx”, but “Latines” and the usage of “-e” are only growing in popularity in Latin America. We will make Spanish gender neutral and there is nothing you can do about it. Spanish rewritten by Americans will be the Spanish your grandchildren will speak.

>> No.18926959

beaner here. No one I know uses Latinx

>> No.18926972

"Latines" is a meme from ftwitter eminists and queers in places like Spain. It has nothing to do with Burgerland's "latinx."

>> No.18926994

Wait and see, it’ll come for you eventually.

Whether directly or through roundabout means, the end result is the same.

>> No.18927018

>roundabout means
Burgerland is far from the only place with far-left feminist and queer ideologies. Ever heard of Yurope?

>> No.18927049

>That's cap
>Nah senpai

>> No.18927060

>bussin bussin
>real talk
>nasalized vowels, read "naõ" for now
>throw shade
Does any anon have a screen cap of the Odyssey translated into Ebonics?

>> No.18927142

I will read more books just to improve my vocabulary. I want to be a fine gentleman instead of a based nigga.

>> No.18927541


>> No.18927573

there's nothing wrong with y'all you yankee fuck. We need to take back y'all

>> No.18927622

>this slaps

>> No.18927972

I repeat: does any anon have a screen cap of the Odyssey translated into Ebonics?

>> No.18928072

Because in my language there's no such word as gender, only sex, and I still have no fucking idea what people mean by saying that sex and gender is different, that gender is some social something construct and it's more important than sex, i don't get it, Americans are retarded.

>> No.18928084

Ebonics, gender-neutral terms and any word that originated from the Internet.

>> No.18928093

The words to identify a midwit

>> No.18928110
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picrel, the thread.

i find that the most impressive writing hints at a well-read erudite genius who distills his language into something pithy but meaningful, but without relying on rare words that alienate listeners. idk why, but that's the impression I get when I read Strunk's quote:

"Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all sentences short or avoid all detail and treat subjects only in outline, but that every word tell."

>> No.18928128
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I will bite through your bunions with bare teeth.

>> No.18928131

im not butterfly, but i do appreciate the hatred she foments. keep at it, champ

>> No.18928135

>saying "there is" when it should be "there are"
I swear ebonics is slowly ruining the language

>> No.18928144

>could of

>> No.18928616

I hate that literally produces that kind of reaction

>> No.18928627

"Moreish" has always bugged me, no idea why.

>> No.18928633

It was invented over here in the US in the 50's or so. Now it's this big important thing for some reason. Sorry bro, none of us were asked either.

>> No.18928665

Strunk & White give fine advice for the writing of journalism, operator's manuals, business correspondence, and High School book reports, but can safely be disregarded for literary purposes. Most particularly for ornate poetry, satire of a highly digressive sort, and personal essays that immerse the reader in the writer's perspective by emphasizing impressions & details usually omitted for narrative clarity. The cancer of vogue-words is another matter altogether, and and always prevails most among the aliterate young.

>> No.18928703

every word that reminds me of the alphabet mafia

>> No.18928714

>No one outside Burgerland cares
Europe is doing all the same gay shit now. We're like 2 years behind and the gap is closing fast

>> No.18928727

>[anything] -let
There's more but this is what came to mind
What the fuck is a cheugy? Which borough you from nigga

>> No.18928729


>> No.18928763


>> No.18928900

everything that niggers created

>> No.18929039

kek globohomo you have to try HARDER

>> No.18929046

Gender was invented by (((John Money))) in the 1950s after torturing little boys into saying they were girls.

>> No.18929051


>> No.18929067


>> No.18929106

what is the right wing's obsession with every left wing idea has some secret history nobody knows about? it's like if I said Reaganomics was actually invented by Quisling to sell priceless artwork to Hitler

>> No.18929108

>that being said
>that said
>having said that
or worst of all
>that having been said
This is a horrible crutch, a literary tic that so many people use. I can't stand it.

Yes, there are legitimate uses for it when you're about to state something that modifies your previous statement, but 99% of people don't use it that way. Everybody seems to use it merely as some weird transitional phrase to begin new trains of thought. It disgusts me.

I started noticing it several years ago on various websites and now I can't unsee it. It's everywhere. Once you start looking for it you'll realize how common it is, and it'll burrow in your brain like a worm. I'm sorry to do this to you all but maybe I'll find some catharsis in spreading the virus. I wish I'd never started noticing it, but really, I blame the disgusting people who use it so cavalierly

>> No.18929109

what the fuck does this have to do with muh right and muh left?

>> No.18929121

conservative and progressive?

