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File: 67 KB, 800x535, PublicAccess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18936587 No.18936587 [Reply] [Original]

Was just listening to the radio a while back and it struck me how much the boomers calling in reminded me of the faggots on here. George from Boston, Massachusetts was unironically shitposting on air and the poor host had to amicably come up with a smooth transition back into the subject they were talking about. Besides radio the other pre-4chan like forums I can think of were public-access television and textbook/bathroom graffiti (I'm sure we've all seen the ancient Roman graffiti by now). Are there any books that record real life interactions like this?
Something with the atmosphere of a public forum where everyone is a dick and maybe with pre-internet memes? People flaming each-other in messages and replying back to each other with a lot of seethe?
Also, general reminder that we need an /art/ and /rad/(io and podcasts) board on 4channel.

>> No.18936639


"raw time."


>> No.18936648

Don't know, but would be an interesting read. If I was a historian or linguist I would search about this shit right now and make one if there isn't any.

>> No.18936649

You should have been around for the old ESPN.com comments section. It was fucking delightful.

>> No.18936673
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, KEKDrink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is hilarious, thanks for showing this video to me anon. I have to share it when I get the chance to.

>> No.18936871

Really? I was never really into sports like that but I imagine that would be the place to be if you like interactions like that. I hate to have missed out. What where they like?

>> No.18937073


>> No.18937484
File: 61 KB, 500x301, Kilroy-Was-Here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another favorite of mine was the Kilroy one but the S kids draw is also really interesting.

>> No.18937809

Do you have a link to the video? A brief search on YouTube doesn't return anything.

>> No.18938801

>Do you have a link to the video?
To the video in the OP pic? I just looked up the only citation I could find
>The Live! Show (January 21, 1983)
But I couldn't get anything. Still, if you look up Jaime (((Davidovich))) you can find a lot of cool stuff on YouTube
Would love to get a look at the archived videos. Shame.

>> No.18938853

While this isn't exactly what you're looking for since it's acted, it shows that certain archetypes of people existed way before social media.

>> No.18939028
File: 44 KB, 350x465, 350px-Whistler-Nocturne_in_black_and_gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I remember the '90s. Back then political correctness was a joke that no one really took seriously but I'm afraid social media has probably accelerated the toxic atmosphere people use to joke about having to live in into reality.
I wish there were more book recommendations tbqh.
The closest one I can come up with is The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, which the famous painter James McNeill Whistler wrote in response to a retort the famous art critic John Ruskin had made in a review of Whistler's painting "Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket" (picrel), in which he insulted Whistler by saying
> I have never expected to hear a coxcomb ask two hundred guineas for flinging a pot of paint in the public's face.
Whistler seethed so much that he sued Ruskin for libel and wrote this book which
> contains Whistler's letters to newspapers chronicling his many petty grievances against various acquaintances and friends.
IIRC the libel went on for a very long time despite Whistler being broke and Ruskin being sick.

>> No.18939127

Yes, zoomer, that's how the world was like before political correctness, now we live in a de facto dictatorship against thought, but at least the people behind it are so weak that they won't really bother you as long as you stay anonymous, and at any rate Islam is coming fast to solve this issue for us.

>> No.18939309

What makes you think I'm a zoomer?
I think you're confused. I'm simply asking for any recordings of correspondences which took place, preferably, anon/pseudonymously, and which were to be seen by the public (e.g. as in public access television, radio, newspaper/journal, graffiti, etc.).
I'm not as young as you think, I remember first hearing about "political correctness".
>at any rate Islam is coming fast to solve this issue for us.

>> No.18940340

seriously, bump.

>> No.18940375

god this is so 90's

>> No.18940418

there was a free weekly in the area where i grew up that had a section called "town talk" with a phone number you could call and leave a message and they'd put it in the next issue's column. i read it it religiously, it was mostly 4-5 people arguing with each other over various topics that would play out over months, like a deep time 4channel

>> No.18940827

Now this is the type of shit that I'm talking about.
Do you have a to it? or if there are no traces of it online did you hoard any issues of it? lmao.

>> No.18940913

Kurt Tucholsky would do these columns and reactions in the Weltbühne and would evoke reactions from his contemporaries, but mostly he was replying to his own statements under an alias. So... basically he was samefagging in the 1920's.