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File: 219 KB, 1400x2120, bellCurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18936308 No.18936308 [Reply] [Original]

Just read this and it all makes so much sense now why it makes leftoids seethe...... they can't refute it and have to face the fact that they are poor because they are dumb.

>> No.18936324

Aren't right-wingers the ones crying about being economically anxious all the time?

>> No.18936344

"right wingers" bitch about the game being rigged because of crooked corporations and banks, leftards seethe about muh racism because they are fucking darkies morons and troons

>> No.18936352

No thats leftwing propaganda they put in media. Asking this question makes you a media addicted bugmen.

>> No.18936360

No, but I DO complain and policies that make my economic standing worse

>> No.18936371
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I don't like blacks but I like socialism.

>> No.18936373

btw the reason I can always find work is because foreigners dont want to work and lefties think labour is beneath them, so harbour, construction always needs people in the right season. Get and yoy have a job.

>> No.18936383

based nazbol

>> No.18936394

Lefties perceive everything as beneath them including racial minorities, LGBTs, and children. I don't think leftards even understand that the slavery party is their ideological heritage.

>> No.18936418

I don't like authoritarians either tho

>> No.18936423

I am not an American, but leftism is basically a bunch of middle class midwits with strong sexual appetites and a desire for control, they hope to fullfill these desires by appealing to violent and/or degenerate minority groups.

Anyone appealing to the botto of society and not the productive classes is automatically one of these.

>> No.18936429

This book doesn't understand heritability.
>inb4 Shaun
Nah, it's a known criticism in the scholarship.

>> No.18936442

Rightoids seethe because they're resentiful, like leftists, that capitalism doesn't work in their favor. Capitalism produces losers, like you both, and you both have to invent boogeymen to not own up to your failures.

>> No.18936450

Different games produce different winners and losers. Wanting to change the game is not resentful, if anything it's a sign of great strength.

>> No.18936456

Funny thing, right-wingers complain about being poor and have a terrible fear of being a victim of violence, particularly being raped. And the same thing applies to lefties.
>le two sides of the coin

>> No.18936469

Notice not a single definition of leftism in this thread is actually based in reality or is in any way factual.
Americans shouldn't be allowed to talk about politics on the Internet.

>> No.18936481
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>doesnt like authoritarianism
>wants a controlled economy

>> No.18936484

I'm not sure how envy is a sign of great strength. The strong tend to be the ones that rule.

>> No.18936488

this is literally fake news, you literally got from shaun you fucking retard. This claim was based on disingenuous midwits using a tv interview that had nothing to do with what was in the book

>> No.18936493
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>socialism is controlled economy

>> No.18936495

I am wealthy, good looking, successful and I have sex so I guess your theory is retarded just like you

>> No.18936499
File: 73 KB, 480x351, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally retarded

>> No.18936506

>I want someone to take things from people and redistribute them """""fairly"""""
>this isnt controlled or authoritarian
you are a paste eating troon

>> No.18936510

the rules of the game are set up so that my opponent always wins. i want a different game. That's not envy. Marx harbored more resentiment towards individuals, if anything he lived an economically well off life.
are you going to argue people like Lenin weren't great men who left destruction in his path?

>> No.18936512

You know you would be laughed at for bringing up the Bell Curve to any social scientist right? This goes way beyond your YouTube slapfights.

>> No.18936514
File: 66 KB, 850x725, 1629990841397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialism is redistribution
You are dumb.
No u

>> No.18936517

You know I am laughing at a pseud midwit on an anime forum rn? appeals to authority and/or majority arent arguments

>> No.18936520

you ahve charity and socialism confused. you are literally fucking retarded

>> No.18936525

socialism isn't redistribution retard. "Redistribution" literally only happens in liberal capitalist countries. Socialism is people being in control of their labor power, and such a country only exists in theory.

>> No.18936526

>social scientist
pick one

>> No.18936531

I'll pick social scientist anon, seems way cooler.

>> No.18936533

I wont even bother trying to argue with you because you are so obviously retarded. I might as well argue with someone trying to convince me to power the space shuttle with their farts, they sound more lucid than you

>> No.18936536

>appeals to authority and/or majority arent arguments
They are.
This is what both authors of the Bell Curve are, but okay.

>> No.18936538

>the rules of the game are set up so that my opponent always wins. i want a different game.
So, you envy them for being smarter than you.
>Marx and Lenin
Both retards just like you, both envious. Marx, envious of people who could provide for themselves for a living. Lenin was envious of the Tsar killing his worthless brother. You're not talking to a communist, you retard. I dislike you and the communist profligates

>> No.18936541

you are the fucking retard that thinks socialism is when the government takes money from one people and gives it to another.
Open a fucking book you illiterate retard.

>> No.18936543

It is impressive how the American GOP has managed to convince giant slices of the population to vote for politicians committed to actively making their lives worse, just to own the libs. That said a lot of this the liberal and centre-left’s fault. In the 90s a third of British Labour Party parliamentarians were from working class backgrounds. Now it’s not even one in ten.