>> No.18929135

progressive implies improvement. there is no improvement in torturing little boys and making up lies based on that.

>> No.18929138

>it's been a minute
>saying something and ending it with PERIODT
>anything that anyone on twitter has ever said
>this slaps
>anything related to gender

>> No.18929164

clearly people are going to inscribe their sadistic impulses into whatever they can, but that doesn't imply where said sadism belongs to

>> No.18929165

Same with attaching "a bit" or "little" to everything. God forbid you actually express something without mellowing it down a bit.

>> No.18929170

Why are Americans so fascinated by words ending in -a (gonna, trynna, finna, lotta)? Is it from nigger influence or maybe southern influence? I don't understand the appeal.

>> No.18929174

niggers. its always the niggers

>> No.18929218

I have noticed that the absolute shit words americans have either come from niggers or reddit-like creatures.
>every left wing idea has some secret history nobody knows about?
???? John Money isn't known are you retarded?

>> No.18929222

Also what is Europe in this context?
Here in the east for example the Rainbow Church is being pummeled into the ground. Here in Hungary the government straight up outlawed lgbt propaganda.
As far as i know the south regaining its sanity as well.
American society dying is none of our concern.
But i find it interesting how right wing american incels are reflecting their destruction to Europe.
I see it more and more often that they point their finger at us and trying to cope by claiming that the situation is worse here.

>> No.18929248
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So the lower social classes speak their own version of vulgar English?

>> No.18929266

Is she lying tho?

>> No.18929269

>Reaganomics was actually invented by Quisling to sell priceless artwork to Hitler

>> No.18929274

I don't even know what the fuck she's trying to say

>> No.18929284

niggerlicious words

>> No.18929285

Bruh you ain't got no drip, sus mf

>> No.18929287

you clearly don't have that shit on

>> No.18929296

...and I'd be proud of that, if I knew what that means.

>> No.18929297

I just told you what it means, your fault for staying ignorant.

>> No.18929333

>Here in Hungary the government straight up outlawed lgbt propaganda.
Sounds nice, but here (portugal) there is an ever increasing americanization of politics and culture. I've seen for the first time, a few months ago, some retards interacting with each other, IN ENGLISH as they/them. And although "eles/deles" would still be a sign of their mental illness "they/them" is simply the clearest warning of globohomo.
>American society dying is none of our concern.
I do agree it is a net positive; but what comes after the power vacuum is what concerns me.

>> No.18929346

>liberal, to mean just 'vaguely politically left thing I don't like'
>It's been a grip
>Consume, when used for 'read'
>it's pure sex
>brown, as a reductive and catch-all ethnicity
>referring to living people as 'bodies'
>discursive, to mean 'holistic'
>problematic, to mean 'thing I disagree with'
>let's unpack that

>> No.18929362

I think I have it on my computer. I'm on phone now. I'll post it later if I don't forget.

>> No.18929372

I'm glad we are friends. Our Polish government is slowly going the same way as you.

>> No.18929414

just the latest iteration of a series of buzzwords (cope, incel, etc) invented for brainlets to use when they aren’t capable of forming a coherent argument.
>inb4 anon calls me a chud

>> No.18929463


>> No.18929519
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>> No.18929642

I hate this trend of people putting some variation of "in my opinion" in every opinionated sentence as if it wasn't obvious, or as if they have to warn people that they're about to state their opinion so that others don't get "offended". Whatever it is, it's gay.

>> No.18929733

I've grown tired of "retard" and other intelligence-related insults. They only seem to get thrown around by people who can't express themselves any other way or otherwise formulate a well-thought-out rebuttal. It's the verbal equivalent of downvoting, and it's lazy.

>> No.18929785

But not gonna? Yeah, that's what I thought, chud

>> No.18929788

Not a word, but:
>built different

>> No.18929795

Literally every English speaking place does this you retard.

>> No.18929803

t. retarded anon

>> No.18929805
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>> No.18929813
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> Thread full of city folks and yankees.
I hate all of y'all.

>> No.18929858
File: 201 KB, 320x289, 61505711-A1CF-4D84-B2D8-105A7CFB878C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate all of you all

>> No.18929865

and don't forget:
>different than

>> No.18929901

There are a strange mood in this city

>> No.18929926

Yes idjit, I hate each and every one of you sad faggots. Especially you. Learn what emphasis is you dumb nigger.

>> No.18929962

Leftists say this about right wing ideas all the time. Correctly in my view, but still

>> No.18929970

>American ideology
Jewish overlord ideology ftfy anon

>> No.18929983

Feels good not being Southern American and not having my dialect sullied by cringy zoomers. On the other hand, feels bad my dialect will die with globalism and mass immigration.

