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/lit/ - Literature

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1891386 No.1891386 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1891393

Mega-dicked analytic philosophy alphas styled on you hard, bro?

>> No.1891396

>my major can beat up your major


>> No.1891400

Alright. Enough of this silliness.

>> No.1891401

sage for tripfag useless contribution bullshit

>> No.1891404

classical language major detected

>> No.1891416
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>Women's Lit = top tier
>Gender Studies = mid tier


>> No.1891420

gender studies just arent respectable!

it's only there cause its kinda neaqt

>> No.1891432

>american lit over british lit

>> No.1891438

You're either a troll or underage girl.

Take your pick.

>> No.1891439

americans lit is just the evolved from of brit lit

deeper themes and better prose

>> No.1891440


yeah pretty sure this is a piss poor troll

>> No.1891445
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>> No.1891447

wow really? Could you put Australian Lit and Canadian Lit above british because it evolved from the british??

That is flawed logic...

>> No.1891453

they haven't really matured yet

but at the rate canada lit is going i would

australian lit is bad

>> No.1891457
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this is the best one :

>> No.1891458

well in a perfect world maybe but this aint it bud

>> No.1891459


fukk'n saved

>> No.1891464

As a true blue patriotic australian I have to disagree-

Frank Moorhouse
Tim Winton
David Malouf
Paul Jennings...

>> No.1891466

You are a troll, so your opinion doesn't count. Either that, or you're a little girl, like the other guy said.

>> No.1891471

dunno who that is lol

and i'm a boy!

>> No.1891472

Almost but I would put what you are good at along with what your parents told you to do in the shit tier.

>> No.1891482

So in the end you think australian literature is bad because you don't understand australian idioms.

>> No.1891485
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>> No.1891489

there's nothing wrong with that
if he can't do that, then you can't call his opinion bad because you're not in his head to understand his thought process

>> No.1891494

By the same justification he/she/you/it can not make any opinions on anything.

All you get from sitting on the fence is a sore anus

>> No.1891493

thanks sometimes its hard putting up with all this negative energy i get thrown at me

i need a soak~

>> No.1891495

so you're just reinforcing my point or what

>> No.1891507

My initial post was pointing out some good autralian authors... Refuting Fab's initial comment that Australian lit is bad...

Hands were thrown in the air with a 'i don't know what you are saying' shrug...

I commented on the fact that because there is no understanding of australian slang and culture there is no apriciation of the lit...

you pooped in say opinions can't be judged..

I said by that rational no opinions can be made.

No I am not agreeing with you I am saying that you are pathetic. Opinions are a way to see who we are, who we want to befriend. Opinions should not be deemed as insignificant and personal, because if they are stated they are no longer personal.

>> No.1891508

you are severely lacking in the conversational skills department

i said i don't know who that is

my point was that if australia authors were so good how come they're nobodies?


>> No.1891511

The only australian author with world wide acknolwedgement is bryce courtney, and frankly I think that south African can have him back.

Surely you are not going to confuse publicity/popularity with quality.

>> No.1891522

good writers are popular because they are good.
bad writers are unpopular because they are bad.
simple really.

>> No.1891523



>> No.1891528


publicity...... forgetting something?

How about the other fable that artists are only appriciated after they are dead? Or is that too much of a flaw in your rational?

>> No.1891531

give me examples

>> No.1891533
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>> No.1891534

Technical Journalism should be God Tier. Also, Philosophy is one of the funnest things to study in college, so despite it's usual lack of monetary profit, I would place it higher.

>> No.1891544

Can't do... fable...............

can provide contra examples for your points:

Bryce Courtney
The Da vinci Code
The girl with the dragon tattoo.
Clive Cussler
and on and on.

I would debate that popular books are popular because someone enegmatic read them talked about them (at work, at school) everyone else want to talk about them too... and off it goes.

>> No.1891546

why are any of those books/authors bad?

>> No.1891547

Actually one example of an author..

Kafka, the trial wan't published until after his death.

>> No.1891550

that's kafka's fault.

>> No.1891551

Are they considered literature?