>> No.18936545

You're still envious that people are even richer, better looking, and more successful than you. You still lust for power.

>> No.18936546

They're right. It's painfully obvious you have some American understanding of socialism, which makes me wonder why you're up at 4 AM.

>> No.18936552
File: 77 KB, 800x600, socialism-is-the-phantastic-younger-brother-of-despotism-whi-author-friedrich-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism is just another word for slavery.

>> No.18936553

>Watches Contrapoints once

>> No.18936564

I hate socialism in all its forums, and I don't even know who that is you retarded nigger

>> No.18936570

I also hate socialism in all socialist forums anon. Can't stop trolling the commies.

>> No.18936571

>So, you envy them for being smarter than you.
How do I envy them. Resentiment would be me making up a morality and using mental gymnastics to brand the winners as "evil". All I'm saying is "fair play, but how about we play by my rules next time?"
>lenin and marx are envious
Nietzsche would consider lenin to be one of the higher man.
>you lust for power
Nietzschean morality would consider this healthy and strong.
Lenin is critizing a specific socialist tendency which was around in that time. Nietzsche also speaks highly of despotism anyway.

>> No.18936575

>Lenin is criticizing
I meant Nietzsche.

>> No.18936595

Nietzsche did not consider slaves revolting a positive development, and he explicitly said socialism was a society for the lowest order of people. The man literally cheered the suppression of the Paris Commune.
>Nietzsche would consider lenin to be one of the higher man.
No, because he was a socialist. He vehemently hated socialism and socialists.
>"Socialism—or the tyranny of the meanest and the most brainless,—that is to say, the superficial, the envious, and the mummers, brought to its zenith,—is, as a matter, of fact, the logical conclusion of "modern ideas" and their latent anarchy."
He also predicted, correctly, it would kill millions of people and discredit itself on its own and he was right lmao
>"In fact, I even wish a few experiments might be made to show that in a socialistic society, life denies itself, and itself cuts away its own roots. The earth is big enough and man is still unexhausted enough for a practical lesson of this sort and demonstratio ad absurdum—even if it were accomplished only by a vast expenditure of lives—to seem worth while to me. "
Fucking retard.

>> No.18936612

>They are.
This is why no one cares about what idiots like you think. You are delusional, mindless gimps. This book was an NYT bestseller so by your own logic you are still wrong and still stupid

>> No.18936619

not him, but you are legit retarded

>> No.18936624

>Nietzsche would consider lenin to be one of the higher man.
No, because Nietzche explicitly said the Ubermensch is the goal for humanity, not a single man. You don't even know the basics of philosophy, do you? You just skimmed wikipedia huh

>> No.18936629

That literally is fucking socialism though. That's what every socialist government has done.

>> No.18936660

>Nietzsche did not consider slaves revolting a positive development, and he explicitly said socialism was a society for the lowest order of people. The man literally cheered the suppression of the Paris Commune.
So what? Nietzsche said a lot of things. He wasn't known for consistency and that's not an argument against his philosophy.
Now a movement like the bolshevik one wasn't a slave revolt, precisely because it wasn't a mass movement but a dictatorship under an intelligentsia.
>He also predicted, correctly, it would kill millions of people and discredit itself on its own and he was right lmao
This is precisely because he recognized an internal contradiction of the moral tendency of common socialist folk, who push socialism as a form of moral righteousness. Meanwhile Lenin or Mao would kill millions and it wouldn't make them upset in the slightest. People use this same exact morality of the socialists to justify capitalism because capitalism is "nice and doesn't end up killing millions". Think Friedman's "socialism is force." That socialism has killed millions speaks to it's virility, if anything.
>In fact, I even wish a few experiments might be made to show that in a socialistic society, life denies itself, and itself cuts away its own roots. The earth is big enough and man is still unexhausted enough for a practical lesson of this sort and demonstratio ad absurdum—even if it were accomplished only by a vast expenditure of lives—to seem worth while to me
This quote is useless unless we define what exactly Nietzsche is referring to when he speaks of socialism. Now knowing Nietzsche he would obviously be critizing the liberal tendencies of government such as redistribution and welfare, something all to present in the system today, and something which explicitly goes against the principles of something like Marxist socialism.

For most of human history, the causes of warfare were economic. Socialism entails warfare, and we both know just what it is that Nietzsche thought about warfare.
No you are.
I didn't called Lenin an ubermensche you fucking retard Nietzsche ordered human beings in an order of fucking rank you dumb fucking retard and you're accusing me of not having read Nietzsche.
It literally fucking isn't. Next you're going to tell me two city states going to war and one city taking another city's stuff and women is "redistribution".

>> No.18936663

This is your brain on pol

>> No.18936683

>poor because they are dumb
Dumb because poor and poor because dumb. Poverty impoverishes.

