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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.38 MB, 2792x2792, lit rogues gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18931195 No.18931195 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on the /lit/ rogues gallery?

>> No.18931200

Loved Call of the Arcade!

>> No.18931204

Represents /lit/ pretty well

>> No.18931210

>redpill me:
it isn't a ting; the image you've posted was created by John David Card (who is likely you) in an attempt to associate himself with the other prominent shills on this website, RC Waldun, Mike Ma, and Gardner.

>> No.18931295

For some reason I always thought John David Card was a man in his 50's.

>> No.18931350

NEVER trust a nigger with three names

>> No.18931364

they're usually presidential assassins

>> No.18931367

Still shilling yourself with the same shit? God you're pathetic.

>> No.18931376

Just kill yourself you disgusting jjew.

>> No.18931378
File: 21 KB, 313x500, The synthesis of faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have spent a few months without visiting /lit/, does anyone still remember the faggot from pic related? He used to shill his shitty book here, what happened to him? He gave up?

>> No.18931380


>> No.18931386

he said, aptly addressing literally any of those 4

>> No.18931388

Mike is objectively the best. Also passes the physiognomy check

>> No.18931389

Yeah, he gave up. Now we have this jew trying to covertly shill his shit by making bad threads like this.

>> No.18931397

No tranny though,

>> No.18931398

Is Gardner actually Jewish?

>> No.18931437


>> No.18931445

David Card and F Gardner both have the same look about them. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's uncanny and strange. I think it's the beady little eyes with the predatory stare, contrasted with their incredibly soft faces.

Like Waldun looks harmless and knows that he's harmless, and he has this open expression of childlike innocence. And then Mike Ma has the sociopath stare, but the hard lines in his face and the nice cut of his clothing indicates that he has definitely seen some shit and knows how to handle himself.

And then you have Card and Gardner. Giving you that predatory, condescending stare when you can tell instantly that you could drop them with one punch, but you would never need to because they'd back down from any challenge, like you can cut in line in front of them at the grocery store and they'd start shaking and stare at their feet and then go home and look at Joker memes. Just a complete absolute lack of masculinity about which they are both completely self-deluded.

>> No.18931453

Man that was dope and I wish the mods would have let us keep posting about it. 500 fucking pages of pure self-absorbed stupidity and we're not allowed to make a single thread about it.

>> No.18931503

>University of California, Berkeley.

not suprisied

>> No.18931511

not even close to being the same person, jfc you god damned idiot

>> No.18931516

it's the first result when i googled his name. yoy try it then

>> No.18932206
File: 150 KB, 500x1028, 5E69EFBE-C063-4F47-BEF2-6728E03EAB7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18932212
File: 591 KB, 2320x3088, it's here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18932214
File: 31 KB, 425x253, 750B4FBA-F4A6-46B5-9BE7-0BDB14AEAFD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this guy couldn’t kick your ass

>> No.18932528

Based. Call of the Arcade is /lit/‘s greatest achievement. Better than Croc.

>> No.18932845

So on what criteria do mods base their decision to shut down certain shills but not others? Gardner and Waldun threads have been rampant and pretty much daily for the last year, why are they allowed to shill? Are moda in bed with them?

>> No.18932858

Waldun and Gardner seem to have genuine followings. No idea about the other meme authors. CotC memes are never going to go away so I think this board has embraced them. Same with Waldun. Waldun has a new book out and so does Gardner. It makes sense especially since the Youtube videos of Waldun's book.

>> No.18932879

Gardener has 8 fucking books. If you write in sheer volume you get readers. Everyone knows this.

>> No.18932965


according this this guy Call of the Cherokee is the best book. Why have I never heard of this one?

>> No.18932987
File: 662 KB, 971x600, KENNY CXXVI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18933045

It's a sad day when I find myself agreeing with cumlord. It's been too many sad days now. Three days in a row and I'm going to leave and never return.

>> No.18933052

When is your book coming out?

>> No.18933865

a whole book in his schizo rambling would be undertaining

>> No.18933964

hello Gardner

the answer is Waldun is a meme here so all his threads are ironic but made by different anons, and Gardner pays for ads so mods let him stay around. No one takes them seriously.

>> No.18934740

why are they all so fucking ugly

>> No.18934752

they are all chinese puppets

>> No.18934972


Holy shit this is way more entertaining than any of the picrel boys. Dumb ass is just blowing his own mind over and over again.

>> No.18935108

He had such a unique tone to his posts too. He sounded like professor challenger from the Arthur Conan Doyle stories
>No, you mistake me! I am not in this for money or fame, only to free the common man from the ivory shackles of the New England elite!

>> No.18935150
File: 619 KB, 828x1037, A8F28C63-73CD-4A1D-995E-FD49CA4E09D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final redpill is when you realize cumgenius was really just genius

>> No.18935212

I respect the high test dudes on the right. I am repulsed by the tofu tots on the left.

>> No.18935253

bottom right couldn't look jewier and top right looks like a david bowie prep school poof

>> No.18935443

>inb4 anon realizes they're all trannys anyway

>> No.18935593

Mike Ma is the only relevant one

>> No.18935853
File: 823 KB, 765x988, 1630060706699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do NOT have (greater than or equal to) 136 images of 'kenny'.

I always just assumed Mike Ma was asian or hapa so this was a suprise lol

>> No.18936460
File: 237 KB, 836x1280, 64E032B2-BD76-47B8-BE13-6F96FE634995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18936636

>You do NOT have (greater than or equal to) 136 images of 'kenny'.

I think he does... how new are you?

>> No.18938019