>> No.18929992

Yeah I think this is an accurate usage. Unless fucking zoomers and Scandinavians on twitter who use it incorrectly (more as an interjection).

>> No.18930242

I fucking hate the word "drip"

>> No.18930279

So I'm talking about when NIGGERS say shit like THERE IS A LOT OF THINGS HERE instead of saying THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS HERE

>> No.18930928

>defends the usage of “y’all”, literally wog lingo
>calls me a dumb nigger
good one you hillbilly

>> No.18930952

Yea because of American influence.

>> No.18931048

>Reaganomics was actually invented by Quisling to sell priceless artwork to Hitler

I would like to know more

>> No.18931058


>> No.18931070

Bein 100% sincere here pal, you're kinda dumb

>> No.18931093

This thread is just young people with the social aptitude of old people projecting out their frustrations and loneliness.

>> No.18931099

Your reply is just projection.

>> No.18931101

Your reply is just projecting your own projections about how much you project.

>> No.18931104

Any books on how to speak properly

>> No.18931116

or your post reflects your inability to see shades between black and white. sure in that case there's other ways to express the thought, but not everyone at every moment has reason to give that much of a literary fuck about what they're typing, and getting the point across is enough

>> No.18931119

literally nothing wrong with this. this thread and everyone that contributed to it are never going to make it in this world (or the next). "tho" has been typical for people to write for 100 years now, maybe more, and william gaddis's letters are riddled with "tho"s because, well, it's the same thing but shorter...

>> No.18931143

jhon money was never a unknown figure you retard

>> No.18931152

t. problematic brown liberal body

>> No.18931174

Folk and folks are great words, much better than "people" as they're truly English. The problem lies in their usage by insincere politicians.

>> No.18931191

>The cancer of vogue-words is another matter altogether, and and always prevails most among the aliterate young.
Cancer might be a bit strong, and although the thread's theme is clearly on "vogue-words", the problem I was getting at was using complex words when simple ones have the same (or an even better) match. (Utilize, use).

>but can safely be disregarded for literary purposes.
it's good first-order advice one can flesh out -- not all can be rid of the crutches of style manuals, since we're not all talented, even when writing personal essays.

But I'm derailing the thread. My point to >>18926883
is that even "annoying" words tell more than they denote, and that if not for their speaker, they endow the listener with knowledge about culture and context. so: none, i don't hate any words in today's english. in fact, maybe i'm just a boomer, but >>18926891's word "cheugy" is funny and I'll try to use it irl.

>> No.18931201

mostly used by the Americans
annoying because it's improper and lazy

only women use it
and any woman who uses it is a child

i don't get this word, when whining exists

>super - something
again, a lazy and silly American invention e.g super-busy, super-sexy, super-star, super-awesome


>> No.18931229

>only women use it
>and any woman who uses it is a child
In fact, the use of 'magical' is a prime indicator that you have an arthoe on your hands -- quality may vary! Either way, it's time to smash.

>> No.18931266

All negroid influence. https://counter-currents.com/2015/10/negrified-america/

>> No.18931278

I write 'just' a lot but my speech is relatively clean. when I am very tired I tend to uptalk, which I hate.

>> No.18931280

>hating y'all
stay mad n*ortherner

>> No.18931282


The english language, in general, is starting to repulse me.

>> No.18931284

Great when it doesn't refer to size

>> No.18931303

Americans are conversational people so we use conversational language and slang. It gets the meaning across to people who may not have a firm grasp of English or when we have to communicate something fast.

We're both the most heterogenous and most hard-working people in the global north. Of course our way of speaking is going to reflect that.

>> No.18931309

no cap dis nigga finna get his top pushed back if he keep comin roun da block ya hur

>> No.18931340

>Americans are conversational people so we use conversational language and slang. It gets the meaning across to people who may not have a firm grasp of English or when we have to communicate something fast.

American serfs have done a lot to degrade the language, yes.

>> No.18931341

Made it faster, made it more usable, and made it more accessible.

>> No.18931346

Yeah rabbi you dominated my mutt goblin boipu$$y last night. So based. Ow. I cant walk.

>> No.18931379
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Seriously tired of this niggerspeak. It doesnt have the same memewar brightness it used to. Now its lost countercultural force and is just civilized whites engaging in Academic philosophizing pretending to be the cool hip niggers of over a decade ago. Zoomers need a new buzzword.

>> No.18931387

I've always hated that word.

>> No.18931394

Based. Let's come up with a new one RIGHT NOW. It has to be too offensive for progressives, but not offensive enough that one can't use it in casual (online) conversations.