>> No.18936698

Some things are heritable, like height or even the length of your fingers, but some others are more-or-less set in stone, like the amount of fingers you have or your intelligence. If a tall couple has a child, then it will be tall as well, but it won't have 10 fingers per hand just because each of its parents have 5. It's the same with intelligence. If a couple where each has a iq of 100 has a child, then the child won't have a iq of 200. That would be stupid. His iq may be a bit higher or lower, like the length of his fingers, but the difference as he grows up will be mostly environmental, unless he's one of those child geniuses because of an unexpected mutation, but those cases are extremely rare.

>> No.18936701

>So what? Nietzsche said a lot of things. He wasn't known for consistency
Spoken like an idiot who has never read him.
>Now a movement like the bolshevik one wasn't a slave revolt
It was, wage slaves - workers, the people Nietzsche explicitly thought of as stupid and lowest order of society. The more you discuss Nietzsche, and attempt to twist him into supporting your ridiculous cause just makes you even more pathetic.
>socialists to justify capitalism because capitalism
Capitalism has never killed as many people as socialism, and worked in practice. Your economic ideas are purely idealistic non-sense. Its not even comparable. What you socialists do is historical revisionist, and gaslighting, to deflect from your crimes and failures. Socialism doesn't fail because of moral reasons, it fails because it goes against human nature.
>"It is a disgrace for all socialist systematizers that they suppose there could be circumstances-social combinations-in which vice, disease, prostitution, distress would no longer grow.- But that means condemning life.- A society is not free to remain young. And even at the height of its strength it has to form refuse and waste materials. The more energetically and boldly it advances, the richer it will be in failures and deformities, the closer to de-cline.- Age is not abolished by means of institutions. Neither is disease. Nor vice. "
>is quote is useless unless we define what exactly Nietzsche
Uh, retard, he literally said in that quote the Paris Commune - the experiment Marx considered socialist. So, he knows what socialism is, you retard. He knew of Marx.
>I didn't called Lenin an ubermensche
Yes you did, you dumbass. Please, stop pretending you know anything about Nietzsche. You don't - you're not intelligent to read him. You're of a lower class specimen and you have bad genetics. Nietzsche isn't for you. Stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.18936705

The socialist you’re arguing with is more nietzschean than you lol I bet you hate jews

>> No.18936712

>peasant result of socialists against the monarchies
Nietzsche, the aristocratic radical, would have supported this
Holy fuck you commies are brain dead.

>> No.18936714
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>> No.18936721

If you don't think Nietzsche would have been a communist/socialist if he were alive today, then you haven't read him. Not saying he was a communist then. But if you extrapolate his ideas to the current context, then him becoming a communist would make perfect sense.

>> No.18936723
File: 203 KB, 1024x896, 67ac38_5128267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche considered socialists the lowest order of people because they believe the ownership of property is what makes you great, and not your actual capabilities. You're consumerist profligate.
>lol I bet you hate jew
The Soviets literally hated the Jews though lmfao - you fucking retard. Do you not remember the fact that the Soviets purged a shit ton of Jews under Stalin, called them "rootless cosmopolitans" , and then ended up being Anti-Israeli most of their existence? For fucks sake, socialists are more likely to hate Jews because they tend to be capitalists and Israeli.

>> No.18936742

Wouldn’t any proletarian overman want to seize property by force? Instead of playing either the ressentiment cuck game or the wage cuck game. If you can accrue and leverage socialist power and become king, why not? There’s no good reason to recognise the property “rights” of fat dysgenics.

>> No.18936753

This. People need to realize that there's a difference between something being genetic and being and heritable. Of course iq is genetic, but it isn't heritable, just like the amount of fingers each person has.

>> No.18936756
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>He thinks Nietzsche would be a socialist after learning about the fact he was right they kill millions of people and created a repressive bureaucratic state that crushed individual freedom like he said it would.
How fucking delusional can you commies get. Nietzsche would never be one of you. Never ever. You are too inferior to be anything close to him or his project.
>"In the whole history of mankind there was no worse misfortune than this intellectual dishonesty; all the realities were taken away from their value by inventing an "ideal world" ... Do not you understand my task? And what do I call the words "revaluation of all values"? Why does Zarathustra look at the virtuous as the most dangerous breed of people? Why should he be a destroyer of morality? You forgot that he says: "Crush, break the good and the righteous"?My concept of the "superman" you once again perverted for yourself, which I will never forgive you for, in a kind of "sublime swindle", from the field of Sibyls and prophets; whereas every serious reader of my works should know that the type of person who does not disgust me is exactly the opposite of the good idols of the past, a hundred times closer to the type of Caesar Borgia than to Christ. When, in your presence, you mention in one breath the glorious name of Michelangelo and such a thoroughly deceitful and unscrupulous creature as Wagner, it's really better that I will spare you and yourself from calling my feeling by your name. Almost every one of you have been building illusions all your life. "
Communists chase an ideal world that can never exist, commies worship thugs who they consider morally pious for saving the wretched worker profligates. He hated you fucks - you swine. Imagine thinking socialism is a legitimate ideology post 1989. You have to be brain dead.

