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/lit/ - Literature

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18926860 No.18926860 [Reply] [Original]

How have you cultivated virtue within yourself today, /lit/

>> No.18926869

I will link it here when it's done, as promised. I've been told it's gonna be around 5 days till it's finished.

>> No.18927871

I recommended Boethius' "The Consolation of Philosophy" to a friend grieving their miscarriage. They're actually reading it.

I haven't masturbated in three days. I meditate instead.

>> No.18927888
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I did a /lit/day today. I call them /lit/days.
A /lit/day is when I have at least two days off work. During these days I do nothing but read the whole day, and when the night comes, I write stories. It's 4 AM now and I've written around 1k words. The book I read was the House of the Dead by Dostoevsky.

>> No.18927901

My turd came out in a single solid log that looked like a zucchini. When I flushed it it left a brown shitty streak. I pissed the shit away.

>> No.18927908

>cultivated virtue
Being mediocre?? Thanks DAD yawn

>> No.18928557

you can now die

>> No.18928863

I avoided a nasty confrontation today.

>> No.18928866

This is what the kids called "based"

>> No.18928868

An amicable interaction on 4chan. The holy grail. Thank you all. You've improved a tired black mans week.

>> No.18928874

I cursed myself for my weakness and stupidity at least 6 times

>> No.18929198

Virtue was cultivated today. Immediately after I woke up I got right to the work that had to be done. What is that? Bravery. To face that which scares you and causes anxiety and still triumph over it.

We might need a virtue discord

>> No.18929334
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My life is a mess of excess and deficiencies.

>> No.18929361

I hope your weeks gets better, my friend. We love you.

>> No.18930143

cleaned my house, made a healthy breakfast, booked a time slot at the library for my day off. I'm just bouncing back from a depressive episode and I'm finding I have more energy and will to do things other than consoom.

>> No.18930204


Does anyone else claim that consequentialism and deontology converge in an unnamed fourth position opposite to virtue in that they form a continuum of total external-doing ultimately as devoid of Moral action as it is of Moral theory, the momentum of consequences and rules mirroring cretinous "laws of nature", whereas virtue is that in which their rejection converges into in that it forms a separate locus of internal-being, the parasitism of said spectrum is cut off in the realization that the only Moral action is no action and that Morality is an aspect of Reason not of this world?

>> No.18930212
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>> No.18930349

Oh man I need to get off here. I remember that thread.

>> No.18930505
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>> No.18930517

Today I HATED the antichrist. I might go outside and get groceries.

>> No.18930857

Reject vices. Plan crops of beautiful virtues. One thing I've found is to select the virtues that come hard to your character. Thus, by living up to what takes effort you can change yourself for the better.

>> No.18931225

I'm a neurologist in a hospital and although the neurosurgeon and the neuroradiologist were mean today I was a true stoic and did not respond angrily.

>> No.18932683

>Pissed the shit away
My wife caught me doing this the other day. Glad I am not the only one.

>> No.18932797

Like yesterday, I refrained from lewd thoughts, acts and imagery all day long.

Thanks for the thread, anon.

>> No.18932996

>being balanced, taking the middle road and never being extreme will make you happy
No. It's boring. Life is meant to be FELT to the fullest. Isn't that what makes life fun? When we make mistakes and learn from them. Taking the middle road to me seems like playing it safe and always being cautious not to be extreme. Caution would be a virtue in the middle road no? And following the middle road you always have to be cautious not to overstep the middle road and do something crazy. Rationalising happyness is so fucking gay. This is why I'm a neo-platonist

>> No.18933038

Lmfao I’m both happy and sad that I recognize this

>> No.18933804

Got up early. Went to the gym, lifted heavy. Did all my lift and a few extra ones that I didnt track. Explained some newfags some lifting principals and how to lateral raise. Read naked in the sun one chapter of each of the 5 books I am reading at the moment. Then I meditated in the sauna. Then it went all downhill from there. Now I am full of ketamine trying to just fucking sleep.

>> No.18935199

I jerked off twice, and neither time did I think of lolis.