>> No.18931461
File: 34 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was cool when there was a fight against Hollywood cool to steal the glamor shined on approved list of (((niggers))) and niggers. Lil B broke the shame barrier to DMX's shame with his audacious "I'm Based" mantra. Whites found it good politically to fight their own shamers with audacity. We are cloaked in a big tent and we can use nig cloaks to our advantage for a season. Now blacks have surrendered in kneeling bribed joy and been bribed wholesale so theyre's nothing based about "I'm the Jordan Peterson of Rap" or Kanye West posing with Donald Trump. Rap and thus "based" loses its original rebel energy and now itself has PR gubernatorial flavor. However White dissidents remained the edgy criminal dissident radical element capable of commanding this illicit term because the same PR govt that held up Rick Ross et al villified us to our advantage. Now we are locked down we have nothing but stagnant self image left to echo "based" into. There is no battlefield for "based" to live on in meme war only dusty cringe. Pick related shows the high for what it is. These peak boomer intellectuals are not "based". Imagine some dummie yelling "BASED!1!!" in a debate room full of their readership like they do in livestream superchats. They're right about one specific subject matter but douse their prosletyzation in so much submission that their half of darkness overshines their half of truth. All in all these guys cripple us with these publication grift tactics and we chant "based" as dosage like the cocaine it is. All because we are molded by the disabilities we enforce as our current perverted moral code. Now look at us. Locked up on thin melting ice with no economy to participate in. No more "base" desires to drug up with platitudes and dispensations. Just austere detached realization and the old civil white lexicon of true English for the Anglo. Admirable, my good white chap, quite admirable we must be not base anymore have you not heard what the great demographer Ibn Khaldun said about the based negroes?

>> No.18931508

bring back radical like the pizza turtles said

>> No.18931540

and yet all the classics of American literature are in beautiful proper English. Some, like Melville, have even surpassed the old country masters.

I have nothing against the Americans. I am just complaining about letting pop-culture seep into literary circles. We now live in a world which has bestsellers like - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

I don't care about what language the Americans use or invent for day-to-day communication.

>> No.18931586

>tired of niggerspeak and nigger influences
>only see it when it’s said by whites

>> No.18931775


>> No.18931787

it do be like dat tho

>> No.18931835

you're retarded. Literally every language does stuff like that:
Me a gustado --> Me a gustao

>> No.18931979

"y'all" is not that bad. At least you will have a distinction between 2 sing. and 2 pl., you know, like a normal language. I agree that "thou/you" would be superior to "you/y'all" but it's still an improvement.

>> No.18931993

i never thought id see the day when new england unis would popularize redneck words on the merit of it being gender inclusive

>> No.18932121

Reminder that JD won.
But EMJ did bring out jewish ideology which helped him alot.

>> No.18932472

>Maybe it’s not “Latinx”, but “Latines” and the usage of “-e” are only growing in popularity in Latin America.

fuck off dumb mexican, we identify ourselves by our nationality

>> No.18932480

y'all, ayo we finna forgor up on bogos binted avenue with that big chungus space jam fake basedjacks who need they bussy ate

>> No.18932769


>> No.18932793

Because when nigs do it it sounds natural. They're simplistic creatures using a vulgar form of human language to communicate their primitive thought patterns. You don't mind hearing monkeys make monkey noises in a zoo, but when humans start to ape monkeys its weird and offputting.

>> No.18932978

As a latino, I say fuck off.

Nobody wants that progressive bullshit, you can shove it in your ass.

>> No.18933405


>> No.18933576
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>> No.18933622
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what about acidic, it has some nice alliteration to it and is literally what happens in an acid-base reaction
>you acidic nigger
the Hegelian dialectic of the memewar, acidic vs based

>> No.18934016

>Nobody wants that progressive bullshit
It’s not about what you want, it’s about what the American liberal academia wants

>> No.18934046

god you people are so fucking stupid. Does it seriously never occur to you that you are idiots? You think you’re smart, but you’re not even close.

>> No.18934075

This anon finna prolly seethe

>> No.18934703

(Int. Shartmart)
Retail slave wager: Can I help you find anything?
Me: No thank you.
Retail slave wager: NO WORRIES!

>> No.18934713

I don't know why I hate this word so much

>> No.18934790

ground meat

>> No.18934843

>stress on 2nd syllable
it will never work. successful meme words open up to a stressed vowel on the 1st syllable. it needs to do this or you cannot use it exclamatively that nicely

>> No.18934855

not words but
>would of
>they instead of their

>> No.18934913
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>Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Let me fix that:

>Vigorous writing is concise.