>> No.18936771


>> No.18936776

>Spoken like an idiot who has never read him.
You didn't say anything. If you're not going to say anything why write anything at all? Nietzsche would get into other peoples frames of thought and use their own train of logic against them. Obviously you would not get a single coherent line of thinking from this because Nietzsche's entire philosophy is railing against systems.
>It was, wage slaves - workers, the people Nietzsche explicitly thought of as stupid and lowest order of society.
These people didn't start the revolution lmao.
>The more you discuss Nietzsche, and attempt to twist him into supporting your ridiculous cause just makes you even more pathetic.
At least make a fucking argument retard.
>Capitalism has never killed as many people as socialism
That's why it fucking sucks!
>Your economic ideas are purely idealistic non-sense.
Okay but you can make an argument, you are just shit flinging.
>What you socialists
I am not "socialists". I am me.
>Socialism doesn't fail because of moral reasons, it fails because it goes against human nature.
Human nature is slavery, in fact the greatest human beings have all gone against the nature of the human herd animal.
>Uh, retard, he literally said in that quote the Paris Commune - the experiment Marx considered socialist.
Okay? Socialism is a specific mode of economic organization. Marx considered the paris commune "progressive towards socialist interests." The two men are obviously looking at the event from different angles.
>So, he knows what socialism is you retard
He knows one strain of it
>He knew of Marx.
There is no evidence of this.
>Yes you did, you dumbass. Please, stop pretending you know anything about Nietzsche. You don't - you're not intelligent to read him. You're of a lower class specimen and you have bad genetics. Nietzsche isn't for you. Stupid fucking nigger.
He had an order of rank of individuals you dumb fucking retard. He would consider men like Napoleon and Cesare to be higher life forms. He would like Lenin too precisely because people see him as fucking evil.
>Nietzsche, the aristocratic radical, would have supported this
If I recall some illiterate peasents thought Lenin was the new Tsar. You are retarded.

>> No.18936779

>Wouldn’t any proletarian overman want to seize property by force?
>Be a inferior, lower class bum who can't do anything but press a button on a machine
>think you're overman, with your bad genetics, and terrible capabilities, when you just do terrorism and revolt against your owners
You don't get Nietzsche. Just stop posting. He didn't want barbarians running the world, you stupid nigger. Uncultured Brutes were not people Nietzsche favored. If that was the case, he wouldn't have praised the slaughter of the Paris Communards. Think, nigger, think.

>> No.18936785

Exactly. It goes over my head why people can't understand something so simple.

>> No.18936791
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dead wrong, you are both retarded

>> No.18936800

You don’t happen to be some kind of White Russian or Cuban emigrant do you? You seem very... resentful. If the ruling class can be defeated by low IQ slaves then they never deserved to rule...

>> No.18936804

I have no clue about Nietzsche or Marxism, but why you have to write like such a homo?

>> No.18936812

He's a gusano for sure. They are the most resentful cucks. Nietzsche would yike at him.

>> No.18936813

> Let us acknowledge unprejudicedly how every higher civilization hitherto has ORIGINATED! Men with a still natural nature, barbarians in every terrible sense of the word, men of prey, still in possession of unbroken strength of will and desire for power, threw themselves upon weaker, more moral, more peaceful races (perhaps trading or cattle-rearing communities), or upon old mellow civilizations in which the final vital force was flickering out in brilliant fireworks of wit and depravity. At the commencement, the noble caste was always the barbarian caste: their superiority did not consist first of all in their physical, but in their psychical power--they were more COMPLETE men (which at every point also implies the same as "more complete beasts").
Chapter 9 from beyond good and evil.
Because I do whatever I want.

>> No.18936821

>You didn't say anything. If you're not going to say anything why write anything at all? Nietzsche would get into other peoples frames of thought and use their own train of logic against them.
You've never read Nietzsche - just stop pretending. You need to go back to /leftypol/, trannie. The average poster here, if they were awake, would just slaughter you with the amount revisionist to Nietzsche you're doing. You just have no idea what you're talking about.
>That's why it fucking sucks!
Nietzsche certainly liked nihilistic mass killers like you, bro. Clown ass nigger.
>I am not "socialists". I am me.
You're a subhuman. You should be shot like the Paris Communards were.
>Human nature is slavery
Human nature is learning your place in society. That's something socialists will never understand. You don't have the capabilities to be a ruler. You should be, and always will be, a slave. You are only meant to contribute to the most basic functions of society and nothing more. You, an inferior degenerate, have no other recourse but to take orders from people superior to you. Learn your place, nigger.
>There is no evidence of this.
Yes there is, he literally underlined Marx's name in his writings, retard. Again, you're just proving how illiterate you are on this subject.
>He had an order of rank of individuals you dumb fucking retard.
Learn how to fucking read, you fucking retard. He never considered the Ubermensch a person you stupid fuck. And he certainly never considered socialists a higher type of man. Ever. Stupid nigger.
>If I recall some illiterate peasents thought Lenin was the new Tsar.
Doesn't make a him Tsar, you retard. That just means you're stupid, like Nietzsche said you would be hence his statement "The meanest and the dumbest." Aristocracy, to Nietzsche, is tied to ones blood, nigger. That's why Alaric was never a roman emperor even though he considered himself one. God, you are fucking retard. I haven't spoken a genuine retard on /lit/ a long ass time. You trannies need to go back to /leftypol/ now.