>> No.1891559


"When you ask a friend if Hellboy is any good, you're not asking if it's any good compared to Mystic River, you're asking if it's any good compared to The Punisher. And my answer would be, on a scale of one to four, if Superman is four, then Hellboy is three and The Punisher is two. In the same way, if American Beauty gets four stars, then The United States of Leland clocks in at about two." - rogert ebert on how he rates films.

you can't compare twilight to old russian literature because it's a young adult novel.

>> No.1891564

This, probably.

>> No.1891569


Ok so they are not good literature they are engaging stories. Well easy to read...

And besides as another fence sitter answer everything could be considered good in its own category.

>"No it wasn't a bad horror is was good irony"

>> No.1891570

Just here to let you know that linguistics isn't a liberal arts degree.

>> No.1891572

I've got some new respect for Ebert now

Seconded, mate.

>> No.1891573

Obvious troll, but how is Art History god tier?

>> No.1891580
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W-where is Psychology?

>> No.1891586

I think psychology counts as a human science. It's the same reason stuff like sociology and anthropology ain't up there. Hmm according to Wiki, economics counts as a human science too. So does history, less surprisingly so. Interesting.

>> No.1891624

Creative writing is shit tier? Why?

>> No.1891628

USA vs England

>> No.1891679

Music major/Linguistics minor in this bitch.

Playing trombone while speaking 3 languages.

>> No.1892845
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>> No.1892854

im doing film + math, and this list is like on the shit tier list of normal majors, so i guess I'm mid tier, or something?

>> No.1892871

this is stupid

>> No.1892874

boring subject

are you boring?

interesting but full of bullshit

>> No.1892880

Because it's what Fab wants to study.

>> No.1892882

>boring subject

Hah. I don't blame you for that, plebs gonna pleb.

>> No.1892891

only plebs say pleb retard

>> No.1892893

you just said it twice, looks like you're a double retard

>> No.1892894
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>> No.1892900
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>> No.1892924
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"doing something you love" is more stupid than doing something for money

>> No.1892927

Best of these lists--good job Fab

>> No.1892931

don't troll my thread friend


>> No.1892942


seriously why don't people just study philosophy and lit in their own time? college is for getting qualifications to prove to employers you can do something. you don't need these pieces of paper for most jobs related to the majors you listed, and furthermore it's silly to waste $40k on something you can learn for much much less. college should be an investment.

>> No.1892946

what qualifies as "useful" to you

you shouldn't stop people from being happy~

>> No.1892950

>he thinks everyone lives in america


>> No.1892952

>art history
>anything but hipster nigger tier

>> No.1892957

faggot tier: tier lists

>> No.1892966

retarded newtrip who feels the need to "rationalize" everything

>> No.1892970

What is the list judged on, OP?

>> No.1892974

>how many people of xxxx major do i know and respect?
>how many people of xxxx major do i know and hate?

>> No.1892975


i understand completely that people want to study art and lit. i can relate to this, which is why i'm doing a joint degree and not just a hard science alone. but i still believe i would have been just as happy doing something i found mildly interesting (a science alone) while still being able to "study" my own interests in my own time. i'd actually prefer it that way, no need to do boring essays and waste time in areas you don't even care for.


i actually don't live in america and think it applies to europe as well.

>> No.1892980

Ah, so it's a personal list. Okay.

>> No.1892981

is there any other kind?


>> No.1892987

where in europe do you pay so much for college?

>> No.1892989

What's wrong with philosophy?

>> No.1892998
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>> No.1893003

>i'm an oldfag. i've been here all summer

bring the tears little crybaby. i don't care.

>> No.1893029


>> No.1893040
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I want to know this as well. Because I'm trying to go back to college and had my eye on it.

>> No.1893046

Earth is America, dude

>> No.1893056

in time.

tripfags will turn /lit/ into the same low standard, like every other board.

>> No.1893057

philosophy majors have the highest acceptance rates into law school, so what's useless about that?

>> No.1893062

I hate it when you faggots do this. OBVIOUSLY they mean that philosophy degrees are completely useless on their own. Fuck.

>> No.1893121

in the UK, philosophy degrees are good.


>> No.1893127

law school is hell from what i've heard though. Sciences are the true god-tier.

>> No.1893134

hard science is for borings with no imagination