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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 504x608, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18930945 No.18930945 [Reply] [Original]

Recomend books that will encourage me to make big changes in life. And by that i mean dedicating a lot of money, time and effort into a learning a new profession to later make a living somewhere far away.

Pic unrelated

>> No.18931660

Right pic she looks like she's holding back tears also dogs spread stds to vaginas

>> No.18931738

If you think there’s even a remote chance of you doing anything normally after the next few years of this covid shit, you are a gullible dip

>> No.18931756

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life and Beyond Order.

There are plenty of legitimate gripes to have with Peterson, but his books are incredibly helpful for any man who has hit their rock bottom.

>> No.18931796

That Lainey Molnar account istruly deranged

>> No.18932051

All women with dogs fuck their dogs. No wonder STDs develop to spread like that.

>> No.18932275
File: 2.39 MB, 576x1024, 1607139546561.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women like her are like a living sunk cost fallacy. They never own up to any of their bad decisions so they just continuously make more bad decisions and dial up their cope to compensate while blaming others. Lainey Molnar is the textbook example. It's really obvious she is unbelievably fucked in the head and that comic is a great example of why women need to settle down in their 20s, because if they don't, they accumulate a critical mass of baggage while continuing to do the standard procedure of blaming others and not taking responsibility as well as aging and being slammed in the face by a harsher reality than they've ever dealt with before. The end result is it sends them completely off the reservation at supersonic speeds. I fully believe you could and maybe should have a woman like her committed at this point.

>> No.18932285
File: 245 KB, 1584x854, LM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holding back tears

>> No.18932346

Some dude needs to marry the artist and impregnate her with 2 kids. I’ve seen a lot of her work posted on this site and it all seems like someone trying to convince themselves that they are happy and their lifestyle is good.

>> No.18932367

That's exactly what it is. Happy people don't need to make constant self insert comics about how their lives are definitely not a series of poor decisions.

>> No.18932390

Read Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics.

They’re not. They’re pessimistic, poorly argued nonsense. Within the first few pages of 12 Rules, he picks a fight with Artistotle’s idea of the good life. Without human happiness at the center, Peterson’s philosophy of life is directionless and self-defeating. Best avoided by anyone with serious questions about what it means to live well.

>> No.18932562

Is she saying she would get married if she were asian, but since she is latinx she will be riding bbc and adopting "fur babies" instead?

>> No.18932637

I didn't think that a random feminist pic would work as a projective test, very interesting

>> No.18932679

Golden. I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.18932698

Jesus, I can't even laugh at that vid. That's not funny, Jesus Christ. That child will have to endure an entire lifetime as a deformed monster just because mommy needed to prove the 'haters' wrong. Dear God.

>> No.18932717

I did the self authoring program just to see if I had results snd I really didn’t. I’m sure some people get something out of that but I did not.

>> No.18932727

> realize this is my mom
Almost 60 and still making awful decisions, running around like she’s 30. I think she gave up after the 3rd failed marriage. I love my mom, but I don’t know what I can do.

>> No.18932758

This legitimately looks like some sort of dyatopian themed parody skit. Also my mum settled down but she's still pretty much like that.

>> No.18932772

>Almost 60 and still making awful decisions, running around like she’s 30.
Based, I'm 30 and I already feel like I'm 90. The dentist told me that I'm going to lose all my teeth in 5 years
>Oh, also, the bill for fixing ONE tooth is 700$
Fuck this shit, I'll be a toothless fool just like Tolstoj at 34

>> No.18932842

>The dentist told me that I'm going to lose all my teeth in 5 years

>> No.18932953

I drink, smoke, and I used to do drugs
The dentist asked me if I "drink a lot of lemon juice"
What could I say, I made poor life choices. My fault, nobody else's

>> No.18933048

oh man, I've been reading this thread and have been laughing for half an hour lmao. complete lolcow kek

>> No.18933057

That sucks, anon.

>> No.18933061
File: 16 KB, 400x449, 1488557141509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I think you're fucking Molloy

>> No.18933131

John Frusciante, when asked at the end of a radio interview what his one piece of advice would be to the people listening, said "be sure to take good care of your teeth".

>> No.18933316

what's your prognosis, doc? is it covid?

>> No.18933460

Idk what that means
Based. Yesterday when coming out of the dentist I looked for "teeth quotes" and one was "A tooth is worth more than a diamond"
Covid has nothing to do with this.
My fault. I will accept it, no point in blaming anyone else.

>> No.18933536

i write this every time this stupid image is posted but whatever: THE TWITTER ACCOUNT WAS NOT HERS. IT WAS FAKE.

>> No.18933782


>> No.18934081

I remember when my crush met my dog for the first time, the lil doggo touched her tits :(
G*D I wish that was me

>> No.18935266

Now imagine letting women run around doing whatever the fuck their retarded narcissistic child brains tell them to do and also giving them equal voting rights? What a fucking nightmare Clown World that would turn into

>> No.18935275

Perception becomes reality tho

>> No.18935325

Didn't even prove them wrong. They said you shouldn't, not that you couldn't, you dumb cunt. You literally proved them right. God damn, are we sure forced sterility is a bad idea?

>> No.18935441

no it doesn't retard

>> No.18935538

I have a similar problem. I need a book that models a certain heroic archtype. Some myth or story that I can attach my ego to for a while until I can improve my life a bit.

>> No.18935610

well said

>> No.18935899

It will never stop being posted
A lot of the images that get reposted in this site have something similar going on

>> No.18935921

/pol/ is the biggest psyop on the internet

>> No.18935997

Based and Baudrillard-pilled

>> No.18936626

Kek, I hadn't seen the full screencap or her tweet

>> No.18936642
File: 122 KB, 727x861, Strong+Jawline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does the pic on the right have an extremely masculine jawline.
What did they mean by this?