>> No.18936827

t. gusano

You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.18936828
File: 43 KB, 760x1064, mMSEUBK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off commie. Cuba was better before the revolution. It was one of the richest countries in Latin America. Now, its not even in the top 10. The Cuban revolution was a failure. Enjoy the embargo, nigger
Because this is a trannie raid by /leftypol/commies

>> No.18936831

>Just read this

No you didn't, because if you did you would know that the chapter on racial group differences is the shortest chapter and says the least, while the chapters explaining their methodology and data on WASPs are the largest.

TL;DR: 50% of the white population has less than 100 IQ but you white supremacists never want to talk about those numbers lmao.

>> No.18936836

>Human nature is learning your place in society.
I think when Nietzsche was talking about slaves he meant you... lol. Why are you frothing at the mouth over socialists? You seem a bit dominated by them. Socialists are causing you suffering. You are experiencing mental pain on account of socialists. You are subservient to socialists

>> No.18936837
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Cope, nigger

>> No.18936839

And 99% of the nigger population is mentally retarded.

>> No.18936846

Actual socialists also have literal zero power in society, society is controlled by varieties of liberal and the way you know is that every single debate or culture war topic is about freedom, either the freedom to make as much money as possible or the freedom to have an abortion.

We live in a liberal tyranny, not a socialist tyranny lol.

>> No.18936850

talking about right now in this conversation

>> No.18936853
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>mass killers are nihilist
I'm not going to respond to your posts any longer. You have never read Nietzsche.

>> No.18936857

The guy is frothing over socialists because he listens to Ben Shapiro.

>> No.18936864

How much of a fucking loser do you have to be find validation in Nietzsche when he clearly rejected you lmfao

>> No.18936869

>he spends his time worrying over whether a dead guy will approve of him
oh no no no no....

>> No.18936873

>Ben Shapiro is why people hate socialists
Even though he lives in your head rent free, you still have to up on your lease, kid. You lost that CDC extension my guy

>> No.18936879
File: 1.62 MB, 2790x1959, FreikorpsBerlinStahlhelmM18TuerkischeForm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's literally what you've been doing this entire time. You literally started argument because you said Nietzsche would have supported your shitty socialist cause. Like, you can't be this retarded - anyone can read the thread.

>> No.18936886

I'm guessing you're an Adolf fanboy. Now THAT would be ironic.

>> No.18936889

I’m not that anon. I’ve just been laughing at your impotent rage and bizarre slavishness

>> No.18936900

Ben Shapiro is definitely 90% of the reason why 20 something young men on the internet hate socialists, yes, because the internet is how 99% of young people consume politics and entertainment. So if you consider yourself right-wing and hate socialists, then it's not a stretch at all to assume that the person has watched Shapiro's videos where he uses his whiny bitch voice to complain about pink-haired college students.

>> No.18936904

Ben Shapiro is mostly liked by boomers. He's pushed by youtube and facebook to keep people from actually radicalizing to the right while also making the right seems like a joke to hip people in their 20s.

>> No.18936914

>"The will of the weak to represent some form of superiority, their instinct for devious paths to tyranny over the healthy—where can it not be discovered, this will to power of the weakest!"
Actually read the book - he didn't consider socialist thugs, who imposed tyranny, the higher order of society. That differs from the barbarians he's discussing who created a noble society. Socialists have never done that. Nice try though. KYS nigger

>> No.18936916
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>You're either right-wing or socialist
haha you fucking idiots
>17 unique posters
You've been samefagging with the leftypols who raid here

>> No.18936923

>You're either right-wing or socialist

No, in reality 90% of people are just variation of liberal and the rest of us have to suffer while they increasingly make society shit.

>> No.18936924
File: 182 KB, 750x427, 79FEDC25-2690-4E32-8A8B-439DF7D7DC47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that direction brain pic and someone I’m arguing against is using it! (Thankfully not against me...). That said, don’t you think you’re falling for direction brainism by assuming everyone who disagrees is some leftypol Cuck?

>> No.18936925

>TL;DR: 50% of the white population has less than 100 IQ but you white supremacists never want to talk about those numbers lmao.
Yah that is why it is called average, it is made the average specifically so 50% will be above and 50% below it. How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.18936926

Also what are you? National, uh, Socialist?

>> No.18936931

>Aryans are anarchists when not in power
>Aryans are fascists when in power
You're based my friend

>> No.18936933

>the non-white in the thread doesnt understand what a mean is
color me shocked

>> No.18936943

I'm the retard yes, but not you who literally can't read.

The point isn't that you don't understand averages you fucking sperg, the point is that you think we should rearrange society to make it worse for black people because "the science says" they have lower IQ as a group, but the same science also says significant proportions of the white population also has low IQ.

