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18928396 No.18928396 [Reply] [Original]

One of Evola's criticisms of National Socialism is that it does not separate its citizens by the race of their spirit, aka their caste, as was seen in some other Indo-Eurpean civilizations like the Romans and Hindus.

I think this criticism comes from a misunderstanding of nordic culture and the differences between it and the aforementioned cultures. In both the Romans and Hindus there existed a mixed population which can be mostly simply explained by shades of skin color determining where you ended up in the caste system and the obvious implications of this.

But in Nordic culture there is less evidence of a system like this existing and I think one of the reasons for this was that every man was a warrior and thus there was some sort of equal standing among men, aside from the obvious heroic leaders and the spiritual class. This, combined with the ethnically homogenous populations of the Nordic countries, dissolved the need for a caste system as seen in the Romans and Hindus.

Thus, this particular critique of National Socialism made by Evola is invalid and represents a misunderstanding of true Nordic culture.

>> No.18928424

touch grass

>> No.18928429

Are all modern Germans Nords? Didn't Gobineau find the common stock of all European nations wanting, even in Sweden? There must be some difference between unenterprising Goths and those that conquered Europe and formed the aristocratic class.

It may not be an Evolian critique but evolution doesn't pause. Castes within society will constantly be selected for, will form, and rise and fall in social rank.

>> No.18928457

good take, agreed.

>> No.18928462

you mispelled the file name

>> No.18928478

Wrong. While obviously there is less genetic divergence than India, there is among all populations different qualities which have to be taken account of. The Nazis were recalling a "nordic" culture far earlier than the warrior viking culture and it certainly wasn't one where everyone was a warrior.

“Under close scrutiny, the division into races according to the colour of skin turns out to be quite the crudest and most obvious method, since there are noticeably inheritable characteristic racial differences among people of identically coloured skins.” – Alfred Rosenberg

>> No.18928609

>explained by shades of skin color determining where you ended up in the caste system and the obvious implications of this
Stop talking about what you don't know. There are tamil brahmins who are darker than lower castes from north India.

>> No.18928653



The aryan invasion theory is false. Skin color was never a factor to determine identity in ancient india and caste(not varna) is a european construct. Indians are not descendants of "aryans" or "dravidians".




>> No.18928664

Holy cope

>> No.18928667

it must be true because Max Müller said so! we wuz ancient aryans n shiet

>> No.18928800

>In both the Romans and Hindus there existed a mixed population which can be mostly simply explained by shades of skin color
Completely wrong. The Romans had Greek, Celtic, Germanic, Egyptian, Syrian and Phonecian people at all rungs of society, from slaves to senators. Their position in Roman society was primarily determined by the position of their ancestors in pre-Roman society or if they had been war captives or criminals. As for the Hindus, they didn't care about skin colour at all. It's true that the very first Indo-Aryans had lighter skin than the earlier peoples of northern India but they very quickly dispersed or transmitted their culture into other groups. Dark-skinned south Indians of high caste were of the exact same status as high caste northern Indians and they readily married one another.

>But in Nordic culture there is less evidence of a system like this existing
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The divinely mandated origin of the traditional Germanic class system is literally described in the Poetic Edda. It's as "Nordic" as you can get.

>> No.18928822
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Both the author and what he criticizes are retarded and you are retarded for giving it serious thought. Please move to Afghanistan so you can be with your kind.

>> No.18928854
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I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard

>> No.18928862

An amicable interaction on 4chan. The holy grail. Thank you all. You've improved a tired black mans week.

>> No.18928895
File: 157 KB, 900x960, peerj-07-6598-g006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your master race bro

>> No.18928906

I kneel.

>> No.18928983

Im so glad this is a meme now.

>> No.18928990
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>> No.18929011

not that surprising, Italian fascists had trouble defining an Italian race themselves

>> No.18929154
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>> No.18929377

Lmao go suck Modi's cuck pajeet poo dravidian

>> No.18929395


>> No.18929507

Shop poo pajeet. There's too much archaeological evidence against you. Blue eyes did not come magically to certain light skinned Indians (who happened to be smarter and wiser than the darker ones). White Aryans invaded you and cultivated your country. Get that through your thick skull

>> No.18930037
File: 101 KB, 1024x645, serrano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they? Or did they mean to lose?

>> No.18930044

What's up, Raj?

>> No.18930110

If you think every man was a warrior in ancient nordic societies you are beyond stupid.

>> No.18930169

They wanted to lose in order to make possible the making of modern day Israel. I read Serrano and is all very subjective, you could make all sorts of theories and ideologies based on mythology and jungianism.

>> No.18930181

Uh you do realize the most recent genetic work (esp by David Reich) has pretty much validated the Aryan Invasion theory right?

