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/lit/ - Literature

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18934948 No.18934948 [Reply] [Original]

just finished this. it was funny and whimsical, even though it got dark at parts.

any recs for more lighthearted, humorous books that don't crush the soul? i've also read catch-22, but the soul-crushing is a bit too much there, i want to take a break. preferably a classic book.

>> No.18934956
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Haven't read it yet, but I heard that Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces is pretty good.

Also, here's a chart of some books that might fit your tastes.

>> No.18934968

i hadn't seen that chart, but it apparently said my tastes are basic. i actually started reading huck finn today to fill the gap, despite me being 10 years older than anyone else reading it, it's a nice time.

regarding Wodehouse: i watched the TV show with House and QI guy, is there still value in going through the book series as well?

>> No.18934980

I'd say there still is value, regardless of what book it is, in checking out the books that a film was based off of. A lot of times stuff from the books are removed from movie or film adaptations in order to streamline it more and so that it won't be too long.

I'd say if you liked the TV series, give the books a chance. Who knows? Maybe you'll find some stuff there that wasn't included or changed in the TV adaptation.

>> No.18935049

that one renaissance French philosopher guy.