In other words, IQ is a trash argument for making society more shit for a specific group of people.

>> No.18936948

>stupid nigger doesnt understand what a mean is
>immediately projects his retardation
stfu you fucking gimp chimp

>> No.18936949
File: 38 KB, 615x409, Augusto-Pinochet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real Nietzchean overman because he actually threw commies over the sky into the ocean. Say something nice about him.

>> No.18936960

Stop arguing in bad faith you loser. We both know that the reason you retards use IQ as an argument is because you want to convince normies to be racist because normies "respect science", so own up to it instead of shriveling like a tiny dick when you're called out.

>> No.18936962

> the point is that you think we should rearrange society to make it worse for black people because "the science says" they have lower IQ as a group, but the same science also says significant proportions of the white population also has low IQ.
You are not only retarded you are also delusional. This was literally done under civil rights and has been disaster. The whites with low IQs arent given peoples spots in unis, scholarships and jobs like niggers. The whites also dont go around murdering and burning down cities because dey rayciss and want more gibs. The whites dont get jack shit for being retards, niggers are not only taking shit from the retard whites but whites whose spot they took they didnt earn. kys you retarded ape

>> No.18936968

When Nietzsche criticizes socialism he is obviously criticizing utopian socialism, something which I'm quite obviously not. Socialists were some of the best at enforcing tyranny, ever hear of the red terror?

You are vulgar and annoying and you should stop replying to me.

If you are an unironic Nazi but love Nietzsche you are dumb as a bag of bricks. Welfare, redistribution, and "serving the community" or "common weal" was the entirety of the Nazi Schtick- yet it isn't mine and it isn't mine or any of the socialists I look up to.
Thank you. More accurately- to be imposed upon is a sign of weakness, but to be able to impose on is a sign of great strength.

>> No.18936971

no actually you are just a moron. You are perfectly fine with racism as long as goes one way, your way

>> No.18936978

>no actually you are just a moron

No, I see right through you worthless dumbdumbs and your arguments are trash and you should kys.

>> No.18936983

>The Paris Commune was utopian socialism
>Marx, Bakunin thought the Paris Commune was utopian socialism
You're an actual retard, and I'm glad nobody takes you seriously and ever will. And no, retard, not everyone that hates you is a fascist either you dumb nigger

>> No.18936984

Imagine being such a whiny bitch. So much for the Herrenvolk lol, pathetic.

>> No.18936985

Why do niggers and libtards think anyone cares about being called racist in 2021? We all know the Jews and shitlibs trained you like good little yard apes to yell "rayciss" and get your nice little reward like pavlovs dog, but those days are gone friendo now that people are starting to have to feel the economic brunt of letting you get away with it for so long. They arent going to give up theirs and their childrens oppurtunites and well being because some chimps screech rayciss at them

>> No.18936987

>Thinking IQ isn't important
This is how you this thread is raided by leftypol trannie niggers. This is why trying to claim Nietzsche as a progressive libcuck SJW for their cause

>> No.18936992

Nietzsche was a race realist, hate socialism, noted genetics/IQ were the deciding factor and IQ is real and some races are inferior to others. deal with it, you socialist cuck. You will never be white. You will never have good genetics. You will always be a second class, lower class citizen

>> No.18936995

Nietzsche love homosexuality

>> No.18936998

Nietzsche is criticizing utopian socialist tendencies and a historical event. He never engaged with the writings of economists like Marx.
I didn't call you a Fascist, but a Nazi- a liberal populist movement.

>> No.18936999

imagine coming to 4chan crying about "raciss!!!" fucking nigger this aint reddit. Nobody gives a fuck subhuman.

>> No.18937001

>Why do niggers and libtards think anyone cares about being called racist in 2021?

You would if you actually had a job, but you are almost guaranteed to be some kind of American mutt on welfare, some trust-fund babby, or given the actual racial makeup of /pol/'s posters, you're probably some neo-American who hates himself alot for having Quetzalcoatl DNA.

>> No.18937003

>Nietzsche is criticizing utopian socialist tendencies and a historical event.
Nope, he criticized all socialism. All socialism is utopian, and denounced socialism for calling for equal rights and worshiping workers. Again, you are a retard.

>> No.18937004

>asserts he is clairvoyant and proceeds to present his strawman as fact then says the other person is arguing in bad faith
wew lad, niggy nig nig shit on a twig

>> No.18937007

>he thinks socialism is about equality

>> No.18937008

You're a nigger. Its so obvious by the way you type, nigger. I can hear the ebonics through your text.

>> No.18937009

You care a lot lol, if you didn't, you wouldn't make threads about books on racial IQ that are 25 years old that literally nobody cares about.

You know what people don't care about anon? You, and your life lol. If you died, nobody would even know you were gone.

>> No.18937010

Oh man you are so triggered lol.

Did I hurt your feelings anon? I suggest you buy a 45 and make them stop.