>> No.18930210

>every man was a warrior and thus there was some sort of equal standing among men
A thrall (Old Norse: þræll, Icelandic: þræll, Faroese: trælur, Norwegian: trell, træl, Danish: træl, Swedish: träl) was a slave or serf in Scandinavian lands during the Viking Age. The corresponding term in Old English was þēow. The status of slave (þræll, þēow) contrasts with that of the freeman (karl, ceorl) and the nobleman (jarl, eorl). The Middle Latin rendition of the term in early Germanic law is servus.

>> No.18930304

I wonder, do leftists only support their ideology because they think they would personally fare better?

>> No.18930381

So wrong in so many levels that I don’t even know where to start. Just actually read the authors for once ffs.

>> No.18931149

hinduists will say that the caste system is based on spiritual classification, not racial

>> No.18931224

fitting because Trotsky was a fascist collaborator. I'm glad you understand, chud.

>> No.18931349


>> No.18931435 [DELETED] 

That's not unique to Hindoo's
>We believe that man’s value — as every creature’s value, ultimately — lies not in the mere intellect but in the spirit: in the capacity to reflect that which, for lack of a more precise word, we choose to call “the divine,” i.e. that which is true and beautiful beyond all manifestation, that which remains timeless (and therefore unchangeable) within all changes. We believe it with the difference that, in our eyes, — contrarily to what the Christians maintain — that capacity to reflect the divine is closely linked with man’s race and physical health; in other words, that the spirit is anything but independent from the body. And we fail to see that the different improvements that we witness to-day in education or in the social field, in government or even in technical matters, have either made individual men and women more valuable in that sense, or created any new lasting type of civilisation in which man’s possibilities of all round perfection, thus conceived, are being promoted. The Hindus seem to be, to-day, the sole people who, by tradition, share our views; and they have, in course of time, failed to maintain the divine order — the rule of the natural ruling castes. And we, the only people in the West who have tried to restore it in modern times, have been materially ruined by the agents of those forces of false equality that the modern world calls forces of “progress.”
—Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun

>> No.18931438

That's not unique to Hindoos'
>We believe that man’s value — as every creature’s value, ultimately — lies not in the mere intellect but in the spirit: in the capacity to reflect that which, for lack of a more precise word, we choose to call “the divine,” i.e. that which is true and beautiful beyond all manifestation, that which remains timeless (and therefore unchangeable) within all changes. We believe it with the difference that, in our eyes, — contrarily to what the Christians maintain — that capacity to reflect the divine is closely linked with man’s race and physical health; in other words, that the spirit is anything but independent from the body. And we fail to see that the different improvements that we witness to-day in education or in the social field, in government or even in technical matters, have either made individual men and women more valuable in that sense, or created any new lasting type of civilisation in which man’s possibilities of all round perfection, thus conceived, are being promoted. The Hindus seem to be, to-day, the sole people who, by tradition, share our views; and they have, in course of time, failed to maintain the divine order — the rule of the natural ruling castes. And we, the only people in the West who have tried to restore it in modern times, have been materially ruined by the agents of those forces of false equality that the modern world calls forces of “progress.”
—Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun

>> No.18931853

the idea that someone's spiritual race has any relationship to their physical race can easily be disproven by observing that the majority of subhuman leftists are yts

>> No.18931974

>The existence of different — unequal-human races comes within the pattern of the eternal order; has to be, according to the finality which lies, as a guiding principle, within the play of the immanent Creative Power: the “Heat-and-Light-within-the-Disk.” One is not to mix or to forward the mixture of that which the Creative Power has divided, — nor, in any way, to hide or suppress the signs of division.
>There is, here, of course, no question of struggle between races. There cannot be, in the mind of a man who is entirely “above Time”; who lives, in spirit; in a Golden Age, where all violence, nay, all conflict, is out of place. There is merely the idea of harmony between the different races, everyone of which has its place and purpose, its part to play in the universal concert, and should remain different in order to play it perfectly. There is a stress upon differences and division, which logically suggests that men have neither all the same rights nor all the same duties. And this is perhaps the ultimate reason why the ideal of “life in Truth” — life according to one’s place and purpose in the natural hierarchy of beings, — cannot be made explicit in any universal list of concrete “do”s and “don’t”s, such as modern Christian critics of the Religion of the Disk would have liked to have found. All one can say is that to “sin” is to lie; to deny the eternal Order of things which are, independently of man, by refusing to live according to it; to say “no” to the Will of the Sun.

>> No.18932972

Alfred Rosenbergs ideas were deemed retarded by most of the upper natsoc leaders including Hitler who saw an artificial revival of mysticism ridiculous.

>> No.18933003


>> No.18933178

cope harder poo

>> No.18933424
File: 1.51 MB, 1100x785, 1606102526926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell the dravidian shudra from here

>> No.18934056

interesting take

>> No.18935363

Shut the fuck up atheist bugman /pol/yp.

>> No.18936337

>Schizo ramblings of a deranged woman have become the bible of /pol/cels

>> No.18936515

>But in Nordic culture there is less evidence of a system like this existing and I think one of the reasons for this was that every man was a warrior and thus there was some sort of equal standing among men, aside from the obvious heroic leaders and the spiritual class. This, combined with the ethnically homogenous populations of the Nordic countries, dissolved the need for a caste system as seen in the Romans and Hindus.