>> No.18935022

Only the retarded dialects do shit like this.

>> No.18935029

It's too vulgar.

>> No.18935035

It's used by niggers. Niggers destroy all the beauty in the world.

>> No.18935040 [DELETED] 



i have heard very educated people say this word
i think i heard sam harris say it once. it made me cringe. i don't if he was joking or he actually thought it was a real word and never read a grammar book before

>> No.18935048 [DELETED] 


i don't know if he was*

>> No.18935055

That faggot is American.

>> No.18935057


>> No.18935091
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has went
has did
have did
have went
using everyone or everybody(singlular) with their (plural)
has/have tooken/took
adding looking to an adjective when it's unnecessary(for example, ugly looking, weird looking, gay looking, dumb looking)
adding ass to adjectives(gay ass, dumb ass, bitch ass, stupid ass)
should of

>> No.18935122

>Sussy baka
More to come

>> No.18935134


i know of these because i grew up in a rural area saying them. it wasn't until i got older and started reading that i realized i was speaking like a retard
i adopted a lot of that shit from my mother who spoke like that

>> No.18935140


i forgot :
more better
most worst
most insert word-est

>> No.18935153

Poggers is a hilarious fake meme still decade later still. I have never seen anyone say "that is so poggers" unironically but Gilbert Gottfried

>> No.18935175
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While EMJ gave Jared a passionate frownful racism accusation, EMJ vindicated Jared as a PR strategist and not a thorough cuck because Jared smiled at all of EMJ's solid rants. But the debate was a farce of
>huh you know you have a point
>look at the audience coyly

>> No.18935186

Yeah like Portugese. Oh wait they have an army and a navy that makes it a whole new language. Mamma mia.

>> No.18935205
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>yas gurl!
>slay it queen
>all black men are kings

>> No.18935241

nth wave
healthcare heroes
fully vaccinated
partially vaccinated

>> No.18935252

you realize "they/them" is treated as a perfectly valid singular pronoun in any politically correct context nowadays

>> No.18935281


>> No.18935287

Reddit post.

>> No.18935554

This, fuck anyone who uses this simulated upvote bullshit

>> No.18935570

>"its ZOOM'EN!"

>> No.18935598

acid nigger then

>> No.18935600

we tried to get keyed/locked going but you called us reddit. so there.

>> No.18935803

Nordcucks will always be coping for their lack of history. You fuckers brought Modernity and negroes to the world. Be proud, no?

>> No.18936616

I'm not from Appalachia faggot, I grew up on a farm in Arkansas. Now suck my Dixie Dick nigger.

>> No.18936761

I hate all y'all. read some faulkner you scrub

>> No.18936781

As a Latino, I'm deeply scared of this shit. I truly hate the American influence in my country's culture.

>> No.18936783

When Americans say 'on accident', IT'S 'BY ACCIDENT' AND 'ON PURPOSE'.

>> No.18936874

>i don't get this word, when whining exists
Variants of the same word. From different dialects. Far back in Old English they were distinct. Whine was much broader, whinge close to the now-meaning. British/Commonwealth favours whinge. Can have slightly different usage for those who use both natively. e.g. someone whining is to whimper whereas whingeing is to complain with words or reluctance. For those who don't have both, seems mostly the same and they tend to use one or the other.

>> No.18937076

thanks, niggers and twitch-zoomer irony-wiggers

cringe pseud

sheesh is a funny meme desu

That is literally just the history of the phrase and it's no secret you >implying faggot

chud is indeed fucking cringe

>> No.18937083

Americans constantly misspell. You can tell if someone's a burger by spelling mistakes like "effect" instead of "affect". They're two different words and they mix them up every time. There are other cases I can't recall off the top of my head that annoy me a lot. "Try and" instead of "try to" is also annoying. I used to find cases like "their/they're", "it's/its" aggravating as well until I realized that they're probably the fault of auto-correct on phones.
I refuse to use singular they/them although sadly it's sneaking into my writing. It's ugly and it easily become equivocal. I correct it to a singular neutral he whenever I notice. I don't give a shit if this upsets the trannies.

>> No.18937099

>he's deeply scared of semantically wrong pronouns
is this the famous latinx machismo?

>> No.18937104

smol, snek and fren are good

>> No.18937121
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, Soyjak(178).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's toxic-machismx bigxt.

>> No.18937173

>wokes remove all the vowels
>english becomes an abjad

>> No.18937197

The English “language” itself is a threat to the European spirit

>> No.18937398


>> No.18937428