>> No.18937013

Yes, socialism is about equality. You want to use the state to make everyone equal, and the same, on the basis of labor. Its always socialists who call for equal rights. Socialists overwhelmingly support progressive causes. That's why they all tail social democratic-liberal parties every fucking country they operate in, that's why support progressive taxation like Nietzsche said they would . Don't use "no true scotsman" to deny reality, you cuck. We know nigger - you're egalitarians

>> No.18937017

>Of course iq is genetic, but it isn't heritable
All the adoption studies done say otherwise.

>> No.18937019

Liberalism is about equality anon. No socialist country that has ever existed has been about equality lmao. The Soviet Union literally jailed gays and put people like you in a gulag.

>> No.18937020

Socialism is just about getting rid of capitalist parasites. There’s no reason everyone would earn an equal wage and have equal recognition of their achievements under socialism. There would just be no more arbitrary social differentiation

>> No.18937021

Why are there so many niggers on this website this late; was there a break in at the zoo

>> No.18937025
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it more of the overly emotional responses and lack of logic that gives him away. Niggers and libturds always argue from the standpoint that their point of view is infallible and they somehow known your motivation for everything you say and do. It is the surest sign you are dealing with someone is borderline retarded and you can spot these kind of people almost instantly in a conversation and know what you are dealing with right off the bat. It is best to just brick them in the face than to try and reason with them

>> No.18937027

I'm not going to argue with some retard using circular reasoning. you are not engaging with any of my statements.
I would tell you to read a book but you are functionally illiterate. Have a good day.

>> No.18937029

Socialism, liberalism are just two flavors of the same poison - egalitarian non-sense that attempts to deny the genetic realities that make men unequal and always will be. Liberals are just socialist lite.
>Socialism is just about getting rid of capitalist parasites.
No, you just want to be the parasites, the new labor aristocracy that steals the greatest and brightest members of society and turn them into tools for your decadent game. You're subhuman.

>> No.18937030
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>> No.18937034

Why do we arrest them when can just shoot them? Why even waste our time with low sacks of shit - Swear

>> No.18937038

This really encapsulates what you /pol/goloids are. Faced with the complete and utter meaninglessness of your own existence, the only thing you can do is respond with a racist meme.

That's literally all you are anon, you are a computation on the internet, with no life and no humanity left.

>> No.18937045

Based nazibro

>> No.18937046

I like how the “right wingers” in this thread aren’t even like haughty reactionary aristocrats or fascist supermen or anything, they’re just retards posting boomer Facebook memes and calling people niggers and libtards

>> No.18937047

You really think its just /pol/ that hates niggers, socialists and trannies? are you really this stupid. Nobody likes you faggots - you literally just shill on slow boards 24/7 to recruit people to your bunkertrannie. Your reddit spacing gives it away

>> No.18937050

>genetic realities that make men unequal and always will be.

Yeah, but the problem is that you also hate all the Jews that are smart and deserve to have all the power.

>> No.18937051

words, words, words. you are sophist pseud and people can see it all over you as sure as they can see the sun rise in the morning

>> No.18937052

>Socialist larps as a revolutionary
>Surprised that a bunch of shitposters on 4chan don't, and just mock him for being a lolcow retard
If you weren't anonymous; you have a kiwifarms thread

>> No.18937056

>you literally just shill on slow boards 24/7

Stop projecting lol, this thread wasn't made by "bunkertrannies", it was made by /pol/goloid losers like you.

>> No.18937058

Literally no logical consistency to be found anywhere in your argument. It's just mental gymnastics and misunderstandings of data. Hilariously low IQ and copes of the fact

>> No.18937072

>Literally no logical consistency to be found anywhere in your argument.

The argument is perfectly consistent. You guys think that me reading population data on IQ will make me sieg heil afterwards, unfortunately for you only people with 70 IQ are that retarded, meaning the typical /pol/-poster.

>> No.18937084

This is what Soviets though of Nietzsche
>"It’s just boiled up! Nietzsche is again in fashion. His works have been published over and over again. There are attempts to whitewash and present him in favorable light, and students enthusiastically (and on their own initiative) write papers on him. This is on the one hand. On the other, there is a growing feeling in society akin to that of German National Socialism. All this is very disturbing. Who is Nietzsche really? Not as a person or a philosopher but as a Phenomenon. I believe he is the Hitler of philosophy and should be treated accordingly. Nietzsche is like Hitler. The devastating effect of Nietzsche in philosophy and culture resembles the atrocities of Hitlerism."
lmfao they sound no different than libcuck SJW niggers today calling everyone fascists

>> No.18937100

You're a such a fucking bug for not seeing how retarded the lefties arguments see holy kek
Go back to watching CSN and worshipping Marx at ur social-science program in uni. 4chan is not for you

>> No.18937107

What? Gonna tell me to “praise Kek” next? I am not even left wing

>> No.18937116

>they’re just retards posting boomer Facebook memes and calling people niggers and libtards


>> No.18937150
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>> No.18937158

So mad lol.

Imagine screencapping this lol.

Rentfree lol.