Unironically applying the noble savage meme to nordic cultures is retarded.

>> No.18936682


>> No.18936817

>But in Nordic culture there is less evidence of a system like this existing and I think one of the reasons for this was that every man was a warrior and thus there was some sort of equal standing among men, aside from the obvious heroic leaders and the spiritual class
Sadly I don't have access to reference material on this weekend so you'll have to just trust random dude on the internet saying things, hope you don't mind it.

If we look at early medieval law codexes we can notice similarity to some things Tacitus writes about the Germans(except these similarities apply to Slavs just as well as to Germanics), it is thus quite likely that they can be traced to some particular form of social organisation that may go as far back as corded ware culture even, as we can see some similar elements in dark age Greece - Homeric poems mention in passing an affair in which a gathering was held to judge the case of two men, one of whom accused the other of not paying the blood price(weregeld) for some relative he killed, the other swearing he has paid it, the similarity to the moots, things and so on of early medieval Europe both when it comes to organisation(rule via public gathering of freemen) and the topic of the dispute is quite striking.
I will however give a counterargument here - I assume that the reason of the similarity is that it stems from a common root, in other words the passage of it was through tradition, in the Northern Europe the evolution of this tradition was mostly limited to strengthening of the warrior-king and in case of Germanics - disappearance of the priests as a separate social group - you may argue for a structuralist argument, where the similarity is only there because they lived in roughly similar conditions, so for instance the Greeks may have brought this organisation from the north as they first descended onto then still Minonian Greece, then changed their ways, then only returned to them as the Mycenean civilisation collapsed and return to more basic forms was necessary. Despite of that I support the common tradition, just saying that it may be different.

However if we assume the common root as the reason for this convergence, which Evola would have totally agreed with, we can tell the following - Germanic people recognised 3 classes of men, first of them being slaves, which were talking objects more so than men, second were half-slaves(a proposed translation of otherwise hard to translate legal term that I believe was transliterated into latin as "lit"), who have limited range of self-governance, but are parts of clan-family structures(therefore as opposed to slaves they do have both the rights and responsibilities of human beings) and the freemen who, well, the name says it for itself. How large percentile of the population was composed of the freemen is a guesswork. Aristocracy was probably derived from the warbands of various kings(who themselves were part religious - part political figures).

>> No.18936851

So where does the idea of scandinavian(in particular) society being somewhat egalitarian come from? From heroic sagas(the more religious oriented texts include a myth of creation of social classes out of the offspring of three men "Thrall", "Karl" and "Jarl"). Where were the sagas written? In Iceland and Greenland, places where obviously slavery was still present but you can assume that the armed warbands were, due to low population density a rarity and so the clans and the kings depended at armed freemen for military power. Why is there this selective memory of it working? 19th century romantic nationalism - which was, apart from being nationalist also extremely liberal of an intellectual movement. They really wanted to present these societies as a egalitarian, liberal, proto-democratic societies, and that's also the source where some the ideas of women in Germanic societies having strangely modern-looking rights that you can see here and there from time to time comes from. I don't have the webm of the fruit-looking tiktok girl(I assume) where she lists how supposedly the nordic gods were immigrants, gay, transsexuals and feminists, but if you've seen it, she got it from the same sources as you've did the egalitarianism.

>> No.18937189

I miss when brainlet master race faggots like you were laughed off of this board.

>> No.18937216

>Are all modern Germans Nords
Lol you’ve never been to Germany
>caste by skin colour
Shut up barbarian retard

>> No.18937218

You'll never be a woman

>> No.18937922

One of my criticisms of your mom's pussy is that it is not tight enough.

>> No.18937937

>Reddit tier insult
Go back. You have to go back.

>> No.18939021
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>> No.18939032
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>chud = somebody more attractive than me = 99% of the population, including niggers and mutts

>> No.18939055
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>> No.18939062
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>> No.18939090

Post selfie

>> No.18939093 [DELETED] 

New pagan server, no idpol bs

>> No.18939111
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>> No.18939118
File: 1.96 MB, 1080x1080, wtf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops meant to post my selfie xD also check those trips haha swag!

>> No.18939122
File: 871 KB, 1600x1087, n map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i fucked it up again, guess i'm just a stupid left wing cuck who can't get anything right and needs the government to be my mommy xD

>> No.18939132
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wow nice dubs sorry at this point i admit i'm being a bit cheeky >>18939090
here cuck, check my gets and seethe/cope, faggot i could beat the shit out of your loose bbc-owned asshole

>> No.18939515

>t. chud

>> No.18939550
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>> No.18940137

based hispanics

>> No.18942105


>> No.18942436

I always forget - is this JW or flusha?

>> No.18942489

Why do rightoids like Evola so much? Dude was a fucking moron, charlatan.