>> No.18937176

This is schizophrenia

>> No.18937182

>haughty reactionary aristocrats or fascist supermen or anything
All of those are decadent, thus spiritually leftists.

>> No.18937186

What is your ideal then

>> No.18937204

ITT leftoids seethe and prove OP right

>> No.18937205

fascism is not decadent. there is not a single political movement more influenced by nietzsche than fascism. his works are directly part of the fascist lineage, and the only philosopher mussolini REALLY studied.

>> No.18937215

You're all a bunch of fucking losers who should have stayed in the 20th century. Do something new for a change instead copying old ideas you autistic loser

>> No.18937226

(Really Existing) Fascism is decadent especially by Nietzsche’s criteria. Herd movement, motivated by grievance, Jew-hating, nationalist, etc. Mussolini had potential but was ultimately a buffoon. Cucking out to Hitler’s anti-Jew policies, stifling artistic innovation instead of promoting it, becoming a Nazi puppet.

>> No.18937236

The way you turofaggot leftists talk about people of historical value is the problem. Nobody here worships Nietzsche you fucking retard. We're mocking you for taking him so seriously, but you're so autistic you can't get over the fact he would have never liked you. Nobody but you are measuring yourself against Nietzsche when we have over-come him. You leftie fags always do this to historical figures - you fetishize them like a cult

>> No.18937259

hitler wasn't a fascist and musso cucking to anti jew policies was a result of the fact they he was literally engaged in total warfare. mussolini didn't stifle artistic innovation. futurism was literally the aesthetic of fascist italy and guess which philosopher influenced that too? i don't consider fascism a popular movement in the way the nsdap were.

>> No.18937265

>Nietzsche would think antisemitism is bad
Try reading his books, tranny. If you interpret Nietzsche through a Marxist lens, disregarding all the contradictions to your stupid ideology, obviously you'd worship him without understanding him. Quite pathetic.

>> No.18937266

but CRT retardation is a great argument to make society more shit for everyone to I imagine. Your life is shit because you are stupid, and you and all the people like you make life shit for everyone else that has to suffer being around you which is why we want you to fuck off

>> No.18937292
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>> No.18937293

he literally said he would have anti semites shot.

>> No.18937311

neither nor Nietche knew jack shit about Jews. They despise and think you are an animal to be exploited and genocided. Everything you moronic leftists hate about the Nazis is literally the Jews projecting and everything you hate about capitalism is in fact crony capitalism run by kikes and no different than communism. In short you are clueless bufoons who have no idea what in the fuck is happening or why in this world

>> No.18937315
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>> No.18937394

Why do you assume he's talking about the race issue at all? Lefties don't like things like IQ generally because it's too objective and deterministic and flies in the face of their blank-slate relativism and commitment to a social constructivist position on human differences.

>> No.18937405

Same thread. Same 10 or so retards. Same memes. Same arguments.

>> No.18937416

same faggot saying the same gay faggot shit

>> No.18937715

>they cant refute it
not accepting science is your problem, nigger faggot

>> No.18937721

i did and that is not a problem

>> No.18937748

>Why do you assume he's talking about the race issue at all?

He's a dumbass who fell for the "Bell Curve is racist" meme that has no foundation.

>> No.18937780

Anyone else notice that all the Bell Curve partisans in this thread are themselves obviously low IQ. Not that this reflects poorly on the book, I just find it interesting. What makes the book attractive to such a demographic?

>> No.18937795

I notice you like to tongue tranny anus

>> No.18937799

Yet, it the work has never been refuted. If you can, congrats on your Nobel prize.

The racial IQ gap is only one chapter of the book buried at the end.

Just one of the many things that are brilliant and prescient in this book is his worry about assortative mating further entrenching inequality, esp. as the labor market starts demanding more 'G' (think silicon valley).

If he left out that one chapter, he'd probably be regarded as one of the greatest social scientists of the 20th century. But, alas there are some things that cannot be talked about.

>> No.18937816
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Can....can we talk about the book please?

>> No.18937863

No one said anything about race but you, you fucking schizo. wtf are even on about or referencing? Why are you idiots so schizophrenic?

>> No.18937894

excellent rebuttal after getting your shit pushed in

>> No.18937919

>Rightoids seethe because they're resentiful, like leftists, that capitalism doesn't work in their favor.
I thought the entire leftist point of view is built around the privilege of the white class?

>> No.18937939

No one dislikes Jews for being smart you disingenuous half wit. They dont like them because they are malicious tyrants that lie, cheat and steal to get the power to destroy people's lives and nations because they are psychopaths

>> No.18937954
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>> No.18937967

might makes right

>> No.18938093

It's easier for retards to maintain an illusion of being an "overlooked genius". Mid-high IQ people know where they stand.
And geniuses don't spend their time on a taiwanese glass blowing forum.

>> No.18938107

>says the retard that screeches about equality and nazis and white supremes around every corner
kys rabbi

>> No.18938124

i dont truly believe in equality,doing everything possible to stay in power, might makes right

>> No.18938127

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/336541128